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Re: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

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> Does anyone else have any of these issues??

I am not intolerant of minerals in general, but certainly I find

that I do have adverse reactions to many supplements. If you

are really deficient in minerals, then you should find some

way of taking them, even if you have to take them in a very

mild form (e.g. directly from high-mineral foods, or whole

food mineral supplements like those from Standard Process)

or tiny dosages (1/4 of tablet, one drop, etc.)


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I recently bought a whole food supplement in which the ingredients seemed like

they might be okay, although even tomatoes I now react to(which is an

ingredient). I even reacted to that vitamin. For me, small doses of what I am

sensitive to does not help. I have found that if I am reactive to that item, it

can be a minute level and still be problematic. It has been quite the



I am living like a refugee right now, which does not help matters. I no longer

have my own home and belongings. Now, every move in life is a challenge.. even

going to a grocery store. I have reactions to people's perfumes and cell phones.

I feel like an invalid at times(when I am reacting to certain items), and to

look at me, most would not know just how dysfunctional I am at times. Ahh..


anyway, thanks for responding to my post.

From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

Received: Monday, 22 December, 2008, 2:53 PM

> Does anyone else have any of these issues??

I am not intolerant of minerals in general, but certainly I find

that I do have adverse reactions to many supplements. If you

are really deficient in minerals, then you should find some

way of taking them, even if you have to take them in a very

mild form (e.g. directly from high-mineral foods, or whole

food mineral supplements like those from Standard Process)

or tiny dosages (1/4 of tablet, one drop, etc.)


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> For me, small doses of

> what I am sensitive to does not help. I have found that if I am reactive

> to that item, it can be a minute level and still be problematic.

Yes, I know what you mean by this -- I react this way with any

zeolite product, and also chia seeds (!). They just have to be

avoided, no matter how beneficial someone claims them to be... :-)

But there's got to be *something* that will start making you feel

better... an antioxidant, liver support, toxin binder... *something*...


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> I recently bought a whole food supplement in which the ingredients seemed

> like they might be okay, although even tomatoes I now react to(which is

> an ingredient).

Can you tolerate kelp? I know that there are some " mineral supplements "

which are mostly just kelp, as seaweeds are high in minerals.


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What about whole kelp as a sea vegetable? I just ordered 2 lbs. online

so I can get trace minerals and iodine. I much prefer real food to

pills or even powders. The type of kelp I ordered is thin enough I cut

it into little pieces with a scissors and add to salads or on top of

boiled eggs or add to brown rice or oatmeal. You can get 2oz. packages

at the natural food store.

There is also Mega-Mag, an ionic liquid formula that while mostly

magnesium also has trace minerals. Even just a few drops if tolerable

would give some magnesium (about 25mg to 5 drops). You can get it in

the natural food stores. Don't pumpkin seeds have lots of calcium and

magnesium? Also omega 3 oils. I soak mine overnite in salted water to

make them easier to digest.



> > I recently bought a whole food supplement in which the ingredients


> > like they might be okay, although even tomatoes I now react to

(which is

> > an ingredient).


> Can you tolerate kelp? I know that there are some " mineral

supplements "

> which are mostly just kelp, as seaweeds are high in minerals.


> Marc


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Thanks Marc. Yes, I do tolerate kelp and have been taking granulated kelp.

From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

Received: Monday, 22 December, 2008, 10:16 PM

> I recently bought a whole food supplement in which the ingredients seemed

> like they might be okay, although even tomatoes I now react to(which is

> an ingredient).

Can you tolerate kelp? I know that there are some " mineral supplements "

which are mostly just kelp, as seaweeds are high in minerals.


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Hi Kathy,


Thanks for the suggestions. I am taking some kelp powder(just not sure how much

to take). I have a liquid magnesium chloride, but the problem is any minerals I

take seems to draw the electricity into my body worse than ever. I sting and

burn MUCH worse when around EMF. I am stumped as what to do. However, kelp has

not done that to me. I take less than a tsp per day.. actually only a pinch so

far per day.




From: spiralwindintrees <aquilawolf@...>

Subject: Re: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

Received: Tuesday, 23 December, 2008, 1:28 AM

What about whole kelp as a sea vegetable? I just ordered 2 lbs. online

so I can get trace minerals and iodine. I much prefer real food to

pills or even powders. The type of kelp I ordered is thin enough I cut

it into little pieces with a scissors and add to salads or on top of

boiled eggs or add to brown rice or oatmeal. You can get 2oz. packages

at the natural food store.

There is also Mega-Mag, an ionic liquid formula that while mostly

magnesium also has trace minerals. Even just a few drops if tolerable

would give some magnesium (about 25mg to 5 drops). You can get it in

the natural food stores. Don't pumpkin seeds have lots of calcium and

magnesium? Also omega 3 oils. I soak mine overnite in salted water to

make them easier to digest.



> > I recently bought a whole food supplement in which the ingredients


> > like they might be okay, although even tomatoes I now react to

(which is

> > an ingredient).


> Can you tolerate kelp? I know that there are some " mineral

supplements "

> which are mostly just kelp, as seaweeds are high in minerals.


> Marc


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Hi Laurel,

That's probably a good idea to start with just a pinch of the kelp to

make sure you are tolerating it. My understanding is that if one is

deficient in minerals that we need, like calcium, magnesium, zinc

etc. then toxic minerals like mercury etc. are used in their place.

Flooding the system with 'good' minerals helps keep the toxic ones

from harming us. In your situation I don't know what is happening

that even supportive minerals make EMF worse for you. Are you able to

move (or work) somewhere with minimal EMF to see if then you can

begin tolerating the supportive minerals?


> >

> > > I recently bought a whole food supplement in which the


> seemed

> > > like they might be okay, although even tomatoes I now react to

> (which is

> > > an ingredient).

