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Dot, where are you in Florida? Your surgeon and the anesthesiologist will

be happy to use whichever method you prefer.general anesthesia or spinal.

Just tell them what you want used and they'll do that.



From: Joint Replacement

[mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of Dot Sheltie

Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 7:30 PM

Joint Replacement

Subject: Re: New to Group

Hi Di,

I am 65 and going for full knee replacement.I also scared to death.I want to

ask my surgeon if he will give me a spinal block instead of the other.Its

that,that I'm afraid of. Stay in touch.


'Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened'

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Don't be afraid. You'll feel so much better and be thrilled you had it

done. I'm not a hip person.my surgeries have been knee so I'm not much help

at tips.



From: Joint Replacement

[mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of dizcatz

Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 5:54 PM

Joint Replacement

Subject: New to Group

Hi Everyone - I just joined your group. I'm scheduled for a LTHR on June

3rd. I'm 65, a widow and live alone and am scared out of my mind. I'm

looking forward to reading your messages and getting some idea what to

expect. Hugs, Di/upstate NY

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Hi Dot,

I had a right TKR on March 19. I too opted for spinal. I¹m so glad I did.

The anesthesiologist said that in his opinion this was the preferred

anesthesia for this type of surgery.

I was given some medicine that kept me unaware of the procedure. I didn¹t

see or hear anything at all (something that people are afraid of in making

this decision). I came out of that state immediately and was alert from the

get go, while still in the OR after the operation was over. No need to

recover from anesthesia so I was able to concentrate on recovering from

surgery. I¹m doing well now and I do attribute much of my success to having

had the spinal. I also had a femoral block, which was done immediately

after the surgery.

I have a claw foot tub. A friend loaned me a shower chair with a broad

seat. I just sit on the seat, slide over and then lift my legs into the

tub. This is different from your situatin but may have some things in

common in that you hsve to get over that big step. I have a handheld shower

head so it¹s all pretty simple. You will have someone come in to work with

you doing your physical therapy and they can request additional support if

needed to teach you how to use the shower and anything else specific to the

layout of your home.

I didn¹t shower until 12 days after surgery. The shower was delayed a few

days because my Physical Therapist wanted an occupational therapist to

teach me how to do the shower. So I took a few extra ³birdbaths². Sure

felt good to have the shower. Your discharge paper should say when you can

shower. I think the timing depends on how your wound has been closed.

I¹ve been lucky in that people have given me all the gear that I need. I¹m

sure you can get them for free too. Someone discussed this in a message

this list that you may find in the archives.

Great that you are walking so much and being fit. That is going to help you

a lot in your rehab. If you can add a couple of exercises to your routine

they will also be a good help in your recovery. They are described here


These are exercises that you will do after surgery. If you do these three

times a day every day before surgery you will be developing the muscles for

your post surgery exercises and make that easier.

One of the many things I¹ve learned from this list is the great variation in

our abilities and experiences. As you¹ve learned, some people have had

really terrible experiences and others have not. You might read up or ask

your doctor about the incidence of difficult outcomes if that would help


The best advice I¹ve had is from my doctor, who told me that I should

listen to my body and work as hard as I can, including working through the

pain of some of the post-surgery exercises and resting when I need to. So

that¹s what I¹m doing and it¹s working for me. I can always talk myself

into doing the exercises no matter what. I was using the walker alone while

in the hospital with full weight bearing. I had home health with PT at

home for 2 weeks and then sent to outpatient physical therapy. The

therapist noted that I wasn¹t really using the walker and suggested I let it

go. So now I mostly walk on my own and use a walker, walking stick, or cane

when I Œm tired or for some other reason need extra stability. I¹ve gone on

a few outings but not being able to drive does limit my outings. Also this

healing is a lot of work and I tire easily. I don¹t sleep well at night

yet,though that¹s getting better. So I need naps during the day. The other

good advice, especially from this list is ICE AND ELEVATE!!!!!!!!! I¹m

very happy that I had the surgery and am thrilled at my healing. It¹s a lot

of work right now but the rewards are pretty immediate!

In my case it was required that someone be at home with me initially in

order to be released to my home. You should find out what the hospital

requirements are. My sister came for 2 weeks so was here while I was in the

hospital and for a week and a half afterwrds.

Take care, Dottie.



On 4/11/09 4:29 PM, " Dot Sheltie " <dotsheltie@...> wrote:






> Hi Di,

> I am 65 and going for full knee replacement.I also scared to death.I want to

> ask my surgeon if he will give me a spinal block instead of the other.Its

> that,that I'm afraid of. Stay in touch.

> Dot,Florida


> 'Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened'



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Amy


Welcome to the group - I'm glad you found us and hopefully from reading the

posts here and making contacts with the other members in the group you might get

some help in coping with what is a miserable and much misunderstood problem.

What you describe is something that a lot of people on the forum have problems

with. I too react badly to fluorescent lighting and shopping is extremely

difficult - I find that being in large stores makes me feel extremely hot, with

a flushed face broken out in an unsightly skin rash, and exhausted after only a

short time, and exhausted and sickish the next day too. The best thing for me is

avoidance - I don't shop unless I absolutely have to and try to shop in smaller

stores which don't have so much of the fluoros and all the other associated

paraphernalia which don't help - like the freezers [in the supermarket] and

the cash register system and the music etc and a lot of people's cell phones in

an enclosed space and the

wifi in the cafe - they all add up!


The skin rash has improved somewhat for me since I started to detox in earnest,

taking in more water, more fruit and veg, being more conscious that I avoid

additives and try to cook my own food from scratch and drink less tea and

coffee. If you go through the archives here you may find info about detoxing and

problems with liver pathways [i'm no expert but others on the forum are very

knowledgeable] which may be of help. I am sorry to hear you have had to give up

a job which you loved because of your health. I can sympathise, since I too was

forced to give up work in similar circumstances - I wouldn't say that I loved my

job, but I would love to be able to go back to work and that isn't possible at

the moment.


