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Plan B for Potassium iodide

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Below is a message I sent to those who receive the daily News & Views

(currently focused on Japansituation/radiation) I've been sending and also to

those on my wellness and environmentale-lists.

I will also be sending these (free, blind copy) e-lists info. about herbs

and foods that are protective against radiation.

As, for those in N. America, the situation at present involveswindborne

radiation from afar, thyroid cancer is the main thing toshield against, and this

is not difficult to do.

First is info. about Posassium iodide from Wikipedia, then great info.

about what to do if you can't find any!

A few side effects (if any) would sure beat developing cancer.

- Shivani



A) From Wikipedia:

Potassiumiodide was approved in 1982 by the US FDA to protect the thyroid

glandsfrom radioactive iodine from accidents or fission emergencies. In theevent

of an accident or attack at a nuclear power plant, or falloutfrom a nuclear

bomb, volatile fission product radionuclides may bereleased, of which 131I is

one of the most common by-products and aparticularly dangerous one due to

thyroid gland concentration of it,which may lead to thyroid cancer. By

saturating the body with a sourceof stable iodide prior to exposure, inhaled or

ingested 131I tends tobe excreted.

Potassium iodide cannot protect against any other causes of radiationpoisoning,

nor can it provide any degree of protection against dirtybombs that produce

radionuclides other than isotopes of iodine.

WHO Recommended Dosage for Radiological Emergencies involving radioactive


Age KI in mg

Over 12 years old 130

3 - 12 years old 65

1 - 36 months old 32

< 1 month old 16

Historical use and analysis

Following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in April, 1986, asaturated

solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) was administered to 10.5million children and

7 million adults in Poland[22] as a prophylacticmeasure against accumulation of

radioactive iodine-131 in the thyroidgland. People in the areas immediately

surrounding Chernobyl itself,however, were not given the supplement.[23]

Potassium iodide's (KI) value as a radiation protective (thyroidblocking) agent

was demonstrated at the time of the Chernobyl nuclearaccident when Soviet

authorities distributed it in a 30 km zone aroundthe plant. The purpose was to

protect residents from radioactiveiodine, a highly carcinogenic material found

in nuclear reactors whichhad been released by the damaged reactor. Only a

limited amount of KIwas available, but those who received it were protected.

Later, the USNuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reported, “thousands

ofmeasurements of I-131 (radioactive iodine) activity...suggest that theobserved

levels were lower than would have been expected had thisprophylactic measure not

been taken. The use of KI...was credited withpermissible iodine content in 97%

of the evacuees tested.â€[24]

Poland, 300 miles from Chernobyl, also distributed KI to protect itspopulation.

Approximately 18 million doses were distributed, withfollow-up studies showing

no known thyroid cancer among KIrecipients.[25] With the passage of time, people

living in irradiatedareas where KI was not available have developed thyroid

cancer atepidemic levels, which is why the US Food and Drug Administration

(FDA)reported “The data clearly demonstrate the risks of thyroidradiation...KI

can be used [to] provide safe and effective protectionagainst thyroid cancer

caused by irradiation.[26]

Chernobyl also demonstrated that the need to protect the thyroid fromradiation

was greater than expected. Within ten years of the accident,it became clear that

thyroid damage caused by released radioactiveiodine was virtually the only

adverse health effect that could bemeasured. As reported by the NRC, studies

after the accident showedthat “As of 1996, except for thyroid cancer, there

has been noconfirmed increase in the rates of other cancers, including

leukemia,among the...public, that have been attributed to releases from


But equally important to the question of KI is the fact that radiationreleases

are not “local†events. Researchers at the World HealthOrganization

accurately located and counted the cancer victims fromChernobyl and were

startled to find that “the increase in incidence [ofthyroid cancer] has been

documented up to 500 km from the accidentsite...significant doses from

radioactive iodine can occur hundreds ofkilometers from the site, beyond

emergency planning zones. " [21]Consequently, far more people than anticipated

were affected by theradiation, which caused the United Nations to report in 2002

that “Thenumber of people with thyroid cancer...has exceeded expectations.