> >

> > Can you tolerate kelp? I know that there are some " mineral

> supplements "

> > which are mostly just kelp, as seaweeds are high in minerals.

> >

> > Marc

> >

















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Oh Laurel


I wish I had read this post of yours before my I posted my own about a couple of

minutes ago. I cannot offer any technical advice [if only!!] and all I can do is

sympathise with you and your situation and tell you that I am somewhat in the

same boat. I don't have the stinging problem with minerals but I have noticed a

gradual but marked deterioration in my own health this year and I am convinced

in my gut that it's due to possibly a build up of toxins - like I am just a big

toxic sump - and an inability to absorb minerals properly. I also have a friend

who is getting blisters on the inside of his mouth and tongue when he drinks

bottled water, who has just spent a lot of moeny and time installing a special

water filter only to have the same response to that water and I have a feeling

that he is being affected by EMFs but doesn't realise it and I haven't the heart

to broach it with him what with the fact that electrosensitivity is the illness

that dare not

speak its name. I hope that things pick up for you Laurel I really do.


Best wishes



From: laurel canyon <laurelarc@...>

Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

Date: Monday, 22 December, 2008, 7:36 PM

I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF sensitivity

began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to draw the EMF right

into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and depending upon where I am, it can

be quite torturous. I recently bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The

directions call for approx. 10 drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can

feel increased stinging and burning.


This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also happens even

from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read an article that stated

how people's brains and hearts give off more EMF than devices(I am not sure

about that, but I do know that some people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have

caused me the same type of symptoms at times as that of some electronic



I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical sensitive

type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and foods, etc. However,

the issue with minerals is different than a chemical sensitivity reaction. I

have never had anything like this before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate

being in a house with aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale.

At the time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man explain a

few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was the first time a long

time since last being in a house with aluminum siding. I do have to say, that

the reaction to this house and another house with aluminum siding varied. I am

sure there are many variables I am unaware. That particular house was very close

to another house. Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect

undetectable to m.. I have

no idea.


I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food, chemical, etc),

the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor one day over the phone who

told me she had quite a few clients who had the same issues, who were incredibly

sensitive to energy, EMF, chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were

riddled with holes in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF.

I have a friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not live near

him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a bit

baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from my food. I had

my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an acupuncturist and an

iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the center of my tongue in which I

was told was indicative of poor assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be

able to tolerate enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the

protein digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even tried

's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my body could



Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are intolerant of

minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation, especially if they have

been taking the minerals all along. I do tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and

CoQ10. I have been trying MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not

noticed any benefit yet from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from

the body, as well as kill many pathogens).


Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has become a

nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in. It has been much

too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property and no where safe to live nor

able to afford.


My, how life can suddenly change.




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Hi again, Laurel,


I am not sure I have time to address all that I could here.  I have had the same

experiences as you write of.  (And the same life altering effects.  HUGS, I know

where you are and I am sure you know this, too--not many understand where we

are.  Whenever you need a friend who can relate, I am here.) 


This is a deep and complicated subject.  (And any subject that isn't, I can

somehow make deep and complicated.  lol)  I, too, have the stinging and burning

(sometimes more than other times, which is also key here--there are things that

help this or make it worse).  I might add that I am a walking medical nightmare

and when I say I am ill or have been, that does not necessarily mean I am ill

from ES.  I recently wrote that I was not online for 2 months due to illness,

but that was not mostly due to ES.  I also have MCS, diabetes, celiac disease,

COPD, and the list goes on.  I tell you this, because it is possible that most

of us who have particular ES problems, have those problems not totally because

of ES (not that these problems have nothing to do with ES), but because of our

underlying physical conditions.  Now you are really confused, aren't you! 

;)  Bare with me....


There are people who tend to particular immune responses, for instance.  You and

I seem to be similar in our reactions.  We might not fit a profile for every ES

person, but we fit a particular profile for ES people with this immune

response.  Due to having celiac disease (which you probably should also rule out

for yourself, since celiac d. can lead to these particular immune responses), I

know I am missing a particular peptide in my body.  The new celiac pill which is

in trials right now addresses this.  It is a synthetic peptide.  This is long

and complicated and if I were to address this totally here right now in detail,

I'd probably get it amiss, because it is so long and complicated.  However,

giving you the synoptic uncomplicated version, missing this peptide means,

ultimately, that our immune systems (I mean celiacs, not necessarily ES people),

to one degree or another, can keep sending out immune components which end up

attacking us

or trivial substances coming into contact with our bodies.  I say one degree or

another, because not all celiacs are created equal.  Some celiacs have some of

this natural peptide left and some, like me, have none.  So, this in essence,

means my immune system has no shut-off.  There are no feedback loops which say

to my body, " hey, stop sending out cytokines, we have enough, thankyou! "  


These immune response cells then, in over abundance, are looking in every little

corner for something amiss, something to attack.  So they end up attacking

things which they feel are foreign, but are not necessarily foreign to us.  This

sometimes leads to the condition called mastocytosis, where our bodies make too

many mast cells.  (It has been suspected for a number of years that I might have

this, but I have resisted going there because, basically, from a medical point

of view, there is no cure for this and it is usually a cancer sentence, which I

am not willing to embrace.  I also suspect that it can be treated by the new

celiac pill which is why I might go for the tests when I see the doc to

prescribe me the pill.) 


So.....  I am saying here that you probably have some underlying problem, like

me, which is not allowing your immune system to shut off.  Now that said, I am

NOT saying you have the same underlying problem I have, only that you might have

it.  I am sure there are various problems which can lead to similar immune

dysfunction.  I only have one of these.  You MIGHT have one of these, but not

necessarily the same one I have. 


