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Re: Ambient readings of 15-20 milligauss in my home...!

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> ...But there are only two rooms in my house that don't measure between

> 15 and 20 mG, and they are between 9 and 12!


> In addition, the closer I got to the rear wall of our house, the

> readings jumped up to 25. This wall is shared by both of my

> childrens' bedrooms.

Start by repeating your measurements with the power off in your unit. That

means completely off, by turning off all power at the main.

If readings are significantly lower, then you have a chance of rectifying

the problem [as you have control over the source(s)].

If the readings do not change, then the sources are outside of your home and

this could be more difficult to address. Try to locate the source(s) and

report back for further ideas.


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> > ...But there are only two rooms in my house that don't measure between

> > 15 and 20 mG, and they are between 9 and 12!

> >

> > In addition, the closer I got to the rear wall of our house, the

> > readings jumped up to 25. This wall is shared by both of my

> > childrens' bedrooms.


> Start by repeating your measurements with the power off in your

unit. That

> means completely off, by turning off all power at the main.


> If readings are significantly lower, then you have a chance of


> the problem [as you have control over the source(s)].


> If the readings do not change, then the sources are outside of your

home and

> this could be more difficult to address. Try to locate the source(s)


> report back for further ideas.


> Emil


Well, I had not had a chance until today to check the levels outside

our house. Remember I mentioned that the rear wall of our house had a

very high reading...as I walked outside into the back yard, the

reading did not decrease significantly. In fact, the further I

walked, the higher the reading got. At the very rear of our yard,

running along the property line in the middle of the block, are the

power lines that supply all the houses on the block. They are not the

high-voltage kind, they are just regular lines. The average reading

in my backyard was 25 and 35 milligauss, and when I stood as near to

the power lines as I could, it went as high as 50. Holding it over my

head made it spike up to 100.

I held out a small amount of hope that shutting down the power to our

house would make much difference, and I was right. It cut the overall

readings by 1-3 milligauss or so.

Heck, even walking out the front door, the lowest reading I got was

all the way out by my mailbox, and even there it was 3 mG.

And yet I am finding that the tri-field meter I have is not really

well-equipped to measure the extremely low frequencies from cell

phones and wireless internet signals, etc. I know for a fact that

these are the worst of all for me, because being in a wi-fi zone is

like having someone stomp on my chest. I tried reading up about how

to measure these, and my head started spinning. It seems rather

complex. Can anyone explain the basics of measuring these fields in

layman's terms...and/or recommend an affordable way of doing it?

Thanks again,

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Either there's a ton of current in those power lines, or there's a water


under the street carrying a lot of the return current (or most likely both).

It's worth calling the power company to explain the readings are much

higher than the bioInitiative proposed limit (but far below the current

legal limit)

and you suspect a large current in the water lines. (This is a safety


for water line repair crews). The power company should see whether the

phases can be rebalanced to reduce the net current. If you get any


on your TV or whatever you might also ask that they check for sparking or

other power quality issues. The trifield meter reads higher for dirty power

because it is frequency weighted.

Don't be too surprised if they think it's not a big deal. But I bet a lot

of power

company workers would not live in your house if they knew those readings.


On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 1:56 PM, lthngsbrtnbtfl2 <lbergman2@...>wrote:


> >

> > > ...But there are only two rooms in my house that don't measure between

> > > 15 and 20 mG, and they are between 9 and 12!

> > >

> > > In addition, the closer I got to the rear wall of our house, the

> > > readings jumped up to 25. This wall is shared by both of my

> > > childrens' bedrooms.

> >

> > Start by repeating your measurements with the power off in your

> unit. That

> > means completely off, by turning off all power at the main.

> >

> > If readings are significantly lower, then you have a chance of

> rectifying

> > the problem [as you have control over the source(s)].

> >

> > If the readings do not change, then the sources are outside of your

> home and

> > this could be more difficult to address. Try to locate the source(s)

> and

> > report back for further ideas.

> >

> > Emil

> >

> Well, I had not had a chance until today to check the levels outside

> our house. Remember I mentioned that the rear wall of our house had a

> very high reading...as I walked outside into the back yard, the

> reading did not decrease significantly. In fact, the further I

> walked, the higher the reading got. At the very rear of our yard,

> running along the property line in the middle of the block, are the

> power lines that supply all the houses on the block. They are not the

> high-voltage kind, they are just regular lines. The average reading

> in my backyard was 25 and 35 milligauss, and when I stood as near to

> the power lines as I could, it went as high as 50. Holding it over my

> head made it spike up to 100.


