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Re: I'm desperate!

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The radiation is scary. I need to build me a fort made of Adobe.


Does anyone know what organ/organs are responsible for the elect sensitivities?

My gut hurts so I think immune system. But liver too because my skin burns.




> From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

> Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:06 PM







>> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

>> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

>> shielding against cell RF.


> Loni, I'm not clear on what things you've tried so far to combat the

> cell tower RF. I know you've received many suggestions, but what

> exactly have you tried?


> That's terrible that your husband would have you committed. Although

> if he stays that high-RF environment for long, he may end up being

> electrically sensitive himself!


> Marc



















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> The radiation is scary. I need to build me a fort made of Adobe.

Won't having a fort made of Adobe get you committed again?

By the way, when one is committed for ES, what is the

correct thing to tell the doctors? Do you tell them

the truth about what's causing the problem, or do you

make something up? It seems to me that if you want

to get out of there, you should NOT tell the truth.

> Does anyone know what organ/organs are responsible

> for the elect sensitivities?

I've had gut (stomach) problems after a detox mishap

with an ionic foot problems. But usually I think

you should focus on liver, thyroid, adrenal, and

nervous system.


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marc@... writes:

And of course, if you try something and it does work, then people will

say it is just a placebo effect. So they'll still think you are

delusional, but at least you'll be feeling better. :-)

Yes, of course. I get that too. Also, just last week three people told me

all this " was all in my head " . I wanted to smack the livin' crap out of them it

made me so furious.

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Loni, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I really hope and pray your

husband starts to believe you and you find the help you so desperately need so

you can stay with your children.


A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to

take everything you have.


In a message dated 8/13/2008 5:16:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

loni326@... writes:

Probably would!

I told them the truth & they seemed to beleive me until they talked to my

husband who told them how crazy I am. Then I was doomed. Loni

From: Marc <_marc@..._ (mailto:marc@...) >

Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

_@..._ (mailto: )

Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 2:04 PM

> The radiation is scary. I need to build me a fort made of Adobe.

Won't having a fort made of Adobe get you committed again?

By the way, when one is committed for ES, what is the

correct thing to tell the doctors? Do you tell them

the truth about what's causing the problem, or do you

make something up? It seems to me that if you want

to get out of there, you should NOT tell the truth.

> Does anyone know what organ/organs are responsible

> for the elect sensitivities?

I've had gut (stomach) problems after a detox mishap

with an ionic foot problems. But usually I think

you should focus on liver, thyroid, adrenal, and

nervous system.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

**************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget?

Read reviews on AOL Autos.



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Probably would!


I told them the truth & they seemed to beleive me until they talked to my

husband who told them how crazy I am. Then I was doomed. Loni

From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 2:04 PM

> The radiation is scary. I need to build me a fort made of Adobe.

Won't having a fort made of Adobe get you committed again?

By the way, when one is committed for ES, what is the

correct thing to tell the doctors? Do you tell them

the truth about what's causing the problem, or do you

make something up? It seems to me that if you want

to get out of there, you should NOT tell the truth.

> Does anyone know what organ/organs are responsible

> for the elect sensitivities?

I've had gut (stomach) problems after a detox mishap

with an ionic foot problems. But usually I think

you should focus on liver, thyroid, adrenal, and

nervous system.


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My gut used to hurt around RF radiation too.

I don't know if there is a single organ responsible. The kidney is

usually associate with the electrical system. I shall be so arrogant as

to try to say what is going on...

The largest organ of the body, the skin, is also involved because it is

the body's " last resort " in detoxing the body.

I think it is a multi level syndrome stemming from either or both

chemical and viral loads being agitated and exacerbated by EMF.

Chicken and egg story for sure... being vaccine damaged from birth

(mercury, pesticides, etc and viruses that cause fundamental weaknesses

and susceptibility to this condition) we are predisposed to numerous


So when an overload occurs, that puts us over the edge for we are

already full of toxins and laden with complex biowarfare generated



Rebuild the immune system which is severely compromised (basic cell

actions, negative and positive electron action is disrupted), repair

DNA damage, remove heavy metals/toxins, and kill off the virus/bacteria

that enjoy a cohabitation/existence with heavy metals and toxins.

