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Seminar with Dr. Alastair Bourne and Green

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Aloha Bioenergy Presents

Dr. Alastair Laubach-Bourne



Beautiful Redondo Beach, California.

October 26, 27, 28, 2007

$450 for the weekend


early bird special if paid by September 30, Partner or spouse, $300. $450 after Sept. 30 and $100 non-refundable

cancellation fee after October 15.

Three full days for EPFX/SCIO practitioners using Dr.

Alastair's attachments to target specific chronic conditions. As well as, combining holistic approaches

with EPFX to create new treatment techniques.

Please bring your QXCI or EPFX/SCIO.

Seminar Topics:

Reflexology using EPFX/SCIO

Making Homeopathic Creams

& Remedies

New Treatment Methods

Clasp 32 Software in detail

Eyesight Regeneration

Improving the Use of

â— Subspace

â— Bodyviewer

â— Bourne Protocols

â— Bourne Attachments

â— ADK

4000 Color Therapy Device

By attending you will receive

4 Bonus CD's Free:


1: Client Exercises

Client exercises related to

their condition and for the promotion of good health. These can be printed out

and given to the client.


2: Color Therapy

Covers many aspects of color

and its uses, including where to irradiate and which color to use.


3: Nutrition

Nutrition pointers on this CD

will help in choosing which amino acids, minerals and vitamins are related to a

client's condition. It covers acidic and alkaline diets, Chinese foods,

Ayurveda, cooking times, food combinations, immune boosting foods and more.

CD 4: Chinese Reflexology

Information on acupuncture points, meridians, where to apply

creams on the feet and hands made from EPFX, how to use your probe for reflex

treatments on the ears and hands, using moxa for pain.

About Dr.

Alastair Laubach-Bourne


the early 80's, Dr. Laubach-Bourne became aware of biological medicine when he

joined the New Zealand Bioenergy society. At that time, he purchased an EAV

machine, which he incorporated into his traditional Chinese medicine practice--

along with acupuncture, herbs, homeopathic and qi gong.


the mid 90's, he began working with the QX device when it was still in its

black box stage. He soon developed

attachments to the device enabling it to deliver therapies locally and

directly to an area where needed.


Bourne has conducted EPFX seminars in Las Vegas, Mexico, London, Australia and

New Zealand.


is a grand master of Chi Kune Jow Do kung fu and studied many versions of

martial arts since the 1950's. He is an associate professor at the University

of Natural Medicine in Australia, and conducts a private healing practice.


is most known for creating the Bourne Protocols. Some of his designs include:


ADK 4000

Color Therapy Device Potentiser

(remedy maker)



Attachments Water




Attachments Single Roller



Attachment Cellulite




Energizer Cream Maker



Multi-outlet Device Hair Loss




therapy Mats Beauty

Therapy Kit

About Green:

has been working with the EPFX for the

past 4 years and is moderator of the chat group, EPFXChat for

practitioners. His expertise is Clasp 32 software.

In this course, he will teach

you how the EPFX transfers energy, how to optimize initial settings, where to

explore experimental paths through Clasp 32 and simple explanations you can

pass on to your client to help them understand the Quantum process.

In his Wellness Spa, he is currently using

EPFX, AcuScen SCENAR technology, LED/Laser Lightoolz, Q2 ion energy spa,

CHI-Exerciser 3000, activated oxygen, herbals, native intelligence of the body

electric and the power of logic balanced with imagination to rebalance stress.

Testimonials for Dr. Alastair Laubach-Bourne:

I learned more in an hour with you for a few dollars

than I learned in two days at a very expensive seminar. The thing I enjoyed

most about your teaching methods is you concentrated on how to use the EPFX to

treat specific pathologies rather than all sorts of stuff I would never use in

a clinical situation.

Best wishes, Mc taggart

My husband and I would like to thank you for the

protocol CD you created. I purchased this CD in Mexico back in April/May. It

has been the best investment I could have possibly made. A friend had a stroke

that required emergency surgery to stop the bleeding in his brain. We worked on

him for weeks utilizing your protocols. The doctors told the wife that he

should not be alive. It has been 6 months since his surgery and he is doing

remarkably well.

See you in the light, Anastasia, N.Z.

Two years ago, the hospital told me there was nothing

they could do about my breast cancer, which had spread, to my liver and lungs.

After weekly treatments for several months with Dr. Bourne, I am now in

remission and the cancer is gone.

Pat Balcome, New Zealand

My husband and I have been diagnosed with Lyme

disease. We are using Dr. Bourne's protocols on the EPFX. He has a great deal

of knowledge and understanding regarding the use of the EPFX and attachments.

We have confidence in whatever he recommends.

Joan and Bob , New Zealand

The results of treatment with Dr. Bourne are the exact

reason why most in the North Island of New Zealand have heard of him. Many

travel far and wide to gain access to his healing knowledge.

yours sincerely, Debra Potroz

I have been using Dr. Bourne's protocols for weeks

now and am astounded by the results and the speed that I now get through a

therapy session is incredible. Now I

know which organs to treat for each condition.


Registration Information:


register, make payment through Papal either with credit card or your personal

account. If you do not wish to register this method you can fill the following

form and mail to:




10th St.