The beach is good - I try to go when I can and always feel better there - most

of the time the sun helps me too - which is maybe odd, but maybe its because I

feel  better outdoors than I do inside.


Hope this helps a bit Amy.


Best wishes




Have you tried any supplements or anything?



From: Amy Green <amygreen53@...>

Subject: new to group

Date: Sunday, 3 May, 2009, 2:37 AM

I'm new to this group, but really glad I found you! For the past 3 years, I have

had a terrible time with fluorescent lights. They make me feel weak, dizzy,

disoriented and terribly anxious. It started when my health crashed with what

seems to be endocrine (thyroid and adrenal problems), but as those labs have

improved, my problems with fluorescent lights have not. The problem is worse in

the morning than it is in the evening. Stores are virtually impossible to

manage. I was a teacher and the last year I taught, I had to keep the lights off

and just let the students work by natural light coming in the windows. I LOVE

teaching, but have had to quit, not only because of the light problem, but the

health mess in general. Before getting sick, I had no problems with the lights

ever. Sometimes the sun bothers me, but not too badly because I spend a lot of

time at the beach and can usually manage without sunglasses. I don't know anyone

else with this

problem and am so tired of trying to explain it to people. : (

I would really appreciate any advice y'all can give. Thanks! Amy

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Hi Amy,

While we don't all suffer the same symptoms, a lot of people are sensitive

to fluorescents. I have done some detox, limiting my time on computer or

around electronics, especially in the stores. I also turn a lot off/unplug

switches while sleeping. That really helps me a lot! I sleep so much more

sounder when I unplug all the electronics from the ground floor, underneath

where I sleep. I also severely limit my time around wifi.

There is a ton of great info in the archives too. Welcome!


amygreen53@... writes:

I'm new to this group, but really glad I found you! For the past 3 years, I

have had a terrible time with fluorescent lights. They make me feel weak,

dizzy, disoriented and terribly anxious. It started when my health crashed

with what seems to be endocrine (thyroid and adrenal problems), but as

those labs have improved, my problems with fluorescent lights have not. The

problem is worse in the morning than it is in the evening. Stores are

virtually impossible to manage. I was a teacher and the last year I taught, I


to keep the lights off and just let the students work by natural light

coming in the windows. I LOVE teaching, but have had to quit, not only because

of the light problem, but the health mess in general. Before getting sick, I

had no problems with the lights ever. Sometimes the sun bothers me, but

not too badly because I spend a lot of time at the beach and can usually

manage without sunglasses. I don't know anyone else with this

problem and am so tired of trying to explain it to people. : (

I would really appreciate any advice y'all can give. Thanks! Amy

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I was going to add that it's uncanny how similar our situations are. I too

have thyroid issues, and got sensitive around the same time, although it

took me around 11 years to figure out what was making me feel so bad. The

doctors just said " fibromyalgia " , hashimoto's and fatigue. So not only do we

share a name but similar unfortunate circumstances. While I wasn't a teacher

(except a homeschool one and we have no fluorescents here!) I was teaching

Sunday School but had to stop that because of the lights, too.

Were you ever diagnosed w/fibro too?


No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the congress is in


Mark Twain

In a message dated 5/3/2009 1:17:01 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

amygreen53@... writes:

I'm new to this group, but really glad I found you! For the past 3 years, I

have had a terrible time with fluorescent lights. They make me feel weak,

dizzy, disoriented and terribly anxious. It started when my health crashed

with what seems to be endocrine (thyroid and adrenal problems), but as

those labs have improved, my problems with fluorescent lights have not. The

problem is worse in the morning than it is in the evening. Stores are

virtually impossible to manage. I was a teacher and the last year I taught, I


to keep the lights off and just let the students work by natural light

coming in the windows. I LOVE teaching, but have had to quit, not only because

of the light problem, but the health mess in general. Before getting sick, I

had no problems with the lights ever. Sometimes the sun bothers me, but

not too badly because I spend a lot of time at the beach and can usually

manage without sunglasses. I don't know anyone else with this

problem and am so tired of trying to explain it to people. : (

I would really appreciate any advice y'all can give. Thanks! Amy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Amy -- Yup, uncanny! I do have fibromyalgia (although I had it for years before

the other problems hit), plus hashimoto's and adrenal fatigue. The light

sensitivity started when the thyroid and adrenal stuff started. I'm sure it's

connected, I just don't know how. I am much more sensitive to lights in the

morning, a bit less in the afternoon and even less in the evening. That's an

adrenal pattern, so I'm guessing the connection may be adrenal, but I don't know

and doctor's seem to have no idea. Is there a general consensus on this forum

for what causes fluorescent light problems??

BTW -- I also used to homeschool -- and I too had to quit teaching Sunday School

as well because of the lights and my general health issues. Strange world isn't




From: " javamdnss@... " <javamdnss@...>

Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2009 8:54:03 PM

Subject: Re: new to group

I was going to add that it's uncanny how similar our situations are. I too

have thyroid issues, and got sensitive around the same time, although it

took me around 11 years to figure out what was making me feel so bad. The

doctors just said " fibromyalgia " , hashimoto's and fatigue. So not only do we

share a name but similar unfortunate circumstances. While I wasn't a teacher

(except a homeschool one and we have no fluorescents here!) I was teaching

Sunday School but had to stop that because of the lights, too.

Were you ever diagnosed w/fibro too?