> I held out a small amount of hope that shutting down the power to our

> house would make much difference, and I was right. It cut the overall

> readings by 1-3 milligauss or so.


> Heck, even walking out the front door, the lowest reading I got was

> all the way out by my mailbox, and even there it was 3 mG.


> And yet I am finding that the tri-field meter I have is not really

> well-equipped to measure the extremely low frequencies from cell

> phones and wireless internet signals, etc. I know for a fact that

> these are the worst of all for me, because being in a wi-fi zone is

> like having someone stomp on my chest. I tried reading up about how

> to measure these, and my head started spinning. It seems rather

> complex. Can anyone explain the basics of measuring these fields in

> layman's terms...and/or recommend an affordable way of doing it?


> Thanks again,





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> In fact, the further I

> walked, the higher the reading got. At the very rear of our yard,

> running along the property line in the middle of the block, are the

> power lines that supply all the houses on the block. They are not the

> high-voltage kind, they are just regular lines. The average reading

> in my backyard was 25 and 35 milligauss, and when I stood as near to

> the power lines as I could, it went as high as 50.


> I held out a small amount of hope that shutting down the power to our

> house would make much difference, and I was right. It cut the overall

> readings by 1-3 milligauss or so.

This is the worst case scenario. Very difficult to reduce this type of

field. You may want to inquire about active cancellation. Try:

EMF Services

15681 Sonoma Drive #201

Fort Myers, FL 33908




> And yet I am finding that the tri-field meter I have is not really

> well-equipped to measure the extremely low frequencies from cell

> phones and wireless internet signals, etc. ...Can anyone explain the

> basics of measuring these fields in

> layman's terms...and/or recommend an affordable way of doing it?

It is not that complicated. The Trifield meter is not good for cellphones


1- it is design only for VERY strong RF signals

2- it is designed for analog signals

All you need is a more sensitive meter, designed for digital signals. See

Electrosmog Meter at http://www.lessemf.com/rf.html#492 for example.


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I have just bought the electrosmog meter listed on your link , not the first but

the second one( ie the one without the bubble). I dont understand

the measurements or what they mean  exactly.Could some one please explain , as

the operating manual is not that extensive. In the RF mode the readings are in

mw/m2 and dbm which are ? decibels.. My house in this mode is on average about

0.03. The LF function is measured in MG ( ? miligaus) and most readings tend to

be about 0.55. My question is , is this ok? and what exactly is the difference

between RF and LF. It has been mentioned before but i still dont get it.Also how

do i tell if their are cell masts in the neighbourhood?


.. The good thing though , is that when all the little red lights came on when

my mum had her mobile on , I was finally able to demonstrate to her her of

what it is exactly that im talking about. My feeling is that people without

concrete evidence seem to think its all in ones head.



" Although my Soul shall set in Darkness, I will raise in Perfect Light, I have

Loved the Stars to Fondly to be Fearful of the Night. "


From: lessemf.com <lessemf@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Ambient readings of 15-20 milligauss in my home...!

Date: Tuesday, 21 October, 2008, 1:07 AM

> In fact, the further I

> walked, the higher the reading got. At the very rear of our yard,

> running along the property line in the middle of the block, are the

> power lines that supply all the houses on the block. They are not the

> high-voltage kind, they are just regular lines. The average reading

> in my backyard was 25 and 35 milligauss, and when I stood as near to

> the power lines as I could, it went as high as 50.


> I held out a small amount of hope that shutting down the power to our

> house would make much difference, and I was right. It cut the overall

> readings by 1-3 milligauss or so.

This is the worst case scenario. Very difficult to reduce this type of

field. You may want to inquire about active cancellation. Try:

EMF Services

15681 Sonoma Drive #201

Fort Myers, FL 33908

www.emfservices. com

emf-info@emfservice s.com


> And yet I am finding that the tri-field meter I have is not really

> well-equipped to measure the extremely low frequencies from cell

> phones and wireless internet signals, etc. ...Can anyone explain the

> basics of measuring these fields in

> layman's terms...and/ or recommend an affordable way of doing it?

