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Leptin AND insulin are two CNS-stimulating hormones in weight control. Leptin is a protein based hormone that's encoded in the obesity gene and it functions exclusively in adipose tissues - first discovered in mice having a specific genetic mutation (that makes a truncated, biologically inactive form of leptin) which makes them predispose to hyperphagia (eating excessively) and obesity.

Leptins have receptor sites in the hypothalamus, inhibiting the release of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY), which is a potent stimulator of food intake. When NPY is inhibited appetite is suppressed. Therefore very obese people are often associated with having truncated ob gene - appetite is not suppressed and they eat with abandon.

Since you say you eat little, I don't think this is your problem.

Why not investigate on the QX:

Hypothyroidism - low metabolic rate. (In fact the less you eat the lower will be your metabolic rate and the harder it will be to shed weight because your body thinks there is a famine. To lose weight, you need to eat a lot of the right kind of food for you). Power walk a few miles a day to increase MR, especially first thing in the morning before eating, to kick start your system.

Insulin resistance (hypoglycaemia) i.e your cells are insensitive to insulin and not allowing glucose to enter your cells, so glucose is stored in fat cells?

Keep well, Azizah

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dear azizah,

many thanks for your reply.

i will dig a bit more....

i was out dancing last week-end and lost 2 kilograms. well, i bounced over the dancefloor for 7 hours nonstop. (outdoor, could never do this indoor)

walking, jogging in the morning would be wonderful, but can´t be done, because i have a little boy, who i cannot leave alone while still asleep. if he then wakes up, and mummy is not there..... trauma.

by the end of the year, i will have sold my nutrition shop and mailorder, and that will give me some time to take care of "luxury" things like this. hm.

have a wonderful day, azizah


Re: leptin

Dear Leptin AND insulin are two CNS-stimulating hormones in weight control. Leptin is a protein based hormone that's encoded in the obesity gene and it functions exclusively in adipose tissues - first discovered in mice having a specific genetic mutation (that makes a truncated, biologically inactive form of leptin) which makes them predispose to hyperphagia (eating excessively) and obesity. Leptins have receptor sites in the hypothalamus, inhibiting the release of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY), which is a potent stimulator of food intake. When NPY is inhibited appetite is suppressed. Therefore very obese people are often associated with having truncated ob gene - appetite is not suppressed and they eat with abandon. Since you say you eat little, I don't think this is your problem. Why not investigate on the QX: Hypothyroidism - low metabolic rate. (In fact the less you eat the lower will be your metabolic rate and the harder it will be to shed weight because your body thinks there is a famine. To lose weight, you need to eat a lot of the right kind of food for you). Power walk a few miles a day to increase MR, especially first thing in the morning before eating, to kick start your system. Insulin resistance (hypoglycaemia) i.e your cells are insensitive to insulin and not allowing glucose to enter your cells, so glucose is stored in fat cells? Keep well, Azizah ............................................

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  • 5 years later...

Good Morning~~


I am wanting to understand more about Leptin that someone was speaking about?

What caught my eye was someone saying they didn't eat in thier sleep!!! I

do...well I wake up, eat and barely know I have done that!!!


Diabetic, overweight, low energy-fatigured alot!! Some of the Leptin info

sounded interesting....


Just started taking Ghp, take Virgin Coconut Oil daily....suggestions??


Thank you in advance...


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Lynn wrote:

> I am wanting to understand more about Leptin that someone was speaking about?

What caught my eye was someone saying they didn't eat in thier sleep!!! I

do...well I wake up, eat and barely know I have done that!!!



What you describe could be due to adrenal fatigue, which can wake you

in the middle of the night with hypoglycemia. Have you ever had the 4 x

day saliva cortisol tests? Might want to consider it. Check out Canary Club.



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, you need to join another group I¹m on that is very low volume

(ti¹s a high fat group). They discuss Taubs all the time! I had no idea he

was on You Tube, I will check that out!

