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High blood sugar

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Are you consuming less HB fats?

www.foodforyourblood.com <http://www.foodforyourblood.com/>

high blood sugar

Hi! I'm Judy, a 51 yr. old O+ Sec. 5'9 " , 165 #; diagnosed with diabetes

5/99. Been 99.9% compliant on ER4YT since 5/7/03. Started running 3-4 x

a week, (~ 1 hr.) on 5/14/03. Was feeling good up until yesterday, then

VERY drowsey/sleepy, and very tired legs when ran yesterday, and more

fatigue and sore/stiff today. Blood sugar was also high 6/1-6/2. How

does one find the right mix of protein/carbs to have enough energy to

exercise, but not have high blood sugar. Or is there something else I'm

missing? Thanks for your help...-Judy

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Guest guest

<Started running 3-4 x a week, (~ 1 hr.) on 5/14/03. Was feeling good up

until yesterday, then VERY drowsey/sleepy, and very tired legs when ran

yesterday, and more fatigue and sore/stiff today. Blood sugar was also high

6/1-6/2. >

If you just started an exercise program with 3-4X/wk for ~ hr, you started

way to fast! And may by over training. Tell us more about what you were

doing before, etc.


O Secretor

high blood sugar

Hi! I'm Judy, a 51 yr. old O+ Sec. 5'9 " , 165 #; diagnosed with diabetes

5/99. Been 99.9% compliant on ER4YT since 5/7/03. Started running 3-4 x a

week, (~ 1 hr.) on 5/14/03. Was feeling good up until yesterday, then VERY

drowsey/sleepy, and very tired legs when ran yesterday, and more fatigue and

sore/stiff today. Blood sugar was also high 6/1-6/2. How does one find the

right mix of protein/carbs to have enough energy to exercise, but not have

high blood sugar. Or is there something else I'm missing? Thanks for your


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

I just got home & heard your message. I'll call you after I eat

something - I am starving.

The reason is time - I may have a million questions that I simply can't

type here - I type slow. That's all.

high blood sugar

: I'm confused, why can't you give me advice? The whole reason I

subscribed to this list-serv is for free advice from people who've had

more experience with this than I. I thought that was what we're all

here for, to help each other stay on this diet and be the best we can

be?! So, should I eat more meat, fat, or carbs, in your opinion? (I

detailed the fats I eat in a post on June 7.) Judy O+ sec. p.s. I

called u..got a recording.

wrote:<you are undereating. What about

good fats? I can't just give you advice over the net.>

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  • 5 years later...

I am taking coconut oil every morning, about 3 tablespoons, eating

low carb (under 40 net carbs per day since 8/14/08) and my fasting

blood sugar is still too high according to my doc (it was 156 this


When I see her this week I have a feeling she may want me to go on


I am wondering what I should do.

Also, although I have been struggling with my weight and weigh 237

which is about 45-50 lbs over what I should weigh at 6'1 " tall (and

I am hypothyroid, have adrenal exhaustion and PCOS), I exercise

regularly, have low blood pressure and good cholesterol and am

otherwise healthy.

I guess I should go lower carb and maybe up the coconut oil and see

if that helps the blood sugar. Does anyone have any thoughts on

this? I would like to stay off prescription meds if at all


I am trying to educate myself about diabetes. Heard that Vanadium

is good to take. Just would love to hear others' experience.


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Because of my own recent experience, I have iron on the brain. But iron

overload is much more common that I thought and it can mess up the

thyroid, adrenals, pancreas (damages the beta cells), liver, and the heart.

Have you had a ferritin test? Complete iron panel?

check out www.ironoverload.org


xenaattorney wrote:

> I am taking coconut oil every morning, about 3 tablespoons, eating

> low carb (under 40 net carbs per day since 8/14/08) and my fasting

> blood sugar is still too high according to my doc (it was 156 this

> a.m.)


> When I see her this week I have a feeling she may want me to go on

> meds.


> I am wondering what I should do.


> Also, although I have been struggling with my weight and weigh 237

> which is about 45-50 lbs over what I should weigh at 6'1 " tall (and

> I am hypothyroid, have adrenal exhaustion and PCOS), I exercise

> regularly, have low blood pressure and good cholesterol and am

> otherwise healthy.


