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Good question. A friend with two TKR's asked me that the other day. Answers?

Joan in NYC

Sent from my iPhone

On May 20, 2011, at 1:05 PM, " Deb " <pdimaw@...> wrote:

> Has anyone had a CT scan or and MRI after a TKR???



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I've had a cat scan but not of the knee.


From: Deb <pdimaw@...>

Joint Replacement

Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 1:05 PM

Subject: Question

Has anyone had a CT scan or and MRI after a TKR???


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My current source of MSM


8495883?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0 & hash=item51942f8f8b#ht_3090wt_1180>

As I posted here and elsewhere previously with regard to MSM quality:

An online supplier of MSM for horses told me about taking MSM in

quantity He actually sold it by the rail car load, but broke out some

for me.The man had a very extensive web site in the days of dial up when

it took ages to navigate through just a page or two; but I read every

word and we exchanged many emails beyond that. Unfortunately, I never

thanks him after I became healed.

I was at my wits end then. My sports doctor, Dr. Marvel, told me that I

would be knee replacement surgery in less than two years and that my

playing tennis would help it along. He wiggled my knee back and forth,

and said, yup, two years maximum... and with that he added that was

going to need knee replacement also. I had watched the operation on TV,

it reminded me of some sort of brutal carpentry work with lots of sawing

and hammering all of which was entirely unfit for a live human being. I

was not going to have any of that, but Dr. Marvel actually got his


No question, the guy that told me about MSM saved my knee, plus, I

probably dodged hip replacement surgery and a long lost of other

problems since. I now know that I was in much worse shape then than I

actually realized at the time. Think about it, when your joints start to

go, it is a global kinda thing. Of course, it all makes perfect sense,

Why would just one isolated joint fail? Sure, I injured it in a ski

accident, but the muscles had taken over and it had done well for ten

years.. The point is that my body was starved of the necessary

nutrients to hold my joints in place properly.

This man that initially told me about it gave me the entire protocol...

a heaping tablespoonful, swish it around for a good while & swallow. He

also told me that his entire family was on the same stuff that they gave

the horses and added that I should not to be overly concerned with

quality. Thus, I was not for many years.. However, I have read since

that MSM can absorb toxins from anything in its proximity. That would

make sense, since it does that in our body. For that reason, I no

longer buy it from animal product suppliers... That is, I expect to

outlive most horses, so maybe I need to be more careful. Now, since I

no longer have to worry about joint pain, I even look forward to a long


By the way, my good friend Duncan Crowe has pointed out that his

undenatured whey protein isolate protocol actually provides a fair

amount of organic sulfur, so maybe after we have chased away the initial

problems, we don't even need to supplement with MSM anymore as long as

we use whey. That remains to be seen, but I am not going to test the

devil on this issue. This stuff is way too easy and cheap to take to do

that. Plus, I got past the taste almost immediately.

Please let us know how your Mom progresses. As I said, we all need to

hear from you on this. So far, I have never seen a problem so bad that

this MSM protocol did not turn things around, but, actually, my own

case was probably almost as bad as it gets.

>Do you recommend any particular brand of MSM? I've used

www.msm-msm.com before and it seems very high quality but would be kind

of expensive for Mega-dosing. A great post you made, it may save my

Mom's existence.<

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No, but I have had a MRI after having a THR......BARB in Florida

Re: Question

Good question. A friend with two TKR's asked me that the other day.


Joan in NYC

Sent from my iPhone

On May 20, 2011, at 1:05 PM, " Deb " <pdimaw@...> wrote:

> Has anyone had a CT scan or and MRI after a TKR???



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I had an MRI too after THR...on the thigh, longest bone in the body and it took

too long, my replacement heated up and I nearly pulled the plug on the test. 



LTHR Oct 09

RTKR Mar 11

 Life itself is the proper binge. - Child


Visit my art blog:  http://adreamseyeview.blogspot.com/

> Has anyone had a CT scan or and MRI after a TKR???