, you also will want to read ns book on the Leptin

resistance. Feel free to email me privately. I just finished reading it.

Thanks for sharing all of your insight. Our stories have a lot of

similarities. I was quite shocked to read yours!

n¹s book came out in 2007. He¹s not afraid of fats at all and

emphasizes you need them with every meal in fact, so I think you will really

like him!


On 11/25/08 8:12 AM, " van essa " <vandalsem@...> wrote:





>> >


>> > Diabetic, overweight, low energy-fatigured alot!! Some of the Leptin

>> > info sounded interesting....


> Leptin resistance is NO fun. After giving birth in 2005, I nursed for

> 8 months, didn't lose an ounce. Once I stopped nursing, I gained.

> Then gained more. Then gained even more until I finally figured out

> I/we couldn't eat sugar/white crap any longer. Like - at all - not

> even in moderation. That meant no more eating out and preparing every

> single solitary meal we ate. Diabetics and those borderline, insulin

> and leptin resistant people, in my opinion, have no threshold for

> moderation. Moderation is for people who are healthy and have healthy

> insulin and hormone responses.


> It was February of this year I changed our diet and stopped gaining.

> We cut everything white, store bought breads, switched to low

> pesticide foods, grass fed meats, coconut oil, raw dairy (from a farm

> where I know what they feed the cow and chickens). I stopped gaining,

> but then I found I could not LOSE. No matter what I did. I read

> several books, including " Mastering Leptin " by Byron s. The

> book does not really explain a significant differences between leptin

> and insulin resistance (perhaps I glazed over during that part), just

> that they go hand in hand. Mention was made that if you fix one, you

> fix the other. So, I set out to fix one of them if not both. That

> was around mid October.


> Mastering Leptin talks about five specific things you can do to

> reverse leptin resistance.


> Never eat after dinner.

> Allow 5-6 hours between meals.

> Don't eat huge meals, but eat enough (and some fats) to get you to the

> next meal.

> Eat protein in your breakfast.

> Reduce carbs.


> Those things make much more sense when you read about them in the book

> - which I would highly recommend to anyone trying to fix leptin

> resistance. The only thing I found distasteful about the book is that

> it is older, there is newer science since then and they guy is a fat

> phobe. We need good fats to sustain us between meals - otherwise none

> of those things are achievable.


> I put those things in practice over the last six weeks, first by

> cutting all grains and not eating between meals and after dinner. My

> energy increased bucketloads just by doing that. Then I cut carbs

> down to <20/day. It took me two weeks to lose 5lbs. But, that was

> the first five pounds I'd lost in months and I did it while eating

> tons of raw butter, cream, coconut oil and nice fat grass-fed meats.

> At times my fat/protein/carb ratio was 65/25/10 - and I track it all

> on sparkpeople.com


> If your body is healthy enough to do ketosis (burning ketones for fuel

> instead of glucose) then you can lose weight this way - and reset

> leptin/insulin. I'm sure I don't have to explain the dangers of

> ketoacidosis.


> It's important to note, that successful weight loss (to me) happens

> with you burn your abnormal fat stores (or white fat) and not the

> necessary fat and muscle your body needs to survive and have shape.

> The only way I know how to do that is to go into ketosis - some would

> argue you don't need to be " in ketosis " to burn fat. And as far

> as I can tell, this is what body builders set out to do - except, on

> top of burning fat, they want to build muscle mass.


> The next book on my list - " Good Calories, Bad Calories, " by

> Taubes. Ladies, is he yummy or WHAT?! He talks about how carbs, bad

> grains and rancid oils have made us fat and miserable for decades -

> that exercise doesn't make us lose weight, it makes us HUNGRY!


> -vanessa


> ... search for Taubes on You Tube




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> , you need to join another group I¹m on that is very

> low volume (ti¹s a high fat group). They discuss Taubs all the time!