> I guess I should go lower carb and maybe up the coconut oil and see

> if that helps the blood sugar. Does anyone have any thoughts on

> this? I would like to stay off prescription meds if at all

> possible.


> I am trying to educate myself about diabetes. Heard that Vanadium

> is good to take. Just would love to hear others' experience.



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I found your response very informative and helpful to my situation as

well. Although I have not been diagnosed with hypothyroid [which I

believe I DO have], fibromyalgia [doubtful], celiac [no clue] and

adrenal exhaustion [highly likely!], I am on a low carb/low starch,

medium protein, high good fat plan. It is also an anti fungal plan

and I take anti fungal supplements as well, esp. oil of oregano. That

means avoiding foods and liquids that HAVE fungus or FEED fungus. I

believe fungus is a BIG part of my excess weight and imbalanced

hormones. I'm am working on increasing my coconut oil consumption as

well. It's really a combo of many 'diet plans', the best of several

..... Atkins, South Beach, Rosedale, etc. I really now believe it's

the healthiest way to live, even though the weight loss has not really

kicked in YET.

I do FEEL better most of the time, but the excess fat has not yet let

go of me. Farmers use corn to fatten cattle so you are wise not to

eat it. It is also universally contaminated with fungus now, another

good reason to avoid it. I haven't been able to exercise much at all

because I am so tired all the time. I mean tired to the BONE!

[Having insomnia doesn't help either!] I am glad I shouldn't do more

than 20 minutes! That is doable! Is that more than once a day? My

glucose is just 98, but I am at least 100 pounds overweight and have

gone through menopause without drugs so my hormones are wreaking havoc

on my life which I am trying to re-balance through exercise, diet,

supplements, oils, etc.

Anyhow, thanks so much for your input.


> I hope you don't feel like I am coming down on you

> like a ton of bricks but since I have two out of the

> three things you have I am going to speak up !

> I am hypothyroid, have adrenal exhaustion,

> fibromyalgia and silent celiac disease. You weigh

> too much, which you already know, but it is

> contributing to your cascading health problems.

> In this country we have been inundated with

> commercials for " fiber " and " good carbs " so

> unless you share what your diet is specifically

> I don't know for sure whether you are sabotaging

> yourself by thinking you are eating healthy when

> it may not be good for you. These are the lessons

> I have learned... the combination of sugar and

> starches are my enemy weight wise. My alternative

> Doctor has been helping me with my health issues

> but we made a giant leap forward when he suggested

> that I deep-six wheat, rye, barley, oats,etc. Take

> a look at this site to get a more in depth idea of

> which grains are OK. Corn is OK on this list but a

> no-go for me because it is a starch/sugar combination.

> Rice is on the OK list but unless it is wild it makes

> me gain weight.

> www.csaceliacs.org/gluten_grains.php

> Grains on the celiac " avoid " list I also must avoid

> to keep my fibromyalgia pain level down and avoiding

> corn and regular rice, even brown rice, keeps my weight

> down. What kind of exercise do you do ? If you still

> have adrenal exhaustion doing anything more than walking

> 20 minutes a day will make you worse in the long run...

> it's stressful to your adrenals. There are three steps

> to Type 2 Diabetes...Glucose Disregulation/hypoglycemia

> then Insulin Resistance and then Type 2 Diabetes. You are

> a pre-Type 2 Diabetic if you have PCOS... it's part of the syndrome. It

> is excellent that you are taking the coconut oil...

> but space it out throughout the day. Cook your eggs and

> meat in it, add it to your teas, and use it on your skin.

> I would suggest that like me you need to avoid all fruit

> until your weight comes off. Then just have it as a treat

> on special occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.

> and never eat it on an empty stomach, always have it

> with a fat like coconut oil, heavy cream with no

> thickeners (like carageenan, guar gum, xatham gum,

> etc.), butter, etc. No potatoes until the weight comes

> off and then only the red new potatoes on special occasions.