I, too, have mineral problems, but not with all minerals.  For instance, iron

bothers me.  I react even to iron deposits in the ground (tho I suspect this is

because of greater concentration of magnetic frequencies there).  I had life

threatening anaphylaxis to IV iron when I was severely anemic.  And I couldn't

take regular iron supplements at all.  The only supplementation I could take was

iron as a component in Buffalo Liver supplements.  (Not an effective iron

supply, but enough to get by on.  Basically, docs decided to give me blood

transfusions every 3 months until I was dxed for celiac disease.  That dx

addressed all my myriad nutrient deficiencies.)


I do get burning and stinging next to aluminum siding, but only when aluminum

siding is exposed to emfs.  I don't react to using aluminum foil, for instance. 

Tho I suspose I could react to it if I were in a high emf atmosphere, because I

can get bounce-back from alum foil which I use to shield on my car visor, if a

cell tower is behind me.  On one aluminum sided house we wanted to buy, I

reacted to bounce-back of emfs, outside, only in particular places which were

exposed to emfs (I could see a cell tower in the distance, a mile or so away). 

The other parts of the house were shielded from emfs by large pine trees and I

did not react there.  But I cannot say whether or not I would have been ok in

this house, ultimately.  One building biologist thought it could be grounded but

I ended up not going there.  When looking at houses for us, I reacted to

refrigerators, ceiling fans, satellite dishes, particular appliances and

computer hook-ups,

one house had scads of unused wiring all over the basement, and I found that

intolerable (???)....  I also reacted to molds, pesticides, particular plants,

and on and on.   I have intolerance to glutens and asparagus, and have slight

lactose intolerance, pertaining foods.  I was previously extremely food

intolerant--could eat only 5 foods then.  I went on a supplement program

addressing that (quercitin and Bs, molybdenum, and various other supplements

that address liver detox pathway function) and overgrowth of bad gut flora. 

After about 6-8 months on these programs I was able to reintroduce most foods

back.  Then there are the  " modern day "  reactors I react to--out-gassing,

chemicals of all sorts, diesel and petroleum fumes, all the new antifungals and

antibacterials which are added increasingly to everything, etc....  I never know

from shopping trip to shopping trip what might be out there that I will react

to.  Penney's store recently

added something of an electronic nature to their catalog department which made

it intolerable for me to enter.  BonTon and the local video place put off

pesticides and I had anaphylaxis within feet of their doors,

necessitating leaving as fast as I could.  I now react to most towels in

department stores, making it difficult for me to find towels now which I do not

react to (no idea why).  Socks are getting hard to find for my hubby--most work

socks now have antimicrobials.  And the list goes on.


I have recently heard that some MCSers who are ES might have been poisoned by

carbon monoxide unknowingly.  You might research that.  I believe they called

the condition " MUSES " .  I think I mentioned " TILT " to you earlier.  Dr. Rae

indicated that I had this (without calling it that at the time).  The TILT term

is recently adopted but I know that certain public service segments are pushing

recognition for this term because they feel this might get people as a

whole behind addressing particular toxins, such as public transportation diesel

fumes (did you all know there are filters for this which govt doesn't mandate

using???)  I am banking my problems on the peptide, personally.  Of course, we

will know when the pill comes out whether that works for me or not.  When I read

about what the pill addressed, tho, it did give me some hope.


I hope this helps some in understanding what you might be facing and validates

to some degree what you have been experiencing. 



From: laurel canyon <laurelarc@...>

Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM

I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF sensitivity

began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to draw the EMF right

into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and depending upon where I am, it can

be quite torturous. I recently bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The

directions call for approx. 10 drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can

feel increased stinging and burning.


This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also happens even

from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read an article that stated

how people's brains and hearts give off more EMF than devices(I am not sure

about that, but I do know that some people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have

caused me the same type of symptoms at times as that of some electronic



I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical sensitive

type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and foods, etc. However,

the issue with minerals is different than a chemical sensitivity reaction. I

have never had anything like this before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate

being in a house with aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale.

At the time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man explain a

few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was the first time a long

time since last being in a house with aluminum siding. I do have to say, that

the reaction to this house and another house with aluminum siding varied. I am

sure there are many variables I am unaware. That particular house was very close

to another house. Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect

undetectable to m.. I have

no idea.


I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food, chemical, etc),

the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor one day over the phone who

told me she had quite a few clients who had the same issues, who were incredibly

sensitive to energy, EMF, chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were

riddled with holes in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF.

I have a friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not live near

him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a bit

baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from my food. I had

my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an acupuncturist and an

iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the center of my tongue in which I

was told was indicative of poor assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be

able to tolerate enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the

protein digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even tried

's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my body could



Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are intolerant of

minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation, especially if they have

been taking the minerals all along. I do tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and

CoQ10. I have been trying MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not noticed

any benefit yet from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from the body,

as well as kill many pathogens).


Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has become a

nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in. It has been much

too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property and no where safe to live nor

able to afford.


My, how life can suddenly change.




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Hi Diane,


Thank you for your response.


WOW! Perhaps you have an incredible intution. I also have celiac sprue and MCS

and I too, will complicate what may seem simple to others..lol.


I know ES is an outgrowth of MCS. I should mention that I have a theory, or

moreover, a belief and that is MOST everything is a symptom and not a disease.

One complicates the next and the proverbial onion can be peeled back further and



In the book, " Vibrational Medicine " , it is mentioned that scientists now believe

that all disease has its origin in an allergy. I would say that is one of the

deeper onion layers that could be traced, given the practitioner who is capable

of doing so. I could at one time and that is the problem for me, EHSwise. About

a year ago I could no longer treat my MCS, allergies, etc type of reactions. I

used to be able to successfully treat just about each and every reaction so that

I would not react ever again to that particular treated item. Little did I know

I would lose that ability to treat them ever again. The method is similar to

NAET and if there is anyone who can O-ring muscle check, I will teach you

personally how to do the technique, but you must be able to O-ring muscle check

and be able to do it accurately. It is not easy for just anyone to catch onto.

