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Re: Becker, all biological effects may be produced by ELF, Res...

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Yes this is good thanks - how can we demod the signals from mast and cell

phones et al before they unfurl and explode in our cells ? We really are

dealing with bioemf weapons here, I wonder if the data packs were modified on

the hf wave what results could be achieved, do we have an infrastructure

in our midst now that could easily be used as a delivery system - ?

In a message dated 19/07/2011 16:52:03 GMT Daylight Time,

seandaly33@... writes:


In looking at some of the Neil Cherry stuff, mentioned in the wifi on

trains in New Zealand post, relating to oscillating electromagnetic signals

interacting with ions,such as calcium ions, and after reading some of the

Goldsmith stuff on ' website relating to the same things,I went

back over the Becker book, " Cross Currents… " , and I came across

interesting stuff on why all biological effects may be produced by ELF

frequencies, and other stuff on the resonance theory of how EMFs may interact


the body.

This may have been discussed before, but I just thought I'd post some

excerpts from a chapter on the above stuff for those who haven't come across it

before. He puts forward some interesting theories on the role of the

Earth's normal geomagnetic field, and even suggests that it may be the most

important single discovery of the century. Here are some excerpts:

" Modulation is the secret of transmitting information by means of

electromagnetic fields. AM radio, for example is amplitude modulated: the radio

receivers " demodulate " the signals, removing the " carrier " radio-frequency

wave and saving the slowly rising and falling modulation… it appears that the

body also demodulates the signal when exposed to modulated radio-frequency

or microwave fields; the biological effect is that of the low-frequency


In this view, all biological effects are produced by ELF frequencies. This

makes good sense, because the body systems that pick up the

electromagnetic field are " tuned " to the natural frequencies between zero and

30 Hz.

These systems will sense abnormal fields that are close to the normal (between

35 ad 500 Hz). The systems then produce an abnormal effect. Microwave radar

pulsed at 60 Hz would have the same bioeffect as a 6o Hz field alone,

which explains the identical effects seen at ELF and microwave frequencies. It

also indicated that all intervening frequencies (VLF, AM radio, FM radio

and TV) will have the same biological effects, since they too are modulated " .

Cyclotron resonance Stuff:

" Cyclotron resonance can be explained as follows, albeit in a somewhat

simplistic fashion: If a charged particle or ion is exposed to a steady

magnetic field in space, it will begin to go into a circular, or orbital,


at right angles to the applied magnetic field. The speed with which it

orbits will be determined by the ratio between the charge and the mass of the

particle and by the strength of the magnetic field.

We know the frequency of rotation (the number of times per second that the

particle completes a full rotation) from the equation relating the charge/

mass ratio of the particle and the strength of the magnetic field. If an

electric field is added that oscillates at exactly this frequency at right

angles to the magnetic field, energy is transferred from the electric field

to the charged particle.

If the direction of the electric field is slightly off from the right

angle, the particle will move in a spiral pathway.

We can substitute an oscillating magnetic field for the electric field and

still obtain cyclotron resonance. However, it must be applied parallel to

the constant magnetic field.

Cyclotron resonance may be produced any time there is a steady magnetic

field combined with an oscillating electric or magnetic field, acting on a

changed particle. Many of the activities of living cells involve changed

particles – such as the common ions of sodium (Na +), calcium (Ca ++), and

potassium (K+) – acting on or passing through the cell membrane. Cyclotron

resonance has the ability to transfer energy to these ions and to cause them to

move more rapidly. These effects will change the function of the living

cells by enabling the ions to pass through the cell membranes more

effectively or in greater numbers.

Cyclotron resonance is mechanism of action that enable very low-strength

electromagnetic fields, acting in concert with the Earth's geomagnetic

field, to produce major biological effects by concentrating the energy in the

applied field upon specific particles, such as the biologically important

ions of sodium, calcium, potassium, and lithium.

The equation for cyclotron resonance says that as the strength of the

steady-state magnetic field decreases, the frequency of the oscillating

electric or magnetic field needed to produce resonance also decreases. This is

particularly significant when the average strength of the Earth's magnetic

field (between 0.2 and 0.6 gauss) is put into the equation: the frequencies

for the oscillating fields that are needed to produce resonance with the

biologically important ions turn out to be in the ELF region.