> I basically just eat non starchy vegetables, meat, fish and

> fats and 50 of the excess 75 pounds I have had have melted

> off me so far and it still is coming off. I had to do a lot of soul

> searching and mourning as I cannot have the foods that others eat so

> freely and seemingly without consequences. I have vastly improved the

> quality of the food I eat... grass fed beef, free range poultry, wild

> fish, cultured butter, cod liver oil, free range eggs, local and

> in-season produce as much as possible, learning to cook with all

> different spices, etc. Because I am eating such good quality fat I am

> satiated so I merely have to fight the psychological lust for things

> that will make me gain weight or make my pain levels go up... pretty

> good motivation to stay on the straight and narrow ! I hope some of the

> things I have shared help you. Do everything you can to not go on the

> medications... they will just add to your woes.

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I guess I was not clear Barbie, so here are the details: 


I am on Atkins, eating 40 net carbs per day, about 20-25 from allowed veggies,

no starchy ones, not eating any sugar or honey or anything like that, not even

artificial sweetener (some stevia though), the only fruit are blueberries and

those only a few times per week, no grains or legumes of any kind.  I have had 3

cheats since 8/14/08 but got back on the bandwagon the next day. 


My weightloss has been exceedingly slow, likely because of the thyroid and

adrenal issues, or so my doc says,  She is the one who recommended low carb for

my issues.  I eat no low carb processed foods either.  Don't believe in them

although on 1 of the cheats I tried Choco-Perfection chocolate but won't eat it



I buy 100% of my meat from Whole Foods or a nearby ranch where it is grass

fed/free range, etc.  So I'm doing the deal.  My blood sugar is still too high. 

I am thinking of going lower carb than 40 net per day.  Also looking into

Bernstein's Diabetes Solution as suggested but the super low calorie thing seems

nuts to me. 


I am 6'1 " tall and active and 45 years old.  Was runnng a few marathons each

year and a few half marathons each year and numerous other races until last

year.  I never lost weight running 25-40 miles per week but I wasn't low carb

either.  Not super high either--under 100 per day.  And yes, the running really

exhausted my adrenals, no question.  Now I walk 45 minutes per day fast, on

weekends it is usually hiking with some elevation gain for a few hours.  I have

slowed way down. 


On Atkins my calories have averaged 2533 per day since 8/14/08 (I use FitDay to

record everything).  I don't know what silent celiac is but when I eat wheat my

stomach swells up and I get achy and feel like crap.  I take a bunch of

supplements per my doc, such as really good fish oil, adrenal supplements, d-3,



So there you have it.


Xena (Marie)

From: barbiec1953 <bcentofante@...>

Subject: Re: High blood sugar

Coconut Oil

Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 10:09 PM

I hope you don't feel like I am coming down on you

like a ton of bricks but since I have two out of the

three things you have I am going to speak up !

I am hypothyroid, have adrenal exhaustion,

fibromyalgia and silent celiac disease. You weigh

too much, which you already know, but it is

contributing to your cascading health problems.

In this country we have been inundated with

commercials for " fiber " and " good carbs " so

unless you share what your diet is specifically

I don't know for sure whether you are sabotaging

yourself by thinking you are eating healthy when

it may not be good for you. These are the lessons

I have learned... the combination of sugar and

starches are my enemy weight wise. My alternative

Doctor has been helping me with my health issues

but we made a giant leap forward when he suggested

that I deep-six wheat, rye, barley, oats,etc. Take

a look at this site to get a more in depth idea of

which grains are OK. Corn is OK on this list but a

no-go for me because it is a starch/sugar combination.

Rice is on the OK list but unless it is wild it makes

me gain weight.

www.csaceliacs. org/gluten_ grains.php

Grains on the celiac " avoid " list I also must avoid

to keep my fibromyalgia pain level down and avoiding

corn and regular rice, even brown rice, keeps my weight

down. What kind of exercise do you do ? If you still

have adrenal exhaustion doing anything more than walking

20 minutes a day will make you worse in the long run...

it's stressful to your adrenals. There are three steps

to Type 2 Diabetes...Glucose Disregulation/ hypoglycemia

then Insulin Resistance and then Type 2 Diabetes. You are

a pre-Type 2 Diabetic if you have PCOS... it's part of the syndrome. It

is excellent that you are taking the coconut oil...

but space it out throughout the day. Cook your eggs and

meat in it, add it to your teas, and use it on your skin.