Beach, Ca. 90266





Ibrao at (310) 738-1469

October 26, 27, & 28

Sunny Redondo Beach, California

at the pier.


___ Special price $400 ___

Partner/spouse for $300

This special price is good till September 28,


Please print how

you wish your name to appear on your Training Certificate


Number of people attending


Today's date: _________________

My name: _______________________________________

My address:



State: _______ZIP: _______

My phone:


Cell/Fax: ______________________

My e- mail address: _______________________________________



I authorize you to charge to my credit


$ ________________

Visa / MC / Discover


Expiration Date:

____/____ CVV/CID#___/___/___ 3-digit number on back of card)

Name as it appears on card:


Authorizing Signature:


My credit card billing address:



State: ____ Zip: _________

Aloha Bioenergy will

process your credit card and will reflect Aloha

Bioenergy as the merchant.


There is a $100

non-refundable deposit per person for seminar cancellation after October 15.

Or, if you prefer to send

this form with a check or money order. Make check payable


Stanley Ibrao

1251 10th


Manhattan Beach, Ca.


Hotel Information:


Plaza Hotel


North Harbor Drive


Beach, CA 90277




for "Neighborhood Rate" for Dr. Alastair's Seminar



hotels good restaurants in the immediate area,


minutes walking to Crowne Plaza Hotel


Western Sunrise, (310) 937-8814


Hotel & Yacht Club, (310) 379-8481


AT: http://home.netcom.com/~mohlerl//stan/Bioenergy_Brochure-2.pdf

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thanks Stan

its an incredible looking seminar and i'm working on

the logistics of being there, i may be able to pull it


take carek, Bonnie

--- stibrao <stibrao@...> wrote:


> Aloha Bioenergy Presents




> Dr. Alastair Laubach-Bourne


> And


> Green


> Beautiful Redondo Beach, California.


> October 26, 27, 28, 2007




> $450 for the weekend


> ($400 early bird special if paid by September 30,

> Partner or spouse,

> $300. $450 after Sept. 30 and $100 non-refundable

> cancellation fee

> after October 15.





> Three full days for EPFX/SCIO practitioners using

> Dr. Alastair's

> attachments to target specific chronic conditions.

> As well as,

> combining holistic approaches with EPFX to create

> new treatment

> techniques. Please bring your QXCI or EPFX/SCIO.






> Seminar Topics:




> Reflexology using EPFX/SCIO


> Making Homeopathic Creams & Remedies


> New Treatment Methods


> Clasp 32 Software in detail


> Eyesight Regeneration


> Improving the Use of


> â— Subspace


> â— Bodyviewer


> â— Bourne Protocols


> â— Bourne Attachments


> â— ADK 4000 Color Therapy Device




> By attending you will receive


> 4 Bonus CD's Free:




> CD 1: Client Exercises


> Client exercises related to their condition and for

> the promotion of

> good health. These can be printed out and given to

> the client.




> CD 2: Color Therapy


> Covers many aspects of color and its uses, including

> where to irradiate

> and which color to use.




> CD 3: Nutrition


> Nutrition pointers on this CD will help in choosing

> which amino acids,

> minerals and vitamins are related to a client's

> condition. It covers

> acidic and alkaline diets, Chinese foods, Ayurveda,

> cooking times, food

> combinations, immune boosting foods and more.




> CD 4: Chinese Reflexology


> Information on acupuncture points, meridians, where

> to apply creams on

> the feet and hands made from EPFX, how to use your

> probe for reflex

> treatments on the ears and hands, using moxa for

> pain.




> About Dr. Alastair Laubach-Bourne




> In the early 80's, Dr. Laubach-Bourne became aware

> of biological

> medicine when he joined the New Zealand Bioenergy

> society. At that time,

> he purchased an EAV machine, which he incorporated

> into his traditional

> Chinese medicine practice-- along with acupuncture,

> herbs, homeopathic

> and qi gong.




> In the mid 90's, he began working with the QX device

> when it was

> still in its black box stage. He soon developed

> attachments to the

> device enabling it to deliver therapies locally and

> directly to an area

> where needed.




> Dr. Bourne has conducted EPFX seminars in Las Vegas,

> Mexico, London,

> Australia and New Zealand.




> He is a grand master of Chi Kune Jow Do kung fu and

> studied many

> versions of martial arts since the 1950's. He is an

> associate

> professor at the University of Natural Medicine in

> Australia, and

> conducts a private healing practice.




> He is most known for creating the Bourne Protocols.

> Some of his designs

> include:




> · ADK 4000 Color Therapy Device Potentiser

> (remedy maker)


> · Eye Attachments Water Coil


> · Dental Attachments Single Roller


> · Probe Attachment Cellulite

> Roller


> · Card Energizer Cream Maker


> · UAB Multi-outlet Device Hair Loss

> Kit


> · Rubber therapy Mats Beauty

> Therapy Kit






> About Green:




> has been working with the EPFX for the past 4

> years and is

> moderator of the chat group, EPFXChat for

> practitioners. His

> expertise is Clasp 32 software.




> In this course, he will teach you how the EPFX

> transfers energy, how to

> optimize initial settings, where to explore

> experimental paths through

> Clasp 32 and simple explanations you can pass on to

> your

=== message truncated ===



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