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Response to Marc

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> However, your biggest exposure (except for those right by a cell

> tower or HV transmission line) is still the RF being broadcast

> throughout your buildings 24/7 from the wiring.

Yes, but that's not the biggest thing impacting my health. I can

be in my house all day and not have any problems at all. Sit

me in front of a laptop computer, and I have problems very quickly.

> Nausea, sweatiness and chest pains just happen to be signs of a

> heart attack.

I'm sure that they're signs of more than just that. For example,

the chest pains seem to eminating from my ribs, not my heart.

Also, I get chest pains from all sorts of foods and supplements

as well, so it certainly is not unique to this EMF device.

Personally, I think that toxins are being liberated into

my bloodstream, and I am having an adverse reaction. They

say that lead is stored in your bones, and I have had EAV

testing that shows that I'm allergic to lead. Could be

as simple as that.

>How can something ground you with no contact to earth? Seriously,

>is this possible, or just nice-sounding PR?

Who knows, but this pendant has some good EMF protection qualities

that cannot be ignored. The problem is that I cannot tolerate

wearing it all day every day, so it is of little practical use.


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I also have some chest pains and I think this happens due to muscle

contractions due to problems in my brain which is due to mercury toxicity. I

have chest pains on my left side only. I think one side of my brain(possibly

the right side) is damaged and it causes contracted muscles on the left

side.Actually my whole left side is contracted(tight). I can feel that when

I try to relax or meditate.


Re: response to Marc


> > However, your biggest exposure (except for those right by a cell

> > tower or HV transmission line) is still the RF being broadcast

> > throughout your buildings 24/7 from the wiring.


> Yes, but that's not the biggest thing impacting my health. I can

> be in my house all day and not have any problems at all. Sit

> me in front of a laptop computer, and I have problems very quickly.


> > Nausea, sweatiness and chest pains just happen to be signs of a

> > heart attack.


> I'm sure that they're signs of more than just that. For example,

> the chest pains seem to eminating from my ribs, not my heart.

> Also, I get chest pains from all sorts of foods and supplements


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> I also have some chest pains and I think this happens due to muscle

> contractions

I should point out that the things which give me chest pains

also cause a simultaneous pain the bottom of my left foot

( " foot attack? " :-) )

I've gotten this from seaweed, " kombucha " beverage,

chia seeds, electrolyte drinks, amino acid powders,

and mercury chelators -- all things which are supposed to

be healthy and provoke detoxification.

So the fact that a couple EMF protection devices do

this as well puts them in good company. The devices

which have done this include the Earthcalm resonator,

the Harmonic Protector, a Sacred Geometry Medallion,

and the Personal Rejuvenizer pendant. If I wasn't

so toxic, I'd probably benefit from all of these.


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Chalk up one more list member who experiences muscle contractions in

the chest/abdominal area, apparently triggered by mercury

mobilization due to EMF exposure. My husband was having

these " attacks " about once a week back around October -- before we

realized he was ES and started being vigilant about avoidance and

shielding. The attacks would last about half an hour or more, and

resembled what I imagine an epileptic seizure is, more than a heart

attack, i.e. spams that convulse the entire body repeatedly rather

than shooting pains in the chest. We came to think of the attacks as

his body's reaction to a buildup of EM energy in his body (from

working at his computer or being in a store full of fluorescent

lights). When the attack was over, he would be worn out but with no

other lingering effect, as if the excess energy had been released and

his body stabilized. Anyway these attacks are much rarer now,

especially since we've been supplementing nutritionally.

Can't say whether I'd describe this as a " detox " reaction exactly,

and we have not been able to link it to particular supplements, EMF

protection devices or known detox agents. In any case, as many of you

have pointed out before, there are surely gentler ways to detox than

this. :-)


> Marc,


> I also have some chest pains and I think this happens due to muscle

> contractions due to problems in my brain which is due to mercury

toxicity. I

> have chest pains on my left side only. I think one side of my brain


> the right side) is damaged and it causes contracted muscles on the


> side.Actually my whole left side is contracted(tight). I can feel

that when

> I try to relax or meditate.


> Nil

> Re: response to Marc



> >

> > > However, your biggest exposure (except for those right by a cell

> > > tower or HV transmission line) is still the RF being broadcast

> > > throughout your buildings 24/7 from the wiring.

> >

> > Yes, but that's not the biggest thing impacting my health. I can

> > be in my house all day and not have any problems at all. Sit

> > me in front of a laptop computer, and I have problems very


> >

> > > Nausea, sweatiness and chest pains just happen to be signs of a

> > > heart attack.