It is not that complicated. The Trifield meter is not good for cellphones


1- it is design only for VERY strong RF signals

2- it is designed for analog signals

All you need is a more sensitive meter, designed for digital signals. See

Electrosmog Meter at http://www.lessemf. com/rf.html# 492 for example.


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Dear Ada,

I will be happy to assist you . Sorry for the delayed reply.

mw/m2 and dBm are two different ways to express a radiation strength. You

can think of it as comparing pounds and kilograms as two qways to measure


Choose one or the other (whichever you are more confortable) and stick with


A reading of 0.03 mW/m2 is pretty low.

0.55 mG is also pretty low. You can tell because only one green light will

illuminate. Bring the meter close to a strong magnetic source such as a hair

dryer, or circuit box and you will see the yellow and red lights illuminate.

LF is low frequency. This is the magnetic field you get from electricity


HF is high frequency. This is the wireless signals from cell towers, cell

phone, microwave ovens. etc.

Best Regards,

Emil DeToffol

Less EMF Inc.

tel: +1-518-432-1550

fax: +1-309-422-4355


Re: Re: Ambient readings of 15-20 milligauss in my home...!

Date: Tuesday, 21 October, 2008, 1:07 AM

> In fact, the further I

> walked, the higher the reading got. At the very rear of our yard,

> running along the property line in the middle of the block, are the

> power lines that supply all the houses on the block. They are not the

> high-voltage kind, they are just regular lines. The average reading

> in my backyard was 25 and 35 milligauss, and when I stood as near to

> the power lines as I could, it went as high as 50.


> I held out a small amount of hope that shutting down the power to our

> house would make much difference, and I was right. It cut the overall

> readings by 1-3 milligauss or so.

This is the worst case scenario. Very difficult to reduce this type of

field. You may want to inquire about active cancellation. Try:

EMF Services

15681 Sonoma Drive #201

Fort Myers, FL 33908

www.emfservices. com

emf-info@emfservice s.com


> And yet I am finding that the tri-field meter I have is not really

> well-equipped to measure the extremely low frequencies from cell

> phones and wireless internet signals, etc. ...Can anyone explain the

> basics of measuring these fields in

> layman's terms...and/ or recommend an affordable way of doing it?

It is not that complicated. The Trifield meter is not good for cellphones


1- it is design only for VERY strong RF signals

2- it is designed for analog signals

All you need is a more sensitive meter, designed for digital signals. See

Electrosmog Meter at http://www.lessemf. com/rf.html# 492 for example.


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Thanks very much, i appreciate the response. I must say I am really  happy

with this meter and have been experimenting with it my self . In the LF  mode

the house is generally  0.05 but the hot water pump in my bedroom goes up to as

high as 50 mg when it is on. If i step back about a meter it goes down to 0.05

mg again , so im not quite sure what to make of that, is it still detrimental to

my health if it drops  back to a normal level with distance?

Also i have one other question , with this meter how will i know if their is a

cell phone mast around, the same goes for wi fi. The manual doesnt say.






When you are down to nothing ... God is up to something!

" Although my Soul shall set in Darkness, I will raise in Perfect Light, I have

Loved the Stars to Fondly to be Fearful of the Night. "


From: lessemf.com <lessemflessemf (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: Re: Ambient readings of 15-20 milligauss in my home...!

groups (DOT) com

Date: Tuesday, 21 October, 2008, 1:07 AM

> In fact, the further I

> walked, the higher the reading got. At the very rear of our yard,

> running along the property line in the middle of the block, are the

> power lines that supply all the houses on the block. They are not the

> high-voltage kind, they are just regular lines. The average reading

> in my backyard was 25 and 35 milligauss, and when I stood as near to

> the power lines as I could, it went as high as 50.


> I held out a small amount of hope that shutting down the power to our

> house would make much difference, and I was right. It cut the overall

> readings by 1-3 milligauss or so.

This is the worst case scenario. Very difficult to reduce this type of

field. You may want to inquire about active cancellation. Try:

EMF Services

15681 Sonoma Drive #201

Fort Myers, FL 33908

www.emfservices. com

emf-info@emfservice s.com


> And yet I am finding that the tri-field meter I have is not really

> well-equipped to measure the extremely low frequencies from cell

> phones and wireless internet signals, etc. ...Can anyone explain the

> basics of measuring these fields in

> layman's terms...and/ or recommend an affordable way of doing it?