Where to start?

Cleanse Colon so toxins won't get stuck on the way out. Start on

Magnesium supplementation (usually depleted to an extreme amount)


which will help you stay " regular, " plus Vit. D, as well as the usual C

and E, etc... and essential fats (coconut oil, hemp oil, fish oil, and

animal fats from good organic sources).

Balance functions of liver and kidneys so they are compromised in your

future detox action.

The nerves are fried from mercury and pesticides and viruses. You don't

want to dump more onto them doing a detox before your organs are ready.

Having a low or diminished immune system, many infections will rise to

the surface and take over the scene (Epstein-Barr or mono, Herpes, etc)

There are many " stealth viruses " that operate below our immune system

(by design) that we received from our lovely vaccine programs and

attack our nervous system, brain, and organs.

Get functioning first.

Learn about the liver and what it needs to function well so when you

are killing stuff and chelating, you don't crash your main filtering


Here is a good product called Ultra Clear Plus (medical food) for

supporting your liver.


Phase 1 and phase 2 liver functions must be balanced. Supplement both


I could go on but you guys are probably very tired of all these emails


all by best,

On Aug 13, 2008, at 4:53 PM, Loni Rosser wrote:

> The radiation is scary. I need to build me a fort made of Adobe.


> Does anyone know what organ/organs are responsible for the elect

> sensitivities? My gut hurts so I think immune system. But liver too

> because my skin burns.


> Loni




>> From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

>> Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

>> groups (DOT) com

>> Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:06 PM







>>> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried

>>> the

>>> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

>>> shielding against cell RF.


>> Loni, I'm not clear on what things you've tried so far to combat the

>> cell tower RF. I know you've received many suggestions, but what

>> exactly have you tried?


>> That's terrible that your husband would have you committed. Although

>> if he stays that high-RF environment for long, he may end up being

>> electrically sensitive himself!


>> Marc



















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Adobe will absorb microwaves... so will brick, cinder block...

Adobe is pretty labor intense. Cinder block is probably a lot cheaper,

and if you have it covered with chicken wire and stucco, will probably

work just as well. Try to get the wall about a foot taller than you think

you need. Unfortunately building codes may limit the height. Metal

fence may be easier and cheaper. I think regular chain link is not too

bad. Slightly smaller holes, and shiny bare metal could improve it.

Or, just have " hardware cloth " metal fence added to one side.

Note if there is a radio or TV tower, that is longer wavelength and harder

to block with a fence because it will come over and diffract down. In

that case try painting a room and ceiling with shielding paint and/or foil.

Try turning off breakers too.

Any low-E (low emissivity) window tint may work. For sure ScotchTint Amber

metallic works:

blocks 99.9 percent even with the lighter 50 percent grade (I think it's

discontinued, but

a dealer may still be able to get some... lessEMF sells it by the roll I

think too).


On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 2:53 PM, Loni Rosser <loni326@...> wrote:

> The radiation is scary. I need to build me a fort made of Adobe.


> Does anyone know what organ/organs are responsible for the elect

> sensitivities? My gut hurts so I think immune system. But liver too because

> my skin burns.


> Loni



> >

> > From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

> > Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

> > groups (DOT) com

> > Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:06 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

> >> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

> >> shielding against cell RF.

> >

> > Loni, I'm not clear on what things you've tried so far to combat the

> > cell tower RF. I know you've received many suggestions, but what

> > exactly have you tried?

> >

> > That's terrible that your husband would have you committed. Although

> > if he stays that high-RF environment for long, he may end up being

> > electrically sensitive himself!

> >

> > Marc

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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In a message dated 8/13/2008 9:41:34 P.M. GMT Daylight Time,

loni326@... writes:

If something did work it would make everyone happy because I would be back

in the home taking care of my family. Instead I sleep at the park, go from

mall to movie theater to whereever trying to avoid cell radiation. This is no

life. I need to do something. I just don't know what.


Ultimately you need to get some space away from the the EMR overload that

you are experiencing. Are there any communes that you could go to for a few

weeks, to try to reduce you symptoms and get your head back together.


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>> , Have you tried anything before? I know if I try something & it

>> doesn't work it will just be more proof to my husband that I am

>> delusional. Loni


You don't have to re-invent the wheel.