> >

> > I'm sure that they're signs of more than just that. For example,

> > the chest pains seem to eminating from my ribs, not my heart.

> > Also, I get chest pains from all sorts of foods and supplements

> >

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" The attacks would last about half an hour or more, and

resembled what I imagine an epileptic seizure is, more than a heart

attack, i.e. spasms that convulse the entire body repeatedly rather

than shooting pains in the chest. "


I am having these type of attacks when I try to meditate and when I am

practicing strong release of deeply buried emotions..I can not meditate

because of this problem.Does he feel a strong pressure at the part of the

head where neck joins the skull?My head moves uncontrollably backwards and I

feel great pressure at that part. My whole body starts shaking. Convulsions

are more at the left side of my body.I think this is happening due to a

damage done at my brain by mercury.I don't know and wonder which part of my

brain is damaged.

This is different than the chest pain I have. My chest pain is like what

Mark describes.



Re: response to Marc

> >

> >

> > >

> > > > However, your biggest exposure (except for those right by a cell

> > > > tower or HV transmission line) is still the RF being broadcast

> > > > throughout your buildings 24/7 from the wiring.

> > >

> > > Yes, but that's not the biggest thing impacting my health. I can

> > > be in my house all day and not have any problems at all. Sit

> > > me in front of a laptop computer, and I have problems very

> quickly.

> > >

> > > > Nausea, sweatiness and chest pains just happen to be signs of a

> > > > heart attack.

> > >

> > > I'm sure that they're signs of more than just that. For example,

> > > the chest pains seem to eminating from my ribs, not my heart.

> > > Also, I get chest pains from all sorts of foods and supplements

> > >









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Hi Nil,

I don't think my husband's " attacks " have ever happened when he was

meditating. No pressure where you describe (at the base of the neck)


- Cara

> " The attacks would last about half an hour or more, and

> resembled what I imagine an epileptic seizure is, more than a heart

> attack, i.e. spasms that convulse the entire body repeatedly rather

> than shooting pains in the chest. "


> Cara


> I am having these type of attacks when I try to meditate and when I


> practicing strong release of deeply buried emotions..I can not


> because of this problem.Does he feel a strong pressure at the part

of the

> head where neck joins the skull?My head moves uncontrollably

backwards and I

> feel great pressure at that part. My whole body starts shaking.


> are more at the left side of my body.I think this is happening due

to a

> damage done at my brain by mercury.I don't know and wonder which

part of my

> brain is damaged.


> This is different than the chest pain I have. My chest pain is like


> Mark describes.

> Thanks.

> Nil


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  • 1 year later...

Shivani had said:

" When I look through catalogs full of electronic gizmos, that are

supposed to make our lives easier and improve our health, but which

produce damaging frequencies, I cringe. "

Marc replied:

Yes, but since you have not personally tried these items, I don't

think you are qualified to state that any of these items actually

cause any damage. You are only assuming they do, based on

assumptions which may not even be correct.

Shivani replies:

The kind of gizmos I am tallking about are things like wireless

indoor/outdoor thermometers and weather stations that radio broadcast a signal


your whole house, wireless remote controls, wireless headsets for your

stereo or DVD player, dimmer-switch alarm clocks that brighten gradually,

high-frequency pest control units, variable-speed motor treadmills, all kinds of

vibrators/foot spas/ etcetera that connect you directly not only to the


circuit but produce frequencies of their own....

I am very curious, also, about gizmos like the new " Chaperone Satellite

Vehicle Tracker, " and the Dreamate Sleep Aid, that " delivers

double-frequency micromassage to specific pulse points " on your wrist ( " Not

suitable for

persons with pacemakers. " )

Since I know that exposing myself to high freqencies is harmful, why on

earth would I want to spend money on such things to " try them out? "

If you do, though, Marc, please let us know what you experience?

Marc also said:

You seem to be a bit hypocritical on this matter -- you feel free

to say that all sorts of gizmos are harmful, even though you have

absolutely no experience to back this up,

Shivani replies:

I have definitely not maligned all sorts of gizmos. I haven't even

maligned one. Name me one brand name gizmo that I have said is harmful. What

I said is " " When I look through catalogs full of electronic gizmos, that are

supposed to make our lives easier and improve our health, but which produce

damaging frequencies, I cringe. " I cetainly do have enough experience with

what RF does to me to be justified in feeling this way.

Marc continued, to say that I

" ...jump all over anyone who has anything negative to say about the


products.... "

Shivani responds:

Why are you exagerrating so, Marc? I have been asking ONE person,

, to produce the research he has mentioned, supposedly done by Bajog,

supposedly on the Stetzer filters.

