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Re: CO and colestrol levels

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Yes I would like to know the same thing..I am using it but seem to be gaining


And my Cholesterol is my concern too..I heard taking it lower it but I am on a

statin too do not want it to rise ..

Also I am taking two tablespoons a day and I am starting to feel horrible..

So I backed off for a while..Is this getting the toxic out or what?

Thanks so much


From: angela147g <147g@...>

Subject: CO and colestrol levels

Coconut Oil

Date: Monday, June 23, 2008, 2:32 AM

I have been doing alot of reading about the use of coconut oil because

I have started to use it. But, the more I research, I am getting some

conflicting information saying that it is a saturated fat and to stay

away from it.

I am 59, fe, and taking a statin drug to lower my colestrol.

It has come down to what is acceptable now, so I am worried about the

CO raising it again. Will that happen from using the CO. I dont use

much, just a little in my oatmeal and in cooking to line the pan with

just a tiny bit so the food does not stick instead of using cooking spray.

I am also trying to lose wt with a low fat, low carb eating plan.

Can anyone please tell me what you thing about the colestrol and

weight loss using co. Thank you


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I think everybody who is on Statins should visit :


As a diabetic (type 2 since 94 and on a pump) and since I committed to a

LCHF diet including VCO at 3 tblspoons a day + for all my frying in

March, I immediately stopped taking Lipitor and I have lost 10 kilos so

far. I recently had new bloodwork done and my HDL was 1.1 (Reference

range 0.8 - 2.1) and LDL was 2.6 (reference range 2.0 - 5.3). I have

more than halved my daily insulin dosage and my last HbA1c was 5.8. I am

63, I walk my dog for 20 minutes 3 times a day (not briskly), I drink

far too much - but I feel fine, much better than I have for a loooong time.

The advantage of a LCHF diet is that I no longer get hungry, I don't

even get the munchies - so I am actually eating less calories in spite

of the wine and vodka. But the big thing for me is that I can use less

insulin which is the real inhibitor to losing weight for diabetics and

those with higher levels of insulin. Anyone interested in this mechanism

should watch Garry Taubs lecture - Big Fat Lies (50 minutes duration,

but very interesting):


I am delighted with my results so far and I hope you will find this


Best wishes


Dinky Ben wrote:

> Yes I would like to know the same thing..I am using it but seem to be gaining


> And my Cholesterol is my concern too..I heard taking it lower it but I am on a

statin too do not want it to rise ..

> Also I am taking two tablespoons a day and I am starting to feel horrible..

> So I backed off for a while..Is this getting the toxic out or what?

> Thanks so much

> Dinky



> From: angela147g <147g@...>

> Subject: CO and colestrol levels

> Coconut Oil

> Date: Monday, June 23, 2008, 2:32 AM







> I have been doing alot of reading about the use of coconut oil because

> I have started to use it. But, the more I research, I am getting some

> conflicting information saying that it is a saturated fat and to stay

> away from it.

> I am 59, fe, and taking a statin drug to lower my colestrol.

> It has come down to what is acceptable now, so I am worried about the

> CO raising it again. Will that happen from using the CO. I dont use

> much, just a little in my oatmeal and in cooking to line the pan with

> just a tiny bit so the food does not stick instead of using cooking spray.

> I am also trying to lose wt with a low fat, low carb eating plan.

> Can anyone please tell me what you thing about the colestrol and

> weight loss using co. Thank you

> angela




















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And a LCHF diet is............??


CO and colestrol levels

>> Coconut Oil

>> Date: Monday, June 23, 2008, 2:32 AM







>> I have been doing alot of reading about the use of coconut oil because

>> I have started to use it. But, the more I research, I am getting some

>> conflicting information saying that it is a saturated fat and to stay

>> away from it.

>> I am 59, fe, and taking a statin drug to lower my colestrol.

>> It has come down to what is acceptable now, so I am worried about the

>> CO raising it again. Will that happen from using the CO. I dont use

>> much, just a little in my oatmeal and in cooking to line the pan with

>> just a tiny bit so the food does not stick instead of using cooking

>> spray.

>> I am also trying to lose wt with a low fat, low carb eating plan.

