Guest guest Posted May 29, 2004 Report Share Posted May 29, 2004 Hi All, Another nutrient that may be deficient in a vegetarian diet is taurine. This below pdf-available paper, though, also addresses long- chain fatty acids. " Carninutrients " is a new word to me. Phytonutrients sounds more natural. Still, MetaMetrix analysis of amino acids showed low taurine levels in fish-eating me and they recommended supplementing with taurine. Eggs have none and milk has little. Medical Hypotheses Articles in Press Sub-optimal taurine status may promote platelet hyperaggregability in vegetarians Mark F. McCarty Summary Although vegan diets typically have a very favorable effect on a range of vascular risk factors, several independent groups have reported that the platelets of vegetarians are more sensitive to pro-aggregatory agonists than are those of omnivores. In light of clear and convincing evidence that platelet function has an important impact on risk for thromboembolic events, it is important to clarify the basis of platelet hyperaggregability in vegetarians. A dietary deficit of long-chain x-3 fatty acids is not likely to explain this phenomenon, since most omnivore diets do not include enough of these fats to discernibly influence platelet function. A more plausible possibility is that relatively poor taurine status – a function of the facts that plants are devoid of taurine and the human capacity for taurine synthesis is limited – is responsible. Plasma taurine levels are lower, and urinary taurine excretion is substantially lower, in vegetarians than in omnivores. Platelets are rich in taurine, which functions physiologically to dampen the calcium influx evoked by aggregating agonists – thereby down-regulating platelet aggregation. Supplemental intakes of taurine as low as 400 mg daily have been reported to markedly decrease the sensitivity of platelets to aggregating agonists ex vivo. Although the average daily intake of taurine from omnivore diets may be only about 150 mg, it is credible to speculate that a supplemental intake of this magnitude could normalize the platelet function of vegetarians in the long term; in any case, this thesis is readily testable clinically. Taurine is just one of a number of nutrients found almost solely in animal products – " carninutrients " – which are rational candidates for supplementation in vegans. Hyperaggregability of platelets in vegetarians Low-fat, whole-food vegan diets appear to be of particular benefit to vascular health, owing largely to favorable effects on LDL cholesterol, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and body weight [1–7]. However, it is well-known that vegan diets are devoid of vitamin B12, and homocysteine levels thus tend to be elevated in vegans who don't sup-plement with this nutrient [8–11]. Not so well-known – or understood – is the fact that three independent research groups have reported that ex vivo platelet aggregation (using standard agonists such as collagen, ADP, and epinephrine) tends to be increased in vegetarians/vegans in comparison to omnivores [8,12,13]. In light of the fact that platelet aggregability has been shown to be an in-dependent risk factor for mortality from coronary disease [14] – as well as the well-documented utility of low-dose aspirin and other platelet-sta-bilizing drugs for preventing heart attack, stroke, and pulmonary embolism [15–18] – an increase in the platelet aggregability of vegans might be ex-pected to have a significant countervailing impact on the vascular protection afforded by such diets. Mezzano et al. [9] have suggested that the ab-sence of long-chain x-3 fats in vegan diets – the EPA and DHA found in fish oil – may be responsible for the platelet hyperaggregability observed in vegans; indeed, they demonstrate that a daily supplement providing 1400 mg of these fatty acids can down-regulate ex vivo platelet aggregation in vegans. However, it is very questionable whether the omnivore controls in the studies documenting platelet hyperaggregability in vegans had a suffi-cient intake of long-chain x-3s to influence their platelet aggregation. Thus, in the Nurses' Health Study, the estimated average long-chain x-3 con-sumption in the top quintile of x-3 intake was es-timated as only 500 mg daily [19]. Similarly, in the US Physician's Health Study, subjects in the first three quartiles of x-3 intake ingested less than 7.4 g long-chain x-3 per month, which amounts to less than 250 mg daily [20]. Other studies suggest that the average daily US intake of these fatty acids is in the range of 100–200 mg [21] There is no prece-dent for such low intakes of x-3 having a discern-ible impact on platelet function (And, not surprisingly, fish consumption had no evident im-pact on risk for myocardial infraction in the US Physicians' Health Study.) [22]. In one of the studies demonstrating platelet hyperaggregability in vegetarians, the fraction of EPA/DHA in platelet phospholipids was measured; EPA-which appears to mediate the benefit of fish oil on platelet function-was present as only 0.4% of fatty acids in the om-nivores, as opposed to 0.2% in the vegetarians (by comparison, arachidonic acid content was around 24% in both groups) [13]. It is hard to believe that such a low content of EPA could provide meaningful functional antagonism to the high arachidonate content of these