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Re: What to do about diabetes?

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UP your thryoid supp, your IOdine, try to stay away from the fruit...go with

more veggies.


From: necessejamais@...

Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 14:55:45 -0700

Subject: What to do about diabetes?

Salut, all.About a month ago, someone mentioned it sounded like I developed

diabetes from the EMF exposures. That's becoming more & more clear to me, as I

can't eat much fruit anymore w/o feeling liuke my nerves are falling asleep, &

am going to the bathroom a lot, & am dehydrated. Can't remember who it was who

mentioned this. Think it was Lizzie or Evie. Ideas on treatment, anyone?

Gotta.go. This computer's on a timer.

Love & blessings,


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Hi Elysia,

I am the one who wrote a long email about your dehydration possibly being

related to Type 3 Diabetes, which is a symptom of microwave over exposure..  But

you said you were not experiencing constant urination at that time. 

I said that I acquired constant urination, eye pressure, burning skin, etc and

that I started to develop Type 3 Diabetes from living near a cell tower. 

Moving, a few blocks away and reducing my direct exposure, caused the constant

urination to stop.  But, whenever I get overexposed to RF, the constant

urination starts right up again and I know that I am in the danger zone. 

So as far as treatment goes, the first thing to do is reduce exposure to RF. 

The second thing to do is to avoid foods that cause insulin spikes.  And to do

the other things required  to prevent diabetes.

I will send the original message to you again for your review and you can read

the archives under Type 3 Diabetes if you need to review the conversation.. 



From: Elysia Drew <necessejamais@...>

Subject: What to do about diabetes?

Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 9:55 PM


Salut, all.About a month ago, someone mentioned it sounded like I

developed diabetes from the EMF exposures. That's becoming more & more clear to

me, as I can't eat much fruit anymore w/o feeling liuke my nerves are falling

asleep, & am going to the bathroom a lot, & am dehydrated. Can't remember who it

was who mentioned this. Think it was Lizzie or Evie. Ideas on treatment, anyone?

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This is an amazing protocol. Dr. Shoemaker & Dr. Klinghardt use.

I read Dr. Shoemaker's books. He recommends GFCF, No Wheat, milk,

corn, rice on occasion if roasted in a pan 1st. No vegs,  that grow below the

ground except garlic & onions or ?  No nuts.

Fresh fruits or juice yourself.

Try for a  doc. that treats w this or educate. I have to

look into these tests & treatment.  Reg Doc's don't get it, some won't test.



From: C.a.b. <superdrove@...>

Subject: Re: What to do about diabetes?


Hi Elysia,

I am the one who wrote a long email about your dehydration possibly being

related to Type 3 Diabetes, which is a symptom of microwave over exposure.. 

But you said you were not experiencing constant urination at that time. 

I said that I acquired constant urination, eye pressure, burning skin, etc and

that I started to develop Type 3 Diabetes from living near a cell tower. 

Moving, a few blocks away and reducing my direct exposure, caused the constant

urination to stop.  But, whenever I get overexposed to RF, the constant

urination starts right up again and I know that I am in the danger zone. 

So as far as treatment goes, the first thing to do is reduce exposure to RF. 

The second thing to do is to avoid foods that cause insulin spikes.  And to do

the other things required  to prevent diabetes.

I will send the original message to you again for your review and you can read

the archives under Type 3 Diabetes if you need to review the conversation.. 



From: Elysia Drew <necessejamais@...>

Subject: What to do about diabetes?

Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 9:55 PM


Salut, all.About a month ago, someone mentioned it sounded like I developed

diabetes from the EMF exposures. That's becoming more & more clear to me, as I

can't eat much fruit anymore w/o feeling liuke my nerves are falling asleep, &

am going to the bathroom a lot, & am dehydrated. Can't remember who it was who

mentioned this. Think it was Lizzie or Evie. Ideas on treatment, anyone?

