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RE: Red palm oil vs. virgin coconu oil

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Red Palm Oil has loads of Sterols, Sterolins, Tocopherols, Tocotrienols

(anti-oxidants and anti-cancer properties), Beta Carotene, Co-Q10, It has 15

times more provitamin A carotenes than carrots and 300 times more than

Tomatoes,also Lycopene, Beta-Sitosterol. And much more than I can remember.

Palmitic Acid is a Cancer fighter and it has plenty of that too.



From: Coconut Oil

[mailto:Coconut Oil ] On Behalf Of Deborah

Sent: October 29, 2008 10:43 PM

Coconut Oil

Subject: Red palm oil vs. virgin coconu oil

Hello, I am new to the coconut oil benefits and have been reading a

lot of things on coconut oil and red palm oil. I was wondering which

would be better as a skin care regimen. I have read that red palm oil

has more vitA and vitE in it than coconut oil. I have been cooking and

baking with VCO for 7 months now and just found out that it is amazing

for your body. Can anyone tell me which is better for skin care?

Thank you

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Too bad it smells and tastes so utterly disgusting. I tried some

(purchased a whole quart) and had to throw it away.


> Red Palm Oil has loads of Sterols, Sterolins, Tocopherols, Tocotrienols

> (anti-oxidants and anti-cancer properties), Beta Carotene, Co-Q10, It has 15

> times more provitamin A carotenes than carrots and 300 times more than


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I probably have one of the most disgusting Palm Oils, but I’ve learned to

use ½ butter and bake Salmon in it, YUMMO. This is the only one I can get in

Canada, it is from Tropical Traditions.

A few months ago I sent away for one from a company called Jungle Products

and they sent me a small jar. It was LOVELY. They don’t ship to Canada but

there are some stores in the US that sell it. You can reach them at

www.junglepi.com <http://www.junglepi.com/> where they have some stores

listed. It is TOO GOOD of a product (healthwise) to not try and find a

better-tasting one.

This one is very good.



From: Coconut Oil

[mailto:Coconut Oil ] On Behalf Of sol

Sent: October 30, 2008 5:20 PM

Coconut Oil

Subject: Re: Red palm oil vs. virgin coconu oil

Too bad it smells and tastes so utterly disgusting. I tried some

(purchased a whole quart) and had to throw it away.


> Red Palm Oil has loads of Sterols, Sterolins, Tocopherols, Tocotrienols

> (anti-oxidants and anti-cancer properties), Beta Carotene, Co-Q10, It has


> times more provitamin A carotenes than carrots and 300 times more than


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I like Jungle Red Palm Oil too...

smells a little like sweet potatoes.


> Sol:




> I probably have one of the most disgusting Palm Oils, but I've

learned to

> use ½ butter and bake Salmon in it, YUMMO. This is the only one I

can get in

> Canada, it is from Tropical Traditions.




> A few months ago I sent away for one from a company called Jungle


> and they sent me a small jar. It was LOVELY. They don't ship to

Canada but

> there are some stores in the US that sell it. You can reach them at

> www.junglepi.com <http://www.junglepi.com/> where they have some


> listed. It is TOO GOOD of a product (healthwise) to not try and find a

> better-tasting one.




> This one is very good.




> Bonnie




> _____


> From: Coconut Oil

> [mailto:Coconut Oil ] On Behalf Of sol

> Sent: October 30, 2008 5:20 PM

> Coconut Oil

> Subject: Re: Red palm oil vs. virgin coconu





> Too bad it smells and tastes so utterly disgusting. I tried some

> (purchased a whole quart) and had to throw it away.

> sol


> > Red Palm Oil has loads of Sterols, Sterolins, Tocopherols,


> > (anti-oxidants and anti-cancer properties), Beta Carotene, Co-Q10,

It has

> 15

> > times more provitamin A carotenes than carrots and 300 times more


> >







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Thank you for all for the responses. I just bought the Jungle red palm

oil and some Artisana raw organic coconut butter. Oh my goodness, the

coconut butter is amazingly delicious. I could eat half the jar in a

sitting. I don't know if that is as good for the body as the pure

coconut oil but this is raw coconut creamed together with the oils and

all. Does anyone know if this is as good for you as just the coconut


I opened the Jungle red palm oil and you're right Bonnie, it does smell

like sweet potatoes. I am a little weary of putting this on my face,

though. I wonder if it will stain my face orange, lol. I will give it

a try and see. It couldn't be as bad as my hair color disaster last

week :0


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Eat the Palm Oil and put the Coconut Oil on your hair and of course eat it

too. Palm Oil definitely stains things but it is so full of antioxidants

(heart & cancer) that I wouldn't want to waste it on my hair.

Where did you get your Palm Oil from? I'm trying to find a source that will

ship to Canada. HELP!!!



From: Coconut Oil

[mailto:Coconut Oil ] On Behalf Of Deborah

Sent: October 31, 2008 2:35 PM

Coconut Oil

Subject: Re: Red palm oil vs. virgin coconu oil

Thank you for all for the responses. I just bought the Jungle red palm

oil and some Artisana raw organic coconut butter. Oh my goodness, the

coconut butter is amazingly delicious. I could eat half the jar in a

sitting. I don't know if that is as good for the body as the pure

coconut oil but this is raw coconut creamed together with the oils and

all. Does anyone know if this is as good for you as just the coconut


I opened the Jungle red palm oil and you're right Bonnie, it does smell

like sweet potatoes. I am a little weary of putting this on my face,

though. I wonder if it will stain my face orange, lol. I will give it

a try and see. It couldn't be as bad as my hair color disaster last

week :0


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