No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the congress is in


Mark Twain

In a message dated 5/3/2009 1:17:01 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

amygreen53 (DOT) com writes:

I'm new to this group, but really glad I found you! For the past 3 years, I

have had a terrible time with fluorescent lights. They make me feel weak,

dizzy, disoriented and terribly anxious. It started when my health crashed

with what seems to be endocrine (thyroid and adrenal problems), but as

those labs have improved, my problems with fluorescent lights have not. The

problem is worse in the morning than it is in the evening. Stores are

virtually impossible to manage. I was a teacher and the last year I taught, I


to keep the lights off and just let the students work by natural light

coming in the windows. I LOVE teaching, but have had to quit, not only because

of the light problem, but the health mess in general. Before getting sick, I

had no problems with the lights ever. Sometimes the sun bothers me, but

not too badly because I spend a lot of time at the beach and can usually

manage without sunglasses. I don't know anyone else with this

problem and am so tired of trying to explain it to people. : (

I would really appreciate any advice y'all can give. Thanks! Amy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

************ **The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2 Easy


(http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100126575x122237 6998x1201454298/ aol?redir=

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ay5309AvgfooterNO62 )

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> Is there a general consensus on this forum for what causes fluorescent

> light problems??

There is (somewhat) a consensus that EMF sensitivity has something to do

with heavy metal poisoning, typically mercury is thought to be a culprit

(with dental fillings and fish being the main sources). But I would

also consider adrenal/thyroid problems, possibly nutritional

deficiencies (perhaps iodine, or essential fatty acids, B vitamins, or

vitamin D), also a possibility is chronic low level infections (or

parasites) dragging down your immune system. These are all things that

can be checked by doctors, although I think alternative health doctors

(naturopaths, chiropracters) seem to better with this than regular

doctors, if for no other reason than they generally take their patients

more seriously, and not try to get them on anti-depressants. The

downside is that the treatments may not be covered by insurance.

The upside is that they can work, as evidenced by several people

here who have improved considerably (including myself).


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That is so very strange-our similar circumstances in life Amy! Gee, you

don't have a husband named Dave do ya?! ;)

amygreen53@... writes:

Amy -- Yup, uncanny! I do have fibromyalgia (although I had it for years

before the other problems hit), plus hashimoto's and adrenal fatigue. The

light sensitivity started when the thyroid and adrenal stuff started. I'm sure

it's connected, I just don't know how. I am much more sensitive to lights

in the morning, a bit less in the afternoon and even less in the evening.

That's an adrenal pattern, so I'm guessing the connection may be adrenal,

but I don't know and doctor's seem to have no idea. Is there a general

consensus on this forum for what causes fluorescent light problems??

BTW -- I also used to homeschool -- and I too had to quit teaching Sunday

School as well because of the lights and my general health issues. Strange

world isn't it??



From: " _javamdnss@..._ (mailto:javamdnss@...) "

<_javamdnss@..._ (mailto:javamdnss@...) >

_@..._ (mailto: )

Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2009 8:54:03 PM

Subject: Re: new to group

I was going to add that it's uncanny how similar our situations are. I too

have thyroid issues, and got sensitive around the same time, although it

took me around 11 years to figure out what was making me feel so bad. The

doctors just said " fibromyalgia " , hashimoto's and fatigue. So not only do


share a name but similar unfortunate circumstances. While I wasn't a


(except a homeschool one and we have no fluorescents here!) I was teaching

Sunday School but had to stop that because of the lights, too.

Were you ever diagnosed w/fibro too?


No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the congress is in


Mark Twain

In a message dated 5/3/2009 1:17:01 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

amygreen53 (DOT) com writes:

I'm new to this group, but really glad I found you! For the past 3 years,


have had a terrible time with fluorescent lights. They make me feel weak,

dizzy, disoriented and terribly anxious. It started when my health crashed

with what seems to be endocrine (thyroid and adrenal problems), but as

those labs have improved, my problems with fluorescent lights have not.


problem is worse in the morning than it is in the evening. Stores are

virtually impossible to manage. I was a teacher and the last year I

taught, I had

to keep the lights off and just let the students work by natural light

coming in the windows. I LOVE teaching, but have had to quit, not only


of the light problem, but the health mess in general. Before getting sick,


had no problems with the lights ever. Sometimes the sun bothers me, but

not too badly because I spend a lot of time at the beach and can usually

manage without sunglasses. I don't know anyone else with this

problem and am so tired of trying to explain it to people. : (

I would really appreciate any advice y'all can give. Thanks! Amy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

************ **The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2



(_http://pr.atwola._ (http://pr.atwola./) com/promoclk/ 100126575x122237

6998x1201454298/ aol?redir= _http://www._ (http://www./) freecreditreport

..com/pm/default. aspx?sc=668072 & hmpgID=62 & bcd=M

ay5309AvgfooterNO62 )

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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amygreen53@... writes:

Nope : ) What kind of treatment are you getting for the hashimoto's? Amy

Nothing, really. My doctor refuses to put me on anything other than

synthroid, even though I still have some symptoms. Every time I move (which is

quite a lot) I can never find a doc that will allow me to do anything other

than that. I really have to try harder on this next move!

How about you?


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Interesting. I have to wear quality gold jewelry. If I wear substitute earrings,

my ears get infected. My husband can only wear his wedding ring for a short

period of time before he gets a rash. I wonder if we have metal poisoning? I've

been very slighly chelating myself, but not my husband.

About 4 years ago, my son, who used to have autism, got headaches from metal

silverware. I've been chelating him for about 3 years. Now, he's only slighly

bothered by metal spoons at times. I wonder if it's coincidence or a true




> From: Marc <marc@...>

> Subject: Re: new to group


> Date: Sunday, May 3, 2009, 10:14 PM









> > Is there a general consensus on this forum for what causes fluorescent

> > light problems??