It is not that complicated. The Trifield meter is not good for cellphones


1- it is design only for VERY strong RF signals

2- it is designed for analog signals

All you need is a more sensitive meter, designed for digital signals. See

Electrosmog Meter at http://www.lessemf. com/rf.html# 492 for example.


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ada iye wrote:

> In the LF mode the house is generally 0.05 but the hot water pump in my

bedroom goes up to as high as 50 mg when it is on. If i step back about a meter

it goes down to 0.05 mg again , so im not quite sure what to make of that, is it

still detrimental to my health if it drops back to a normal level with



Hi Ada,

Heating coils put out strong magnetic fields, as you have now seen. The

fact it drops off in only one meter, is very good.

It is different from measuring power lines, which can spread out 300 meters.

Explaining why it drops off fast, would be explained by the shape of the

" bubble " , the strength at the center (imagine a gravity well), and how

the spiral of electrons are oriented, including the distance between hot

and return neutral.

It should not affect you if the meter shows you are outside of the

danger zone.

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Thats great , thank you.



" Although my Soul shall set in Darkness, I will raise in Perfect Light, I have

Loved the Stars to Fondly to be Fearful of the Night. "


> In the LF mode the house is generally 0.05 but the hot water pump in my

bedroom goes up to as high as 50 mg when it is on. If i step back about a meter

it goes down to 0.05 mg again , so im not quite sure what to make of that, is it

still detrimental to my health if it drops back to a normal level with distance?


Hi Ada,

Heating coils put out strong magnetic fields, as you have now seen. The

fact it drops off in only one meter, is very good.

It is different from measuring power lines, which can spread out 300 meters.

Explaining why it drops off fast, would be explained by the shape of the

" bubble " , the strength at the center (imagine a gravity well), and how

the spiral of electrons are oriented, including the distance between hot

and return neutral.

It should not affect you if the meter shows you are outside of the

danger zone.

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In a message dated 10/31/2008 8:03:55 P.M. GMT Standard Time,

sandreas41@... writes:

It should not affect you if the meter shows you are outside of the

danger zone.

PUK replies = Not so sure about the distance thing at this level, I am sure

that the pump will induce RF into the mains circuit locally giving off RF at

a range of frequencies (beyond the capability of the meter)local to the pump

and also via different points in the electrical wiring. I would treble the

distance that the meter shows is safe, although better to switch it off if not

really needed. The same goes for a host of electronic devices in the home,

TVs, hifis computers etc....

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I definitely think something ist  going on , because of the symptoms I am

having that I have described before. But all the readings for lf are low away

from the electric meter , and the rf ranges are relatively low within the

house. I am thinking of buying a mains conditioner , the quantum products dont

work for the uk , so I am going to buy the english version. My question is 

will these steady out these frequencies that may or may not be being dumped into

the house circuitry?!





" Although my Soul shall set in Darkness, I will raise in Perfect Light, I have

Loved the Stars to Fondly to be Fearful of the Night. "


From: paulpjc@... <paulpjc@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Ambient readings of 15-20 milligauss in my home...!

Date: Saturday, 1 November, 2008, 8:53 PM

In a message dated 10/31/2008 8:03:55 P.M. GMT Standard Time,

sandreas41gmail (DOT) com writes:

It should not affect you if the meter shows you are outside of the

danger zone.

PUK replies = Not so sure about the distance thing at this level, I am sure

that the pump will induce RF into the mains circuit locally giving off RF at

a range of frequencies (beyond the capability of the meter)local to the pump

and also via different points in the electrical wiring. I would treble the

distance that the meter shows is safe, although better to switch it off if not

really needed. The same goes for a host of electronic devices in the home,

TVs, hifis computers etc....

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Hello Ada


I have been following your posts with considerable interest since I am also

posting from the UK and am having similar problems to you [as in going back to

the home where I grew up to seek refuge from EMFs only to find things just as

bad there too!]. I had been thinking of one of the quantum products but guess

that I can stike them off my list if they don't work in the UK - can you tell me

what this mains conditioner is you are going to try and where you can get one??