People have been sucessfully shielding RF for a long time.

No doubt, you need an RF meter to start, otherwise you will have no idea

what you are working with.

For a very low cost indoor solution, without the problems of reflection,

grounding, and stringent leakage control, use a microwave absorber material

such as this one: http://www.lessemf.com/fabric.html#259

Simply line the walls of your favorite room, or create a barrier of smaller

size if you need to. You cannot make a garment with this material, but it is

very lightweight and easy to cut and hang. No grounding is necessary.


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sorry to hear about your situation Loni,

like the others have said, reduced exposure is the number one

priority, with an attempt to rebuild up the immune system also


as regards the latter, i have been trying various supplements over

the last few months and have found some better than others. you

should probably try and find a good naturopath/herbalist and see if

they can advise on herbs specific for your body. i started trying out

herbs at the start of the summer; i didn't have the money to go and

see a naturopath, so i did some of my own research, which probably

wasn't the ideal scenario, as it can be pretty hit and miss as others

have stated. like people have advised on this list before, i have cut

out processed food. i also began doing food combining/the Hay diet.

this is where protein foods are kept apart from starch foods at

meals, so it mostly meant keeping meat and grains separate (the Hay

Diet can be easily googled).

over the last month i have found my situation improving somewhat,

though still along way from being healed. whether that is down to the

eating of natural food, the food combining, or my current

herbal/supplement intake i do not know. my gut also gets agitated

when exposed to emfs at times, but even that has eased abit. i will

list the supplements i now take and the specific areas of the body

they target (at least what i came across stated in research), but

like others have said, everyones system is different, and there can

be risks in taking some herbal supplements (selenium, which i started

taking, can be toxic in large doses). : B vitamin complex;

Combination F tissue salts (helps nervous system); selenium (good

antioxidant); milk thistle tincture (helps liver detox); Ashwaganda &

Rhodiola Rosea (helps adrenal glands). i also take green tea, which

is meant to be a good antioxidant.

the rebuilding of the bodys system can take along time Loni, but

eating natural, organic foods, as well as supporting the digestive

systema and immune system can only help.

hope your situation improves soon,



> From: Marc <marc@...>

> Subject: Re: I'm desperate!


> Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 2:04 PM







> > The radiation is scary. I need to build me a fort made of Adobe.


> Won't having a fort made of Adobe get you committed again?


> By the way, when one is committed for ES, what is the

> correct thing to tell the doctors? Do you tell them

> the truth about what's causing the problem, or do you

> make something up? It seems to me that if you want

> to get out of there, you should NOT tell the truth.


> > Does anyone know what organ/organs are responsible

> > for the elect sensitivities?


> I've had gut (stomach) problems after a detox mishap

> with an ionic foot problems. But usually I think

> you should focus on liver, thyroid, adrenal, and

> nervous system.


> Marc




















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Thanks Amy but will never believe me. He is stuck on this being a delusion.


From: Marc <_marcufoseries (DOT) mar_ (mailto:marcufoseries (DOT) com) >

Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

_groups (DOT) eSe_ (mailto:groups (DOT) com)

Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 2:04 PM

> The radiation is scary. I need to build me a fort made of Adobe.

Won't having a fort made of Adobe get you committed again?

By the way, when one is committed for ES, what is the

correct thing to tell the doctors? Do you tell them

the truth about what's causing the problem, or do you

make something up? It seems to me that if you want

to get out of there, you should NOT tell the truth.

> Does anyone know what organ/organs are responsible

> for the elect sensitivities?

I've had gut (stomach) problems after a detox mishap

with an ionic foot problems. But usually I think

you should focus on liver, thyroid, adrenal, and

nervous system.


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I can go up north & camp. Shelters are too toxic for me. Loni

From: paulpjc@... <paulpjc@...>

Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 4:11 AM

In a message dated 8/13/2008 9:41:34 P.M. GMT Daylight Time,

loni326 (DOT) com writes:

If something did work it would make everyone happy because I would be back

in the home taking care of my family. Instead I sleep at the park, go from

mall to movie theater to whereever trying to avoid cell radiation. This is no

life. I need to do something. I just don't know what.