> There is (somewhat) a consensus that EMF sensitivity has something to do

> with heavy metal poisoning, typically mercury is thought to be a culprit

> (with dental fillings and fish being the main sources). But I would

> also consider adrenal/thyroid problems, possibly nutritional

> deficiencies (perhaps iodine, or essential fatty acids, B vitamins, or

> vitamin D), also a possibility is chronic low level infections (or

> parasites) dragging down your immune system. These are all things that

> can be checked by doctors, although I think alternative health doctors

> (naturopaths, chiropracters) seem to better with this than regular

> doctors, if for no other reason than they generally take their patients

> more seriously, and not try to get them on anti-depressants. The

> downside is that the treatments may not be covered by insurance.

> The upside is that they can work, as evidenced by several people

> here who have improved considerably (including myself).


> Marc




















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Hi Amy


the problem with the watch and the earrings [do you mean expensive gold or

platinum ones or cheaper ones you buy at an accessories shop?] could be an

allergy to the nickel or nickel alloys used in their manufacture - just a



Best wishes




From: Amy Green <amygreen53@...>

Subject: Re: new to group

Date: Monday, 4 May, 2009, 3:30 PM

Cheryl -- Wow, you've really been through it! What kind of chelation stuff did

the health food store owner give you? I just bought an intestinal cleanse kit

and I do have some milk thistle (that I've never used). I can't wear watches

that have any kind of metal in them or I get a real itchy rash where the metal

touches -- same for earrings etc. Would that be at all connected?

I have also read the Adrenal Fatigue book. It's wonderful. His program and

supplements brought me from low cortisol levels up to pretty much normal levels

-- but it didn't solve all my health issues, so I'm trying to dig deeper than

just adrenals.

Thanks! Amy

____________ _________ _________ __

Hence I had metal poisoning so severe that by the age of 35 I was often so weak

that I was in bed all day. Of course at that time I had no clue why I was so

sick. Fortunatly a very knowledgeable health food store owner told me what was

wrong and sold me chelation. I believe that she saved my life as no doctor would

have ever diagnosed me with metal poisoning in all likelihood. I noticed that

whenever I toched metal my skin broke out in terrible red

rashes and I had to give up using silverware due to this. Has anyone else

experienced this? Hope this info helps.



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  • 3 months later...

Dear Barbee Chavez (Jeannette),

Your first or middle name is Barbee or Jeannette?

Your study books are probably fine, with the exception that they may need USP

797 (aseptic technique) updating. But I would have to know which books you had

for sure.

What school and city did you go to?

Whileyou can pass the PTCB and get registered in the state of CA, more employers

prefer that you have formal educational classes and PTCB or on the job training

program with PTCB. Most CA employers do not like to hire someone with PTCB only

and then train. This is because for MANY years the pharmacists were used to 1500

OJT or formally educated techs who had on the job trainign with an externship as

part of the school trainig.

So the law is a bit misleading. Many people in CA believe that it will be easy

to find work with PTCB only, but it is not the case in most instances.

I am not trying to discourage you, but rather to be honest and REAL to lay it

out before you. Education + Experience (on the job traiing) is the best way to

go in CA. With the economy the way it is many pharmacies have a hiring freeze.

Others are 'cleaning house' under the guise of the economy problems. This is

always the case during recessions orother slow times.

Some hospital pharmacies and community pharmacies in CA are requiring both

registration and certification (PTCB) to qualify you to be hired. And some of

the currently employed techs are scrambling to get certified to KEEP their jobs.

While the medical field and especially pharm tech is growing until year 2016, it

is currently like all other areas of work across the nation at a slow down.

However the good news is economy is picking up and jobs will be opening in the

next 6 months to 1.5 years! Thsi gives one who is studying in a school right now

the right time to go back to school and get an externship and then be 'ready'

when the hiring picks up.

Studying just for certification may allow you to get registered sooner, but that

does not mean the economy will pick up sooner.

The truth and nothing but the truth!


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS

Pharmacy Technician Educator




> Hello Jeanetta.


> My name is similar to yours (mine Jeannette).


> I found ur group lots of interesting topics, and answers. I attended a

> Jr college & took Pharmacy Tech course there couple years ago, yet I did

> not complete,:( I recently saw that you don't really need to attend

> a college to become pharmacy tech certify, that blew my mind. I really

> want to become certified, so that I can get a job in the field that I

> really love. I have many books from when I was in school do u suggest

> that I purchase new books or study from my old ones? I know things

> change yet some still remain the same I am in California by the way.


> I'm sure I will have to study allot especially medications since I

> don't really remember much I need to refresh my memory :*)... I hope

> to take my test by the end of the year...





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My name is Jeannette yet, all my friends and family call me barbee....


I attended Cerritos College in Norwalk CA... In 2003-2006 at first I

just went there to get an associates degree, after I looked into majors

I found the pharmacy tech program. I enrolled and I only had like 4

classes to go to be done, with my pharmacy degree... Then I called it

quits... What I did receive was my pharmacy assistant certificate... I

also completed an internship at a local pharmacy and was asked to stay

and be hired, yet the pay was minimum wage, at the time I really needed

to work, and make more money so I took a higher paying job as a medical

biller, with a different company... I did that for 3 years and continued

to go to Cerritos College for my pharmacy tech degree it just got over

whelming with everything I had going then full time job part time school

home and children I couldn't do it so I dropped out of school...

I regret it so bad now. I could have my degree and maybe working in a

pharmacy as I have always wanted! Now I have 3 children I am a stay home

mom, I get so bored when my girls are at school. My little boy is 3 and

plays on his own and is more independent so that's why I decided to look

into getting my certification or something, I have to something with my

life while I am still fairly young! About the books I just dug them up

from the boxes in my garage.(( So what is USP 797 aseptic technique

updating???)) I will get all my books in order and email you later with

the names hoping you can help me!