Take care and hope your symptoms improve



From: paulpjcaol (DOT) com <paulpjcaol (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: Re: Ambient readings of 15-20 milligauss in my home...!

groups (DOT) com

Date: Saturday, 1 November, 2008, 8:53 PM

In a message dated 10/31/2008 8:03:55 P.M. GMT Standard Time,

sandreas41gmail (DOT) com writes:

It should not affect you if the meter shows you are outside of the

danger zone.

PUK replies = Not so sure about the distance thing at this level, I am sure

that the pump will induce RF into the mains circuit locally giving off RF at

a range of frequencies (beyond the capability of the meter)local to the pump

and also via different points in the electrical wiring. I would treble the

distance that the meter shows is safe, although better to switch it off if not

really needed. The same goes for a host of electronic devices in the home,

TVs, hifis computers etc....

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my god.. its horrendous isnt it? I know so how you feel , i really thought going

home to mum would sort this out , but its worse in some ways. Any way my plan is

to try the english versions of the quantum products , here is the link. For russ

andrews business ( as provided by marc from the group)

http://www.russandrews.com/  in the search part type in clarity mains  that

will lead you to  clarity mains , click on that and that will show you at the

bottom of its page  all the products that have the mains conditioning

technology that marc says is apparently based on the quantum products. I think

marc said the clarity mains is similar to the quantum home. I think im going to

try  one of the cheaper products first and if that doesnt help go for a quantum

home with an adaptor. for the Uk.


I hope that helps. Stay in touch  let me know how you go.. Some times

two heads are better than one. For me im praying this stuff workds , im getting





" Although my Soul shall set in Darkness, I will raise in Perfect Light, I have

Loved the Stars to Fondly to be Fearful of the Night. "


From: paulpjcaol (DOT) com <paulpjcaol (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: Re: Ambient readings of 15-20 milligauss in my home...!

groups (DOT) com

Date: Saturday, 1 November, 2008, 8:53 PM

In a message dated 10/31/2008 8:03:55 P.M. GMT Standard Time,

sandreas41gmail (DOT) com writes:

It should not affect you if the meter shows you are outside of the

danger zone.

PUK replies = Not so sure about the distance thing at this level, I am sure

that the pump will induce RF into the mains circuit locally giving off RF at

a range of frequencies (beyond the capability of the meter)local to the pump

and also via different points in the electrical wiring. I would treble the

distance that the meter shows is safe, although better to switch it off if not

really needed. The same goes for a host of electronic devices in the home,

TVs, hifis computers etc....

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> For russ andrews business ( as provided by

> marc from the group)

> http://www.russandrews.com/  in the search part type in clarity mains 

> that will lead you to  clarity mains , click on that and that will show

> you at the bottom of its page  all the products that have the mains

> conditioning technology that marc says is apparently based on the quantum

> products. I think marc said the clarity mains is similar to the quantum

> home.

Note that the only 2 products on that website that use the same type

of technology as the Quantum Home are the Clarity Mains and Clarity

Pro. The other products filter power lines, but using different

technology. Depending on what you respond to, each type of technology

may have different results, varying from making you feel better, making

no difference at all, or making you feel worse. Although if you feel

worse, you should attempt to ramp up your tolerance (by only using

it for parts of the day) over the course of a few / several days

to see if you are simply having an initial detox reaction that will go

away over time.

Also, note that plug-in devices aren't the only things which can be

effective. I make use of several " in my pocket " devices which work

quite well for me, which of course have the advantage that they

can be used wherever I go. But again, people's reactions to

these are rather hit-and-miss.


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Thanks marc



When you are down to nothing ... God is up to something!

" Although my Soul shall set in Darkness, I will raise in Perfect Light, I have

Loved the Stars to Fondly to be Fearful of the Night. "


From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Ambient readings of 15-20 milligauss in my home...!

Date: Monday, 3 November, 2008, 3:47 AM

> For russ andrews business ( as provided by

> marc from the group)

> http://www.russandr ews.com/  in the search part type in clarity mains 

> that will lead you to  clarity mains , click on that and that will show

> you at the bottom of its page  all the products that have the mains

> conditioning technology that marc says is apparently based on the quantum

> products. I think marc said the clarity mains is similar to the quantum

> home.