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I found this same MAM for 19.99 for 2.2lbs


oducts-brand-10.html buy 2 for 37.90

From: Coconut Oil

[mailto:Coconut Oil ] On Behalf Of Huuman

Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 2:51 PM

Coconut Oil

Subject: Re: Question

My current source of MSM




50378495883?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0 & hash=item51942f8f8b#ht_3090wt_1180>

& hash=item51942f8f8b#ht_3090wt_1180>

As I posted here and elsewhere previously with regard to MSM quality:

An online supplier of MSM for horses told me about taking MSM in

quantity He actually sold it by the rail car load, but broke out some

for me.The man had a very extensive web site in the days of dial up when

it took ages to navigate through just a page or two; but I read every

word and we exchanged many emails beyond that. Unfortunately, I never

thanks him after I became healed.

I was at my wits end then. My sports doctor, Dr. Marvel, told me that I

would be knee replacement surgery in less than two years and that my

playing tennis would help it along. He wiggled my knee back and forth,

and said, yup, two years maximum... and with that he added that was

going to need knee replacement also. I had watched the operation on TV,

it reminded me of some sort of brutal carpentry work with lots of sawing

and hammering all of which was entirely unfit for a live human being. I

was not going to have any of that, but Dr. Marvel actually got his


No question, the guy that told me about MSM saved my knee, plus, I

probably dodged hip replacement surgery and a long lost of other

problems since. I now know that I was in much worse shape then than I

actually realized at the time. Think about it, when your joints start to

go, it is a global kinda thing. Of course, it all makes perfect sense,

Why would just one isolated joint fail? Sure, I injured it in a ski

accident, but the muscles had taken over and it had done well for ten

years.. The point is that my body was starved of the necessary

nutrients to hold my joints in place properly.

This man that initially told me about it gave me the entire protocol...

a heaping tablespoonful, swish it around for a good while & swallow. He

also told me that his entire family was on the same stuff that they gave

the horses and added that I should not to be overly concerned with

quality. Thus, I was not for many years.. However, I have read since

that MSM can absorb toxins from anything in its proximity. That would

make sense, since it does that in our body. For that reason, I no

longer buy it from animal product suppliers... That is, I expect to

outlive most horses, so maybe I need to be more careful. Now, since I

no longer have to worry about joint pain, I even look forward to a long


By the way, my good friend Duncan Crowe has pointed out that his

undenatured whey protein isolate protocol actually provides a fair

amount of organic sulfur, so maybe after we have chased away the initial

problems, we don't even need to supplement with MSM anymore as long as

we use whey. That remains to be seen, but I am not going to test the

devil on this issue. This stuff is way too easy and cheap to take to do

that. Plus, I got past the taste almost immediately.

Please let us know how your Mom progresses. As I said, we all need to

hear from you on this. So far, I have never seen a problem so bad that

this MSM protocol did not turn things around, but, actually, my own

case was probably almost as bad as it gets.

>Do you recommend any particular brand of MSM? I've used

www.msm-msm.com before and it seems very high quality but would be kind

of expensive for Mega-dosing. A great post you made, it may save my

Mom's existence.<

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> I found this same MSM for 19.99 for 2.2lbs



ts-brand-10.html buy 2 for 37.90

http://bit.ly/lchTzu -- Just shortened the link up, good price.

msm-msm.com is close in price and supposed to be 99.9% pure.

> From: Coconut Oil

> [mailto:Coconut Oil ] On Behalf Of Huuman

> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 2:51 PM

> Coconut Oil

> Subject: Re: Question



> My current source of MSM

> <http://cgi.ebay.com/MSM-Bulk-Powder-1-JUG-2-2-lb-COUNTRY-HEALTH-PRODUCTS-/3

> 50378495883?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0

> <http://cgi.ebay.com/MSM-Bulk-Powder-1-JUG-2-2-lb-COUNTRY-HEALTH-PRODUCTS-/3

> 50378495883?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0 & hash=item51942f8f8b#ht_3090wt_1180>

> & hash=item51942f8f8b#ht_3090wt_1180>

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Is it the CLEANSER step that is supposed to be mixed with DMSO to carry into the

skin? Or is it the Olive Oil and stuff that should get DMSO? Or is it both?

Also, I cannot find Naturlift or Naturelines on texasnaturalsupply.com. I don't

know how to interpret their website. I put each word in a search and get a whole

page of different products that do not have that name, so far as I can tell.


