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antioxidants and Klinghardt

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I take a lot of vitamin C, D and other antioxidants. Nothing


I do want to share with everyone what Mercola recently sent out.

Dr. Klinghardt talks about how Wireless Radiation explodes growth of

mycoplasma/ bacteria and biotoxins from vaccines, mold, Lyme, etc!

The Toxic Origins of Autism



On Dec 30, 2008, at 2:13 PM, Evie wrote:

> Lol ,


> I am having a bad day and confused as hell, but I think Marc has

> convinced me that what I was using was not MMS but Miracle II soap or

> neutralizer.  But, nevertheless, it was not a good idea to use it as a

> soak either, obviously, since it scarred my neck.  (Too bad you were

> not around to warn me about that when I was using that product!  ;) 

> ) 


> Interesting what you have written re killing stuff in your body, tho. 

> I have to go back on a maintenance program for my beasties next

> month.  (Every year or so I have to address what remains that I was

> not able to irradicate, so they don't get out of control again.)  I

> might look into the MMS.  What do you use to address the oxygenation

> issue?


> Thanks, ,

> Diane




>> From: laurel canyon <laurelarc (DOT) com>

>> Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

>> groups (DOT) com

>> Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM


>> I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF

>> sensitivity began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to

>> draw the EMF right into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and

>> depending upon where I am, it can be quite torturous. I recently

>> bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The directions call for approx. 10

>> drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can feel increased

>> stinging and burning.


>> This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also

>> happens even from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read

>> an article that stated how people's brains and hearts give off more

>> EMF than devices(I am not sure about that, but I do know that some

>> people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have caused me the same type of

>> symptoms at times as that of some electronic devices).


>> I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical

>> sensitive type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and

>> foods, etc. However, the issue with minerals is different than a

>> chemical sensitivity reaction. I have never had anything like this

>> before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate being in a house with

>> aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale. At the

>> time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

>> but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man

>> explain a few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was

>> the first time a long time since last being in a house with aluminum

>> siding. I do have to say, that the reaction to this house and another

>> house with aluminum siding varied. I am sure there are many variables

>> I am unaware. That particular house was very close to another house.

>> Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect undetectable to

>> m.. I have

>> no idea.


>> I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food,

>> chemical, etc), the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor

>> one day over the phone who told me she had quite a few clients who had

>> the same issues, who were incredibly sensitive to energy, EMF,

>> chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were riddled with holes

>> in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF. I have a

>> friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

>> shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not

>> live near him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


>> The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a

>> bit baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from

>> my food. I had my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an

>> acupuncturist and an iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the

>> center of my tongue in which I was told was indicative of poor

>> assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be able to tolerate

>> enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the protein

>> digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

>> the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even

>> tried 's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my

>> body could tolerate.


>> Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are

>> intolerant of minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation,

>> especially if they have been taking the minerals all along. I do

>> tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and CoQ10. I have been trying

>> MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not noticed any benefit yet

>> from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from the body, as

>> well as kill many pathogens).


>> Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has

>> become a nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in.

>> It has been much too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property

>> and no where safe to live nor able to afford.


>> My, how life can suddenly change.



>> Laurel


>> Stay connected to the people that matter most with a smarter inbox.

>> Take a look http://au.docs. / mail/smarterinbo x



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Yes, I have read this elsewhere, too.  Thanks, .


>> From: laurel canyon <laurelarc (DOT) com>

>> Subject: Cannot tolerate minerals of any kind? What to DO?

>> groups (DOT) com

>> Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 2:36 PM


>> I have been unable to tolerate minerals of any kind since the EMF

>> sensitivity began about one year ago. If I take a mineral, it seems to

>> draw the EMF right into my body. I burn and sting terribly.. and

>> depending upon where I am, it can be quite torturous. I recently

>> bought a magnesium chloride liquid. The directions call for approx. 10

>> drops. All I can do is one drop and still, I can feel increased

>> stinging and burning.


>> This increased stinging and burning, after taking a mineral, also

>> happens even from certain people's energies. Someone told me they read

>> an article that stated how people's brains and hearts give off more

>> EMF than devices(I am not sure about that, but I do know that some

>> people's energy/thoughts/ emotions have caused me the same type of

>> symptoms at times as that of some electronic devices).


>> I feel at a loss because I have become so sensitive.. in a chemical

>> sensitive type of manner that I also am not tolerating vitamins and

>> foods, etc. However, the issue with minerals is different than a

>> chemical sensitivity reaction. I have never had anything like this

>> before. I also seem to be unable to tolerate being in a house with

>> aluminum siding. I went to look at a small house for sale. At the

>> time, there were very little electrical appliances running(no furnace,

>> but perhaps a refrigerator) . While I stood and listened to the man

>> explain a few things about the house, I stung incredibly.. which was

>> the first time a long time since last being in a house with aluminum

>> siding. I do have to say, that the reaction to this house and another

>> house with aluminum siding varied. I am sure there are many variables

>> I am unaware. That particular house was very close to another house.

>> Perhaps there was WIFI next door or some other aspect undetectable to

>> m.. I have

>> no idea.


>> I have noticed that if I am reacting to something else(ie food,

>> chemical, etc), the stinging also increases. I had spoken to a doctor

>> one day over the phone who told me she had quite a few clients who had

>> the same issues, who were incredibly sensitive to energy, EMF,

>> chemicals, etc. She believed that those people were riddled with holes

>> in their auras.. causing them to be more susceptible to EMF. I have a

>> friend who has a device that video tapes the aura in real time and

>> shows the changes to the aura when exposed to certain items. I do not

>> live near him so I am unable to check this out for myself.


>> The issue of not being able to tolerate minerals of any kind has me a

>> bit baffled as to what to do. I am also not absorbing nutrients from

>> my food. I had my tongue read(taught in Chinese medicine) by an

>> acupuncturist and an iridologist, which showed a deep crack down the

>> center of my tongue in which I was told was indicative of poor

>> assimilation and digestion of food. I used to be able to tolerate

>> enzymes. All I tolerate for now is papaya which helps with the protein

>> digestion. I have watched my health deteriorate this past year due to

>> the lack of nutrition. I know the minerals are important. I have even

>> tried 's colloidal minerals, yet  just one drop was more than my

>> body could tolerate.


>> Does anyone else have any of these issues?? Perhaps some are

>> intolerant of minerals also, but have not noticed the correlation,

>> especially if they have been taking the minerals all along. I do

>> tolerate flax seed oil, Vit. D3 and CoQ10. I have been trying

>> MMS(Miracle Mineral Supplement, but I have not noticed any benefit yet

>> from that. MMS is suppose to oxidize heavy metals from the body, as

>> well as kill many pathogens).


>> Thanks for " listening " . It is distressing to say the least. Life has

>> become a nightmare of such proportions that it does not even sink in.

>> It has been much too much to assimilate.. loss of home and property

>> and no where safe to live nor able to afford.


>> My, how life can suddenly change.



>> Laurel


>> Stay connected to the people that matter most with a smarter inbox.

>> Take a look http://au.docs. / mail/smarterinbo x



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