platelets. Moreover, I am unaware of any controlled clinical studies in which sub-gram daily intakes of fish oil x-3s have had a discernible impact on platelet function. It is instructive to note that among Greenland Eskimos following their traditional diets-in whom the platelet-stabilizing effect of long-chain x-3s was first characterized [23] – x-3 intake can average 10 g daily [24]. Several studies have attempted to influence platelet aggregability in vegetarians by adminis-tering either a-linolenic acid or unicellularly pro-duced DHA. In one of these studies, ALA (13.5 g daily) raised the fraction of EPA in platelet phos-pholipids from 0.2% to 0.5% [25]; in the other study, in which vegetarians received 1.6 g DHA daily, the fraction of EPA in platelet phospholipids rose from 0.21% to 0.58% [26]. In neither instance was platelet aggregability influenced. In light of the fact that the platelet EPA fraction of omnivores in the study cited above was only 0.4%, it is very difficult to see how better EPA status could ac-count for the relative hypoaggregability of omni-vore platelets. Sub-optimal taurine status as the culprit I wish to propose the alternative possibility that sub-optimal taurine status is primarily responsible for the increased aggregability of platelets in veg-etarians. Taurine is not found in plant products, and is present in only minimal amounts in cow's milk (about 6 mg per cup) [27]. In contrast, all flesh foods are relatively rich in this nutrient; 100 g of dark meat from chicken or turkey provides about 200 and 300 mg of taurine, respectively, and shellfish are an even richer source (over 800 mg in 100 g of scallops, for example). Laidlaw et al. [27] have estimated the taurine contents of typical American diets,and found that the daily taurine intake of omnivores averaged about 150 mg, whereas lacto-ovo-vegetarians got about 17 mg daily and vegans got none Japanese researchers have reported daily taurine intakes in excess of 1 g in some individuals who made heavy use of sea-food, and the average daily urinary output of tau-rine is about 400 mg in certain regions of Japan [28]. Since taurine is physiologically essential, it is not surprising to learn that humans do have a modest capacity to synthesize taurine de novo from sulfhydryl amino acids [29]. Since the ma-jority of taurine in humans is eventually excreted intact in the urine, it is possible to assess the ex-tent of this synthesis by measuring the 24-h urinary taurine output of vegans. Laidlaw et al. [30] found this to be about 33 mg – as contrasted to 113 mg in omnivores, with an output as high as 250 mg in one omnivore subject. Evidently, despite some mea-sure of endogenous synthesis, taurine availability is much greater in omnivores than in vegans [30,31] – as reflected in the fact that plasma taurine levels were found to be 22% lower in vegans than in om-nivores [30]. The endogenous synthesis of taurine in vegans presumably is not aided by the fact that most vegan diets are relatively low in protein and thus sulfhydryl amino acids, which provide the sulfur required for taurine production. Fortunately, up-regulated renal retention of taurine enables vegans to maintain plasma taurine levels that are not grossly subnormal [32]. One of the physiological functions of taurine is to modulate platelet aggregation. Platelets avidly concentrate taurine, and, for reasons not yet clear, this taurine tends to blunt the calcium influx trig-gered by pro-aggregant agonists, thereby rendering platelets more stable [33]. When cats, which lack the ability to synthesize their own taurine, are placed on a taurine-free diet, the aggregability of their platelets doubles [34]. Type 1 diabetics have been reported to have relatively low plasma tau-rine levels – about 30% lower than in omnivores, not dissimilar to the situation in vegans – and this is associated with increased platelet aggregability [35]. Conversely, taurine supplementation – in healthy male subjects (presumably omnivore), type 1 diabetics, and cats – has been shown to decrease platelet aggregability [34,35]. In one of these studies, the platelet aggregation threshold for collagen rose by over 40% in healthy subjects re-ceiving 400 mg taurine for 14 days [34]. Plasma taurine rose by about 50% during this time, and the rise in platelet taurine was slightly greater than this. No comparable studies in vegans have been reported. Admittedly, 400 mg is greater than the 150 mg or so provided by average American omnivore diets. But it is notable that the response of platelets to the 400 mg dose was quite large and was still rising when the study terminated after 14 days. Fur-thermore, given the fact that the platelets of ve-gans can be presumed to be relatively taurine deficient, is seems likely that their platelets would be more responsive to a modest supplemental in-take of taurine than the platelets of omnivores would be. So it is reasonable to suspect, based on the data cited above, that administering 150 mg of taurine daily to vegetarians on a continuing basis would have a significantly beneficial impact on their platelet hyperaggregability, and quite possi-bly would eliminate the disparity between vege-tarians and omnivores in regard to platelet function. This prediction is readily clinically test-able. In the study of Li et al. [13], comparing platelet aggregation