> Why not make your own healthy skin cream?


> Olive oil (Costco brand the one made in California is said to be pure genuine

Olive Oil;

> Naturlift and Nature lines from (www.texasnaturals.com),

> urea and allantoin (www.soapgoods.com). Use only two 2% of the urea and



> All are safe ingredients.


> You might want to use Bradleys skin cleanser which i find very

effective, colloidal silver 75%, DMSO 10% and glycerin 15%. Clean your face very

well as this contains DMSO which takes everything inside the skin into your

system. Apply this using cotton ball, avoid eyes. Wait until it has dried then

add The above olive oil moisturizer very thinly all over the face.


> Literally, better than botox.




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The DMSO is used in the Bradley CLEANSER FORMULA which i already gave


The Olive oil is used for the moisturizer just add 2% each of liquid naturlift

and liquid naturelines. Go to www.texasnaturalsupply.com on left panel click on

" cosmeceuticals " you'll find them there. Add also a bit of beeswax for it to be

a little bid solid. Beeswax is also sold there under waxes. Use a stick blender

to get a nice texture when blending them. NO DMSO IS USED IN THIS CREAM (for

emphasis only).

> >

> > Why not make your own healthy skin cream?

> >

> > Olive oil (Costco brand the one made in California is said to be pure

genuine Olive Oil;

> > Naturlift and Nature lines from (www.texasnaturalssupply.com),

> > urea and allantoin (www.soapgoods.com). Use only two 2% of the urea and


> >

> > All are safe ingredients.

> >

> > You might want to use Bradleys skin cleanser which i find very

effective, colloidal silver 75%, DMSO 10% and glycerin 15%. Clean your face very

well as this contains DMSO which takes everything inside the skin into your

system. Apply this using cotton ball, avoid eyes. Wait until it has dried then

add The above olive oil moisturizer very thinly all over the face.

> >

> > Literally, better than botox.

> >

> >

> >


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Norm, I had a hip and two knees that needed replacing. Right knee gave me


most pain. My OS said he would do my hip first because you can rehab a hip


a bad knee easier than rehab a knee with a bad hip........my hip was


I have 90% less pain in both knees with the corrected hip. And the left

hurts worse

than the right now.......so you never know what is the main

culprit.........BARB in Florida


I have artheritis in both hips and knees. The right hip is the worst. Lately

however my right knee is more painful(suspect from favoring hip). I see the

Orthopedic Dr Wednesday for a scheduled date for hip replacement. The


stress a little more than I probably should , but thats me. I cannot afford

to be without working forever. I don't want to lose my house.



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Because I have some spinal damage as well, I thought much of my pain HAD

to be coming from there. Nope..the injection into my right hip caused

instant relief from almost all the pain. I'd forgotten how it felt NOT to be

in so much pain all the time, even lying down.

In a message dated 6/26/2011 8:15:22 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

jujulabee@... writes:

Hip problems can cause pain all over - as you are experiencing.

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Hip problems can cause pain all over - as you are experiencing.

In general - even if one needs a knee replacement - surgeons will do the hip

first - and then the knee if still necessary. It seems to be easier to recover

from hip surgery with a painful knee than recover from knee surgery and do the

necessary rehab with a bad hip.

On Jun 25, 2011, at 5:37 AM, navyvet30 wrote:

> I have artheritis in both hips and knees. The right hip is the worst. Lately

however my right knee is more painful(suspect from favoring hip). I see the

Orthopedic Dr Wednesday for a scheduled date for hip replacement. The question


little more than I probably should , but thats me. I cannot afford to be without

working forever. I don't want to lose my house.

> Norm



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  • 1 month later...
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Has your friend called Dr. A or Dr. Compos about this?Is she taking small sips of water? Is she on any medications?I agree, she will get dehydrated and have much bigger problems then nausea. -DennisSent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: "" <movie_mommy@...>Sender: Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 17:19:20 -0000< >Reply Subject: Question A friend of mine went to Dr A and had sugery July 2. She doesn't want to drink or eat as eveytime she does she feels like getting sick. I have told her she is dehydrated but what would be causing the nausea everytime she eats anything? Anyone have have suggetions? Thanks

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She needs to drink in very small portions her stomach needs to healBut she will eventually feel better. It takes time to learn drink and eat at a slow pace since most of us are used to eating quickly and large amounts. please make sure she stays hydrated or she can run into other health problems. Sent from my iPodOn Jul 27, 2011, at 1:19 PM, "" <movie_mommy@...> wrote:

A friend of mine went to Dr A and had sugery July 2. She doesn't want to drink or eat as eveytime she does she feels like getting sick. I have told her she is dehydrated but what would be causing the nausea everytime she eats anything?

