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Alkaline Food Ash Charts

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SnyderHealth.com - Food Ash Charts


Note: I have read thru several of these lists, put out by difference sources.

The numbers do vary, as is common with any list that give any kind of numbers.

This one looks pretty accurate. Like any other list, I use these as a guide.

Useful in figuring out what the food ash is on one's plate...and how relatively

simple it is, to balance out the foods. I just pick a few that are easy for " me "

to do..

and make them an everyday (or almost every day) part of my diet.



From: lizt777@...

Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 22:57:37 -0400

Subject: RE: Re: baking soda

You are correct, on the pH scale the numbers go to 14, but on the Food Ash

Scale, which is what I " use " -

These are food ash numbers....the determination of whether a food is acid or

alkaline is NOT gauged by its pH, but the pH of its residue or metabolism.

Sorry, I should have explained the above. An example of this is lemon juice. You

can drink pure lemon juice, take your pH, and it won't register alkaline. But

when metabolized, it will be alkaline. This is why the pH experts say to take

the saliva pH first thing in the morning...to get a more accurate read. And yes,

the urine pH is lower, its supposed to be lower. And yes, the stomach is

supposed to have acid in it, to properly digest food. Baking Soda does not in

the small amounts I described, screw that up.

As for adding organic olive oil to raw garlic, taken from Dr. Cass Ingram's

book: Lifesaving Cures. Raw garlic is great isn't it?

As for screwing up the body's natural pH? Are you saying that those who eat

processed food, white bread, genetically engineered food, fluoride in the water,

toothpaste-oh yea, its in prescriptons drugs and most over the counter drugs,

are you saying that " these " things don't alter the body's pH?

Yes, the pH does vary during the day. What you want are averages....with cancer

and disease, the pH will be very low...around the 5 scale.

Bruno, did you actually read any of Mark Sircus's info I sent?


From: brunom1@...

Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 17:26:23 +0200

Subject: Re: baking soda

Lizzie i read allot of weird stuff here,

" raw garlic has a PH of: 13+ "

Absolutely not true & impossible,

if Garlic would have a pH of 13 the skin from your lips will fall of

when you eat it,

pH of Garlic is about 7,3 ( close to body pH )

& if you alter the pH of a garlic concentrate in water to let say

pH 8,0 it will lose its anti bacterial properties very quickly

( dasan.sejong.ac.kr/~kyungkh/dawnload/combined%20effect.doc )

Further you said : ( after talking about pH all the time):

Beef is -34/ chicken is -18 to -22 on the acid scale. Fresh Cucumbers

are: +31--

This for sure can't be pH values there is no + and - on the pH scale ( 0

to 14).

Are you with this numbers referring to another scale then pH ?

Is it a universal scale thats used worldwide?

Baking Soda is a short time solution, you screw up your natural pH

balance in the stomach,

you also add allot of sodium to your system.

Your body has defacto a pH of about 7,35 & your lucky you can't just

alter that

or you end up in the ER. pH of saliva or urine is not equal to 'Body pH',

and varies trough the day.


Bruno M.


Re: baking soda

Posted by: " thode " lizt777@... lizziethode

Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:30 am (PDT)

What do you mean " if you mess with it? "

because if someone's PH is acidic, not raising that PH spells disaster

for health.

**See link below.

Disease/ill health can only thrive in an acidic PH. Cancer cells/tumors

are always

found to be acidic. Inflammation equals acidic PH.

Yes, I agree, it can be tricky. It does take time, attention and


In the beginning, I thought, oh geez, another thing to have to pay

attention to.

So I pretty much blew it off. Then later on, after trying a bunch of

products that'

were supposed to help raise the PH....expensive, didn't work...I threw

my hands up.

A little later, I kept running into articles on how important the PH

was. Like some

power/ force (whatever you want to call it) was putting this stuff in my

face...hey, you, wake up.

So I decided to take another look. That's when I found the info from

Mark Sircus,

and at the same time, found info that said wireless radiation makes the


acidic. So I started trying the Baking Soda...small amts at a time.

I don't remember how long it took before I stopped getting that yucky


of having a burp stuck..I do know I kept at it because I did notice a


My PH back then was pretty low....it took quite awhile to get it to move


I did find, that getting rid of all the wireless in my house, and

reducing my

exposure- while keeping up with the Baking Soda, made a huge difference

in my PH. This was right when I connected the dots to the ES stuff.

I read tons of stuff...and decided to simplify. I do the bAking Soda, and

I put raw veggies (cukes, zucchini, peppers) on my plate with cooked

foods....I take raw garlic, crush it, mix it with organic Olive Oil, and

put it on my raw veggies ( raw garlic has a PH of: 13+). Beef is -34/

chicken is

-18 to -22

on the acid scale. Fresh Cucumbers are: +31--

I took the food combining and made it as easy for me as I could.

I just do the zucchini/cukes with the raw garlic....to offset the cooked


The point is: it doesn't have to be hard. I keep a bowl of crushed garlic

with the olive oil in my fridge. Meals, 2 out of 3, always include something

RAW. I don't count the acid/alkaline anymore...I just make sure I have

zuccini/cukes/peppers with raw garlic. For me, I feel better eating

this way. All I can say is, try it- or don't. But how will you know if

it works or makes you feel better, if ya don't try it?

And one meal isn't usually enough. Although I did feel a difference,

and one meal was enough for me to say: Hey, maybe there

is something to this stuff!



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