Ultimately you need to get some space away from the the EMR overload that

you are experiencing. Are there any communes that you could go to for a few

weeks, to try to reduce you symptoms and get your head back together.


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Thanks . I have to find a less stressful place to live first. I cannot even

think when I am in this house let alone take care of myself. It's horrible. Loni

From: seandaly33 <seandaly33@...>

Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 10:49 AM

sorry to hear about your situation Loni,

like the others have said, reduced exposure is the number one

priority, with an attempt to rebuild up the immune system also


as regards the latter, i have been trying various supplements over

the last few months and have found some better than others. you

should probably try and find a good naturopath/herbalis t and see if

they can advise on herbs specific for your body. i started trying out

herbs at the start of the summer; i didn't have the money to go and

see a naturopath, so i did some of my own research, which probably

wasn't the ideal scenario, as it can be pretty hit and miss as others

have stated. like people have advised on this list before, i have cut

out processed food. i also began doing food combining/the Hay diet.

this is where protein foods are kept apart from starch foods at

meals, so it mostly meant keeping meat and grains separate (the Hay

Diet can be easily googled).

over the last month i have found my situation improving somewhat,

though still along way from being healed. whether that is down to the

eating of natural food, the food combining, or my current

herbal/supplement intake i do not know. my gut also gets agitated

when exposed to emfs at times, but even that has eased abit. i will

list the supplements i now take and the specific areas of the body

they target (at least what i came across stated in research), but

like others have said, everyones system is different, and there can

be risks in taking some herbal supplements (selenium, which i started

taking, can be toxic in large doses). : B vitamin complex;

Combination F tissue salts (helps nervous system); selenium (good

antioxidant) ; milk thistle tincture (helps liver detox); Ashwaganda &

Rhodiola Rosea (helps adrenal glands). i also take green tea, which

is meant to be a good antioxidant.

the rebuilding of the bodys system can take along time Loni, but

eating natural, organic foods, as well as supporting the digestive

systema and immune system can only help.

hope your situation improves soon,



> From: Marc <marc@...>

> Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 2:04 PM







> > The radiation is scary. I need to build me a fort made of Adobe.


> Won't having a fort made of Adobe get you committed again?


> By the way, when one is committed for ES, what is the

> correct thing to tell the doctors? Do you tell them

> the truth about what's causing the problem, or do you

> make something up? It seems to me that if you want

> to get out of there, you should NOT tell the truth.


> > Does anyone know what organ/organs are responsible

> > for the elect sensitivities?


> I've had gut (stomach) problems after a detox mishap

> with an ionic foot problems. But usually I think

> you should focus on liver, thyroid, adrenal, and

> nervous system.


> Marc




















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Hi All, Thank you everyone for responding to my desperation here.


So my thoughts were to put up a block wall in the back of the house (like over

what is already there depending on cost) & tint all of the windows. I have to

get a price however. I just am weary because there are so many anntennas & I am

so sensitive to the RF.


The RF can still get in to the house through the sides & the front of the house.

This whole area is just flooded with anntennas.



> >

> > From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

> > Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

> > groups (DOT) com

> > Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:06 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

> >> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

> >> shielding against cell RF.

> >

> > Loni, I'm not clear on what things you've tried so far to combat the

> > cell tower RF. I know you've received many suggestions, but what

> > exactly have you tried?

> >

> > That's terrible that your husband would have you committed. Although

> > if he stays that high-RF environment for long, he may end up being

> > electrically sensitive himself!

> >

> > Marc

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I am concerned about the plastic laminate on this. I may have a reaction to

that. Does this material smell? Any testimonials on useage of this product?

Thanks so much. Loni

From: lessemf.com <lessemf@...>

Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 7:04 AM

>> , Have you tried anything before? I know if I try something & it

>> doesn't work it will just be more proof to my husband that I am

>> delusional. Loni


You don't have to re-invent the wheel.

People have been sucessfully shielding RF for a long time.

No doubt, you need an RF meter to start, otherwise you will have no idea

what you are working with.

