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Corruption within Health Canada jeopordizes health supplement availability

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I encourage you all to write your members

of parliament and governments. We need good health products to offer

to our SCIO and QXCI clients. Below is a sample

of a letter I wrote to my member of

parliament. Instead of

sending an attachment of the

True hope letter to Health Canada I am

sending you the following link to read the article.. www.healthcanadaexposed.com

Dear Ron Cannan


Conservative MP)

Attached is a recent letter from Truehope, an Alberta-based manufacturer

of natural health products. The letter outlines their struggle with Health Canada

over the last four years to have their product licensed. They have clearly gone

to great lengths to comply with

Health Canada--- to no avail. With over 6000 product applications rejected or

withdrawn to date one must wonder

how many hundreds of companies across the country are having similar difficulties and what this means for the future of our industry.

We need Members of

Parliament like yourself to help those of us in the Natural Health Industry

fight the corruption within Health Canada. Only then will we be able

to continue to provide the public with choices and access to good alternative

health products You should look into this matter,

as your option to purchasing good natural products could soon be compromised,

if this Health Canada “bullying” is not properly dealt with

by our government.

In truth, I believe some Health Canada officials are in bed with Big

Pharma and do not want alternative

health products to interfere with their multi

million dollar “drug

business.” They are doing everything they can to stop us from getting our products licensed. It took Health Canada over two years to even get back to me about my

product license application for the health products that I import into Canada. They gave me 30 days to address the deficiencies. I had to get

specific documentation and more lab tests done from

my GMP manufacturer

in the United States,

and thus my renewed information was late by a few days. I received a letter

from Health Canada informing

me that they had discarded my application and 10 pounds of

paperwork. I had to start from

scratch, because I did not comply

with the 30 day deadline. Can you believe this!!!! It took them two years to respond to me

and then they have the audacity to throw my

application away because I was a few days past the 30 day deadline. Now I

had to pay a consultant to start all over again.


is wrong when regulatory agencies pretend that vitamins

are dangerous, yet ignore published statistics showing that government-sanctioned medicine

is the real hazard.”

A 2004 report by Null PhD. et

al states ( www.webdc.com/pdfs/deathbymedicine.pdf)

that the leading cause of death in North America

is not cancer or heart disease, but in fact, “iatrogenic” ( doctor

caused). Yes, doctors cause more

death in North America

than both cancer and heart disease combined.

The report also indicates that more

than 50% of these deaths are caused by prescription drugs, NOT,

natural health products.!! This report was fashioned using FDA statistics

ending 2004. Since Canada

has always been 10% of the USA

population numbers by capita, it is

easy to extrapolate that the same

percentage of mishaps are occurring

in Canada.

No where in the history of death certificates can one find evidence of death by

natural products.

Health Canada needs a good house cleaning,

and those Health Canada officials who have incestuous ties with big

pharma need to be terminated. They do not belong in a fair democratic system

where even the little guy gets treated fairly.

Ron, I hope you will

investigate this issue promptly so

that it does not turn into another “Schreiber gong

show”. Once the public gets wind of page 12 of the True Hope

letter www.healthcanadaexposed.com they

will be outraged. Would you please bring this to the attention of Prime Minister Harper while you are in Ottawa. I will make an appointment

to see you at your office within the next week to discuss this urgent matter.


Rose s R.T.

Holistic Practitioner

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