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Why NOT to use CFL bulbs

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We are urged us to switch from regular incandescent light bulbs to compact

fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs, to save energy. However, there is a very good

reason NOT to use CFL bulbs. They create electromagnetic frequencies proven to


extremely detrimental to human health.

CFL's operate at high frequency using an electronic switching ballast to chop

up the 120 volts - that's how they are able to use less energy when compared

to incandescent bulbs. Their typical operating frequency is in the region of

20kHz to 100kHz, a frequency range known to produce adverse effects on health.

(By the way, dimmers operate similarly, converting the electrical signal into

high frequency transients. Even clean incandescent lights will produce dirty

electricity if a dimmer switch is used.)

Professor Magda Havas of Trent University, Ontario, one of the world's

leading researchers on the biological effects of EMF, states:

“CFLs produce radio wave frequencies that radiate directly from the bulbs and

also go on the electrical wiring in the home or school. The closer you sit to

the bulb, the greater your exposure. Because the high frequencies travel

along the wire, you can be exposed in other rooms of your home as well as in the

room that contains the CFL.


Many complain that they cannot be in a room with fluorescent lights because

they feel 'unwell.' These people have difficulty shopping in large department

stores because of the lighting and often go with list in hand and spend as

little time in the store as possible. Their cognitive functions diminish and


have difficulty recalling where they parked their car.â€

Just one of the effects of dirty electricity, but a very important one, is

adverse effect on insulin production and blood glucose levels.  Dr. Havas


" We can take a person who is diabetic and put them in an electrically dirty

environment, and their blood sugar levels rise.  We then put them into a clean

environment, and within half an hour their blood sugar levels are lower. It

becomes a barometer. "

For instance, the blood glucose level of one test subject rose from 121 to

over 350 solely from sitting near a lamp with a CFL in it for a couple of

hours.  (He had not eaten nor drunk anything that might have influenced his


sugar.)  Conversely, diabetics who install filters to remove the “dirty

electricity†experience that they no longer need as much insulin, and some no


need any insulin.

In my own case, symptoms included severe insomnia, head pain, tingling of my

left arm and leg and frightening cardiac arrythmia.  I had gone to the ER

twice in an ambulance and undergone $18,000 worth of medical tests before the

cause of my symptoms was finally determined to be exposure to electrical

pollution. (Not brain cancer as had finally been suspected!)  When we cleared


personal environment of the damaging frequencies, the symptoms disappeared.  


thyroid also resumed healthy function and I was able to discontinue thyroid


The doctors who had followed my case were extremely surprised, as they so

rarely see such a total cessation of cardiac or thyroid problems.   I believe

this would be more common, if more people removed the cause of their symptoms.

You could not pay me any amount of money to use CFL bulbs in our house.  

Another world-renowned expert Dr. Olle Johansson, of the department of

neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, points out that the


rise in recent years of the number of people affected by

electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) coincides with the mass production and

distribution of electronic

devices such as computers and cordless telephones that use and generate radio


For a more complete list of associated neurological, respiratory, cardiac,

dermatological, opthamologic and other symptoms, please see: http://www.l


Dr. Havas has completed a study on the frequencies created by various brands

of CFL bulbs, which will be released soon.  Meanwhile, this is what she


“Some packages even have a warning about the radio frequenc,y saying this

light may interfere with radio reception.  Indeed this is something that most

people can test with a portable radio on AM.  As you bring the radio close to


energy efficient bulb that produces radio frequencies the radio will begin to

buzz.  This is known as electromagnetic interference (EMI) and is a concern

for anyone using wireless technology such as mobile phones or wireless


But the real problem is that these frequencies are making people sick.  Three

independent groups in the UK, including the British Association of

Dermatologists, the Migraine Action Association, and Epilepsy Action, have


illness among their members who have tried energy efficient compact fluorescent

lights (CFL).  The most common symptoms are headaches-including migraines,

fatigue, confusion, dizziness, ringing in the ears, eyestrain, nausea and skin


Not all energy efficient bulbs are the same.  Some do not contribute to dirty

electricity and do not produce radio frequencies and this includes a few

compact fluorescent lights, some LEDs (light emitting dioxides) and some halogen

bulbs. Unfortunately most of the bulbs on the market will make people sick. 

Reducing green house gases is important but doing it with flawed technology that

will make the user ill is not the right course of action.  If governments are

going to ban the energy-inefficient but electromagnetically clean

incandescent bulb, then they should also ban bulbs that produce radio frequency


I would encourage anyone who has recently purchased energy efficient bulbs

and has since developed any of the symptoms mentioned above to test the bulb for

radiation with a portable radio and if the radio buzzes to return the bulb to

the retail store for a full refund.  Even if our government hasn't done its

homework, individual consumers can still make a difference.â€Â 

Dr. Havas and her associates have tested shielding material for the bulb and

Graham Stetzer filters for the dirty electricity.  Both work well but they

don't believe this is the way to go, but that LED bulbs are the light of the

future, for energy efficiency and because they create no radio frequencies.

LED bulbs do not create harmful frequencies, and they are available in “warm

white.â€Â  They are not yet as bright as most of us are used to, but they are

bright enough to meet our needs. (LED technology is improving by leaps and


Some LED websites to check out:




For more information regarding the health effects of manmade electromagnetic

frequencies, please see my website, www.LifeEnergies.com/.


Shivani Arjuna


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