Anyone have have suggetions?


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She is dehydrated and have put her in the hospital. They are now saying the opening to her tummy is way too small. I don't know if they know what they are looking at because we don't have anyone here that does VSG. They took her off Nexium but I think she should be on Prevacid or something else. From: "dennispike@..." <dennispike@...> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 2:24:12

PMSubject: Re: Question

Has your friend called Dr. A or Dr. Compos about this?Is she taking small sips of water? Is she on any medications?I agree, she will get dehydrated and have much bigger problems then nausea. -DennisSent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: "" <movie_mommy@...>


Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 17:19:20 -0000< >Reply

Subject: Question

A friend of mine went to Dr A and had sugery July 2. She doesn't want to drink or eat as eveytime she does she feels like getting sick. I have told her she is dehydrated but what would be causing the nausea everytime she eats anything?

Anyone have have suggetions?


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Please call Dr. Aceves and talk to him about it and have him possibly talk to

her doctors in the hospital.


> She is dehydrated and have put her in the hospital. They are now saying the

opening to her tummy is way too small. I don't know if they know what they are

looking at because we don't have anyone here that does VSG. They took her off

Nexium but I think she should be on Prevacid or something else.




> ________________________________

> From: " dennispike@... " <dennispike@...>


> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 2:24:12 PM

> Subject: Re: Question





> Has your friend called Dr. A or Dr. Compos about this?


> Is she taking small sips of water? Is she on any medications?


> I agree, she will get dehydrated and have much bigger problems then nausea.


> -Dennis



> Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

> ________________________________


> From: " " <movie_mommy@...>

> Sender:

> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 17:19:20 -0000

> < >

> Reply

> Subject: Question


> A friend of mine went to Dr A and had sugery July 2. She doesn't want to drink

or eat as eveytime she does she feels like getting sick. I have told her she is

dehydrated but what would be causing the nausea everytime she eats anything?

> Anyone have have suggetions?

> Thanks



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I agree this is the best thing to do. Dr. Aceves will be happy to call I am sure.


In a message dated 7/29/2011 12:37:57 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, darceydeetz@... writes:

Please call Dr. Aceves and talk to him about it and have him possibly talk to her doctors in the hospital.>> She is dehydrated and have put her in the hospital. They are now saying the opening to her tummy is way too small. I don't know if they know what they are looking at because we don't have anyone here that does VSG. They took her off Nexium but I think she should be on Prevacid or something else. > > > > ________________________________> From: "dennispike@..." <dennispike@...>> > Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 2:24:12 PM> Subject: Re: Question> > >  > > Has your friend called Dr. A or Dr. Compos about this?> > Is she taking small sips of water? Is she on any medications?> > I agree, she will get dehydrated and have much bigger problems then nausea. > > -Dennis> > > Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®> ________________________________> > From: "" <movie_mommy@...> > Sender: > Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 17:19:20 -0000> < >> Reply > Subject: Question>  > A friend of mine went to Dr A and had sugery July 2. She doesn't want to drink or eat as eveytime she does she feels like getting sick. I have told her she is dehydrated but what would be causing the nausea everytime she eats anything? > Anyone have have suggetions? > Thanks > >

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have simular problems. In fact a recent Dr told me most of my problems are

muscle. I do have some joint pain. Lately I had what feels like sprained

fingers and toes. My achilles tendon is bothering me which I've had no pain in

for years. I've read where ReA bothers people at the point where the tendon

attaches to the bone. This is certainly a problem for me. Lately I've had

soreness from my big toe over my arch to the inside of heal. I'm not sure if

this is plantar facitisis or not. Also the knob by my wrist, opposite my thumb,

hurts so bad I can't rest my hands on a table. This time of year has always

been bad for me (the football preseason is how I remember it) Its fun being

sick for so long that I can tell the time of year its going to be bad. I've

recently been dx with uveitis, after 23 years with my eyes bothering me. The dr

didn't give me anything for it however. I'm starting to realize that dr are so

very different. Its almost to the point that if your sick they are going to say

their is nothing wrong just to get rid of you. When I first got sick Drs seemed

to care, now its get the hell out of here. I saw a urologist today and he

walked out of the room on me!!! If I turned up dead I don't think he would

care one bit.