It would take some time to teach the method once someone can O check, but they

would have to be

able to already do this. I could tell one how to maybe begin to O check, and

then they either get it or do not. All(lol) I would ask in return is for that

person to treat me when I am having a reaction.


I had heard that they were coming out with a pill for celiac years ago. I have

not kept up with the celiac info at all for past 5 years or so. I was living a

decent life with a nice home and I was able to control my environment. Now, I

have lost everything and live like a refugee and I am in a house where there is

so much gluten and other triggers. Yes, life is hell right now and has been for

the past year. I am at a loss about what to do. Some say the stress will kill

me, but I find most people give out opinions so easily without any ability to

put themselves into another persons shoes, or even try.. and even then if they

tried, I don't think they could ever relate to this nightmare. I guess that is

why I am on several groups, even though being on this computer may be creating a

worsening of symptoms.


It is humiliating to even have these emotions and more so to express them to

strangers. My memory is not so good at times, so maybe I am repeating myself.


You mentioned peptides that may be missing in celiacs. What is the name of that



You mentioned that you reacted when entering certain stores. You are fortunate

you react so quickly. I find some reactions I have take a bit to notice, while

at other times, it is immediate.


I don't remember what TILT is. What is that?


As far as carbon monoxide goes. Something else happened last year in December,

besides perhaps getting an electric shock from the furnace. I had someone come

to check the furnace out because there was a gas leak.. it was not a " big " gas

leak, but if it was there since I had bought the house, then I was breathing it

for 5 yrs. I always noticed I felt better when the windows were opened. Even in

the winter, the last year I was there, I noticed I had to have the damper opened

to the fireplace for fresh air flow or I would feel much sicker.






From: laurel canyon <laurelarc (DOT) com>

Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

groups (DOT) com

Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM

I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF sensitivity

began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to draw the EMF right

into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and depending upon where I am, it can

be quite torturous. I recently bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The

directions call for approx. 10 drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can

feel increased stinging and burning.


This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also happens even

from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read an article that stated

how people's brains and hearts give off more EMF than devices(I am not sure

about that, but I do know that some people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have

caused me the same type of symptoms at times as that of some electronic



I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical sensitive

type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and foods, etc. However,

the issue with minerals is different than a chemical sensitivity reaction. I

have never had anything like this before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate

being in a house with aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale.

At the time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man explain a

few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was the first time a long

time since last being in a house with aluminum siding. I do have to say, that

the reaction to this house and another house with aluminum siding varied. I am

sure there are many variables I am unaware. That particular house was very close

to another house. Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect

undetectable to m.. I have

no idea.


I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food, chemical, etc),

the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor one day over the phone who

told me she had quite a few clients who had the same issues, who were incredibly

sensitive to energy, EMF, chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were

riddled with holes in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF.

I have a friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not live near

him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a bit

baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from my food. I had

my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an acupuncturist and an

iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the center of my tongue in which I

was told was indicative of poor assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be

able to tolerate enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the

protein digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even tried

's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my body could



Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are intolerant of

minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation, especially if they have

been taking the minerals all along. I do tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and

CoQ10. I have been trying MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not

noticed any benefit yet from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from

the body, as well as kill many pathogens).


Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has become a

nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in. It has been much

too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property and no where safe to live nor

able to afford.


My, how life can suddenly change.




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http://au.docs. / mail/smarterinbo x

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One other thing..


have you heard of MMS or have tried it? I belong to an egroup about MMS(Miracle

Mineral Supplement).


Here is something I came across tonight by happenstance..


" MMS and COPD - Testimonial No. 10 " ..






MMS is suppose to also rid the body of heavy metals which I had wondered if it

would help the EHS. It is a pathogen killer which seems to have helped many, but

not all.





From: laurel canyon <laurelarc (DOT) com>

Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

groups (DOT) com

Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM

I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF sensitivity

began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to draw the EMF right

into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and depending upon where I am, it can

be quite torturous. I recently bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The

directions call for approx. 10 drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can

feel increased stinging and burning.


This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also happens even

from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read an article that stated

how people's brains and hearts give off more EMF than devices(I am not sure

about that, but I do know that some people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have

caused me the same type of symptoms at times as that of some electronic



I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical sensitive

type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and foods, etc. However,

the issue with minerals is different than a chemical sensitivity reaction. I

have never had anything like this before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate

being in a house with aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale.

At the time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man explain a

few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was the first time a long

time since last being in a house with aluminum siding. I do have to say, that

the reaction to this house and another house with aluminum siding varied. I am

sure there are many variables I am unaware. That particular house was very close

to another house. Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect

undetectable to m.. I have

no idea.


I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food, chemical, etc),

the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor one day over the phone who

told me she had quite a few clients who had the same issues, who were incredibly

sensitive to energy, EMF, chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were

riddled with holes in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF.

I have a friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not live near

him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a bit

baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from my food. I had

my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an acupuncturist and an

iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the center of my tongue in which I

was told was indicative of poor assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be

able to tolerate enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the

protein digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even tried

's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my body could



Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are intolerant of

minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation, especially if they have

been taking the minerals all along. I do tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and

CoQ10. I have been trying MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not

noticed any benefit yet from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from

the body, as well as kill many pathogens).


Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has become a

nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in. It has been much

too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property and no where safe to live nor

able to afford.


My, how life can suddenly change.