I would suggest that like me you need to avoid all fruit

until your weight comes off. Then just have it as a treat

on special occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.

and never eat it on an empty stomach, always have it

with a fat like coconut oil, heavy cream with no

thickeners (like carageenan, guar gum, xatham gum,

etc.), butter, etc. No potatoes until the weight comes

off and then only the red new potatoes on special occasions.

I basically just eat non starchy vegetables, meat, fish and

fats and 50 of the excess 75 pounds I have had have melted

off me so far and it still is coming off. I had to do a lot of soul

searching and mourning as I cannot have the foods that others eat so

freely and seemingly without consequences. I have vastly improved the

quality of the food I eat... grass fed beef, free range poultry, wild

fish, cultured butter, cod liver oil, free range eggs, local and

in-season produce as much as possible, learning to cook with all

different spices, etc. Because I am eating such good quality fat I am

satiated so I merely have to fight the psychological lust for things

that will make me gain weight or make my pain levels go up... pretty

good motivation to stay on the straight and narrow ! I hope some of the

things I have shared help you. Do everything you can to not go on the

medications. .. they will just add to your woes.


> I am taking coconut oil every morning, about 3 tablespoons, eating

> low carb (under 40 net carbs per day since 8/14/08) and my fasting

> blood sugar is still too high according to my doc (it was 156 this

> a.m.)


> When I see her this week I have a feeling she may want me to go on

> meds.


> I am wondering what I should do.


> Also, although I have been struggling with my weight and weigh 237

> which is about 45-50 lbs over what I should weigh at 6'1 " tall (and

> I am hypothyroid, have adrenal exhaustion and PCOS), I exercise

> regularly, have low blood pressure and good cholesterol and am

> otherwise healthy.


> I guess I should go lower carb and maybe up the coconut oil and see

> if that helps the blood sugar. Does anyone have any thoughts on

> this? I would like to stay off prescription meds if at all

> possible.


> I am trying to educate myself about diabetes. Heard that Vanadium

> is good to take. Just would love to hear others' experience.


> Xena


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Thanks, I was a vegetarian for about 12 years as a kid and was terribly low iron

and anemic.  I took supplements but was tested last year and my iron levels are

now normal.  No overload according to the tests. 





> I am taking coconut oil every morning, about 3 tablespoons, eating

> low carb (under 40 net carbs per day since 8/14/08) and my fasting

> blood sugar is still too high according to my doc (it was 156 this

> a.m.)


> When I see her this week I have a feeling she may want me to go on

> meds.


> I am wondering what I should do.


> Also, although I have been struggling with my weight and weigh 237

> which is about 45-50 lbs over what I should weigh at 6'1 " tall (and

> I am hypothyroid, have adrenal exhaustion and PCOS), I exercise

> regularly, have low blood pressure and good cholesterol and am

> otherwise healthy.


> I guess I should go lower carb and maybe up the coconut oil and see

> if that helps the blood sugar. Does anyone have any thoughts on

> this? I would like to stay off prescription meds if at all

> possible.


> I am trying to educate myself about diabetes. Heard that Vanadium

> is good to take. Just would love to hear others' experience.



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I am SO glad I was of some help !

My alternative doctor is Dr. Rind in

Washington, DC. He was the one who

opened my eyes to paying attention to

your body and seeing what makes you

feel tired, hyper, ill, gives you stomach

aches, etc. He tells me he can't help me

if I can't take the time to be vigilant

and observant. Go to his site :


He is an expert in thyroid and adrenals.

What stood out to me is that you say you

have insomnia. When I was at my worst,

no matter how exhausted I was, I could

not sleep more than one hour. I chew 2

Pineal Plus by Atrium and spread a fingernail

sized dollop of AdrenaCalm by Apex Energetics

on different parts of my body one half hour

before I want to go to sleep. It works like

a charm ! It was a little weird at the

beginning when I first started using it

because I could actually feel my body

relax and my eyes get heavy. It is a

life saver because I thought I would go

insane not sleeping ! I had terrible brain

fog, sometimes had a hard time stringing

a sentence together, could barely get up

and down the stairs, etc. It was two years

of suffering and my muscles atrophied

because I had no energy to do most

anything, let alone exercise ! I learned

from my son's physical therapist that it

takes double the time to build a muscle

up than it did to atrophy so I have a long

road ahead of me, but I hit a milestone the

other day when I was able to go down the

stairs without holding onto the railing !