I'm also waiting for my hearing for disability. Boy, if I don't get that.....

Such is life.

Dan in WI

Go Pack Go

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Wow, we sound like twins, except I've gotten pretty good care from my docs in

Menasha. I'm so afraid the doc will call my symptoms fibromyalgia since that

has such a stigma to it. I've not had symptoms this bad in years. Not sure

what is different now. I had the uveitis as my first diagnosed symptom and it

took awhile to get me to the right specialist to get it taken care of. But they

did. I still have some damage from it. But still can see faily well with

corrective lenses.

Hopefully this will settle down once I get my daughter back to college in

another couple of weeks.

Prayers going up for you Dan that you get the care you deserve. Thanks for the


Kathy from WI

Re: Question

I have simular problems. In fact a recent Dr told me most of my problems are

muscle. I do have some joint pain. Lately I had what feels like sprained fingers

and toes. My achilles tendon is bothering me which I've had no pain in for

years. I've read where ReA bothers people at the point where the tendon attaches

to the bone. This is certainly a problem for me. Lately I've had soreness from

my big toe over my arch to the inside of heal. I'm not sure if this is plantar

facitisis or not. Also the knob by my wrist, opposite my thumb, hurts so bad I

can't rest my hands on a table. This time of year has always been bad for me

(the football preseason is how I remember it) Its fun being sick for so long

that I can tell the time of year its going to be bad. I've recently been dx with

uveitis, after 23 years with my eyes bothering me. The dr didn't give me

anything for it however. I'm starting to realize that dr are so very different.

Its almost to the point tha t if your sick they are going to say their is

nothing wrong just to get rid of you. When I first got sick Drs seemed to care,

now its get the hell out of here. I saw a urologist today and he walked out of

the room on me!!! If I turned up dead I don't think he would care one bit.

I'm also waiting for my hearing for disability. Boy, if I don't get that.....

Such is life.

Dan in WI

Go Pack Go

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Hi Dan and Kathy,


I feel your pain. A lot of it has to do with daily stress in our lives. I hope

things settle down soon. Also, I have one or two missed doses and the pain in

the neck comes back. I dread to think what will happen if for some reason I am

not able to take my meds. Good luck,


Mr O in IL

From: " KABRHB@... " <KABRHB@...>

Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 12:37 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Question


Wow, we sound like twins, except I've gotten pretty good care from my docs in

Menasha. I'm so afraid the doc will call my symptoms fibromyalgia since that has

such a stigma to it. I've not had symptoms this bad in years. Not sure what is

different now. I had the uveitis as my first diagnosed symptom and it took

awhile to get me to the right specialist to get it taken care of. But they did.

I still have some damage from it. But still can see faily well with corrective


Hopefully this will settle down once I get my daughter back to college in

another couple of weeks.

Prayers going up for you Dan that you get the care you deserve. Thanks for the


Kathy from WI

Re: Question

I have simular problems. In fact a recent Dr told me most of my problems are

muscle. I do have some joint pain. Lately I had what feels like sprained fingers

and toes. My achilles tendon is bothering me which I've had no pain in for

years. I've read where ReA bothers people at the point where the tendon attaches

to the bone. This is certainly a problem for me. Lately I've had soreness from

my big toe over my arch to the inside of heal. I'm not sure if this is plantar

facitisis or not. Also the knob by my wrist, opposite my thumb, hurts so bad I

can't rest my hands on a table. This time of year has always been bad for me

(the football preseason is how I remember it) Its fun being sick for so long

that I can tell the time of year its going to be bad. I've recently been dx with

uveitis, after 23 years with my eyes bothering me. The dr didn't give me

anything for it however. I'm starting to realize that dr are so very different.