Thanks so much for your help!

Jeannette [:)]

> >

> >

> > Hello Jeanetta.

> >

> > My name is similar to yours (mine Jeannette).

> >

> > I found ur group lots of interesting topics, and answers. I attended


> > Jr college & took Pharmacy Tech course there couple years ago, yet I


> > not complete,:( I recently saw that you don't really need to attend

> > a college to become pharmacy tech certify, that blew my mind. I


> > want to become certified, so that I can get a job in the field that


> > really love. I have many books from when I was in school do u


> > that I purchase new books or study from my old ones? I know things

> > change yet some still remain the same I am in California by the way.

> >

> > I'm sure I will have to study allot especially medications since I

> > don't really remember much I need to refresh my memory :*)... I hope

> > to take my test by the end of the year...

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Too Weird!

My name is Jeanetta...I live in CA...

I attended Cerritos College, in Norawalk CA way back when (way before

you)....after I had been a chemist for 10 yrs! I got my certificate because I

did not need an AS with my BS.

But I have been working fortunately!

Back to you! " Barbee " .... I will call you Barbeem since your friends call you


I suggest that you get your PTCB , get re-registered if you let that lapse and

then get a resume together that shows you have been a stay at home mom since

your externship.

Since you have gone to school for pharmacy tech/assistant, you can show those

classes on your resume and use the PTCB for 'graduation' and reason for

registration if you have never been registered as a pharm tech. You could also

go back and finish the classes and see about another internship! :) You never


About USP 797

Go to the following tutorials on my site from the Files section:

Files > 5- Tutorial-1 & Study Information > S10- IV, Hospital and Home Infusion

Pharmacy > Tutorial - Aseptic Technique

Tutorial - Order of Garbing.doc In what order does one place the gown or shoe

covers? USP 797 has a specific manner.Tutorial - USP 797 Photos - Videos.doc USP

797 - Some photos of Barrier Isolators vs Biological Safety Cabinets, and a link

to a video from a BI vendor.

Tutorial - USP 797 Barrier Isolator.doc

USP 797 - A bit about its history and its impending implementation

/files/5- Tutorial-1

%26 Study Information/S10- IV%2C Hospital and Home Infusion Pharmacy/Tutorial -

Aseptic Technique 1/

Files > 5- Tutorial-1 & Study Information > S10- IV, Hospital and Home Infusion

Pharmacy > USP 797 2008 Updates

USP 2008 update online Link Coopy and paste entire link or go to the link

section of this site 1 KB rxjm2002 Jan 22, 2008 Edit Delete Cut

USP 797 Changes in Aseptic Technique.doc 2008 Updates to USP 797

/files/5- Tutorial-1

%26 Study Information/S10- IV%2C Hospital and Home Infusion Pharmacy/USP 797

2008 Updates/

Hope this helps,

Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS


Pharm Tech Educator

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello Jeanetta.

> > >

> > > My name is similar to yours (mine Jeannette).

> > >

> > > I found ur group lots of interesting topics, and answers. I attended

> a

> > > Jr college & took Pharmacy Tech course there couple years ago, yet I

> did

> > > not complete,:( I recently saw that you don't really need to attend

> > > a college to become pharmacy tech certify, that blew my mind. I

> really

> > > want to become certified, so that I can get a job in the field that

> I

> > > really love. I have many books from when I was in school do u

> suggest

> > > that I purchase new books or study from my old ones? I know things

> > > change yet some still remain the same I am in California by the way.

> > >

> > > I'm sure I will have to study allot especially medications since I

> > > don't really remember much I need to refresh my memory :*)... I hope

> > > to take my test by the end of the year...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Share on other sites

Typo! Should have been I will call you Barbee, the

ring finger typed an 'm' instead of a 'coma'.



> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hello Jeanetta.

> > > >

> > > > My name is similar to yours (mine Jeannette).

> > > >

> > > > I found ur group lots of interesting topics, and answers. I attended

> > a

> > > > Jr college & took Pharmacy Tech course there couple years ago, yet I

> > did

> > > > not complete,:( I recently saw that you don't really need to attend

> > > > a college to become pharmacy tech certify, that blew my mind. I

> > really

> > > > want to become certified, so that I can get a job in the field that

> > I

> > > > really love. I have many books from when I was in school do u

> > suggest

> > > > that I purchase new books or study from my old ones? I know things

> > > > change yet some still remain the same I am in California by the way.

> > > >

> > > > I'm sure I will have to study allot especially medications since I

> > > > don't really remember much I need to refresh my memory :*)... I hope

> > > > to take my test by the end of the year...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Share on other sites

.....er comma, not coma!

Seems I was in a coma when I typed coma for comma!

comma = ,


> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello Jeanetta.

> > > > >

> > > > > My name is similar to yours (mine Jeannette).

> > > > >

> > > > > I found ur group lots of interesting topics, and answers. I attended

> > > a

> > > > > Jr college & took Pharmacy Tech course there couple years ago, yet I

> > > did

> > > > > not complete,:( I recently saw that you don't really need to attend

> > > > > a college to become pharmacy tech certify, that blew my mind. I

> > > really

> > > > > want to become certified, so that I can get a job in the field that

> > > I

> > > > > really love. I have many books from when I was in school do u

> > > suggest

> > > > > that I purchase new books or study from my old ones? I know things

> > > > > change yet some still remain the same I am in California by the way.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm sure I will have to study allot especially medications since I

> > > > > don't really remember much I need to refresh my memory :*)... I hope

> > > > > to take my test by the end of the year...

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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That is weird!  We have those similarities....with our names and with the

college thing too funny huh?


Thanks again for ur help. I will do that with my resume...