Stay connected to the people that matter most with a smarter inbox. Take a look

http://au.docs. / mail/smarterinbo x

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Hi again, Laurel,


I tried a product of the same name years ago.  Actually, I seriously burned my

skin and still have scars on my neck from using the product as a bath soak (as

was one of the ways I was told to use it).  A friend of mine was selling this at

the time in her herbal store.  But I thought that product was a

magnesium/coconut extract product, and looking this product up, it says it is

sodium chlorite, so I am not sure whether this was the product I used or not.  I

didn't use the product long as I had the serious burns the first time I tried it

in the bath and I was not too keen on using it further!  The product I used did

the same things listed in the ads for MMS.



The product I used came with a video and the video made outrageous claims.  I

only used it to appease my friend who thought it was a " miracle from God " .  She

stopped selling it after my burn incident.  ;) 


Don't know if it is the same, but be careful using it if you try it.


My 2 cents,


From: laurel canyon <laurelarc (DOT) com>

Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

groups (DOT) com

Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM

I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF sensitivity

began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to draw the EMF right

into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and depending upon where I am, it can

be quite torturous. I recently bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The

directions call for approx. 10 drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can

feel increased stinging and burning.


This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also happens even

from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read an article that stated

how people's brains and hearts give off more EMF than devices(I am not sure

about that, but I do know that some people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have

caused me the same type of symptoms at times as that of some electronic



I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical sensitive

type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and foods, etc. However,

the issue with minerals is different than a chemical sensitivity reaction. I

have never had anything like this before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate

being in a house with aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale.

At the time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man explain a

few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was the first time a long

time since last being in a house with aluminum siding. I do have to say, that

the reaction to this house and another house with aluminum siding varied. I am

sure there are many variables I am unaware. That particular house was very close

to another house. Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect

undetectable to m.. I have

no idea.


I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food, chemical, etc),

the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor one day over the phone who

told me she had quite a few clients who had the same issues, who were incredibly

sensitive to energy, EMF, chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were

riddled with holes in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF.

I have a friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not live near

him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a bit

baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from my food. I had

my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an acupuncturist and an

iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the center of my tongue in which I

was told was indicative of poor assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be

able to tolerate enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the

protein digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even tried

's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my body could



Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are intolerant of

minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation, especially if they have

been taking the minerals all along. I do tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and

CoQ10. I have been trying MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not noticed

any benefit yet from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from the body,

as well as kill many pathogens).


Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has become a

nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in. It has been much

too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property and no where safe to live nor

able to afford.


My, how life can suddenly change.




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http://au.docs. / mail/smarterinbo x

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Hi again, Laurel,


I have been trying to send this email for the last hour and keeps eating

it.  lol  For some reason, it is not allowing me to send the websites about the

pill.  So, if you want more info, you will have to search it online.  The pill

is " Larazotide Acetate " and is a synthetic peptide which is a tight junction

regulator.  I had a bunch of sites which gave alot of info, but I guess you will

have to look them up yourself.  They aren't hard to find, tho, just put in the

name in quotations that I wrote here.

Not surprised at all that you have celiac disease.  It makes perfect sense that

celiacs and gluten intolerants would come down with MCS and ES!  (Which is why I

have mentioned that at this forum repeatedly; but not everyone wants to hear

it.  lol)  Dr. Alesio Fasano is the doc who is behind the pill.  If you can

afford it (and are interested), make your appt now to see Dr. Alesio Fasano (I

believe he is still in Baltimore, Md).  I am making my appt too.  The pill is

supposed to be approved by June 2009, from what I have read.  It is in Phase 3

trials and has been fast-tracked by the FDA. 


Hope 2009 is our Happy New Year!  :) 


From: laurel canyon <laurelarc (DOT) com>

Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

groups (DOT) com

Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM

I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF sensitivity

began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to draw the EMF right

into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and depending upon where I am, it can

be quite torturous. I recently bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The

directions call for approx. 10 drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can

feel increased stinging and burning.


This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also happens even

from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read an article that stated

how people's brains and hearts give off more EMF than devices(I am not sure

about that, but I do know that some people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have

caused me the same type of symptoms at times as that of some electronic



I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical sensitive

type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and foods, etc. However,

the issue with minerals is different than a chemical sensitivity reaction. I

have never had anything like this before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate

being in a house with aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale.

At the time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man explain a

few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was the first time a long

time since last being in a house with aluminum siding. I do have to say, that

the reaction to this house and another house with aluminum siding varied. I am

sure there are many variables I am unaware. That particular house was very close

to another house. Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect

undetectable to m.. I have

no idea.


I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food, chemical, etc),

the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor one day over the phone who

told me she had quite a few clients who had the same issues, who were incredibly

sensitive to energy, EMF, chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were

riddled with holes in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF.

I have a friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not live near

him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a bit

baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from my food. I had

my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an acupuncturist and an

iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the center of my tongue in which I

was told was indicative of poor assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be

able to tolerate enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the

protein digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even tried

's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my body could



Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are intolerant of

minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation, especially if they have

been taking the minerals all along. I do tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and

CoQ10. I have been trying MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not noticed

any benefit yet from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from the body,

as well as kill many pathogens).


Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has become a

nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in. It has been much

too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property and no where safe to live nor

able to afford.


My, how life can suddenly change.




Stay connected to the people that matter most with a smarter inbox. Take a look

http://au.docs. / mail/smarterinbo x

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> I tried a product of the same name years ago.  Actually, I seriously

> burned my skin and still have scars on my neck from using the product as

> a bath soak (as was one of the ways I was told to use it).  A friend of

> mine was selling this at the time in her herbal store.

