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re: new interesting article (Off Topic?)

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At the Shepherd Center (spine & brain injury) in Atlanta, there is an MS Center. I know the Medical Director at Shepherd, , MD. He is a physiatriast who is often involved in research studies for spine and brain injury. But he is influential and wants the best for Shepherd. Although Shepherd is typically "politically correct", he may see the importance of naltrexone in the treatment of MS and other disorders. If he does, he would want to be involved in this ground breaking study. Dr. is a physiatrist who performs acupuncture, very open minded!

I'll take some information to him next week and see if he bites!


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Max (is it?),

Thanks for posting that link to the article!

After reading this latest article on LDN I am more energized than before to

try and help get a U.S. clinical trial underway.

The MS Society offered Dr. Bihari $25,000 to do a study? But he says he

needs much more.

So why don't we go ahead and start that fundraising site? Sam, are you

willing to do some of the webdesign with me?

Can someone on this forum, who actually speaks with Dr. Bihari on a regular

basis, get in touch with him pronto and get some more info from him?

Here are some questions we need answers to:

1. How much $$ does he really need (realistically)? (we need a goal to post

on the website)

2. And is the MS Society still keeping their $25K offer on the table?

3. How does he plan to conduct the trial? Double-blind placebo? or what?

4. Does he have a team of physicians/assistants ready to assist him with the

research project?

5. Would he be willing to make statements or lend info and his photo to a

site that we set up as a venue for the fundraising?

6. How long would he need to conduct the trials?

7. Could the studies be conducted in several different major cities

simultaneously so that a max number of MS patients can participate? Say,

NYC, Houston, Philly, Chicago, LA, Albuquerque, Seattle, Portland. Those

cities should be substantial enough in population to get the necessary

number of participants. Does the good Dr. keep contacts with other

physicians in major cities who prescribe LDN?

8. Is he willing to publish the results of the trials in JAMA or another

major medical journal himself?

9. Does he have any contact with any celebrities that have MS?

10. And if so, would they be willing to lend their face and a statement to

the fundraiser?

Refresh my memory but I think I recall that some of the well-known folks

with MS include Teri Garr and

Montel , Pryor, Annette Funicello, Lena Horne, Joan Didion

(a writer)....who else? Maybe one or more would be willing to participate in

this fundraising effort? Anyone have contacts in the entertainment biz?

I know there are several of you here that have had actual contact with Dr.

Bihari, himself. Can someone speak with him?

Man, look at me! I am so energized by this that you would think I was an

MSer myself! (who knows, might still be one of my dx's) But...

Just the thought of getting something legitamized that you KNOW is helping

people is an amazing thought.

And if that would pave the way for clinical trials using LDN for FMS or

Chronic Fatigue, or HepC or anything else...well, damn! Where is Florence

Nightengale when you need her?

This has to be a group effort, even if all you do is tap your friends,

neighbors and relatives for on-line donations. Send them an email link to

the secured site. Or give them a call. Has anyone been following the on-line

site MoveOn.org? They have set a precedent in the world of on-line activism

and fund-raising. Even if you don't side with their political views, you

have to be impressed with their ability to energize Grass Roots voters! They

have even had nationally synchronized Bake Sales, garden parties and other

fundraising events. Seems like small potatoes but when 200 people have

bakesales you can donate a nice chunk of cash to a worthy cause! Heck, I'll

set up a Lemonade Stand on the corner if it will help!

If we could get local MS groups to hold silent auctions (they are easy to do

on Ebay- my daughter's school PTA does it all the time), and other fund

raising events and add that to the cash in the Paypal Kitty we might

actually be able to get Dr. Bihari the rest of the financing he needs and

get a clinical trial started before the end of the year!

Wouldn't that be a lovely Xmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa present for all of you?

Who's on board? Roll call, please!