Its almost to the point tha t

if your sick they are going to say their is nothing wrong just to get rid of

you. When I first got sick Drs seemed to care, now its get the hell out of here.

I saw a urologist today and he walked out of the room on me!!! If I turned up

dead I don't think he would care one bit.

I'm also waiting for my hearing for disability. Boy, if I don't get that.....

Such is life.

Dan in WI

Go Pack Go

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Hi Dan,

This whole thing with me being diagnosed with Reactive Arthritis started after a

lengthy and painful bout of plantar fasciitis, which two different podiatrists

could not fix. I even had surgery to try and correct it. Which did not help. So

AFTER the surgery, the podiatrist says, " did I ever mention arthritis to you? "

Well, no...

The only thing I can say about bombing myself with all these ReA medicines is

that my plantar fascia doesn't hurt anymore. But other things do from time to


-- Kay in Ohio


> I have simular problems. In fact a recent Dr told me most of my problems are

muscle. I do have some joint pain. Lately I had what feels like sprained

fingers and toes. My achilles tendon is bothering me which I've had no pain in

for years. I've read where ReA bothers people at the point where the tendon

attaches to the bone. This is certainly a problem for me. Lately I've had

soreness from my big toe over my arch to the inside of heal. I'm not sure if

this is plantar facitisis or not. Also the knob by my wrist, opposite my thumb,

hurts so bad I can't rest my hands on a table. This time of year has always

been bad for me (the football preseason is how I remember it) Its fun being

sick for so long that I can tell the time of year its going to be bad. I've

recently been dx with uveitis, after 23 years with my eyes bothering me. The dr

didn't give me anything for it however. I'm starting to realize that dr are so

very different. Its almost to the point that if your sick they are going to say

their is nothing wrong just to get rid of you. When I first got sick Drs seemed

to care, now its get the hell out of here. I saw a urologist today and he

walked out of the room on me!!! If I turned up dead I don't think he would

care one bit.


> I'm also waiting for my hearing for disability. Boy, if I don't get that.....


> Such is life.

> Dan in WI

> Go Pack Go



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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't get that memo!!I would imagine that the popcorn kernels would be hard to digest and maybe can get stuck in your new staple line. Those things get stuck everywhere in your mouth and so I imagine that may be a reason since you now have areas that may not be as "smooth" with scar tissue.As for butter/mayo, besides them being high in calories, I kinda consider these "slider food" for me. It makes whatever I eat go down nice and doesn't seem to keep me full as long. Not sure if that is why Dr. A says to avoid, but it has been my experience with them!Sent from my iPhoneOn Aug 26, 2011, at 11:13 PM, "" <movie_mommy@...> wrote:

Why does Dr A say never to have butter or Mayo and also never to have popcorn?? Just curious as to why?


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He believes in the low fat theory.  I totally disagree with him here, we did not get fat from dietary fat, we got fat from white carbs.  I've been at goal for over 4 years and I still eat a full fat, low white carb diet.  Dietary fat actually keeps you full longer.

Popcorn, that I don't know.  I wasn't aware of that one.On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 8:13 PM, <movie_mommy@...> wrote:


Why does Dr A say never to have butter or Mayo and also never to have popcorn?? Just curious as to why?


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I never heard this from Dr. A or Nina, so you'll you'll have to see what

others have to report. Popcorn, well, my husband who use to have bouts

with diverticulitis (when he was heavier) was told NEVER to eat seeds of

any kind because they can get caught in the intestinal wall and cause an

infection. So perhaps that's why Dr. A says stay away from popcorn

because of the little husks in it, IDK, just speculating. I have eaten

all of the forbidden foods - butter, mayo and popcorn with no issues.

Obviously butter and mayo have FAT in them, so common sense would tell

you to steer clear of those on regular basis. Once in awhile I don't see

the big deal, but as I say, see what the others have to say.


> Why does Dr A say never to have butter or Mayo and also never to have

popcorn?? Just curious as to why?

> Thanks


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JMHO but I believe its because he wants us to stop our old bad habits of eating

unhealthy fattening foods. Not sure about the popcorn. I bet Suzanne or Bipley



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