As you are group moderator, I cannot understand your position. It is

OK with you for someone to say, without supporting his assertion, that he has

specific information from a study by a particular group relating to a

particular product, which puts the product in a negative light. (In this case,

claiming that the filters can do the polar opposite of what they are designed to

do.) But it is for some reason not OK with you if others ask to back up

what he has said by sharing whatever Bajog did and said.

The bottom line here is not imaginary, nor is it trivial. The reason

this is important is because if Bajog did not do as claims, then what

he has said is a concocted fiction, designed to malign the Stetzer filters.

If you want to be on the up-and-up, you should be very, very

interested in ' producing the information requested of him.


Shivani Arjuna


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Shivani writes:

> The kind of gizmos I am tallking about are things like wireless

> indoor/outdoor thermometers and weather stations that radio broadcast

Ahhh, my apologies... I thought this was yet another put-down of

EMF protection devices, which you tend to present as " snake oil " ,

(even though you don't appear to have ever used them).

> I have definitely not maligned all sorts of gizmos. I haven't even

> maligned one.

On the EMR-EMF group, you posted the following a month ago:

'However, I and many others are not interested in " protection products "

that make no meterable difference in the exposure. Have you read

Don Maisch's comments on such protection devices? I concur.'

I believe Don Maisch's comments were along the lines that " all EMF

protection devices are scams " . I'd definitely call that maligning...

> As you are group moderator, I cannot understand your position.

My position is that perhaps you are being rather overzealous? I think

you have asked this question over and over, and if it hasn't been

answered to your satisfaction by now, then it probably never will be.

And if hasn't provided enough information to convince you,

then you don't have to believe him.

And your insinuations that is making things up to malign

the Stetzer filters or that lawsuits could be involved seems to

be a bit uncalled for...


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Let me say, that first of all, ionic foot spas can bring the

electrosensibility down enormously.

Secondly, it seems that Dave Stetzer is not questioning anything.

Only Shivani is.

As I stated before, Shivani cannot read German text, so it is of no use for

her that I send some German papers.

I also stated, that if Stetzer has a problem, he should contact Bajog


Further it is my opinion, that the two Stetzer filters I bought are shit.

They bear the markings of Stetzerizer, but no CE mark.

They also do not seem to have any resemblance with the filters shown on the

Stetzer HP, nor on the present Lessemf HP. Both do not show any holes for a


Mine have.

I hope that it is now clear.

Sure I am entitled to state that a product which I legally ordered and paid

for, is of inferior quality.

They were no prototypes and I paid the full price.

I do not have any intention.



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Response to Marc

> Shivani replies:

> The kind of gizmos I am tallking about are things like wireless

> indoor/outdoor thermometers and weather stations that radio broadcast a

> signal through

> your whole house, wireless remote controls, wireless headsets for your

> stereo or DVD player, dimmer-switch alarm clocks that brighten gradually,

> high-frequency pest control units, variable-speed motor treadmills, all

> kinds of

> vibrators/foot spas/ etcetera that connect you directly not only to the

> electrical

> circuit but produce frequencies of their own....

> I am very curious, also, about gizmos like the new " Chaperone

> Satellite

> Vehicle Tracker, " and the Dreamate Sleep Aid, that " delivers

> double-frequency micromassage to specific pulse points " on your wrist

> ( " Not suitable for

> persons with pacemakers. " )

> Since I know that exposing myself to high freqencies is harmful, why

> on

> earth would I want to spend money on such things to " try them out? "

> If you do, though, Marc, please let us know what you experience?



> Marc continued, to say that I

> " ...jump all over anyone who has anything negative to say about the

> Stetzer

> products.... "


> Shivani responds:

> Why are you exagerrating so, Marc? I have been asking ONE person,

> , to produce the research he has mentioned, supposedly done by

> Bajog,

> supposedly on the Stetzer filters.

> As you are group moderator, I cannot understand your position. It

> is

> OK with you for someone to say, without supporting his assertion, that he

> has

> specific information from a study by a particular group relating to a

> particular product, which puts the product in a negative light. (In this

> case,

> claiming that the filters can do the polar opposite of what they are

> designed to

> do.) But it is for some reason not OK with you if others ask to

> back up

> what he has said by sharing whatever Bajog did and said.

> The bottom line here is not imaginary, nor is it trivial. The

> reason

> this is important is because if Bajog did not do as claims, then

> what

> he has said is a concocted fiction, designed to malign the Stetzer

> filters.

> If you want to be on the up-and-up, you should be very, very

> interested in ' producing the information requested of him.


> Regards,

> Shivani Arjuna

> www.LifeEnergies.com



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