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URI Soap and VCO

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Hello Marie

I have seen a number of testimonials from people who said

they have actually seen parasites in the bottom of the tub

when they drained it after bathing in the Soap. Some said

they saw things that looked like corn kernels and others

mentioned seeing something that looked like white ribbons.

The 'white ribbons' were probably tape worms.

I will see if I can find some of these testimonials and send

them to you.

Remember, the Soap also sucks out bacteria and other

pathogens through the pores of the skin, too. When we see

parasites like these in the tub, we know they came out

of that great brown 'pore' in the big divide. :))

Both Soaps do this as they are essentially the same except

the Moisturizing Soap has oils in it to help keep the skin from

drying out. I prefer using the Natural Green Soap and adding

a heaping teaspoon of coconut oil for moisturizing.

Just because one does not see the parasites does not mean

you aren't getting rid of them. Sometimes we might miss

seeing them or they may have come out in the toilet. Also

you may not have had parasites. Usually it does not

happen in the first bath. I think, too, that the people who

got the best results would be those who use the Soap

more aggressively. That is, they may use more of the

Soap, they have the baths more often, and they stay in

the bath longer (recommended is 35 minutes minimum. I

personally would do the baths every day for the first few

weeks if I had a difficult problem. I would also use 2 ounces

of the Soap in the tub each time. This can cause a healing

crisis or detox reaction so you might want to start off

slowly working up to what you decide would be ok with


I have a customer who had a very serious skin disease.

The doctors didn't know what was wrong and seemed

unable or just plain scared to treat her. Her skin was

a mess. She only used one ounce of the Soap and one

ounce of the Crystal Clear product in each bath every

day. She had a ton of bad stuff come out of her

mainly through the pores. She left her bath water in

the tub overnight and when she drained it she saw the

stuff that came off and out of her. She also had very

bad body odor coming from her for a couple of weeks,

not just under her arms but she said that her urine and

feces smell unusually awful. She had a swelling on the

sides of her head when I first met her. Her skin has

completely cleared up and the swelling on her head is

gone. Before she used the Soap, she was at her wits

end because she didn't know what to do. Needless to

say, she is one happy camper now.


I have also taken up to 10 drops of the Soap internally per

day for 2 - 3 weeks. Then I stopped for about 3 weeks

and did it for another 2-3 weeks. The reason for this is

that if you don't do it the second time, you might have a

new batch of parasites from eggs that may have not

hatched yet the first time. This might give one diarrhea

but as long it is not continued for too long, it is a good

thing as it helps to get things moving out of your system.

Most people tend to be constipated anyway.

I hope you find the coconut oil that you like. You might

consider trying the smaller size from URI. It's up to

you. One person on this group talks about liking the

Nutiva CO, so you might want to try that. I don't know

who sells it. A Google should solve that problem. The

reason I use URI is because I trust the owner of this

company to have done his homework in testing the

various oils and choosing the best one. He is

meticulous about what he does and has walked away

from huge sales when he discovered a company was

tampering with his products and changing them by

adding fillers or by nuking them. Not many from this

group have tried the URI VCO as it costs more than

the others available.

When I take the coconut oil, I warm up about

¼ cup of orange juice and 2 - 3 Tbsp of CO. I add a

bit more orange juice and then I drink it with a straw.

Sometimes, I just put a spoonful of CO in my mouth

and follow that with a glass of orange juice. I don't

wait for it to melt in my mouth.

If I don't remember to send those testimonials, please send

me a reminder, if you will. I tend to have a lot on my plate

sometimes and I end up occasionally forgetting some things

that I promised.




Re: Very pleased with Nutiva, don't like other


I am wondering if it is the natural green soap or the natural

moisturizing soap. If it is the green soap, how did you find out it

cleans parasites in the bath water, I ask because there is no

testimonials on the other uses of the green soap, on their web site.

I am in a quandary to either buy Uri or Nature's Blessing coconut oil.

I habe bee trying to find a distributor for but no luck.

I have tried tropical traditions. It catches in my throat.

My daughter bought me Jarrow's Formula Coconut oil. It is slow to

melt in the mouth when taking by teaspoon full.

So I am wanting to try the one's mostly recommended cocnut oil by

this group.

> >> I have not tried a lot of brands. When I can afford it, I buy

> >> centrifuged oil from Wilderness Family Naturals. I am open to


> >> other brands, but have little personal experience. I do not


> >> Nutiva in the least. But I think WFN is better.

> >>

> >> Alobar

> >>

> >>

> >

> >




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