From: rxjm2002 <rxjm2002@...>

Subject: Re: NEw to group

Date: Saturday, August 29, 2009, 7:30 AM


Too Weird!

My name is Jeanetta...I live in CA...

I attended Cerritos College, in Norawalk CA way back when (way before

you)....after I had been a chemist for 10 yrs! I got my certificate because I

did not need an AS with my BS.

But I have been working fortunately!

Back to you! " Barbee " .... I will call you Barbeem since your friends call you


I suggest that you get your PTCB , get re-registered if you let that lapse and

then get a resume together that shows you have been a stay at home mom since

your externship.

Since you have gone to school for pharmacy tech/assistant, you can show those

classes on your resume and use the PTCB for 'graduation' and reason for

registration if you have never been registered as a pharm tech. You could also

go back and finish the classes and see about another internship! :) You never


About USP 797

Go to the following tutorials on my site from the Files section:

Files > 5- Tutorial-1 & Study Information > S10- IV, Hospital and Home Infusion

Pharmacy > Tutorial - Aseptic Technique

Tutorial - Order of Garbing.doc In what order does one place the gown or shoe

covers? USP 797 has a specific manner.Tutorial - USP 797 Photos - Videos.doc USP

797 - Some photos of Barrier Isolators vs Biological Safety Cabinets, and a link

to a video from a BI vendor.

Tutorial - USP 797 Barrier Isolator.doc

USP 797 - A bit about its history and its impending implementation

http://health. groups.. com/group/ JeanettasPTCBStu dyGroup/files/ 5-

Tutorial-1 %26 Study Information/ S10- IV%2C Hospital and Home Infusion

Pharmacy/Tutorial - Aseptic Technique 1/

Files > 5- Tutorial-1 & Study Information > S10- IV, Hospital and Home Infusion

Pharmacy > USP 797 2008 Updates

USP 2008 update online Link Coopy and paste entire link or go to the link

section of this site 1 KB rxjm2002 Jan 22, 2008 Edit Delete Cut

USP 797 Changes in Aseptic Technique.doc 2008 Updates to USP 797

http://health. groups.. com/group/ JeanettasPTCBStu dyGroup/files/ 5-

Tutorial-1 %26 Study Information/ S10- IV%2C Hospital and Home Infusion

Pharmacy/USP 797 2008 Updates/

Hope this helps,

Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS


Pharm Tech Educator

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello Jeanetta.

> > >

> > > My name is similar to yours (mine Jeannette).

> > >

> > > I found ur group lots of interesting topics, and answers. I attended

> a

> > > Jr college & took Pharmacy Tech course there couple years ago, yet I

> did

> > > not complete,:( I recently saw that you don't really need to attend

> > > a college to become pharmacy tech certify, that blew my mind. I

> really

> > > want to become certified, so that I can get a job in the field that

> I

> > > really love. I have many books from when I was in school do u

> suggest

> > > that I purchase new books or study from my old ones? I know things

> > > change yet some still remain the same I am in California by the way.

> > >

> > > I'm sure I will have to study allot especially medications since I

> > > don't really remember much I need to refresh my memory :*)... I hope

> > > to take my test by the end of the year...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Share on other sites


you are too funny!

From: rxjm2002 <rxjm2002@...>

Subject: Re: NEw to group

Date: Saturday, August 29, 2009, 8:05 PM


.....er comma, not coma!

Seems I was in a coma when I typed coma for comma!

comma = ,


> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello Jeanetta.

> > > > >

> > > > > My name is similar to yours (mine Jeannette).

> > > > >

> > > > > I found ur group lots of interesting topics, and answers. I attended

> > > a

> > > > > Jr college & took Pharmacy Tech course there couple years ago, yet I

> > > did

> > > > > not complete,:( I recently saw that you don't really need to attend

> > > > > a college to become pharmacy tech certify, that blew my mind. I

> > > really

> > > > > want to become certified, so that I can get a job in the field that

> > > I

> > > > > really love. I have many books from when I was in school do u

> > > suggest

> > > > > that I purchase new books or study from my old ones? I know things

> > > > > change yet some still remain the same I am in California by the way.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm sure I will have to study allot especially medications since I

> > > > > don't really remember much I need to refresh my memory :*)... I hope

> > > > > to take my test by the end of the year...

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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  • 1 month later...

Hi , When I was looking for a surgeon I first decided what kind of

surgery I wanted to have (for me that was Anterior Approach) then I searched

online for surgeons near me who perform that type of surgery. I live in a small

town so I searched primarily in the closest large city (Seattle) I came up with

a handful of doctors who do that surgery in Seattle and then I searched their

names online with as many different keyword variations as I could think of, read

some of the md review boards, searched for their names on this board and other

hip replacement message boards. I chose one to go see and felt comfortable with

him. If I had not I would have tried another. I had already seen a surgeon in my

home town who did not do anterior approach and although I liked him, his office

staff and nurses were not very helpful to me so I decided at that time I was not

going to settle for anyone. I needed to becomfortable with my surgeon's

expertise, the hospital I would be staying at and all the support staff.

Good luck with your search.