Is it a ! group? I'm about at my max these days with discussion

groups - but I could look at it.

> , you also will want to read ns book on the Leptin

> resistance. Feel free to email me privately. I just finished reading

> it.

Let's talk about it here. I think others would like to know too. I

looked at his website/diet last night. Gee, and I thought I had an

original idea going all along. Months ago I read about bodybuilders

doing CKD (cyclical ketogenic diet) and it was very intriguing indeed!

This guy seems to have capitalized on it, especially with his

pay-for-the-diet-website. In fact, this may be something I will try

in a few weeks (sans the website) after I've got some semblance of

momentum - right now it's willy nilly, which I can't stand!

Did you see what his solution was for maintenance? Was it using the

glycemic index too? Using the GI for post dieting makes me nervous.

> Thanks for sharing all of your insight. Our stories have a lot of

> similarities. I was quite shocked to read yours!

Guess we have to get really good, sick and tired of being sick and

tired. It's like drink binging and wondering why you always

feel like crap when you don't drink.

> n¹s book came out in 2007. He¹s not afraid of fats at all

> and emphasizes you need them with every meal in fact, so I think you

> will really like him!

'Cept I don't buy for one second his story about accidental

pizza/beer/twinkie binging after three weeks of hard training, only to

find it worked! LOL. Possible tho, I suspect.

Is this the diet that you're following? Have you gotten results?

I just took the plunge and ordered 5lbs. of Now's whey protein isolate

- I think it makes me feel better. I'm using coconut oil with it and

it seems to hold me quite nicely till I need to chew my arm off from

hunger. I just hope I can use it all before it quits working or I

find out something horrendous about it.

Another interesting source is proteinfactory.com - you can customize

your own whey. The Bio-Fresh looked really good and made me wonder if

whey from grass fed cows is any different/better than the cheapy stuff.


.... low carb and not lovin' it

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Not goint o have time to answer this all tonight, but plan to come back to


Yeah, I read the book before I found his website. I , like you, do not plan

to pay for that. No need for it, in my opinion, the book is really clear.

Yes its a group but very low volume on the mail. Not even a post every

day I don¹t think. But when they do discuss, it¹s stuff I feel like you

would find quite interesting. It¹s called LowCarbHighFat I think is the name

of the group and the owner, Dave, will send a person invite to anybody I

refer to him to make joining easy....

Yeah, about his binging story. Of course, he doesn't advocate that as part

of his diet for the rest of us.....however he does advocate (only after the

first 3 weeks) a day where a person eats anything they want on one day of

the week. He says this is what it takes to get Leptin levels high. You

aren¹t stuffing though and you are stopping when full, etc. I have no idea

what I would even eat though on a day I could eat whatever I wanted. I mean

my wants are NOT for carby foods, so I¹m looking fwd to reading the rest of

the book (sample menus) to see exactly what this might look like for me. I¹m

planning to start very soon after thanksgiving, so I¹ll be glad to keep you

all posted.

I¹ve really been toying with the idea of the whey myself, so I¹m looking fwd

to you keeping us posted about that. I¹ve used powdered protein mix (sans

artificial sweeteners) in the past. So I reckon me and whey would get along

well. I can really see me using it for weight loss, since that¹s worked well

for me in the past. I THINK it might be possible for me to use with ¹s

plan too...in fact, I think his book mentions something along those lines as

an option for some meals....

Before I answer the part about maintenance, I want to double check the book.


On 11/26/08 11:42 AM, " van essa " <vandalsem@...> wrote:





>> >

>> > , you need to join another group I¹m on that is very

>> > low volume (ti¹s a high fat group). They discuss Taubs all the time!


> Is it a ! group? I'm about at my max these days with discussion

> groups - but I could look at it.


>> > , you also will want to read ns book on the Leptin

>> > resistance. Feel free to email me privately. I just finished reading

>> > it.