You might have used " Miracle II soap " or " Miracle II neutralizer " . Both

this and MMS make claims like it will cure cancer, AIDS, etc. I've

tried the Miracle II products, and found that they make a good bubble

bath and are good for washing the dog... :-)

These products are supposed to work because they add oxygen to your

body, which is supposed to oxidize toxins. What they don't say is

that they also increase the amount of oxygen free radicals

in your body, which make them bad (as far as I'm concerned).

The best oxygen-supplying supplement I've found for myself is CELLFOOD,

and even with this, one has to be *very* careful not to take too much...


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, laurelarc@... writes:

Somehow, I felt more sensitized to energy.. even from other people, if that

makes sense to anyone.

Do you mean being around other people for too long (which is not long at all

for me!) causes overstimulation in a bad way?


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Hi, Laurel,


Having problems STILL responding to this email!  lol  I realized that the bottom

of my email was cut off, so I have been trying to rewrite to answer you but it

has been H---!  lol  Geesh


I am going to make this simple and not respond except to your question about


Tilt means " toxin induced loss of tolerance " .  lol  I totally refuse to go

further today. 


Hope you have a wonderful ES and MCS free week;  I might not be on for a few

days but will get back with you when I can.




From: laurel canyon <laurelarc (DOT) com>

Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

groups (DOT) com

Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM

I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF sensitivity

began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to draw the EMF right

into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and depending upon where I am, it can

be quite torturous. I recently bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The

directions call for approx. 10 drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can

feel increased stinging and burning.


This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also happens even

from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read an article that stated

how people's brains and hearts give off more EMF than devices(I am not sure

about that, but I do know that some people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have

caused me the same type of symptoms at times as that of some electronic



I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical sensitive

type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and foods, etc. However,

the issue with minerals is different than a chemical sensitivity reaction. I

have never had anything like this before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate

being in a house with aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale.

At the time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man explain a

few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was the first time a long

time since last being in a house with aluminum siding. I do have to say, that

the reaction to this house and another house with aluminum siding varied. I am

sure there are many variables I am unaware. That particular house was very close

to another house. Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect

undetectable to m.. I have

no idea.


I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food, chemical, etc),

the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor one day over the phone who

told me she had quite a few clients who had the same issues, who were incredibly

sensitive to energy, EMF, chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were

riddled with holes in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF.

I have a friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not live near

him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a bit

baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from my food. I had

my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an acupuncturist and an

iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the center of my tongue in which I

was told was indicative of poor assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be

able to tolerate enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the

protein digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even tried

's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my body could



Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are intolerant of

minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation, especially if they have

been taking the minerals all along. I do tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and

CoQ10. I have been trying MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not noticed

any benefit yet from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from the body,

as well as kill many pathogens).


Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has become a

nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in. It has been much

too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property and no where safe to live nor

able to afford.


My, how life can suddenly change.




Stay connected to the people that matter most with a smarter inbox. Take a look

http://au.docs. / mail/smarterinbo x

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Thanks Marc,


Yes, I think you are correct--the Miracle II Neutralizer or Soap is the product

I likely used.  What do you think of the MMS product?  Worth a try or no?  I am

not thinking of trying it at this time, but I can see where sodium chlorite

might work for some people.  Hard to say what sodium chlorite might

address--would be akin to apple cider vinegar.  Might be useful as a catalyst in

the body.  I'd need to do more research, but just thought you might already have

an idea about this.



From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 12:56 PM

> I tried a product of the same name years ago.  Actually, I seriously

> burned my skin and still have scars on my neck from using the product as

> a bath soak (as was one of the ways I was told to use it).  A friend of

> mine was selling this at the time in her herbal store.

You might have used " Miracle II soap " or " Miracle II neutralizer " . Both

this and MMS make claims like it will cure cancer, AIDS, etc. I've

tried the Miracle II products, and found that they make a good bubble

bath and are good for washing the dog... :-)

These products are supposed to work because they add oxygen to your

body, which is supposed to oxidize toxins. What they don't say is

that they also increase the amount of oxygen free radicals

in your body, which make them bad (as far as I'm concerned).

The best oxygen-supplying supplement I've found for myself is CELLFOOD,

and even with this, one has to be *very* careful not to take too much...


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I would not use MMS in your bath! If you want to burn something

specific off your skin that is one thing but not your whole body.

I have had mixed results using MMS. I can't get beyond 10 drops a day.

If I do I feel like total shit. I guess my bacteria/viral/toxin load is

too high still.

I have taken a break from it. I'll probably go back and try very low

dosages (3-6 drops a day) for a couple of weeks. And see if I get any

better at handling it.

I'd like to know if anyone has successfully taken 15 drops a couple of

times a day yet.

On Dec 30, 2008, at 12:37 PM, Evie wrote:

> Hi again, Laurel,


> I tried a product of the same name years ago.  Actually, I seriously

> burned my skin and still have scars on my neck from using the product

> as a bath soak (as was one of the ways I was told to use it).  A

> friend of mine was selling this at the time in her herbal store.  But

> I thought that product was a magnesium/coconut extract product, and

> looking this product up, it says it is sodium chlorite, so I am not

> sure whether this was the product I used or not.  I didn't use the

> product long as I had the serious burns the first time I tried it in

> the bath and I was not too keen on using it further!  The product I

> used did the same things listed in the ads for MMS.


> http://mmsmiracle.com/about/


> The product I used came with a video and the video made outrageous

> claims.  I only used it to appease my friend who thought it was a

> " miracle from God " .  She stopped selling it after my burn incident. 

> ;) 


> Don't know if it is the same, but be careful using it if you try it.


> My 2 cents,

> Diane



> From: laurel canyon <laurelarc (DOT) com>

> Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM


> I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF

> sensitivity began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to

> draw the EMF right into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and

> depending upon where I am, it can be quite torturous. I recently

> bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The directions call for approx. 10

> drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can feel increased

> stinging and burning.