in omnivores, ovo-lacto-vegetarians, and vegans, the authors segregated the omnivores into " high meat eaters " and " moderate meat eat-ers " . Notably, they found that platelet aggrega-bility was consistently lower (albeit not to a statistically significant degree) in the high meat eaters than in the moderate meat eaters; platelet aggregability did not differ between the ovo-lacto-vegetarians and vegans, in whom it was signifi-cantly higher than in either group of omnivores. Since flesh foods are the chief dietary source of taurine – whereas dairy products have only mini-mal levels – these findings track nicely with the taurine contents of the various diets. In other words, platelet aggregabilty may vary continuously as a function of the taurine content of ordinary diets. In light of the clear impact of platelet function on vascular risk, establishing that supplemental taurine can normalize platelet aggregation in veg-etarians could be of great practical importance. Fortunately, taurine is inexpensive and has no known toxicity, even in high doses. Thus, it would be quite feasible for vegetarians to supplement their diets with taurine in doses comparable to or greater than those found in high-flesh diets. It is pertinent to note that the ability of taurine to down-regulate platelet aggregation is comple-mentary to that of aspirin [36]; thus, taurine could be useful to subjects who are already using low-dose aspirin to decrease their risk for thrombo-embolic events. Moreover, in ample, multi-gram daily doses, taurine appears to have antihyper-tensive activity [28,37,38], and has been shown to have a safe positive inotropic effect in congestive heart failure [39–41]. Furthermore, supplemental taurine has shown antiatherogenic activity in ro-dent models of hypercholesterolemia, even when taurine fails to influence serum lipid levels [42–44]. This latter finding is of particular interest in light of recent epidemiology suggesting that in-creased expression of myeloperoxidase may pro-mote coronary atherogenesis in humans [45,46]; taurine is the natural antagonist of hypochlorous acid, the chief oxidant produced by myeloperoxi-dase [47,48]. Finally, anecdotal Italian clinical reports dating back over 3 decades suggest that high-dose taurine may provide marked symptom-atic benefit in angina and intermittent claudica-tion, for reasons that remain obscure [49]. Thus, taurine supplementation as a strategy for promot-ing vascular health deserves much further atten-tion than it so far has received – and it stands to reason that vegetarians, with poor baseline taurine status, would benefit the most from such supple-mentation. Some vegans might contend that, in light of the minimal risk for coronary disease enjoyed by quasi-vegan Third World societies, taurine supplemen-tation of vegan diets represents an exercise in " gilding the lily " . But this view ignores the fact that vegans do not enjoy privileged status with respect to risk for stroke – indeed, age-adjusted stroke mortality is quite high in many rural Asian cultures whose quasi-vegan diets provide effective protection from coronary disease [50,51]. Fur-thermore, a good many Western subjects adopt this diet for health reasons after they have already developed some degree of coronary disease. Al-though therapeutic regimens stressing low-fat, whole-food vegan diets have a very favorable im-pact on the subsequent clinical course of such in-dividuals, they do not provide complete protection from coronary events [52]. Thus, the inclusion of nutritional or pharmaceutical adjuvants in such protocols is entirely appropriate. " Carninutrients " for vegetarians My conclusion that deficiency of long-chain x-3 fatty acids is not at the root of the hyperaggregability of platelets in vegetarians, is in no way intended to denigrate the utility of x-3 supplementation – in vegetarians as well as omnivores – for health pro-motion [53,54]. The practical difficulty for vege-tarians in this regard is that most vegetarians choose this diet for ethical reasons, and would prefer not to use fish oil. Administration of a-linolenic acid to humans, even in high doses, typically fails to repli-cate the health benefits conferred by relatively modest intakes of fish oil, most likely because hu-man d-6-desaturase activity is low [25,55,56]. Uni-cellular DHA is now available, but is expensive and does not confer the full range of benefits of fish oil, since retroconversion to EPA is not very efficient [26]. A practical way to solve this dilemma would be to alter flaxseed genetically such that it expresses high d-6-desaturase activity; flax would then pre-sumably convert a significant proportion of its a-li-nolenic acid to stearidonic acid (18:4n3), which humans, in turn, should readily convert to EPA and DHA. This strategy might provide a quite inexpen-sive and virtually inexhaustible terrestrial source of x-3 that would be no less health protective than fish oil – and that would be acceptable to ethical veg-etarians. Taurine is one of several nutrients found pri-marily in animal products – long-chain x-3, carni-tine, creatine, carnosine, and of course vitamin B12, come readily to mind – that have health-protective potential. I propose that these sub-stances be designated " carninutrients " , so that they will receive the respect and attention cur-rently accorded to