> Let's talk about it here. I think others would like to know too. I

> looked at his website/diet last night. Gee, and I thought I had an

> original idea going all along. Months ago I read about bodybuilders

> doing CKD (cyclical ketogenic diet) and it was very intriguing indeed!

> This guy seems to have capitalized on it, especially with his

> pay-for-the-diet-website. In fact, this may be something I will try

> in a few weeks (sans the website) after I've got some semblance of

> momentum - right now it's willy nilly, which I can't stand!


> Did you see what his solution was for maintenance? Was it using the

> glycemic index too? Using the GI for post dieting makes me nervous.


>> > Thanks for sharing all of your insight. Our stories have a lot of

>> > similarities. I was quite shocked to read yours!


> Guess we have to get really good, sick and tired of being sick and

> tired. It's like drink binging and wondering why you always

> feel like crap when you don't drink.


>> > n¹s book came out in 2007. He¹s not afraid of fats at all

>> > and emphasizes you need them with every meal in fact, so I think you

>> > will really like him!


> 'Cept I don't buy for one second his story about accidental

> pizza/beer/twinkie binging after three weeks of hard training, only to

> find it worked! LOL. Possible tho, I suspect.


> Is this the diet that you're following? Have you gotten results?


> I just took the plunge and ordered 5lbs. of Now's whey protein isolate

> - I think it makes me feel better. I'm using coconut oil with it and

> it seems to hold me quite nicely till I need to chew my arm off from

> hunger. I just hope I can use it all before it quits working or I

> find out something horrendous about it.


> Another interesting source is proteinfactory.com - you can customize

> your own whey. The Bio-Fresh looked really good and made me wonder if

> whey from grass fed cows is any different/better than the cheapy stuff.


> -vanessa


> ... low carb and not lovin' it




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The problem, as I understand it, is not low levels of leptin, but the

brain not " hearing " the leptin signals. So binging to increase leptin

(from what I have read) seems to me that it would increase leptin

reisistance even further.


On 11/26/08, Chantelle <bornfrueh@...> wrote:

> Not goint o have time to answer this all tonight, but plan to come back to

> it....


> Yeah, I read the book before I found his website. I , like you, do not plan

> to pay for that. No need for it, in my opinion, the book is really clear.


> Yes its a group but very low volume on the mail. Not even a post every

> day I don¹t think. But when they do discuss, it¹s stuff I feel like you

> would find quite interesting. It¹s called LowCarbHighFat I think is the name

> of the group and the owner, Dave, will send a person invite to anybody I

> refer to him to make joining easy....


> Yeah, about his binging story. Of course, he doesn't advocate that as part

> of his diet for the rest of us.....however he does advocate (only after the

> first 3 weeks) a day where a person eats anything they want on one day of

> the week. He says this is what it takes to get Leptin levels high. You

> aren¹t stuffing though and you are stopping when full, etc. I have no idea

> what I would even eat though on a day I could eat whatever I wanted. I mean

> my wants are NOT for carby foods, so I¹m looking fwd to reading the rest of

> the book (sample menus) to see exactly what this might look like for me. I¹m

> planning to start very soon after thanksgiving, so I¹ll be glad to keep you

> all posted.


> I¹ve really been toying with the idea of the whey myself, so I¹m looking fwd

> to you keeping us posted about that. I¹ve used powdered protein mix (sans

> artificial sweeteners) in the past. So I reckon me and whey would get along

> well. I can really see me using it for weight loss, since that¹s worked well

> for me in the past. I THINK it might be possible for me to use with ¹s

> plan too...in fact, I think his book mentions something along those lines as

> an option for some meals....


> Before I answer the part about maintenance, I want to double check the book.

> Chantelle



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I think maybe there is more than one thing in a sense.

A lot of his book is based on trying to keep your body from ever having the

leptin problem to begin with.....