> Hi... I was glad to find this group and read all the great info everyone has

provided. I am headed for hip replacement asap and was wondering if there is a

way to find the best surgeon in an area. I live in North Calif


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Hi Shari,  Thanks for the feed back.  I live in a rural area so I also have to

go to a larger town to get it done.  I've done research on hospitals and have

decided on one in Redding that has a 5 star rating, especially in the ortho

surg/joint replacement.  I have met one Dr who says I am a good candidate for

the anterior approach and I liked him.  I have seen a few others that I did not

feel comfortable with.  The issue I am facing is that I had polio and this hip

replacement will be on my non affected leg.  So many ortho docs are not

comfortable with the whole post polio thing because they have never come accross

it previously.  this doc has treated other post polio patients and seemed really

comfortable with my situation.  the surgery is the same as it would be for

anyone, it is just the re-hab that will be somewhat more of a challenge.  I'm

not looking forward to it, but I'll do whatever it takes to get back to

normalcy!!   What kind of

restrictions did you have after?  Could u do stairs and drive?  I will take

your suggestions and check this guy out on a few of the websites.  I think I am

micro-managing this, but I am really fearful of this whole thing.  Thanks so

much for your help


From: sspencersoap <soaperMOM5@...>

Subject: Re: new to group

Joint Replacement

Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009, 8:20 AM


Hi , When I was looking for a surgeon I first decided what kind of

surgery I wanted to have (for me that was Anterior Approach) then I searched

online for surgeons near me who perform that type of surgery. I live in a small

town so I searched primarily in the closest large city (Seattle) I came up with

a handful of doctors who do that surgery in Seattle and then I searched their

names online with as many different keyword variations as I could think of, read

some of the md review boards, searched for their names on this board and other

hip replacement message boards. I chose one to go see and felt comfortable with

him. If I had not I would have tried another. I had already seen a surgeon in my

home town who did not do anterior approach and although I liked him, his office

staff and nurses were not very helpful to me so I decided at that time I was not

going to settle for anyone. I needed to becomfortable with my surgeon's

expertise, the hospital

I would be staying at and all the support staff.

Good luck with your search.



> Hi... I was glad to find this group and read all the great info everyone has

provided. I am headed for hip replacement asap and was wondering if there is a

way to find the best surgeon in an area. I live in North Calif


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I am so grateful to have found this group and some others when I was searching

for information on my knee replacement. My brother was the one who had

suggested these groups as an avenue of information. Since my original OS did

not even want to talk to me for another five years (they were more concerned

with having to do a revision than in improving the quality of my life NOW), it

took a while for me to realize that we all have to be our own advocates. I used

to think that whatever a doctor/surgeon said, that was " law. " I since

discovered - as I'm sure many of you have - that that is NOT the case.

, you are very smart to do your research. I can't stress enough how

important it is. The internet has given us all that option. Please keep us

posted on your situation. (BTW, my surgery was done in Red Bluff, just south of

Redding. I live in Sacramento.)


Re: new to group

Joint Replacement

Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009, 8:20 AM

Hi , When I was looking for a surgeon I first decided what kind of

surgery I wanted to have (for me that was Anterior Approach) then I searched

online for surgeons near me who perform that type of surgery. I live in a small

town so I searched primarily in the closest large city (Seattle) I came up with

a handful of doctors who do that surgery in Seattle and then I searched their

names online with as many different keyword variations as I could think of, read

some of the md review boards, searched for their names on this board and other

hip replacement message boards. I chose one to go see and felt comfortable with

him. If I had not I would have tried another. I had already seen a surgeon in my

home town who did not do anterior approach and although I liked him, his office

staff and nurses were not very helpful to me so I decided at that time I was not

going to settle for anyone. I needed to becomfortable with my surgeon's

expertise, the hospital

I would be staying at and all the support staff.

Good luck with your search.



> Hi... I was glad to find this group and read all the great info everyone has

provided. I am headed for hip replacement asap and was wondering if there is a

way to find the best surgeon in an area. I live in North Calif


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I too discovered that some doctors dont have all the right answers. I guess

thats why they call them doctors " opinions " and not " facts " !

" ... we all have to be our own advocates... " - I couldnt agree with you more.

> >

> > Hi... I was glad to find this group and read all the great info everyone

has provided. I am headed for hip replacement asap and was wondering if there is

a way to find the best surgeon in an area. I live in North Calif

> >





















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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

The hours before the surgery are the most stressful. Just take them a minute at

a time, and think of something else. I remember sitting up in the OR and then

nothing. Heaven.

The first 24 hours are, as I am sure you know, the worst. After that it's not

so bad. Knee is more painful than hip, they tell me, but I was up to the loo

with a walker then next day. I used the walker for about two weeks, and then

went to the cane.

To be honest, I didn't feel myself for 4 months. But since then, I tend to

ignore what my knee is feeling. It is still swollen and stiff, especially if I

spend a lot of time trying for more flex, but I walk great and played tennis

last week. (this week has been freezing here in NYC).

No one, including my surgeon, will say how long it will be swollen, and if the

nerve sensations will ever go away, but I used to limp and now I don't so I

guess I am better off.

Try to be positive and keep good thoughts.

All the best, Joan


From: ibima2 <ibima2@...>

Joint Replacement

Sent: Tue, April 20, 2010 3:31:27 AM

Subject: New to Group

I never even thought of looking for a Group for Knee Replacement until I

realized I could do a Group Search.

I have my Surgery Date for Thursday to have my left knee replaced. I really

dread it, I have heard different stories about it. I did watch my Mom several

years ago have her left knee replaced. She was in alot of pain and said she

would never do it again. Mom is 84 now and has hurt her knee somehow and has

alot of swelling and does not want to have another surgery.

I just turned 52 this past week.

I tore my meniscus about 3 yrs ago. I have had 3 scopes done and the last one my

Dr said the next thing would be a replacement. He said I had alot of Arthritis.

Have had alot of shots and even had fluid removed from my knee.

I had a right hip replacement in 08. I have not had any problems with it. Both

my legs hurt and I guess from my knee hurting I use my right leg more. I have

trouble sitting very long and then standing and I can't put my weight on my left

leg for a few seconds. I have to wait before I can start walking and usually

walk with a bad limp.

I am going to go stay with my mom. I stayed with her after my hip replacement.

