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FW: I need help keeping Smart Meters off my building.

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>August 9, 2011




>Dear City Council Members,




>I need your help to stop Smart Meters from going on my

>building.  I have been told by Edison

>that there is nothing I can do because they are not offering an opt-out


>in Santa .




>Smart Meters may not be a problem for everyone, but they are

>a big problem for me.  All of the meters

>for my entire building sit on my apartment.

>They run along the wall that is my living room and child¹s bedroom.  I

>have a 3-year-old daughter and I am very

>afraid for her safety.




>The owner of my building is very sympathetic to my concerns

>for my child¹s health and safety.  He

>suggested we get a contractor to move the meter boxes to a more remote

>area of

>the property.  The contractor came back

>with a quote today of $20,000 - $30,000.

>Unfortunately, the owner told me he is not able to spend that amount.




>I have been very careful to make sure I do not expose my

>child to microwave radiation.  I got rid

>of my microwave when she was born.  I got

>rid of my cordless phone.  I do not use

>wireless at all near her, and even got my neighbor to switch to cable


>so it wouldn¹t come through our walls.  I

>have made careful and conscious choices to make sure she is safeÅ  but in


>case, Edison is giving me no choice at





> Edison claims that their

>Smart Meters will only send out signals once per hour, 24 hours a day.  I

>tested some neighboring buildings that have

>already been switched overŠ 202 San Vicente¹s meters are emitting


>every 3 secondsŠ. 415 San Vicente¹s meters are emitting radiation every





>I am terrified.

>Please, please, please intercede on my behalf.  I have been a Santa

> citizen for 16 years.  I love my home.  I love my daughter.

>Please help me find a way to convince Edison that an opt-out should be

>made available in

>situations where the inhabitants may be harmed by the proximity to the

>pulsing radiation

>from Smart Meters.








>Caroline Dixon

>229 4th Street

>Santa , CA 90402


      McKeown            |  Santa , CA  (USA)

     email: kevin@... |  310 393-3639 /-3609 FAX

     http://www.mckeown.net   | " Choose to be conscious "


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