>> Can anyone please tell me what you thing about the colestrol and

>> weight loss using co. Thank you

>> angela




















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Low Carb High Fat; the big problem (as I see it) is that dietary fat and visible

fat on your body is the same word. One does NOT cause the other. Only

carbonydrates (and protein, a bit over half of which is converted to sugar) is

capable of being turned into visible fat.


Health books (and a health information program) here:


CO and colestrol levels

>> Coconut Oil

>> Date: Monday, June 23, 2008, 2:32 AM







>> I have been doing alot of reading about the use of coconut oil because

>> I have started to use it. But, the more I research, I am getting some

>> conflicting information saying that it is a saturated fat and to stay

>> away from it.

>> I am 59, fe, and taking a statin drug to lower my colestrol.

>> It has come down to what is acceptable now, so I am worried about the

>> CO raising it again. Will that happen from using the CO. I dont use

>> much, just a little in my oatmeal and in cooking to line the pan with

>> just a tiny bit so the food does not stick instead of using cooking

>> spray.

>> I am also trying to lose wt with a low fat, low carb eating plan.

>> Can anyone please tell me what you thing about the colestrol and

>> weight loss using co. Thank you

>> angela




















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Hhhmmmm. Been wanting to stop lipitor, but my doc said can't since i am

diabetic and it is protecting me from having heart disease....but my left

ventricle does not pump properly, a bit delayed, and i have abdominal aorta

calcifications....am diabetic and hypertensive too. Now after years on lipitor,

i now have osteoporosis. See, lipitor removes our cholesterol under the skin.

Even if i sun bathe for hours no Vit D is absorbed because cholesterol is needed

to transport D into my system. With no Vit D, calcium, magnesium, etc., are

also not absorbed and utilized in the body. bingo....osteo is the result!!! So

i tell my doc, i want my D-3 checked. He goes, why? So i said, been on lipitor

too long. So he said for D3 test to be covered by insurance we have to do an

osteoporsis test first. So we did...He now tells me i have to take D-3 and

Calcium supplements......In 18 years of lipitor, not one doctor told me i

should take these supplements....See? Those pharma

products will do harm to you....Anybody taking lipitor should also take

COQ10...And those on diabetic pill, glucophage should take B-12. Both get

depleted by these meds...Guess you have to do it on your own coz traditional

doctors will not tell you. They want you sicker to buy more pharma products.

The more they prescribe, the more freebies some of them get from pharmas.

Well sorry for the ranting.....

Coconut oil will not make you feel hungy often. It is very healing. Helps

you fight common diseases. It is anti microbial, anti viral, anti bacterial and

anti fungal. A lady from the Philippines who had breast cancer was given up by

US docs to die. She went home to the PHilippines and lived in a coconut

plantation. She changed her diet to raw fresh fruits and vegetables and took at

least 8 TBSPs of virgin coconut oil, and what dya know???? She was totally


Just to show you not to believe they exaggerated bad news about vco.

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You need to read Fife's book - Coconut oil is good for you. Colesteral has

nothing to do with eating good fats. On the other hand I'd be inclined to worry

about the oatmeal. from what I hear all of it is loaded with fungus due to the

methods use to ship and store it.

Read Mercola's No Grain Diet


angela147g <147g@...> wrote:

I have been doing alot of reading about the use of coconut oil because

I have started to use it. But, the more I research, I am getting some

conflicting information saying that it is a saturated fat and to stay

away from it.

I am 59, fe, and taking a statin drug to lower my colestrol.

It has come down to what is acceptable now, so I am worried about the

CO raising it again. Will that happen from using the CO. I dont use

much, just a little in my oatmeal and in cooking to line the pan with

just a tiny bit so the food does not stick instead of using cooking spray.

I am also trying to lose wt with a low fat, low carb eating plan.

Can anyone please tell me what you thing about the colestrol and

weight loss using co. Thank you


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I agree, and don't forget that any thing that puts bromine into you body is a

problem. Bromine causes body fat to turn into a solid. that is why people have

these hard fat stomach and sholder areas.


" J. " <@...> wrote:

Low Carb High Fat; the big problem (as I see it) is that dietary fat

and visible fat on your body is the same word. One does NOT cause the other.

Only carbonydrates (and protein, a bit over half of which is converted to sugar)

is capable of being turned into visible fat.