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Hi again, Cab,

You said:

<I acquired constant urination.... from living near a cell tower.>

I assume you meant, " I acquired *very frequent* urination..... "   ;)  This is a

symptom I also (still) get, even tho I am much better, otherwise.  But I

wondered how you knew it was connected to type 3 diabetes?  I have assumed mine

is from toxins being mobilized.  I get the same thing when I eat homemade

chicken vegetable soup.  I do also have diabetes, but I find that my diabetes

acts up only in my old house, but not the new one.  However, I get frequent

urination at both houses, depending on where I went that day (a trip to the

hospital lab with my dad equals a day of frequent urination, for instance). 

[it also usually causes lymph node swelling or ankle swelling.]

I am mentioning this because some may think frequent urination automatically

means that they have diabetes.  (It can.)  However, frequent urination can

mean a number of other things as well.  If one with ES has frequent urination

from emfs, it could mean toxins were mobilized, or your diabetes is acting up,

or even your stage 2 to 5 kidney disease is worse.  You would treat these

differently depending on the cause, but you still treat the resulting

dehydration the same way, regardless of the cause: good quality water with trace

minerals and electrolyte balancing.



From: C.a.b. <superdrove@...>

Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 9:09 PM

Subject: Re: What to do about diabetes?


Hi Elysia,

I am the one who wrote a long email about your dehydration possibly being

related to Type 3 Diabetes, which is a symptom of microwave over exposure.. 

But you said you were not experiencing constant urination at that time. 

I said that , eye pressure, burning skin, etc and that I started to develop Type

3 Diabetes from living near a cell tower.  Moving, a few blocks away and

reducing my direct exposure, caused the constant urination to stop.  But,

whenever I get overexposed to RF, the constant urination starts right up again

and I know that I am in the danger zone. 

So as far as treatment goes, the first thing to do is reduce exposure to RF. 

The second thing to do is to avoid foods that cause insulin spikes.  And to do

the other things required  to prevent diabetes.

I will send the original message to you again for your review and you can read

the archives under Type 3 Diabetes if you need to review the conversation.. 



From: Elysia Drew <necessejamais@...>

Subject: What to do about diabetes?

Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 9:55 PM


Salut, all.About a month ago, someone mentioned it sounded like I developed

diabetes from the EMF exposures. That's becoming more & more clear to me, as I

can't eat much fruit anymore w/o feeling liuke my nerves are falling asleep, &

am going to the bathroom a lot, & am dehydrated. Can't remember who it was who

mentioned this. Think it was Lizzie or Evie. Ideas on treatment, anyone?

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I am mentioning this because some may think frequent

urination automatically means that they have diabetes.  (It can.) 

However, frequent urination can mean a number of other things as well. 


I agree.  Yes, just because you have constant urination does not mean you have

Diabetes or Type 3 Diabetes. 

But, be aware that:

If you are ES;

If you are being exposed to RF or EMF;

If you experience constant urination;

That you may be developing or you may have Type 3 Diabetes. 

Of course, it could also mean you have a bladder infection, or some other

problem too.

Definition of Type 3 Diabetes:



Type 3 Diabetes has an electromagnetic trigger.

Dr. Magda Havas, Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies at

Trent University in Canada, found that blood sugar levels went up when subjects

were on a treadmill or in a doctor's office where there is dirty electricity;

blood sugar levels went down when subjects walked outside. She calls EMF-induced

higher plasma glucose Type 3 Diabetes.

Also, be careful of misdiagnosis of blood sugar levels tested near EMF's.


She tells us that for those who are hypersensitive to EMF, blood sugar

measurements need to be done in an electromagnetically clean environment

(medical offices are typically in buildings with dirty electricity, homes often

have wireless networks and portable phones) to prevent misdiagnosis and to

accurately determine the severity of the disease.

But I wondered how you knew it was connected to type 3 diabetes?  I have assumed

mine is from toxins being mobilized.

The reason I attribute my constant urination to Type 3 Diabetes is:

 A + B = C:

A.  I  am Hypoglycemic to begin with.  Hypoglycemia can easily turn into

diabetes if uncontrolled.  But I have never experienced

constant urination and insulin spikes & dips until I was exposed to

the RF.  My symtpoms of constant urination and insulin spikes &

dips are directly related to my exposure to RF

B.  Symptoms A. are exacerbated when exposed to RF, and subside or disappear

when not being exposed to RF.

