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Re: Sol/sal

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You are really going to like the Crook book. It discusses the

psoriasis and all.


Ps-hav eyou had psoriasis before?

On 12/13/08 9:06 PM, " nah " <spthompson49@...> wrote:




> Sol, thank you for all these suggestions. It will be easy enough to

> try the salt water. The link to the taste tests was interesting, too,

> and I've saved it. And I'll take a look at the book, because with my

> insomnia and anxiety, I do suspect an adrenal malfunction.


> Plus, there was the iodine, which seemed to trigger the whole mess in

> the first place. Another mineral.


> If I'm not mistaken, I do believe I have a couple little spots of

> psoriasis starting on one hand! Good grief. Fresh aloe from my

> garden is keeping it under control but not making it go away.


> Thanks again, and I will keep you posted.


> nah



>> >

>> > On the adrenal list I belong to, a suggestion is to try 1/2 tsp salt

>> > (they always recommend sea salt) in a large glass of water, and see if

>> > cramping or other symptoms abate or worsen. This tells you quickly if

>> > the cause of the symptom is low sodium.

>> > The other day when I had a high pulse rate, I drank a whole teaspoon of

>> > salt in a glass of water, and then took my pulse again in an hour, and

>> > it had gone back down to my normal. It may seem counter-intuitive, but

>> > drinking salted water has also sometimes resolved edema for me, and

>> > resulted in a LOT of trips to the bathroom. The reason for that is said

>> > to be that when sodium is low, the body will hang onto water in order

>> > not to lose any more salt. Give it the salt it needs, and it lets go of

>> > the water. (Dr. , book title below)

>> >

>> > Your post reminded me that back 20 years or more ago, when I was eating

>> > a very low salt diet and using a lot of potassium chloride, I did used

>> > to have leg cramps frequently at night. Since I eat as much salt as I

>> > crave these days I don't have them anymore. I go by my taste, when salt

>> > tastes good I eat it, if it doesn't I don't. I also have resorted to

>> > taste testing my urine. When you are excreting a ton of salt it is very

>> > obvious, LOL.

>> > I'm also using the taste tests here:

>> > http://www.psha-inc.com/guai-support/sf/TasteTests.htm

>> >

>> > In the book " Adrenal Fatigue, the 21st Century Stress Syndrome " the

>> > author L. has a lot of information on sodium.

>> > sol

>> >




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