Health books (and a health information program) here:


CO and colestrol levels

>> Coconut Oil

>> Date: Monday, June 23, 2008, 2:32 AM







>> I have been doing alot of reading about the use of coconut oil because

>> I have started to use it. But, the more I research, I am getting some

>> conflicting information saying that it is a saturated fat and to stay

>> away from it.

>> I am 59, fe, and taking a statin drug to lower my colestrol.

>> It has come down to what is acceptable now, so I am worried about the

>> CO raising it again. Will that happen from using the CO. I dont use

>> much, just a little in my oatmeal and in cooking to line the pan with

>> just a tiny bit so the food does not stick instead of using cooking

>> spray.

>> I am also trying to lose wt with a low fat, low carb eating plan.

>> Can anyone please tell me what you thing about the colestrol and

>> weight loss using co. Thank you

>> angela




















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You need to be the one who decides if you take

Lipitor or not.  It is not your doctor's decision, it

is yours ....even though doctors will often make

you think it them who decides.

At the University of British Columbia, studies

were done that showed Lipitor caused far more

problems than it helped. 

I have read of cases where people on Lipitor

have displayed symptoms of Alzheimer

because the brain needs cholestral that it is

not getting when you are on Lipitor. 

If it were me, I couldn't get off of it fast enough.

Apparently it is not good to just up and stop

taking it.  It is necessary to come off of it

slowly.  That gives you time to find other ways

(natural ways) to keep your cholestral in check.




From: melly banagale <@...>

Subject: Re: CO and colestrol levels

Coconut Oil

Date: Monday, June 23, 2008, 1:31 PM

Hhhmmmm. Been wanting to stop lipitor, but my doc said can't since

i am diabetic and it is protecting me from having heart disease....but my left

ventricle does not pump properly, a bit delayed, and i have abdominal aorta

calcifications. ...am diabetic and hypertensive too. Now after years on

lipitor, i now have osteoporosis. See, lipitor removes our cholesterol under

the skin. Even if i sun bathe for hours no Vit D is absorbed because

cholesterol is needed to transport D into my system. With no Vit D, calcium,

magnesium, etc., are also not absorbed and utilized in the body. bingo....osteo

is the result!!! So i tell my doc, i want my D-3 checked. He goes, why? So i

said, been on lipitor too long. So he said for D3 test to be covered by

insurance we have to do an osteoporsis test first. So we did...He now tells me

i have to take D-3 and Calcium supplements. .....In 18 years of lipitor, not

one doctor told me i should take these

supplements. ...See? Those pharma

products will do harm to you....Anybody taking lipitor should also take

COQ10...And those on diabetic pill, glucophage should take B-12. Both get

depleted by these meds...Guess you have to do it on your own coz traditional

doctors will not tell you. They want you sicker to buy more pharma products.

The more they prescribe, the more freebies some of them get from pharmas.

Well sorry for the ranting.....

Coconut oil will not make you feel hungy often. It is very healing. Helps

you fight common diseases. It is anti microbial, anti viral, anti bacterial and

anti fungal. A lady from the Philippines who had breast cancer was given up by

US docs to die. She went home to the PHilippines and lived in a coconut

plantation. She changed her diet to raw fresh fruits and vegetables and took at

least 8 TBSPs of virgin coconut oil, and what dya know???? She was totally


Just to show you not to believe they exaggerated bad news about vco.

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And what are the most common sources of ingestable bromine to avoid?

Thank you.




I agree, and don't forget that any thing that puts bromine into you body is a

problem. Bromine causes body fat to turn into a solid. that is why people have

these hard fat stomach and sholder areas.








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brominated vegetable oil is used in some beverages, such as squirt, gatorade,

mountain dew and others. Brominated flour has been used in bread.

---- Silva <silvaworks@...> wrote:

> And what are the most common sources of ingestable bromine to avoid?

> Thank you.












> I agree, and don't forget that any thing that puts bromine into you body is a

problem. Bromine causes body fat to turn into a solid. that is why people have

these hard fat stomach and sholder areas.


> Duke


> "









> .



















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Do a search for BVO for your answer. It is every where.

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I agree, and don't forget that any thing that puts bromine into you body is a

problem. Bromine causes body fat to turn into a solid. that is why people have

these hard fat stomach and sholder areas.








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