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Re: I'm desperate!

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I'm interested in your comments about followups on CT. I was Dx with PA about 5

months ago. The CT my Dr ordered was specific to the upper adominal area

(adrenal area) and thin slice (3mm ?). What I got was a full body (adominal

area) and a " normal " slice (5mm+ ?). The CT performed returned " unremarkable " .

The Dr and I questioned the difference between what was ordered and what was

performed and told that the CT performed was adequate. I have always wondered

from the beginning if this is true. Do I have recourse to make them repeat the

the CT per original Dr's orders? or When should I have a repeat or routine CT

done? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Bless you all.


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Thanks for the support! Its good to know when you are not alone in this.


> Hi Jim,


> My story is similar to yours - I have bilateral lesions and the

typical right side problems made vein sampling inconclusive. When

first diagnosed, I was on 200 mg of Spiro and 80 meq's of K daily.

I'm now down to 25 mg. of Spiro and 60 meq's of K. I also lost a

significant amount of weight (at least 60 pounds since diagnosed), and

I'm sure that contributed to my blood pressure lowering some on it's

own. I think the advice you've gotten so far is good, just wanted to

let you know that you're not alone out there.



> I'm desperate!



> I am diagnosed with primary hyperaldosteronism, and bilateral

> hyperplaysia. Adrenal vein sampling last November was inconclusive

> because of the right adrenal vein and the usual difficulties with

> getting to it. I went on Inspra in December and my symptoms have

> pretty much disappeared, I am doing well on it. My endocrinologist

> recommended me to Mayo clinic in Rochester, and I am signed up to see

> Dr Young there in August, to see if we can get a better diagnosis,

> possibly one-sided and then a possible surgery recommendation.


> I just found out that my insurance company will only pay for about 60%

> of my trip to Mayo clinic. That means at least $8,000 out of my

> pocket just for the vein sampling, and who knows how much more

> depending on what other tests ar requested, and I don't have that kind

> of money.


> I am feeling desperate about this situation - I don't know whether to

> put myself in debt and get the diagnosis from Mayo, or just live with

> the drug therapy for life. What are the consequencese of this for me?

> If I stay on the drug, will my health get worse, will the condition

> worsen, or can I lead a fairly normal life? If I get the diagnosis

> and then it determines I could do better with surgery, is surgery

> really a cure, or just a possible cure and the chances are not that

> great it would work? I am really in turmoil about this issue. Please

> respond if you have some advice that can help me.


> Jim Forsythe




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Many Classic Conn's have had HTN for years and are still cured if they have a clear tumor on CT that is also the cause from adrenal vein study. Nevertheless, I think you are on the right track now.

May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD, FACP, FACC

Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology

Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Hypertension

Focusing on difficult to control high blood pressure and high cholesterol especially in the African Diaspora

“Of all the forms of injustice, inequality in health is the most shocking and inhumanâ€:

Dr. Luther King, Jr.

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> If your BP and K are OK on even spiro and no side effects then that

is the Rx

> of choice these days. If you get side effects from Spiro then try


> but may need to take 2 x a day and this adds up in costs-if

insurance pays that

> is no problem.


> So I only do adrenal veins now if BP cannot be controlled or K

cannot be

> controlled or side effects of drugs-or a bump on the adrenal and the



> Dr. Young at Mayo is excellent and has written almost as much as I

have about

> Conn's. I have tlked to him about his experience with Inspra which is

> greater than mine. Many will need 200 mg per day and may need it 2

x a day-he

> says.


> I would have to think a lot about the $$.


> Tell you Dr. what it is you will have to pay.

I've discussed my situation with my endo, and he is agreement with my

choice to not pursue Mayo at this time. He says I am really on the

edge decision-wise for going for a surgical cure or not, because I've

had HTN for several years now and been on drugs for some time for it,

and so the chances are not as good for cure. From his perspective

surgery can work well if done when unilateral PA is first detected and

you are not on drugs for long, and I am pretty much past that point

now. Talking to him was my final decision point, discussing it with

him, so I'm settled into the long haul now on dealing with this

condition. Thanks to everyone for your support and advice as I faced

this decision, it really helped me to follow through and do what is

best for me. This group is truly a treasure!


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Careful studies have shown that weight loss without lowering sodium intake does not affect BP much.

In most cases when you lose weight you also cut down on the dalt.

The best research in this is the DASH diet studies which lower BP with the DASH diet but weight did not change.

Also Dr. Dahl did some great studies on the rice diet to prove that it is mostly the salt.

Keep up the good work.

In a message dated 7/12/04 22:47:56, rjf_at_fts@... writes:

> My story is similar to yours - I have bilateral lesions and the

typical right side problems made vein sampling inconclusive.  When

first diagnosed, I was on 200 mg of Spiro and 80 meq's of K daily.