> This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also

> happens even from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read

> an article that stated how people's brains and hearts give off more

> EMF than devices(I am not sure about that, but I do know that some

> people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have caused me the same type of

> symptoms at times as that of some electronic devices).


> I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical

> sensitive type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and

> foods, etc. However, the issue with minerals is different than a

> chemical sensitivity reaction. I have never had anything like this

> before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate being in a house with

> aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale. At the

> time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

> but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man

> explain a few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was

> the first time a long time since last being in a house with aluminum

> siding. I do have to say, that the reaction to this house and another

> house with aluminum siding varied. I am sure there are many variables

> I am unaware. That particular house was very close to another house.

> Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect undetectable to

> m.. I have

> no idea.


> I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food,

> chemical, etc), the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor

> one day over the phone who told me she had quite a few clients who had

> the same issues, who were incredibly sensitive to energy, EMF,

> chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were riddled with holes

> in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF. I have a

> friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

> shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not

> live near him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


> The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a

> bit baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from

> my food. I had my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an

> acupuncturist and an iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the

> center of my tongue in which I was told was indicative of poor

> assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be able to tolerate

> enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the protein

> digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

> the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even

> tried 's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my

> body could tolerate.


> Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are

> intolerant of minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation,

> especially if they have been taking the minerals all along. I do

> tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and CoQ10. I have been trying

> MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not noticed any benefit yet

> from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from the body, as

> well as kill many pathogens).


> Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has

> become a nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in.

> It has been much too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property

> and no where safe to live nor able to afford.


> My, how life can suddenly change.



> Laurel


> Stay connected to the people that matter most with a smarter inbox.

> Take a look http://au.docs. / mail/smarterinbo x



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Re an idea beside the oxygenation, (I am sorry I am getting confusing here,

since has my head so in a fog.  lol)  Yes, the oxidation would have to be

addressed for it to work at all!



From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

groups (DOT) com

Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 12:56 PM

> I tried a product of the same name years ago.  Actually, I seriously

> burned my skin and still have scars on my neck from using the product as

> a bath soak (as was one of the ways I was told to use it).  A friend of

> mine was selling this at the time in her herbal store.

You might have used " Miracle II soap " or " Miracle II neutralizer " . Both

this and MMS make claims like it will cure cancer, AIDS, etc. I've

tried the Miracle II products, and found that they make a good bubble

bath and are good for washing the dog... :-)

These products are supposed to work because they add oxygen to your

body, which is supposed to oxidize toxins. What they don't say is

that they also increase the amount of oxygen free radicals

in your body, which make them bad (as far as I'm concerned).

The best oxygen-supplying supplement I've found for myself is CELLFOOD,

and even with this, one has to be *very* careful not to take too much...


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> Yes, I think you are correct--the Miracle II Neutralizer or Soap is the

> product I likely used.  What do you think of the MMS product?  Worth a

> try or no?

Maybe, if you've never tried a stabilized oxygen product before, this

one may be as good as any, but given the stated mechanism of action,

I'm not sure how this is any better than any of the other stabilized

oxygen products on the market. And like I said, they all have the

problem of oxygen free radicals (save for perhaps a few which use

deuterium sulfate, like Cellfood and its various knockoffs).


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Lol ,


I am having a bad day and confused as hell, but I think Marc has convinced me

that what I was using was not MMS but Miracle II soap or neutralizer.  But,

nevertheless, it was not a good idea to use it as a soak either, obviously,

since it scarred my neck.  (Too bad you were not around to warn me about that

when I was using that product!  ;)  ) 


Interesting what you have written re killing stuff in your body, tho.  I have to

go back on a maintenance program for my beasties next month.  (Every year or so

I have to address what remains that I was not able to irradicate, so they don't

get out of control again.)  I might look into the MMS.  What do you use to

address the oxygenation issue?


Thanks, ,



> From: laurel canyon <laurelarc (DOT) com>

> Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM


> I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF

> sensitivity began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to

> draw the EMF right into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and

> depending upon where I am, it can be quite torturous. I recently

> bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The directions call for approx. 10

> drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can feel increased

> stinging and burning.


> This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also

> happens even from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read

> an article that stated how people's brains and hearts give off more

> EMF than devices(I am not sure about that, but I do know that some

> people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have caused me the same type of

> symptoms at times as that of some electronic devices).


> I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical

> sensitive type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and

> foods, etc. However, the issue with minerals is different than a

> chemical sensitivity reaction. I have never had anything like this

> before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate being in a house with

> aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale. At the

> time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

> but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man

> explain a few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was

> the first time a long time since last being in a house with aluminum

> siding. I do have to say, that the reaction to this house and another

> house with aluminum siding varied. I am sure there are many variables

> I am unaware. That particular house was very close to another house.

> Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect undetectable to

> m.. I have

> no idea.


> I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food,

> chemical, etc), the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor

> one day over the phone who told me she had quite a few clients who had

> the same issues, who were incredibly sensitive to energy, EMF,

> chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were riddled with holes

> in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF. I have a

> friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

> shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not

> live near him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


> The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a

> bit baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from

> my food. I had my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an

> acupuncturist and an iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the

> center of my tongue in which I was told was indicative of poor

> assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be able to tolerate

> enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the protein

> digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

> the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even

> tried 's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my

> body could tolerate.


> Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are

> intolerant of minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation,

> especially if they have been taking the minerals all along. I do

> tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and CoQ10. I have been trying

> MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not noticed any benefit yet

> from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from the body, as

> well as kill many pathogens).


> Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has

> become a nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in.

> It has been much too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property

> and no where safe to live nor able to afford.


> My, how life can suddenly change.



> Laurel


> Stay connected to the people that matter most with a smarter inbox.