Note that the only 2 products on that website that use the same type

of technology as the Quantum Home are the Clarity Mains and Clarity

Pro. The other products filter power lines, but using different

technology. Depending on what you respond to, each type of technology

may have different results, varying from making you feel better, making

no difference at all, or making you feel worse. Although if you feel

worse, you should attempt to ramp up your tolerance (by only using

it for parts of the day) over the course of a few / several days

to see if you are simply having an initial detox reaction that will go

away over time.

Also, note that plug-in devices aren't the only things which can be

effective. I make use of several " in my pocket " devices which work

quite well for me, which of course have the advantage that they

can be used wherever I go. But again, people's reactions to

these are rather hit-and-miss.


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Thanks ada - I will check this out - I'm getting fairly desperate too - its got

worse this year and I need to go back to my own home soon - or at least give it

a try - I read Loni's posts on this site with half of me despairing for her and

her situation and half of me despairing for all of us and what's happening to

the world.


will definitely keep in touch - feel I can't talk to anyone about this because

they would just think I was mad


Best wishes



From: paulpjcaol (DOT) com <paulpjcaol (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: Re: Ambient readings of 15-20 milligauss in my home...!

groups (DOT) com

Date: Saturday, 1 November, 2008, 8:53 PM

In a message dated 10/31/2008 8:03:55 P.M. GMT Standard Time,

sandreas41gmail (DOT) com writes:

It should not affect you if the meter shows you are outside of the

danger zone.

PUK replies = Not so sure about the distance thing at this level, I am sure

that the pump will induce RF into the mains circuit locally giving off RF at

a range of frequencies (beyond the capability of the meter)local to the pump

and also via different points in the electrical wiring. I would treble the

distance that the meter shows is safe, although better to switch it off if not

really needed. The same goes for a host of electronic devices in the home,

TVs, hifis computers etc....

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Hi Marc


thanks for the advice about the UK equivalents to the quantum products.


Re " in pocket devices " I have been looking at several websites for this type of

thing, for example, BioProtective systems, Green 8 products and another one

called the Safe Space Environmental Proctection card - have you [or throwing

this out wider - has anyone on this group] tried any of these? of if you find

other devices work which  have you found to be the most beneficial?


Take care




From: Marc <marc@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Ambient readings of 15-20 milligauss in my home...!

Date: Sunday, 2 November, 2008, 4:47 PM

> For russ andrews business ( as provided by

> marc from the group)

> http://www.russandr ews.com/  in the search part type in clarity mains 

> that will lead you to  clarity mains , click on that and that will show

> you at the bottom of its page  all the products that have the mains

> conditioning technology that marc says is apparently based on the quantum

> products. I think marc said the clarity mains is similar to the quantum

> home.

Note that the only 2 products on that website that use the same type

of technology as the Quantum Home are the Clarity Mains and Clarity

Pro. The other products filter power lines, but using different

technology. Depending on what you respond to, each type of technology

may have different results, varying from making you feel better, making

no difference at all, or making you feel worse. Although if you feel

worse, you should attempt to ramp up your tolerance (by only using

it for parts of the day) over the course of a few / several days

to see if you are simply having an initial detox reaction that will go

away over time.

Also, note that plug-in devices aren't the only things which can be

effective. I make use of several " in my pocket " devices which work

quite well for me, which of course have the advantage that they

can be used wherever I go. But again, people's reactions to

these are rather hit-and-miss.


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> Re " in pocket devices " I have been looking at several websites for this

> type of thing, for example, BioProtective systems, Green 8 products and

> another one called the Safe Space Environmental Proctection card - have

Yes, I've tried a Green 8 -- the first time I used it, the energy

felt rather oppressive. Although lately I've tried it and felt no


I've also tried various Safe Space products, including the Environmental

Protection card. All of these give me anxiety / chest pains. I mailed

one of them to another list member, and they seemed to like it though.

I have not tried anything called " BioProtective " .

The in-the-pocket devices that I've mostly used in the past year are

the Quantum Companion, Springlife Polarizer Pendant, Advanced Tachyon

Technologies wrist band (cut up into smaller, more tolerable pieces!),

Mega-Chi pendant, and the Personal Polarizer. I have a tendency to

rotate items over time and also use specific items under specific

circumstances (as my environment at work is quite different than

while sleeping, etc.). I would certainly prefer to use just one

device for all circumstances, but I appear to be too sensitive

for that to work. I suspect that with continued work on detox,

I will eventually be able to settle down to fewer items.


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