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meaning to post this for a while-emf issues increase possibly

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due to mult factors; hope it helps someone. One or more of these factors over

the last 8 months seriously created some major emf issues. I had quite bad

mcs-mult chem sensitivities before this 8 month period but this increase back in

October 2010 through much of this year was to an unlivable level

I would say after treating with probiotics and some of the other things I am

30-40% better after a month. I still get burning legs in office after standing

in particular


I have a heavy metal issue and due to cavitational surgery

in April_June 2010, have had ongoing significant releases of all sorts of heavy

metals ranging from lead-silver-nickle-aluminum-cadmium. This has been vaildated

through both urine tests and hair tests

TRMT-chelating per cutler protcol, metals are going down



I had thought it was yeast that was giving me a lot of problems, but after

Genova stool test, at least per their test, the bigger issue was NO levels of

derminable Lactobacillus and low levels of Bifodus (about half)

TRMT-large large doses of Probiotics 1 trillion + per day as i took 400-500

Billion per day for 2 months leading up to gut tests and it obvioulsy did

nothing. I use www.customeprobiotics.com; its ecpensive BUT I believe working



Now i find it interesting that I have low levels of yeast per the Genova test as

the test itself sAys if you have low levels of lactobacillus, even a low reading

of yeast could be significant, as you have no defense mecahnism (primarily

lactobacillus). I do take some light anti-yeast such as Candex, Biotin, Vitamin

A-E (latetr is more to heal mucosa tract)



-I am not sure if this is a related causative EMF issue or not; ie low WBC mean

worse EMF's or the vicious circle of EMFs leading to lowered Neutrophils

(worsening WBC)

-neutrophils protect against yeast and a number of supplements help neutrophil


-interesting as for low absolute lymphs, (I have relatively good levels of raw

lymph count)they say it can be due to plugged lymphs due to excess toxins. I

know about 3 months ago, I had a period after an intense cranial sacral jaw

massage that i had a huge release of toxins via neck lymphs as they were bulking

and throbbing for a week and then i got much sicker..adrenals and testosterone

crashed (testosterone verified per blood tests). I think this lymph thing is

interesting as i have started to feel a litle better with rebounding and

drinking cleavers tea, both of which support lymph movement



I believe my BBB has been compromised dur to large release of metals

My allergies and sensitivities to pollens and mold is quite high BUT again this

could be due to lack of Lactobacillus and likely Low SiGa

which is effectively gut immune system


Hope this helps


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