I'm now down to 25 mg. of Spiro and 60 meq's of K.  I also lost a

significant amount of weight (at least 60 pounds since diagnosed), and

I'm sure that contributed to my blood pressure lowering some on it's

own.  I think the advice you've gotten so far is good, just wanted to

let you know that you're not alone out there.



May your pressure be low!

Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD, FACP, FACC

Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology

Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Hypertension

Focusing on difficult to control high blood pressure and high cholesterol especially in the African Diaspora

“Of all the forms of injustice, inequality in health is the most shocking and inhumanâ€:

Dr. Luther King, Jr.

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> Many Classic Conn's have had HTN for years and are still cured if

they have a

> clear tumor on CT that is also the cause from adrenal vein study.

> Nevertheless, I think you are on the right track now.



Agreed, and as you have said previously, if its well controlled

medically, that is the typical route to go until medical options are

no longer working, and then surgery is considered. Thanks for the



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Hi Randy,

I'll call this week to make the folllowup CT appt. and will definitely report back the results. If they can't get me in during the next two weeks, it won't be until the second half of August as I'll be in Europe for a few weeks. I was never specifically told to follow up, but when I called and asked about it they recommended a one year follow up. However, they scheduled my reminder for one year from my last endo appt, not one year from my last CT scan. That would've been last March, so I've also been putting it off. In my case, they found two tumors, each 1 cm in length, so I don't know what size "slice" was used.

Re: I'm desperate!

Hi I'm interested in your comments about followups on CT. I was Dx with PA about 5 months ago. The CT my Dr ordered was specific to the upper adominal area (adrenal area) and thin slice (3mm ?). What I got was a full body (adominal area) and a "normal" slice (5mm+ ?). The CT performed returned "unremarkable". The Dr and I questioned the difference between what was ordered and what was performed and told that the CT performed was adequate. I have always wondered from the beginning if this is true. Do I have recourse to make them repeat the the CT per original Dr's orders? or When should I have a repeat or routine CT done? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Bless you all.Randy

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  • 4 years later...

> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

> shielding against cell RF.

Loni, I'm not clear on what things you've tried so far to combat the

cell tower RF. I know you've received many suggestions, but what

exactly have you tried?

That's terrible that your husband would have you committed. Although

if he stays that high-RF environment for long, he may end up being

electrically sensitive himself!


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I am sorry this has happened and I told you this would happen. Get out

of there. Blocking the radiation will have minimal returns unless you

have a LOT of money to blow.

I agree that the psycho's in the psych ward will fry you with their


The CIA motto is " Never Get Caught. "

Your job is now to act cool and get out and away from the people who do

not trust you and will not support your efforts.

Cut your losses until you are well enough to deal in that environment

as a sane person.

This EMF crap causes insanity. I know first hand.

Dig an underground sleeping area if you have to.

good luck,

On Aug 13, 2008, at 2:40 PM, Loni Rosser wrote:

> My husband committed me.I was handcuffed & humiliated.  Doesn't get

> this illness. Luckily the 3rd dr let me go before I was mandated heavy

> toxic drugs that would have killed me.


> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

> shielding against cell RF.


> I was thinking of building an Adobe Wall in the back to block some of

> the anntennas.


> I just don't know if anything will work.








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I haven't tried anything just yet due to the expense. I wanted to live elsewhere

but not feasible. I'm done with gadgits. I need to block this somehow.


My skin is burning & I have only been here for half hour. It's bad for me. there

are soooo many cell anntennas on this major road. I just don't know if I can

make it liveable.


I know Adobe block shields so I was thinking about building a wall maybe. Or

even lining the back of the house with it. I don't know. Loni

From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:06 PM

> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

> shielding against cell RF.

Loni, I'm not clear on what things you've tried so far to combat the

cell tower RF. I know you've received many suggestions, but what

exactly have you tried?

That's terrible that your husband would have you committed. Although

if he stays that high-RF environment for long, he may end up being

electrically sensitive himself!


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I only have so much money & I have kids. Loni

> My husband committed me.I was handcuffed & humiliated.  Doesn't get

> this illness. Luckily the 3rd dr let me go before I was mandated heavy

> toxic drugs that would have killed me.


> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

> shielding against cell RF.


> I was thinking of building an Adobe Wall in the back to block some of

> the anntennas.


> I just don't know if anything will work.








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First, that is plain ****** what you went through. This illness can be a

nightmare from hell. 

There is a man named Keen, he does EMF survey and Mitigation Services, 

He does consulting for people with emf sensitivities and he may have some

practical ideas. He helped me a lot. This is his info:


(941) 870-5432

Emf Services

15681 Sonoma Drive #201

Fort Myers, Florida 33908


From: Loni Rosser <loni326@...>

Subject: I'm desperate!

Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 2:40 PM

My husband committed me.I was handcuffed & humiliated.  Doesn't get

this illness. Luckily the 3rd dr let me go before I was mandated heavy toxic

drugs that would have killed me.


I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the window

tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of shielding against

cell RF.


I was thinking of building an Adobe Wall in the back to block some of the



I just don't know if anything will work.



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, Have you tried anything before? I know if I try something & it doesn't

work it will just be more proof to my husband that I am delusional. Loni

> My husband committed me.I was handcuffed & humiliated.  Doesn't get

> this illness. Luckily the 3rd dr let me go before I was mandated heavy

> toxic drugs that would have killed me.


> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

> shielding against cell RF.


> I was thinking of building an Adobe Wall in the back to block some of

> the anntennas.


> I just don't know if anything will work.








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That cell tower radiation flows like liquid and will find its way into

the house around one wall of shielding

Taking food and supplements that regenerate your cells and their

ability to handle the external radiation and poison in your system are

essential and will take time.

If you think you can live in the same place with the same people and

keep cool enough to not have another episode, then yes, shielding is

the way to go (in addition to supplements).

I personally don't think you are going to make it. I didn't.

I had to get out or I was going to kill someone.

If your spouse is not going to support you in this then it is time to

leave without him. Get better then come back and see if you can handle

it in the future.


Get some VERVAIN, a BACH flower essence and take it when you get angry

and before you are " losing it. "

Get some liquid raw colostrum to get your immune system and resistance

up. Find a local source at


Get a Homeopathic Radiation remedy at Whole Foods or similar. It can

help too, a little.

Take frequent breaks and drive to the countryside and use a tent to

sleep in if necessary.

There are many other supplements that people on this list can recommend

to help you get through the worst of it, initially.

Ask the group for them if needed.

EDTA (Detoxamin suppositories) chelation has also helped but clogged up

my liver and kidneys.

You can drape some silver mesh over you to get the burn reduced.

Something like the SILVER LINING SCARF


I wore the cap from LESSEMF.COM for about 2 years. In fact I bought a

second one because I wore out the first one. I used to get very bad

headaches on the top of my head and the cap helped keep them away.

These are short term and cheap solutions.

You have a serious health condition. Ignore the idiots. Take care of

the immediate and short term. We can talk long term healing later.

On Aug 13, 2008, at 3:12 PM, Loni Rosser wrote:

> I haven't tried anything just yet due to the expense. I wanted to live

> elsewhere but not feasible. I'm done with gadgits. I need to block

> this somehow.


> My skin is burning & I have only been here for half hour. It's bad for

> me. there are soooo many cell anntennas on this major road. I just

> don't know if I can make it liveable.


> I know Adobe block shields so I was thinking about building a wall

> maybe. Or even lining the back of the house with it. I don't know.

> Loni




> From: Marc <marc@...>

> Subject: Re: I'm desperate!


> Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:06 PM







>> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

>> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

>> shielding against cell RF.


> Loni, I'm not clear on what things you've tried so far to combat the

> cell tower RF. I know you've received many suggestions, but what

> exactly have you tried?


> That's terrible that your husband would have you committed. Although

> if he stays that high-RF environment for long, he may end up being

> electrically sensitive himself!


> Marc



















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> , Have you tried anything before? I know if I try something & it

> doesn't work it will just be more proof to my husband that I am

> delusional.

I thought you already had someone come and do RF measurements,

which should have made the situation more believable to your


I'm sorry to hear you've given up on gadgets already, but it

really does require some trial & error to find one that'll

help. The expenses of this shouldn't be so bad if you limit

yourself to ones with money-back guarantees.


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Ask my wife to substantiate this. My medicine cabinet takes up a

complete wall of the kitchen with overflow boxes full of stuff in the

laundry room and also bags of supplements and crap in the bathroom and


I have been avidly searching, experimenting and healing for 6 years

now. I am about 75% recovered.

On Aug 13, 2008, at 3:33 PM, Loni Rosser wrote:

> , Have you tried anything before? I know if I try something & it

> doesn't work it will just be more proof to my husband that I am

> delusional. Loni




>> My husband committed me.I was handcuffed & humiliated.  Doesn't get

>> this illness. Luckily the 3rd dr let me go before I was mandated heavy

>> toxic drugs that would have killed me.


>> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

>> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

>> shielding against cell RF.


>> I was thinking of building an Adobe Wall in the back to block some of

>> the anntennas.


>> I just don't know if anything will work.








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My husband called the Biologist that tested a quack. He also calls my doc a

quack. Anyone that validated my illness is a quack. I'm so sick & have little

money. no income. My situation is not to hopeful. Loni

From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:39 PM

> , Have you tried anything before? I know if I try something & it

> doesn't work it will just be more proof to my husband that I am

> delusional.