The ELF frequencies – 0-100Hz – become the most significant part of our

electromagnetic environment. The apparent ability of the body to demodulate

all higher frequencies, including microwaves, substantiates this. Cyclotron

resonance provides an understandable and valid mechanism of action for the

biological effects of both normal and abnormal electromagnetic fields.

… The importance of the entire resonance theory cannot be overemphasized.

It provides logical mechanisms whereby single cells and specific organs,

such as the pineal gland, may intercept and derive information from

electromagnetic fields. The theory also appears to be applicable to the basic

relationship between living things and the Earth's normal electromagnetic

environment. "

" …In 1984 I proposed that resonance between the Earth's natural

steady-state field and the micropulsation frequencies might provide the timing

mechanism for cell division. Since the resonance theory is based on frequency,

and not power, it permits effects from vanishingly small fields… "

" …In theory, all types of complex resonance may be used in the same way.

The resonant state is produced when the right combination of fields transfer

energy to a certain component of the body. The fields are then shifted out

of resonance, and the excited component releases the energy as an

electromagnetic field that is sensed by appropriate devices. "

" …While the effects of complex resonance phenomena at the level of ions

and molecules may be significant, the resultant change in the function or

structure of the cell may be far more important. The effects of field exposure

at the level of the total organism will be the sum of the effects at the

molecular level, the cellular level, and the level of the specific organs

designed to be sensitive to the Earth's normal electromagnetic field


Field effects on entire functioning organ are, therefore, a cascade of the

changes that finally result in many different structural, functional, and

behavioural alterations – such as the new diseases that are emerging today.

The data obtained in the past few years indicates very clearly that we

must include the Earth's normal geomagnetic field as the environmental

variable of great consequence when we deal with the basic function of living

things. In my opinion, this knowledge is probably the single most important

discovery of the century. It provides us with a key to the mechanisms by which

all electromagnetic fields produce biological effects and it may enable us

to determine more accurately the risks involved in our technological uses

of such fields. More importantly, it opens a door to a greater understanding

of life processes, similar to that which was opened by Gilbert in

1600 when he began the scientific revolution. The subsequent discoveries of

the 17th and 18th centuries gave us our present world. The new discoveries

that are linking us to the Earth's magnetic field can give us yet another

world, if we explore them properly. "


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I fully agree with this opinion of Becker. Without knowing his

statements through my own experimentation I made the same findings, that it is

mainly the low frequency modulation that does the harm, and that the same

harm can be produced using the low frequency by itself without a radio

frequency as carrier. Other scientist had discovered the importance of low

frequency modulation even in the 70ies of last century. Well, not all low

frequencies do harm. There are some that are benificial like the Schumann

resonance frequency of 7,83 Hz and their harmonics. But the pulsing frequencies

of GSM are not within that scale.

Now, what does this interesting information help ES-people? Nothing. From

my experience, it is this harm produced by these low frequencies that is

neutralized by the electrosmog neutralizing devices. May be this information

is of some value.


In einer eMail vom 20.07.2011 13:20:59 Westeuropäische Sommerzeit schreibt


" Modulation is the secret of transmitting information by means of

electromagnetic fields. AM radio, for example is amplitude modulated: the


receivers " demodulate " the signals, removing the " carrier " radio-frequency

wave and saving the slowly rising and falling modulation… it appears that


body also demodulates the signal when exposed to modulated radio-frequency

or microwave fields; the biological effect is that of the low-frequency


In this view, all biological effects are produced by ELF frequencies. This

makes good sense, because the body systems that pick up the

electromagnetic field are " tuned " to the natural frequencies between zero

and 30 Hz.

These systems will sense abnormal fields that are close to the normal


35 ad 500 Hz). The systems then produce an abnormal effect. Microwave


pulsed at 60 Hz would have the same bioeffect as a 6o Hz field alone,

which explains the identical effects seen at ELF and microwave

frequencies. It

also indicated that all intervening frequencies (VLF, AM radio, FM radio

and TV) will have the same biological effects, since they too are

modulated " .

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