Going up the stairs is another story still but

I will take improvement, no matter how little !

I am on North American Herb & Spice

OrgegaMax as an anti -fungal ! I also

take BioKult Probiotic and Candex Yeast

Management System. For the past two

months I have just been eating meat, fat

coconut oil and non starchy vegetables.

My candida overgrowth is systemic and

even under my toenails, which was even

hard to share with you because it grosses

me out, but there is now 1/4 inch growth

with no fungus under it and I am so excited !

I would just encourage you to put yourself

on an allergy elimination sort of protocol

where you just eat the bare bones meat,

fat and non starchy vegetables for a

month or two and then start fleshing

your diet out by adding things S-L-O-W-L-Y

and paying close attention to your body and

how you feel and weigh yourself everyday.

Weight gain is not always fat so your

body may not like a particular food and

make you retain fluid instead. Either case,

it should give you a better idea of things

you should and should not eat.

PS Yes, walking just 20 minutes once day...

and not too fast either. If I do, it stresses

my adrenals and I have a bad day the next


> >

> > I hope you don't feel like I am coming down on you

> > like a ton of bricks but since I have two out of the

> > three things you have I am going to speak up !

> > I am hypothyroid, have adrenal exhaustion,

> > fibromyalgia and silent celiac disease. You weigh

> > too much, which you already know, but it is

> > contributing to your cascading health problems.

> > In this country we have been inundated with

> > commercials for " fiber " and " good carbs " so

> > unless you share what your diet is specifically

> > I don't know for sure whether you are sabotaging

> > yourself by thinking you are eating healthy when

> > it may not be good for you. These are the lessons

> > I have learned... the combination of sugar and

> > starches are my enemy weight wise. My alternative

> > Doctor has been helping me with my health issues

> > but we made a giant leap forward when he suggested

> > that I deep-six wheat, rye, barley, oats,etc. Take

> > a look at this site to get a more in depth idea of

> > which grains are OK. Corn is OK on this list but a

> > no-go for me because it is a starch/sugar combination.

> > Rice is on the OK list but unless it is wild it makes

> > me gain weight.

> > www.csaceliacs.org/gluten_grains.php

> > Grains on the celiac " avoid " list I also must avoid

> > to keep my fibromyalgia pain level down and avoiding

> > corn and regular rice, even brown rice, keeps my weight

> > down. What kind of exercise do you do ? If you still

> > have adrenal exhaustion doing anything more than walking

> > 20 minutes a day will make you worse in the long run...

> > it's stressful to your adrenals. There are three steps

> > to Type 2 Diabetes...Glucose Disregulation/hypoglycemia

> > then Insulin Resistance and then Type 2 Diabetes. You are

> > a pre-Type 2 Diabetic if you have PCOS... it's part of the syndrome.


> > is excellent that you are taking the coconut oil...

> > but space it out throughout the day. Cook your eggs and

> > meat in it, add it to your teas, and use it on your skin.

> > I would suggest that like me you need to avoid all fruit

> > until your weight comes off. Then just have it as a treat

> > on special occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.

> > and never eat it on an empty stomach, always have it

> > with a fat like coconut oil, heavy cream with no

> > thickeners (like carageenan, guar gum, xatham gum,

> > etc.), butter, etc. No potatoes until the weight comes

> > off and then only the red new potatoes on special occasions.

> > I basically just eat non starchy vegetables, meat, fish and

> > fats and 50 of the excess 75 pounds I have had have melted

> > off me so far and it still is coming off. I had to do a lot of soul

> > searching and mourning as I cannot have the foods that others eat so

> > freely and seemingly without consequences. I have vastly improved


> > quality of the food I eat... grass fed beef, free range poultry,


> > fish, cultured butter, cod liver oil, free range eggs, local and

> > in-season produce as much as possible, learning to cook with all

> > different spices, etc. Because I am eating such good quality fat I


> > satiated so I merely have to fight the psychological lust for things

> > that will make me gain weight or make my pain levels go up... pretty

> > good motivation to stay on the straight and narrow ! I hope some of


> > things I have shared help you. Do everything you can to not go on


> > medications... they will just add to your woes.