(yet he does refer to this(his methods) as being able to ³reset² your body

so to speak as well)

I won¹t know until I try it how it works ³in real life² so to speak. I have

read a lot of examples of what it did for other people though.

And again you aren¹t binging....but you are mixing up how you eat....which

I¹ve heard anecdotal evidence from friends for a long time that they drop

pounds after mixing it up like that.....so that part I do believe works for

some people....but if it is leptin related as to why it works, I don¹t know.

Best plausible theory I¹ve heard so far.

Since I haven¹t tried it yet, for all I know, what you just said Alobar

could be totally correct for some.....


On 11/26/08 4:59 PM, " Alobar " <Alobar@...> wrote:




> The problem, as I understand it, is not low levels of leptin, but the

> brain not " hearing " the leptin signals. So binging to increase leptin

> (from what I have read) seems to me that it would increase leptin

> reisistance even further.


> Alobar


> On 11/26/08, Chantelle <bornfrueh@... <mailto:bornfrueh%40cox.net> >

> wrote:

>> > Not goint o have time to answer this all tonight, but plan to come back to

>> > it....

>> >

>> > Yeah, I read the book before I found his website. I , like you, do not plan

>> > to pay for that. No need for it, in my opinion, the book is really clear.

>> >

>> > Yes its a group but very low volume on the mail. Not even a post

>> every

>> > day I don¹t think. But when they do discuss, it¹s stuff I feel like you

>> > would find quite interesting. It¹s called LowCarbHighFat I think is the

>> name

>> > of the group and the owner, Dave, will send a person invite to anybody I

>> > refer to him to make joining easy....

>> >

>> > Yeah, about his binging story. Of course, he doesn't advocate that as part

>> > of his diet for the rest of us.....however he does advocate (only after the

>> > first 3 weeks) a day where a person eats anything they want on one day of

>> > the week. He says this is what it takes to get Leptin levels high. You

>> > aren¹t stuffing though and you are stopping when full, etc. I have no idea

>> > what I would even eat though on a day I could eat whatever I wanted. I mean

>> > my wants are NOT for carby foods, so I¹m looking fwd to reading the rest of

>> > the book (sample menus) to see exactly what this might look like for me. >>


>> > planning to start very soon after thanksgiving, so I¹ll be glad to keep you

>> > all posted.

>> >

>> > I¹ve really been toying with the idea of the whey myself, so I¹m looking >>


>> > to you keeping us posted about that. I¹ve used powdered protein mix (sans

>> > artificial sweeteners) in the past. So I reckon me and whey would get along

>> > well. I can really see me using it for weight loss, since that¹s worked

>> well

>> > for me in the past. I THINK it might be possible for me to use with

>> ¹s

>> > plan too...in fact, I think his book mentions something along those lines

>> as

>> > an option for some meals....

>> >

>> > Before I answer the part about maintenance, I want to double check the

>> book.

>> > Chantelle

>> >

>> >



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The material I have read is backed up by research. I trust that more

than info I read.


On 11/27/08, Chantelle <bornfrueh@...> wrote:

> I think maybe there is more than one thing in a sense.

> A lot of his book is based on trying to keep your body from ever having the

> leptin problem to begin with.....

> (yet he does refer to this(his methods) as being able to ³reset² your body

> so to speak as well)


> I won¹t know until I try it how it works ³in real life² so to speak. I have

> read a lot of examples of what it did for other people though.


> And again you aren¹t binging....but you are mixing up how you eat....which

> I¹ve heard anecdotal evidence from friends for a long time that they drop

> pounds after mixing it up like that.....so that part I do believe works for

> some people....but if it is leptin related as to why it works, I don¹t know.

> Best plausible theory I¹ve heard so far.


> Since I haven¹t tried it yet, for all I know, what you just said Alobar

> could be totally correct for some.....


> Chantelle



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You kind of repeated yourself here, but I think I get your point. No time

today to post research, etc.