Original Message: #16

Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 16:39:46 -0000

From: " maxbtm " <maxbtm@...>

Subject: New Interesting Article on LDN


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Man, what an MS cheerleader! When I was working (stopped 3 yrs ago) I did a lot of funds development. Let me see if I can get a corporate sponsor for a sizeable donation or at least match the NMSS donation. I never developed funds for a new drug in the medical field before. Do you have any helpful hints for me before I contact my old buddies at places like Tropicana or Time Warner? Looking forward to hear from you soon!

From: Lara Schuchat [mailto:Lara1967@...] Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 5:23 PMlow dose naltrexone Subject: [low dose naltrexone] re: new interesting article (Off Topic?)

Max (is it?),Thanks for posting that link to the article!After reading this latest article on LDN I am more energized than before totry and help get a U.S. clinical trial underway.The MS Society offered Dr. Bihari $25,000 to do a study? But he says heneeds much more.So why don't we go ahead and start that fundraising site? Sam, are youwilling to do some of the webdesign with me?Can someone on this forum, who actually speaks with Dr. Bihari on a regularbasis, get in touch with him pronto and get some more info from him?Here are some questions we need answers to:1. How much $$ does he really need (realistically)? (we need a goal to poston the website)2. And is the MS Society still keeping their $25K offer on the table?3. How does he plan to conduct the trial? Double-blind placebo? or what?4. Does he have a team of physicians/assistants ready to assist him with theresearch project?5. Would he be willing to make statements or lend info and his photo to asite that we set up as a venue for the fundraising?6. How long would he need to conduct the trials?7. Could the studies be conducted in several different major citiessimultaneously so that a max number of MS patients can participate? Say,NYC, Houston, Philly, Chicago, LA, Albuquerque, Seattle, Portland. Thosecities should be substantial enough in population to get the necessarynumber of participants. Does the good Dr. keep contacts with otherphysicians in major cities who prescribe LDN?8. Is he willing to publish the results of the trials in JAMA or anothermajor medical journal himself?9. Does he have any contact with any celebrities that have MS?10. And if so, would they be willing to lend their face and a statement tothe fundraiser?Refresh my memory but I think I recall that some of the well-known folkswith MS include Teri Garr andMontel , Pryor, Annette Funicello, Lena Horne, Joan Didion(a writer)....who else? Maybe one or more would be willing to participate inthis fundraising effort? Anyone have contacts in the entertainment biz?I know there are several of you here that have had actual contact with Dr.Bihari, himself. Can someone speak with him?Man, look at me! I am so energized by this that you would think I was anMSer myself! (who knows, might still be one of my dx's) But...Just the thought of getting something legitamized that you KNOW is helpingpeople is an amazing thought.And if that would pave the way for clinical trials using LDN for FMS orChronic Fatigue, or HepC or anything else...well, damn! Where is FlorenceNightengale when you need her?This has to be a group effort, even if all you do is tap your friends,neighbors and relatives for on-line donations. Send them an email link tothe secured site. Or give them a call. Has anyone been following the on-linesite MoveOn.org? They have set a precedent in the world of on-line activismand fund-raising. Even if you don't side with their political views, youhave to be impressed with their ability to energize Grass Roots voters! Theyhave even had nationally synchronized Bake Sales, garden parties and otherfundraising events. Seems like small potatoes but when 200 people havebakesales you can donate a nice chunk of cash to a worthy cause! Heck, I'llset up a Lemonade Stand on the corner if it will help!If we could get local MS groups to hold silent auctions (they are easy to doon Ebay- my daughter's school PTA does it all the time), and other fundraising events and add that to the cash in the Paypal Kitty we mightactually be able to get Dr. Bihari the rest of the financing he needs andget a clinical trial started before the end of the year!Wouldn't that be a lovely Xmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa present for all of you?Who's on board? Roll call, please!Lara------------------------------------------------Original Message: #16 Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 16:39:46 -0000 From: "maxbtm" <maxbtm@...>Subject: New Interesting Article on LDNhttp://www.reformer.com/Stories/0,1413,102~8860~2150078,00.html

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