For a very low cost indoor solution, without the problems of reflection,

grounding, and stringent leakage control, use a microwave absorber material

such as this one: http://www.lessemf. com/fabric. html#259

Simply line the walls of your favorite room, or create a barrier of smaller

size if you need to. You cannot make a garment with this material, but it is

very lightweight and easy to cut and hang. No grounding is necessary.


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Emil, do you have any experience with the window tint? Loni

From: lessemf.com <lessemf@...>

Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 7:04 AM

>> , Have you tried anything before? I know if I try something & it

>> doesn't work it will just be more proof to my husband that I am

>> delusional. Loni


You don't have to re-invent the wheel.

People have been sucessfully shielding RF for a long time.

No doubt, you need an RF meter to start, otherwise you will have no idea

what you are working with.

For a very low cost indoor solution, without the problems of reflection,

grounding, and stringent leakage control, use a microwave absorber material

such as this one: http://www.lessemf. com/fabric. html#259

Simply line the walls of your favorite room, or create a barrier of smaller

size if you need to. You cannot make a garment with this material, but it is

very lightweight and easy to cut and hang. No grounding is necessary.


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>I am concerned about the plastic laminate on this. I may have a reaction to

>that. Does this material smell? Any testimonials on useage of this product?

>Thanks so much. Loni

I do not notice any smell.


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I have noticed a smell on the laminated microwave absorbing product from

lessEMF. I left it outside for a day and did not notice any smell after


I do think it's a good product, but you need to be aware that the fibers do

shed a tiny bit even with the lamination (at least on the pieces I got).

I am concerned that if you are in an area with lots of antennas, the problem

could be from lower frequencies that are harder to shield.

Unfortunately the science behind all this is not well developed. It could


be noise on the power system. Lately I find that I can tolerate emfs pretty

well except for the ones in my own home & neighborhood. And according to

the meters I have, the fields are pretty low here. There is some research


even very weak fields can affect EEGs when pulsed at a bad frequency.

The fields used by Bise in 1978 were less than a picowatt per

square centimeter. I don't even know what meter can measure that...


On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 1:54 PM, lessemf.com <lessemf@...> wrote:

> >I am concerned about the plastic laminate on this. I may have a

> reaction to

> >that. Does this material smell? Any testimonials on useage of this

> product?

> >Thanks so much. Loni


> I do not notice any smell.


> Emil




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I was just at Gold Canyon where there are little antennas there at all. It was

so nice. Loni

> >I am concerned about the plastic laminate on this. I may have a

> reaction to

> >that. Does this material smell? Any testimonials on useage of this

> product?

> >Thanks so much. Loni


> I do not notice any smell.


> Emil




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Hi ,

where do you buy F Tissue salts?

Re: I'm desperate!

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 2:04 PM







> > The radiation is scary. I need to build me a fort made of Adobe.


> Won't having a fort made of Adobe get you committed again?


> By the way, when one is committed for ES, what is the

> correct thing to tell the doctors? Do you tell them

> the truth about what's causing the problem, or do you

> make something up? It seems to me that if you want

> to get out of there, you should NOT tell the truth.


> > Does anyone know what organ/organs are responsible

> > for the elect sensitivities?


> I've had gut (stomach) problems after a detox mishap

> with an ionic foot problems. But usually I think

> you should focus on liver, thyroid, adrenal, and

> nervous system.


> Marc




















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Hi Becky,

I got the tissue salts from my local health food store here in

Ireland. There are twelve types of tissue salt; Combination F combines

Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Nat Mur, Silica. They are homeopathically

prepared. New Era is the brand name of the salts I bought.

just in relation to your boyfriend Loni, have you shown him material

off the internet or other sources in relation to ES? There is some

official material, such as at the World Health Organisation,

which despite going along with industry and denying the link between

EMFs and ES, do recognise Electromagnetic Sensitivity as being real

and debilitating:


or the similar irish report (see page 55):



also there is a growing number of established scientists and medical

practitioners coming out against the growth of all this radiation.

Some of the websites, which have been mentioned here before, include:


The above is as thorough a research piece on the potential effects of

emf by established scientists as i've seen. others include:



You could print off some of this stuff or other material to show

doctors or your boyfriend; it may help, anything to stop you getting

locked up!

> >

> > From: Marc <marc@>

> > Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

> > groups (DOT) com

> > Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 2:04 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > The radiation is scary. I need to build me a fort made of Adobe.