I¹m always interested in the bottom line, the research part. That¹s when

something grabs me :)


On 11/27/08 5:32 AM, " Alobar " <Alobar@...> wrote:




> The material I have read is backed up by research. I trust that more

> than info I read.


> Alobar


> On 11/27/08, Chantelle <bornfrueh@... <mailto:bornfrueh%40cox.net> >

> wrote:

>> > I think maybe there is more than one thing in a sense.

>> > A lot of his book is based on trying to keep your body from ever having the

>> > leptin problem to begin with.....

>> > (yet he does refer to this(his methods) as being able to ³reset² your body

>> > so to speak as well)

>> >

>> > I won¹t know until I try it how it works ³in real life² so to speak. I have

>> > read a lot of examples of what it did for other people though.

>> >

>> > And again you aren¹t binging....but you are mixing up how you eat....which

>> > I¹ve heard anecdotal evidence from friends for a long time that they drop

>> > pounds after mixing it up like that.....so that part I do believe works for

>> > some people....but if it is leptin related as to why it works, I don¹t

>> know.

>> > Best plausible theory I¹ve heard so far.

>> >

>> > Since I haven¹t tried it yet, for all I know, what you just said Alobar

>> > could be totally correct for some.....

>> >

>> > Chantelle

>> >

>> >



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Oh and he does get into the brain thing too.....I forgot to mention that.

The lack here is likely in me explaining it :)

I¹m much more concerned at this point with processing it for myself. I¹m not

really trying to explain or convince anyone at this point, plus I¹m pushed

for time. Only on here (the computer) because the youngest is sleeping on

me....but I¹m about to try and change that ;)


On 11/27/08 5:29 AM, " Chantelle " <bornfrueh@...> wrote:




> I think maybe there is more than one thing in a sense.

> A lot of his book is based on trying to keep your body from ever having the

> leptin problem to begin with.....

> (yet he does refer to this(his methods) as being able to ³reset² your body

> so to speak as well)


> I won¹t know until I try it how it works ³in real life² so to speak. I have

> read a lot of examples of what it did for other people though.


> And again you aren¹t binging....but you are mixing up how you eat....which

> I¹ve heard anecdotal evidence from friends for a long time that they drop

> pounds after mixing it up like that.....so that part I do believe works for

> some people....but if it is leptin related as to why it works, I don¹t know.

> Best plausible theory I¹ve heard so far.


> Since I haven¹t tried it yet, for all I know, what you just said Alobar

> could be totally correct for some.....


> Chantelle


> On 11/26/08 4:59 PM, " Alobar " <Alobar@... <mailto:Alobar%40Gmail.com> >

> wrote:


>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > The problem, as I understand it, is not low levels of leptin, but the

>> > brain not " hearing " the leptin signals. So binging to increase leptin

>> > (from what I have read) seems to me that it would increase leptin

>> > reisistance even further.

>> >

>> > Alobar

>> >

>> > On 11/26/08, Chantelle <bornfrueh@... <mailto:bornfrueh%40cox.net>

>> <mailto:bornfrueh%40cox.net> >

>> > wrote:

>>>> >> > Not goint o have time to answer this all tonight, but plan to come

>>>> back to

>>>> >> > it....

>>>> >> >

>>>> >> > Yeah, I read the book before I found his website. I , like you, do not


>>>> >> > to pay for that. No need for it, in my opinion, the book is really

>>>> clear.

>>>> >> >

>>>> >> > Yes its a group but very low volume on the mail. Not even a post

>>> >> every

>>>> >> > day I don¹t think. But when they do discuss, it¹s stuff I feel like


>>>> >> > would find quite interesting. It¹s called LowCarbHighFat I think is


>>> >> name

>>>> >> > of the group and the owner, Dave, will send a person invite to anybody


>>>> >> > refer to him to make joining easy....