I thought you already had someone come and do RF measurements,

which should have made the situation more believable to your


I'm sorry to hear you've given up on gadgets already, but it

really does require some trial & error to find one that'll

help. The expenses of this shouldn't be so bad if you limit

yourself to ones with money-back guarantees.


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> My husband called the Biologist that tested a quack. He also

> calls my doc a quack.

Yes, well, now that I think of it, my wife calls the people

I see for my health problems " quacks " . The thing she doesn't

seem to understand is that these people actually have actually

helped, while " non-quack " doctors definitely made me worse.


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Yes, that seems to be the ugly, hidden secret of people who

do recover from this. Lots and lots of supplements. It's

embarrassing how many shelves of supplements I have, and

most of them don't seem to have done any good...


On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 15:41:54 -0400, " McAfee " <amcafeerr@...> said:

> Ask my wife to substantiate this. My medicine cabinet takes up a

> complete wall of the kitchen with overflow boxes full of stuff in the

> laundry room and also bags of supplements and crap in the bathroom and

> closet.

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I know I'll never be able to handle this level of radiation ever. That's why I

want to try to reduce it but I think you are right. It's just too strong.


 I just want to be with my kids. This is awful.


what about aligning the back of the house with the adobe block & then using the

shielding window tint on all of the windows?  The Adobe is supposed to block

really well. I don't know the expense of it however.


The truth is I'm too weak & damaged to live outside too much longer. It is just

too hard on me. I need shelter. That is why I am trying to figure out how to

make my house liveable at least for part of the day. I'm grasping for hope I



Where did you go when you got away? 


The other thing is my husband will probably have me committed again if I start

spending all of this money on shielding. I couldn't sleep last night with the

thought of that.


Boy did I make a mistake buying this home. Now I am really stuck. Loni


> From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

> Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:06 PM







>> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

>> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

>> shielding against cell RF.


> Loni, I'm not clear on what things you've tried so far to combat the

> cell tower RF. I know you've received many suggestions, but what

> exactly have you tried?


> That's terrible that your husband would have you committed. Although

> if he stays that high-RF environment for long, he may end up being

> electrically sensitive himself!


> Marc



















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The problem I have is that I am still overexposed & worse so that's why. I

haven't gotten better. I can't because of the cell antennas. Loni

From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:46 PM

> My husband called the Biologist that tested a quack. He also

> calls my doc a quack.

Yes, well, now that I think of it, my wife calls the people

I see for my health problems " quacks " . The thing she doesn't

seem to understand is that these people actually have actually

helped, while " non-quack " doctors definitely made me worse.


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I left a message, thank you Zil. Yes it is horrendous. The only thing good about

it was that I had a roof over my head for a couple of days. I was exposed to air

freshners & other cleaning chemicals that were bad. Loni

From: Loni Rosser <loni326 (DOT) com>

Subject: I'm desperate!

groups (DOT) com

Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 2:40 PM

My husband committed me.I was handcuffed & humiliated.  Doesn't get this

illness. Luckily the 3rd dr let me go before I was mandated heavy toxic drugs

that would have killed me.


I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the window

tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of shielding against

cell RF.


I was thinking of building an Adobe Wall in the back to block some of the



I just don't know if anything will work.



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Does a tile roof block any of the RF? Loni


> From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

> Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:06 PM







>> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

>> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

>> shielding against cell RF.


> Loni, I'm not clear on what things you've tried so far to combat the

> cell tower RF. I know you've received many suggestions, but what

> exactly have you tried?


> That's terrible that your husband would have you committed. Although

> if he stays that high-RF environment for long, he may end up being

> electrically sensitive himself!


> Marc



















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> , Have you tried anything before? I know if I try something & it

> doesn't work it will just be more proof to my husband that I am

> delusional. Loni

And of course, if you try something and it does work, then people will

say it is just a placebo effect. So they'll still think you are

delusional, but at least you'll be feeling better. :-)

I personally am not hopeful about a shielding solution this problem.

I'm more hopeful about nutrition (either dietary changes or supplements)

or " gadgets " . But hopefully our shielding experts here can suggest

something that might help.


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If something did work it would make everyone happy because I would be back in

the home taking care of my family. Instead I sleep at the park, go from mall to

movie theater to whereever trying to avoid cell radiation. This is no life. I

need to do something. I just don't know what.



From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 1:28 PM

> , Have you tried anything before? I know if I try something & it

> doesn't work it will just be more proof to my husband that I am

> delusional. Loni

And of course, if you try something and it does work, then people will

say it is just a placebo effect. So they'll still think you are

delusional, but at least you'll be feeling better. :-)

I personally am not hopeful about a shielding solution this problem.

I'm more hopeful about nutrition (either dietary changes or supplements)

or " gadgets " . But hopefully our shielding experts here can suggest

something that might help.


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