> >

> > Won't having a fort made of Adobe get you committed again?

> >

> > By the way, when one is committed for ES, what is the

> > correct thing to tell the doctors? Do you tell them

> > the truth about what's causing the problem, or do you

> > make something up? It seems to me that if you want

> > to get out of there, you should NOT tell the truth.

> >

> > > Does anyone know what organ/organs are responsible

> > > for the elect sensitivities?

> >

> > I've had gut (stomach) problems after a detox mishap

> > with an ionic foot problems. But usually I think

> > you should focus on liver, thyroid, adrenal, and

> > nervous system.

> >

> > Marc

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi, Loni,


The adobe wall will help--it will act as trees do to shield.  And the window

film will help.  However, there are places that we should not live, period.  It

sounds like you might be in one of those places.  I don't believe in being

negative and I am not negatively saying this.  But there comes a time at which

one must face fact.  If there are more than 3 to 5 towers and they are less

than a half mile away or so away, you would have to take extreme measures

(translation: lots of money) to remedy this situation.  Especially if the towers

are in multiple directions.  Do you live in this type situation?  In a case like

this, you are far better to cut losses and move.  Even then, you will need to

spend money on supplements and health needs to recover. 


However, there are still things you can do to find out more of what is going

on.  And in the process of doing this, your husband might come to

understand.  There is a school in Florida called the " Building Bau-Biologie

Institute " .  They train people in electro-magnetic investigation and

remediation.  I have been in contact with one of these people in my local area. 

There are 3 listed for the state of Arizona.  Here is the website for them:




For the rest of you reading this, there is also an online course you can take

right now on EMFs thru this school.  And under the tools section, there are

meters available for sale, as well as a gadget you put onto your wiring to turn

off the electric current to your bedroom, etc, automatically at night.  I have

not gotten mine installed yet, so cannot say yet how this works.  Good luck. 

Here are those sites: 






I understand your problem, Loni.  You are acting hyper because you are in such

pain and it affects your thinking.  But you need to focus on calming yourself

and work to focus your energy on a solution.  You are coming across as very

negative and overly melodramatic.  People will respond to this by thinking you

are an emotional wreck and a mental case.  Do not allow yourself to feel sorry

for yourself.  This robs you of energy and focus you need in other areas. 

Again, this is not meant as a criticism--I do understand what you are going

thru--but it is aimed at being a help.  When one has been accused of something,

one overcomes that stigma by being the opposite.  If you are accused of being

out of control and losing it, work to regain self control and make sure you keep

yourself focused in that area. 


Bless you, dear,


> >

> > From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

> > Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

> > groups (DOT) com

> > Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:06 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

> >> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

> >> shielding against cell RF.

> >

> > Loni, I'm not clear on what things you've tried so far to combat the

> > cell tower RF. I know you've received many suggestions, but what

> > exactly have you tried?

> >

> > That's terrible that your husband would have you committed. Although

> > if he stays that high-RF environment for long, he may end up being

> > electrically sensitive himself!

> >

> > Marc

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Loni,


How far is Gold Canyon?  Maybe you could start house hunting there? 



> >I am concerned about the plastic laminate on this. I may have a

> reaction to

> >that. Does this material smell? Any testimonials on useage of this

> product?

> >Thanks so much. Loni


> I do not notice any smell.


> Emil




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Yes I do have several towers all around me. It is pretty bad. I hate to say it

but I beleive you are right. My family thinks I am delusional & I will be on my

own. they won't sell this house.

It is horrible for me. Loni

> >

> > From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

> > Subject: Re: I'm desperate!

> > groups (DOT) com

> > Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 12:06 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >> I can't live in this house. I need to find a way. Has anyone tried the

> >> window tint for shielding? Has anyone had any luck with any type of

> >> shielding against cell RF.

> >

> > Loni, I'm not clear on what things you've tried so far to combat the

> > cell tower RF. I know you've received many suggestions, but what

> > exactly have you tried?

> >

> > That's terrible that your husband would have you committed. Although

> > if he stays that high-RF environment for long, he may end up being

> > electrically sensitive himself!

> >

> > Marc

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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