>>>> >> >

>>>> >> > Yeah, about his binging story. Of course, he doesn't advocate that as


>>>> >> > of his diet for the rest of us.....however he does advocate (only

>>>> after the

>>>> >> > first 3 weeks) a day where a person eats anything they want on one day


>>>> >> > the week. He says this is what it takes to get Leptin levels high. You

>>>> >> > aren¹t stuffing though and you are stopping when full, etc. I have no


>>>> >> > what I would even eat though on a day I could eat whatever I wanted. I


>>>> >> > my wants are NOT for carby foods, so I¹m looking fwd to reading the

>>>> rest of

>>>> >> > the book (sample menus) to see exactly what this might look like for

>>>> me. >>

> I¹m

>>>> >> > planning to start very soon after thanksgiving, so I¹ll be glad to

>>>> keep you

>>>> >> > all posted.

>>>> >> >

>>>> >> > I¹ve really been toying with the idea of the whey myself, so I¹m

>>>> looking >>

> fwd

>>>> >> > to you keeping us posted about that. I¹ve used powdered protein mix

>>>> (sans

>>>> >> > artificial sweeteners) in the past. So I reckon me and whey would get

>>>> along

>>>> >> > well. I can really see me using it for weight loss, since that¹s >>>>


>>> >> well

>>>> >> > for me in the past. I THINK it might be possible for me to use with

>>> >> ¹s

>>>> >> > plan too...in fact, I think his book mentions something along those

>>>> lines

>>> >> as

>>>> >> > an option for some meals....

>>>> >> >

>>>> >> > Before I answer the part about maintenance, I want to double check the

>>> >> book.

>>>> >> > Chantelle

>>>> >> >

>>>> >> >

>> >

>> >



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> It¹s called LowCarbHighFat


> He says this is what it takes to get Leptin levels high.

And if his theory is right, it could work. Another way it could work

(and I'm not just saying this because I have a crush on Taubes)

is that it could just all be insulin related. If you starve yourself

long enough, the insulin in your muscles and organs get so depleted

that you have no energy and your metabolism basically creeps back into

" starvation mode " causing a stall or minimal/no fat burning. If you

carb-up/binge after a few weeks, sending huge mounts of insulin back

into muscles and organs, it would make sense that you have more energy

to pull yourself out of starvation and start burning again.

GT seems to be under the impression that leptin is merely in the

hormonal downstream of insulin. Once insulin gets resolved, so too do

all the other hormones, including leptin. Check this out:


And the only reason I've read that website and know about it is

because Colpo essentially " called out " GT and Dr. Eades

because he's a cry-baby, closet fat-phobe, aussie musclehead who

wants attention. It might've been the drama that's sucked me into

this whole mess. Mmmknow.

I've also read that leptin and insulin drive each other, but I'm

having a low potassium moment so I'll have to fish for that later.

> I have no idea what I would even eat though on a day I could eat

> whatever I wanted.

I got two words: Cheese Cake

Then five more: Bacon cheeseburger w/sourleavened bread

And in that order.


.... gobble gobble

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Can someone please repost the title of the book being discussed? I must

have missed it.

Going to check out links and websites now.



van essa wrote:




>> It¹s called LowCarbHighFat




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YUM! I LIKE this idea.

And I like your food suggestions for such a day.


van essa wrote:

> I have no idea what I would even eat though on a day I could eat

> > whatever I wanted.


> I got two words: Cheese Cake


> Then five more: Bacon cheeseburger w/sourleavened bread


> And in that order.


> -vanessa


> ... gobble gobble




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While you read, could you please find out why one's blood sugar rises during

sleep? In the Mercola website where he interviewed the guy, it said this

indicated leptin deficiency and it could be " eating away " the muscles. Probably

why i have cramps in my sleep?


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Leptin (from the Greek leptos, meaning thin) is a protein hormone with

important effects in regulating body weight, metabolism and

reproductive function. The protein is approximately ~16 kDa in mass and

encoded by the obese (ob) gene.

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