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Dr. Rind's site is quite informative! Can't wait to read it all.

Thanks! He's too far for me to actually visit, and I live in the

Indiana 'sticks' with no naturopaths for miles and miles and miles.

The Pineal Plus and Calm sound very good! I have never heard

of them or the company that makes them. And I've been researching

natural/alternative health since 2001! The more I know the more I

realize how much I don't know! HA. It's so hard to know who to trust

and believe out there any more. Even the 'natural' guys want to make

a fast buck sometimes. I will check these products out too since you

highly recommend them.

I was taking my own blend of melatonin and other things but still

didn't sleep that well. Now I'm on xanax but even that doesn't work

as well as I'd hoped and, honestly, I'd like to ditch the drugs! But

I figured I'd go insane if I didn't find a way to sleep! Lack of

sleep so affects your whole life as I am sure you know. I still have

major brain fog, memory loss, and switch words when I type. I have to

reread emails and such and correct them. I have fallen three times in

the last two years. Thank God nothing broke. Now it seems my vision

is blurry sometimes and my hearing isn't as good as it was. I'm only

57 yet I feel like I'm 85! Very depressing.

I'm already eating mostly just meat, non starchy veggies, some fruit

and good fats like 98% of the time. I could go stricter for a time,

as you suggest, just to see if anything changes. Will have to plan

ahead for that. I've already incorporated things like watching pH

levels to get alkaline, getting more raw foods in my diet, taking

iodine [internally via Lugol's and topically] hoping to charge up my

thyroid [body temp is always averaging 96!], Yet my body clings to

the fat like it's a lifesaver in a stormy sea. Perhaps a lifetime of

dieting has taking its toll on my body.

Ah, enough rambling for now! I am really enjoying these posts!!

> > >

> > > I hope you don't feel like I am coming down on you

> > > like a ton of bricks but since I have two out of the

> > > three things you have I am going to speak up !

> > > I am hypothyroid, have adrenal exhaustion,

> > > fibromyalgia and silent celiac disease. You weigh

> > > too much, which you already know, but it is

> > > contributing to your cascading health problems.

> > > In this country we have been inundated with

> > > commercials for " fiber " and " good carbs " so

> > > unless you share what your diet is specifically

> > > I don't know for sure whether you are sabotaging

> > > yourself by thinking you are eating healthy when

> > > it may not be good for you. These are the lessons

> > > I have learned... the combination of sugar and

> > > starches are my enemy weight wise. My alternative

> > > Doctor has been helping me with my health issues

> > > but we made a giant leap forward when he suggested

> > > that I deep-six wheat, rye, barley, oats,etc. Take

> > > a look at this site to get a more in depth idea of

> > > which grains are OK. Corn is OK on this list but a

> > > no-go for me because it is a starch/sugar combination.

> > > Rice is on the OK list but unless it is wild it makes

> > > me gain weight.

> > > www.csaceliacs.org/gluten_grains.php

> > > Grains on the celiac " avoid " list I also must avoid

> > > to keep my fibromyalgia pain level down and avoiding

> > > corn and regular rice, even brown rice, keeps my weight

> > > down. What kind of exercise do you do ? If you still

> > > have adrenal exhaustion doing anything more than walking

> > > 20 minutes a day will make you worse in the long run...

> > > it's stressful to your adrenals. There are three steps

> > > to Type 2 Diabetes...Glucose Disregulation/hypoglycemia

> > > then Insulin Resistance and then Type 2 Diabetes. You are

> > > a pre-Type 2 Diabetic if you have PCOS... it's part of the syndrome.

> It

> > > is excellent that you are taking the coconut oil...

> > > but space it out throughout the day. Cook your eggs and

> > > meat in it, add it to your teas, and use it on your skin.

> > > I would suggest that like me you need to avoid all fruit

> > > until your weight comes off. Then just have it as a treat

> > > on special occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.

> > > and never eat it on an empty stomach, always have it

> > > with a fat like coconut oil, heavy cream with no

> > > thickeners (like carageenan, guar gum, xatham gum,

> > > etc.), butter, etc. No potatoes until the weight comes

> > > off and then only the red new potatoes on special occasions.