C.  Type 3 Diabetes has an electromagnetic trigger.  Dr. Magda Halvas defines

Type 3 Diabetes as blood sugar problems

specifically assocsated with dirty electricity or wireless radiation.  This does

not necessarily mean I have Diabetes, but whatever is happening, I call it Type

3 Diabetes because the definition most closely fits to what I am experiencing. 

i.e. I have not been to a doctor and had my blood sugar tested to verify that I

am in fact diabetic.

A + B then = C



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6 weeks ago a samrt meter which gives off microwave radiation evidently was

put in my basement and turned on. Since then I seem to have developed

Electomagnetic sensitivities to a number of things that had never bothered me in

any way before. [blender; computer, fluorescent lights, etc] I have had

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities [MCS] for over 20 years however but have never

reacted to electicity or electromagnetic frequencies.

Anyways, as soon as I get up in the morning I seem to start running to the

bathroom -- some days like today I went every half hour for just under 4 hours,

then it seemed to tapper off. I had wondered what was causing this -- this is

good to know. I had read that these frequencies caused glucose to be elevated by

37%. changes, etc and wondered if there was a connection...........

Only 10 feet in my townhouse if not zapped by the snmart meter, and that is

where I keep my bed now,so I am more or less okay in my bed at night. I also

have been turning off most of the circuit breakers in the house at night. But as

soon as I get up I turn seveal of them back on -- and my whole kitchen gets

zapped plus my bathroom, halls , upstairs stairway, halls etc.

best wishes



> Salut, all.About a month ago, someone mentioned it sounded like I developed

diabetes from the EMF exposures. That's becoming more & more clear to me, as I

can't eat much fruit anymore w/o feeling liuke my nerves are falling asleep, &

am going to the bathroom a lot, & am dehydrated. Can't remember who it was who

mentioned this. Think it was Lizzie or Evie. Ideas on treatment, anyone?

Gotta.go. This computer's on a timer.

> Love & blessings,

> Elysia



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Don't you have a smart meter on your home? I have been reading a lot about the

problems witih smart meters in the States as well as Canada.



PS what is a 'superdrove'?


> >


> > Salut, all.About a month ago, someone mentioned it sounded like I developed

diabetes from the EMF exposures. That's becoming more & more clear to me, as I

can't eat much fruit anymore w/o feeling liuke my nerves are falling asleep, &

am going to the bathroom a lot, & am dehydrated. Can't remember who it was who

mentioned this. Think it was Lizzie or Evie. Ideas on treatment, anyone?

Gotta.go. This computer's on a timer.


> > Love & blessings,


> > Elysia


> >


> >

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When you got those MCS exposures , you had them one at a time and not many

times a day plus day after day after day after day etc. Plus the wireless smart

meter tranmits radiation approximately 25,000 TIMES PER DAY, 24/7, not 45

seconds per day as falsely claimed by Utility companies.

In fact I now have many of the symptoms like these below all day , everyday


A Basic Summary of the Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Sickness

A number of studies show that electromagnetic radiation, including

radiofrequency radiation, alters heart rate variability, blood pressure

(including inducing hypertension with microwave exposure – smart meters transmit

in the microwave range) and increases risk of arrhythmia related heart disease

and heart attack.4,5

Neurological function can be seriously impaired by radiofrequency radiation.

Cholinesterase enzyme activity is impaired by exposure to radiofrequency

radiation in a manner similar to impairment caused by organophosphate pesticides

often rendering a person with radiofrequency sickness particularly sensitive to

small amounts of chemicals.20

Radiofrequency radiation can lower the pain threshold, slow reaction times,

cause fatigue, muscle weakness, headaches, difficulty concentrating, short-term

memory problems and even memory loss. 1,2,3,4

Sleep deprivation along with impaired neurological function and enzyme impaiment

are likely to be behind the brain fog and cognitive difficulties those with

radiofrequency sickness experience.