She had a Recliner Chair Lift. She uses hers more now so I bought a used one for

$120.00 and took it to her house. That chair is amazing. If you don't have one

you should try to get one. Also a toilet seat riser is nice, that way your able

to stand up easier. I used it after my hip replacement and it was a great help.

We adopted a little girl who has Aperts Syndrome and Shaken Baby syndrome and

has had a stroke and is weak on her left side. When I walk with her I hold on to

her, if she loosed her balance she will lean into me and cause me to loose my

balance. I tore my meniscus because I tried to carry her down our front steps

taking her to the car to go to School. It was VERY painful when it happen.

My husband has a job where he can take off and care for her and take her and our

son to school and pick them up. We felt it might be better for me to stay at my

moms and not have to worrie about having to worrie about our little girl trying

to climb on me to get onto my lap. Mom has no steps either. We have several

going up to our house from the drive and 5 steps up to the door.

I had my blood work and xrays done and ekg this past Thursday. Guess all was ok,

I didn't have anyone say anything different. Had to meet a Dr that I will be

seeing as my own dr is not in the City where I am having surgery. Its nice too

as he is right next door to the Dr who is doing my surgery.

I understand I will be in the Hosp for 3 or 4 days. I will have therapy there

and they will have someone come to my moms and work with me there. I have to

take a blood thinner for a few weeks and each week a nurse will come and draw

blood and test it to see if I have to change the amount of meds.

I dread the part of the epidrual/spinal. I remember when I had my hip

replacement they had me sit up on the bed and lean into the nurse and I was like

I can't relax, I felt so tense and then I seen her raise her hand and thats all

I remember. I do not like being put to sleep ON THE WAY TO THE OPERATING ROOM. I

like to see where I am going and so I was able to move myself over onto the bed

and help until the spinal. I have had them before 3 c sections and one for when

they checked me to see if I have Viral Meningitis (which I did) I just don't

like the feeling of the needle and them touching my back. Can't explain it. I am

more worried about that than anything. Silly I know. Once that I get past the

surgery, I am sure I am gonna be hurting once all the feeling comes back in my

leg. I don't look forward to all the PT there and at home. All the meds and

blood work. I know it will take time. I just wonder how long.

Glad to find you all. Thanks for listening. Take care and God Bless.

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Guest guest

Its funny the thing that bothers me most about the TKR is the thought of the

spinal. I'm glad that I'm not the only one. Right now I'm scheduled of May 18.

I just found out that my insurance will not pay for PT. I'm trying to figure out

how to get PT without spending too much money.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

New to Group

I never even thought of looking for a Group for Knee Replacement until I

realized I could do a Group Search.

I have my Surgery Date for Thursday to have my left knee replaced. I really

dread it, I have heard different stories about it. I did watch my Mom several

years ago have her left knee replaced. She was in alot of pain and said she

would never do it again. Mom is 84 now and has hurt her knee somehow and has

alot of swelling and does not want to have another surgery.

I just turned 52 this past week.

I tore my meniscus about 3 yrs ago. I have had 3 scopes done and the last one

my Dr said the next thing would be a replacement. He said I had alot of

Arthritis. Have had alot of shots and even had fluid removed from my knee.

I had a right hip replacement in 08. I have not had any problems with it. Both

my legs hurt and I guess from my knee hurting I use my right leg more. I have

trouble sitting very long and then standing and I can't put my weight on my left

leg for a few seconds. I have to wait before I can start walking and usually

walk with a bad limp.

I am going to go stay with my mom. I stayed with her after my hip replacement.

She had a Recliner Chair Lift. She uses hers more now so I bought a used one for

$120.00 and took it to her house. That chair is amazing. If you don't have one

you should try to get one. Also a toilet seat riser is nice, that way your able

to stand up easier. I used it after my hip replacement and it was a great help.

We adopted a little girl who has Aperts Syndrome and Shaken Baby syndrome and

has had a stroke and is weak on her left side. When I walk with her I hold on to

her, if she loosed her balance she will lean into me and cause me to loose my

balance. I tore my meniscus because I tried to carry her down our front steps

taking her to the car to go to School. It was VERY painful when it happen.

My husband has a job where he can take off and care for her and take her and

our son to school and pick them up. We felt it might be better for me to stay at

my moms and not have to worrie about having to worrie about our little girl

trying to climb on me to get onto my lap. Mom has no steps either. We have

several going up to our house from the drive and 5 steps up to the door.

I had my blood work and xrays done and ekg this past Thursday. Guess all was

ok, I didn't have anyone say anything different. Had to meet a Dr that I will be

seeing as my own dr is not in the City where I am having surgery. Its nice too

as he is right next door to the Dr who is doing my surgery.

I understand I will be in the Hosp for 3 or 4 days. I will have therapy there

and they will have someone come to my moms and work with me there. I have to

take a blood thinner for a few weeks and each week a nurse will come and draw

blood and test it to see if I have to change the amount of meds.

I dread the part of the epidrual/spinal. I remember when I had my hip

replacement they had me sit up on the bed and lean into the nurse and I was like

I can't relax, I felt so tense and then I seen her raise her hand and thats all

I remember. I do not like being put to sleep ON THE WAY TO THE OPERATING ROOM. I

like to see where I am going and so I was able to move myself over onto the bed

and help until the spinal. I have had them before 3 c sections and one for when

they checked me to see if I have Viral Meningitis (which I did) I just don't

like the feeling of the needle and them touching my back. Can't explain it. I am

more worried about that than anything. Silly I know. Once that I get past the

surgery, I am sure I am gonna be hurting once all the feeling comes back in my

leg. I don't look forward to all the PT there and at home. All the meds and

blood work. I know it will take time. I just wonder how long.

Glad to find you all. Thanks for listening. Take care and God Bless.

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