phytonutrients (nutrients and food factors found solely in plants). To qualify as a carninutrient, a nutrient should: (1) be present in flesh foods to such an extent that omnivores can and usually do obtain physiologically meaningful amounts from flesh foods; (2) Either is not present in plant foods, or is present in such limited quan-tities, or so sporadically, that most vegans get amounts that are physiologically trivial (e.g., car-nitine) or markedly suboptimal for health (e.g., vitamin B12). Note that a nutrient that is not lit- erally absent from all plant foods can still qualify as a carninutrient; thus, EPA/DHA can be obtained from seaweed, vitamin B12 from plant foods con-taminated with bacteria or insect parts, and car-nitine, in tiny amounts, in avocados – yet these nutrients can reasonably be considered carninutri-ents, as most vegans get minimal amounts from unsupplemented diets. It would be feasible and appropriate for vege-tarians to supplement with carninutrients in amounts comparable to or greater than those supplied by omnivore diets. The health benefits likely conferred by ample intakes of long-chain x-3 fats are versatile and impressive [53,54]; in par-ticular, the ability of these fats to stabilize plate-lets in vegans has been documented [9]. The creatine present in cooked meats can give rise to heterocyclic amine mutagens likely to contribute to the burden of human cancer [57], but this nu-trient seems to be innocuous when consumed as a dietary supplement [58]. The muscle creatine pool tends to be lower in vegetarians than in omnivores, and supplemental creatine has a greater impact on this pool in vegetarians [59]. Although supplemen-tal creatine is currently used primarily for the somewhat frivolous purpose of making strong people a bit stronger [60], evidence from rodent studies suggests that high intakes of creatine may have valuable neuroprotective activity [61,62]; whether high-dose creatine might benefit certain aspects of cardiac metabolism merits further study [63]. Although a severe degree of vitamin B12 de-ficiency occasionally leads to a syndrome reminis-cent of pernicious anemia in vegans [64,65], it is more common for a less severe deficit of this vi-tamin to elevate homocysteine levels in vegetari-ans/ vegans [8–11]. Vegan diets contain virtually no carnitine, and plasma carnitine levels tend to be low in vegans, in part because their diets are also relatively low in the biosynthetic precursors of this agent, lysine and methionine [66–68]. However, it is not clear whether the low-normal carnitine status of vegans has significant functional consequences. Supple-mental carnitine can improve the bioenergetics of ischemic cardiac or skeletal muscle [69–74], and thus may be particularly appropriate when patients with cardiac ischemia or intermittent claudication adopt a vegan diet. Supplemental carnitine may also promote control of plasma triglycerides in some subjects [74], but this application has only been studied adequately in hemodialysis patients. Carnosine is a dipeptide with antioxidant and che-lating activity present in millimolar concentrations in muscle and neurons [75]. Whether the camosine content of omnivore diets provides any health benefit is currently unclear, nor is it known whe-ther the tissue carnosine pool is lower in vegans than in omnivores. Although selenium does not formally qualify as a carninutrient, vegans should be aware that they are at increased risk for poor selenium status (relative to omnivores) if they live in an area where soil selenium levels are low, such as many regions in Europe [76–78]; low intakes of selenium may increase risk for vascular disease [79], whereas relatively high intakes may reduce cancer risk [80–82]. Vegans, who by definition do not use dairy products, seem to have relatively good bone health despite low calcium intakes [83,84] – but supple-mental calcium would likely provide further benefit in this respect. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that good calcium nutrition may reduce risk for obesity, insulin resistance, and colon cancer [85–87] Good vitamin D status is also clearly ben-eficial for bone health [88,89], and there is some reason to suspect that it may also complement the benefits of calcium in reducing risk for insulin re-sistance and obesity, while in addition aiding pre-vention of hypertension and certain common forms of cancer and autoimmune disease [90–95]. En-riched dairy products are apt to be the chief die-tary source of vitamin D for omnivores and lacto-ovo- vegetarians (albeit omnivores can also get significant vitamin D nutrition from liver and oily fish); aside from rather trivial amounts of vitamin D2 found in mushrooms and seaweed, vegan diets are essentially devoid of this vitamin. Vegans living at northern latitudes are likely to experience poor vitamin D status during winter months if they do not supplement with adequate doses of vitamin D [96–98]. Clearly, while vegetarian and especially vegan diets are highly commendable from the standpoint of their long-term health impacts, they – like any other natural diet-have a few " Achilles heels " that can be addressed effectively with rationally plan-ned nutritional supplementation. Cheers, Alan Pater Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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