References 20 .

+ List of symptoms of Radio Wave sickness

Appendix 1- Symptoms of Radio Wave Sickness (excerpted from No Place To Hide

April 2001):

-- Neurological: headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, memory

loss, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors,

muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and joint paint,

leg/foot pain, " Flu-like " symptoms, fever. More severe reactions can include

seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke.

-- Cardiac: palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the chest, low or

high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath.

-- Respiratory: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma.

-- Dermatological: skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing.

-- Ophthalmologic: pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes,

deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts.

-- Others: digestive problems; abdominal pain; enlarged thyroid,

testicular/ovarian pain; dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes; great thirst;

dehydration; nosebleeds; internal bleeding; altered sugar metabolism; immune

abnormalities; redistribution of metals within the body; hair loss; pain in the

teeth; deteriorating fillings; impaired sense of smell; ringing in the ears.


In the above study ,I hope you noticed how this will effect the MCS too ---

Cholinesterase enzyme activity is impaired by exposure to radiofrequency

radiation in a manner similar to impairment caused by organophosphate pesticides

often rendering a person with radiofrequency sickness particularly sensitive to

small amounts of chemicals.20

I feel a lot better before I get up in the morning [my bed is more then 20 feet

away from the smart meter and the frequencies are not nearly as strong after 20

feet for most smart meters] but that changes within 30 minutes as I go to the

bathroom [which gets zapped] and the kitchen [one side of the kithen gets

zappped by my smart meter and the other side gets zapped by my neighbors smart

meter.] - but to go anywhere in the house I have to use the halls -- which both

get zapped by my smart meter - and to go upstairs I need/have to use the stairs

which also get zappped all day every day........




> >


> > Salut, all.About a month ago, someone mentioned it sounded like I developed

diabetes from the EMF exposures. That's becoming more & more clear to me, as I

can't eat much fruit anymore w/o feeling liuke my nerves are falling asleep, &

am going to the bathroom a lot, & am dehydrated. Can't remember who it was who

mentioned this. Think it was Lizzie or Evie. Ideas on treatment, anyone?

Gotta.go. This computer's on a timer.


> > Love & blessings,


> > Elysia


> >


> >

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Can you get a doctors letter stating you have ES &   sensitive to wirelesss amr


It might help you get the untiliy co's to remove them.

I have MCS & had smart meters. I got them removed after working hard at it.


From: Shan <bestsurprise2002@...>

Subject: Re: What to do about diabetes?

Date: Sunday, October 16, 2011, 4:03 PM


When you got those MCS exposures , you had them one at a time and not

many times a day plus day after day after day after day etc. Plus the wireless

smart meter tranmits radiation approximately 25,000 TIMES PER DAY, 24/7, not 45

seconds per day as falsely claimed by Utility companies.

In fact I now have many of the symptoms .



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Kathy where do you live?

I live in Ottawa, Ontario in Canada. I have phoned the Canadian Human

Rights Commission and they said if I get a doctors letter and the Hydro company

will still not take out the smart meter, then they will get involved. I have

been having a problem getting a letter from my doctor for MCS though, and it has

been suggested that I phone the Ontario branch of the Human Rights Commission

department for Legal Support and see if I have to have the doctor's letter.

How did you get your doctor to give you a letter?




> Shan,


> Can you get a doctors letter stating you have ES &   sensitive to wirelesss amr


> It might help you get the untiliy co's to remove them.


> I have MCS & had smart meters. I got them removed after working hard at it.


> Kathy



> From: Shan <bestsurprise2002@...>

> Subject: Re: What to do about diabetes?


> Date: Sunday, October 16, 2011, 4:03 PM



























> When you got those MCS exposures , you had them one at a time and not

many times a day plus day after day after day after day etc. Plus the wireless

smart meter tranmits radiation approximately 25,000 TIMES PER DAY, 24/7, not 45

seconds per day as falsely claimed by Utility companies.




> In fact I now have many of the symptoms .


> blessings


> Shan



















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