> > > I basically just eat non starchy vegetables, meat, fish and

> > > fats and 50 of the excess 75 pounds I have had have melted

> > > off me so far and it still is coming off. I had to do a lot of soul

> > > searching and mourning as I cannot have the foods that others eat so

> > > freely and seemingly without consequences. I have vastly improved

> the

> > > quality of the food I eat... grass fed beef, free range poultry,

> wild

> > > fish, cultured butter, cod liver oil, free range eggs, local and

> > > in-season produce as much as possible, learning to cook with all

> > > different spices, etc. Because I am eating such good quality fat I

> am

> > > satiated so I merely have to fight the psychological lust for things

> > > that will make me gain weight or make my pain levels go up... pretty

> > > good motivation to stay on the straight and narrow ! I hope some of

> the

> > > things I have shared help you. Do everything you can to not go on

> the

> > > medications... they will just add to your woes.

> >





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So, a huge difference in terms of your weight loss? (or what all?)


On 10/15/08 8:11 AM, " " <sinsayre@...> wrote:




> Metanoiagal,


> Have you added any Adrenal support to your daily program? It's possible

> this is the missing link that can help you sleep better as well as other

> important functions. I prefer the products by Premier Research Labs headed

> by Dr. Bob Marshall. To read about their Adrenal Complex, check out this

> site: http://www.phpure.com/q_nutrition_products.htm


> I have thyroid as well as several other issues and have found that adding

> the adrenal support has made a huge difference. I use several things from

> Premier Research Labs.


> Blessings,





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Unless you have your actual test results in hand and have researched

what they mean yourself, I still recommend you do some research at

ironoverload.org and other high iron or hemochromatosis sites. Most

doctors are clueless about too much iron, and the ranges are WAY too

high at the upper end. Organ damage from too much iron is silent,

symptoms vague and general, and it is often not detected or diagnosed

until the organ damage is irreversible.

It really is a good idea to rule it out by checking up on your doctor.

Remember " normal " is NOT a lab test result, results are given in actual

numbers, in ranges that may or may not be accurate or adequate for

actually determining whether someone has any particular problem or not.

I was told for decades that my thyroid was " normal " only to find out is

isn't and probably has not been for all that t ime.


Xena wrote:

> Thanks, I was a vegetarian for about 12 years as a kid and was terribly low

iron and anemic. I took supplements but was tested last year and my iron levels

are now normal. No overload according to the tests.



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  • 2 weeks later...



For your high blood sugar check out alpha lipoic acid and chromium

polynicotinate.  These two help me regulate my blood sugar level and also cut

doen pharma diabetic pills.


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Thanks ,


I haven't taken my fasting blood sugar in about a week. I am lucky I am not on

any meds for that right now.  I will start taking it again and if it is still

too high, I will get those supplements.



From: melly banagale <@...>

Subject: Re: High blood sugar

Coconut Oil

Date: Monday, October 27, 2008, 10:26 AM



For your high blood sugar check out alpha lipoic acid and chromium

polynicotinate.  These two help me regulate my blood sugar level and also cut

doen pharma diabetic pills.


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Why not check fasting blood sugar daily?


On 10/27/08, Xena <xenaattorney@...> wrote:

> Thanks ,


> I haven't taken my fasting blood sugar in about a week. I am lucky I am not

on any meds for that right now. I will start taking it again and if it is still

too high, I will get those supplements.


> Xena

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Just got tired of doing it.  Plus my  lab results showed 89 so I am wondering if

my $20 monitor is off.  I'll check it tomorrow morning though. 



> Thanks ,


> I haven't taken my fasting blood sugar in about a week. I am lucky I am not on

any meds for that right now. I will start taking it again and if it is still too

high, I will get those supplements.


> Xena

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Yes, from reading Alobar's posts and doing research I really get that now.


Thanks !



From: melly banagale <@...>

Subject: Re: High blood sugar

Coconut Oil

Date: Monday, October 27, 2008, 3:38 PM



\Before taking meds, take supplements first and see if they work.  It is better

not to take pharma medicines.


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