> Take a look http://au.docs. / mail/smarterinbo x



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Hi Evie,


If the product was like MMS, it needs to be " activated " with citric acid or

cider vinegar(also can use fresh lemon juice). Yes, it will burn the skin if put

on straight from the bottle without activation. If from the bottle straight, it

is said to only leave on one minute and that is for a burn, otherwise it will

actually create a burn. That is my understanding.

I have been reading people's testimonials. There are some amazing testimonials,

yet it is not for everyone. I found a website last night I will post. The

website is a doctor's website and after looking at some of his information, I

realize that many may not be taking it correctly.



From: laurel canyon <laurelarc (DOT) com>

Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

groups (DOT) com

Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM

I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF sensitivity

began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to draw the EMF right

into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and depending upon where I am, it can

be quite torturous. I recently bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The

directions call for approx. 10 drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can

feel increased stinging and burning.


This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also happens even

from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read an article that stated

how people's brains and hearts give off more EMF than devices(I am not sure

about that, but I do know that some people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have

caused me the same type of symptoms at times as that of some electronic



I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical sensitive

type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and foods, etc. However,

the issue with minerals is different than a chemical sensitivity reaction. I

have never had anything like this before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate

being in a house with aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale.

At the time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man explain a

few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was the first time a long

time since last being in a house with aluminum siding. I do have to say, that

the reaction to this house and another house with aluminum siding varied. I am

sure there are many variables I am unaware. That particular house was very close

to another house. Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect

undetectable to m.. I have

no idea.


I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food, chemical, etc),

the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor one day over the phone who

told me she had quite a few clients who had the same issues, who were incredibly

sensitive to energy, EMF, chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were

riddled with holes in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF.

I have a friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not live near

him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a bit

baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from my food. I had

my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an acupuncturist and an

iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the center of my tongue in which I

was told was indicative of poor assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be

able to tolerate enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the

protein digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even tried

's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my body could



Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are intolerant of

minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation, especially if they have

been taking the minerals all along. I do tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and

CoQ10. I have been trying MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not

noticed any benefit yet from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from

the body, as well as kill many pathogens).


Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has become a

nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in. It has been much

too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property and no where safe to live nor

able to afford.


My, how life can suddenly change.




Stay connected to the people that matter most with a smarter inbox. Take a look

http://au.docs. / mail/smarterinbo x

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Hi, Marc,


While we are discussing this subject, does Cellfood address bad gut flora?  Just

wondered.  I know you have said for a long time you like this product, but I

assumed it was for its nutrient content, not necessarily for anything like bug



Thanks, Marc.


From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 2:03 PM

> Yes, I think you are correct--the Miracle II Neutralizer or Soap is the

> product I likely used.  What do you think of the MMS product?  Worth a

> try or no?

Maybe, if you've never tried a stabilized oxygen product before, this

one may be as good as any, but given the stated mechanism of action,

I'm not sure how this is any better than any of the other stabilized

oxygen products on the market. And like I said, they all have the

problem of oxygen free radicals (save for perhaps a few which use

deuterium sulfate, like Cellfood and its various knockoffs).


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Hi Evie,


Thanks for the information. I will google it.


That is great you can go to see Dr. Fasano in Baltimore. Unfortunately for me, I

could not make that kind of trip for so many reasons.


Have you heard of Dr. Fine in Texas. His website is finerhealth.com. He has a

test that people can get that is suppose to be much more accurate than what

anyone would normally get from their local doc. He has said that ONE IN EVERY 6

PEOPLE HAVE CELIAC SPRUE. That is amazing. The thing is one can have it and not

realize it because the symptoms can be what the AMA labels as diseases in

themselves. Unfortunately, when a symptom is labeled as a disease, it tends to

be treated as a separately entity and the underlying cause is not further

sought. Hence, when someone ends up with colon cancer, lymphoma, osteoporosis,

arthritis and the list goes on, they would not contribute that possible cause to

be gluten enteropathy(celiac).



It is good that you do mention it often.




From: laurel canyon <laurelarc (DOT) com>

Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

groups (DOT) com

Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM

I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF sensitivity

began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to draw the EMF right

into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and depending upon where I am, it can

be quite torturous. I recently bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The

directions call for approx. 10 drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can

feel increased stinging and burning.


This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also happens even

from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read an article that stated

how people's brains and hearts give off more EMF than devices(I am not sure

about that, but I do know that some people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have

caused me the same type of symptoms at times as that of some electronic



I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical sensitive

type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and foods, etc. However,

the issue with minerals is different than a chemical sensitivity reaction. I

have never had anything like this before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate

being in a house with aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale.

At the time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man explain a

few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was the first time a long

time since last being in a house with aluminum siding. I do have to say, that

the reaction to this house and another house with aluminum siding varied. I am

sure there are many variables I am unaware. That particular house was very close

to another house. Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect

undetectable to m.. I have

no idea.


I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food, chemical, etc),

the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor one day over the phone who

told me she had quite a few clients who had the same issues, who were incredibly

sensitive to energy, EMF, chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were

riddled with holes in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF.

I have a friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not live near

him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a bit

baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from my food. I had

my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an acupuncturist and an

iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the center of my tongue in which I

was told was indicative of poor assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be

able to tolerate enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the

protein digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even tried

's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my body could



Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are intolerant of

minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation, especially if they have

been taking the minerals all along. I do tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and

CoQ10. I have been trying MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not

noticed any benefit yet from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from

the body, as well as kill many pathogens).


Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has become a

nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in. It has been much

too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property and no where safe to live nor

able to afford.


My, how life can suddenly change.




Stay connected to the people that matter most with a smarter inbox. Take a look

http://au.docs. / mail/smarterinbo x

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