Over11,000 cases have already been reported.â€[28]

These findings were consistent with studies of the effects of previousradiation

releases. In 1945, millions of Japanese were exposed toradiation from nuclear

weapons, and the effects can still be measured.Today, nearly half (44.8%) the

survivors of Nagasaki studied haveidentifiable thyroid disease, with the

American Medical Associationreporting “it is remarkable that a biological

effect from a singlebrief environmental exposure nearly 60 years in the past is

stillpresent and can be detected.â€[29] This, as well as the development

ofthyroid cancer among residents in the North Pacific from radioactivefallout

following the United States' nuclear weapons testing in the1950s (on islands

nearly 200 miles downwind of the tests) wereinstrumental in the decision by the

FDA in 1978 to issue a request forthe availability of KI for thyroid protection

in the event of a releasefrom a commercial nuclear power plant or

weapons-related nuclearincident. Noting that KI's effectiveness was “virtually

complete†andfinding that iodine in the form of potassium iodide (KI)

wassubstantially superior to other forms including iodate (KIO3) in termsof

safety, effectiveness, lack of side effects, and speed of onset, theFDA invited

manufacturers to submit applications to produce and marketKI.[30]

Today, three companies (Anbex, Inc., Fleming Co, and Recip of Sweden)have met

the strict FDA requirements for manufacturing and testing ofKI, and they offer

products (IOSAT, ThyroShield, and Thyro-Safe,respectively) which are available

for purchase. The Swedishmanufacturing facility for Thyrosafe, a potassium

iodide tablet forthyroid protection from radiation manufactured by Recipharm AB,

wasmentioned on the secret US 2008 Critical Foreign DependenciesInitiative

leaked by Wikileaks in 2010.[31]

Adverse reactions

There have been some reports of potassium iodide treatment causingswelling of

the parotid gland (one of the three glands which secretesaliva), due to its

stimulatory effects on saliva production.[32]

A saturated solution of KI (SSKI) is typically given orally in adultdoses of

about 250 mg iodide several times a day (5 drops of SSKIassumed to be ®˜mL)

for thyroid blockage and occasionally as an expectorant. At thesedoses, and

sometimes at much lower doses, side effects may include:acne, loss of appetite,

or upset stomach (especially during the firstseveral days, as the body adjusts

to the medication). More severe sideeffects which require notification of a

physician are: fever, weakness,unusual tiredness, swelling in the neck or

throat, mouth sores, skinrash, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, irregular

heartbeat, numbness ortingling of the hands or feet, or a metallic taste in the

mouth.[33] ….


B) Excerpts from: When An ill Wind Blows From Afar! (Like from Japan, Iran or

North Korea!)


Fortunately, there is a cheap and effective preventative method to protect

yourself and family from radioactive iodine.

Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets, taken a half hour or more beforeexposure, and

then for the next 7-10 days, saturates your thyroid glandwith safe stable iodine

where if you then later inhale or ingestradioactive iodine your body simply

eliminates it. It provides nearly100% protection from radioiodine and resulting

thyroid cell damage andabnormalities, such as loss of thyroid function, nodules

in thethyroid, or thyroid cancer. ….

In an emergency, if no more KI tablets available here, you cantopically (on the

skin) apply an iodine solution, like tincture ofiodine or Betadine, for a

similar protective effect. (WARNING: Iodineis NEVER to be ingested or swallowed,

it is poison to drink.) Foradults, paint 8 ml of a 2 percent tincture of Iodine

on the abdomen orforearm each day, ideally at least 2 hours prior to initial

exposure.For children 3 to 18, but under 150 pounds, only half that

amountpainted on daily, or 4 ml. For children under 3 but older than a

month,half again, or 2 ml. For newborns to 1 month old, half it again, orjust 1

ml. (One measuring teaspoon is about 5 ml, if you don't have amedicine dropper

graduated in ml.) If your iodine solution is strongerthan 2%, reduce the dosage

accordingly. Absorption through the skin isnot as reliable a dosing method as

using the tablets, but tests showthat it will still be very effective for most.

Documentation of theabove at www.ki4u.com,along with sources for KI tablets and

formulas there for mixing uppotassium iodide (KI) solutions if you acquire KI

powder or crystals.Do not use if allergic to iodine. There are also a few other

medicalconditions and medications, discussed there, that are contraindicatedthat

your physician can best advise you about. If at all possible,inquire of your

doctor NOW if there is any reason why anybody in yourhousehold should not use

KI, or iodine solutions topically on theirskin, in a future nuclear emergency,

just to be sure. ….

Bottom Line: Unfortunately, the federal government does not have largestocks of

emergency KI tablets, nor is it likely what they do have canbe gotten where it's

needed and then to those who need it... in-time.Also, they no longer support

nuclear Civil Defense training of thepublic, the USDA county defense boards, or

county level radiationmonitoring networks and fallout shelters*, as they once

did during theheights of the Cold War, and thus American families are largely

ontheir own today to find this important guidance and make their


For this reason, we've produced both our myth-busting expose...

The Good News About Nuclear Destruction! at http://www.ki4u.com/goodnews.htm

....and our popular & essential family guide for...

What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent! at http://www.ki4u.com/guide.htm

Potassium iodide, radiation meters, radiation stickers!



Inany future nuclear emergency, there will be many more people, both nearand

far, that are not in harms way, but won't know it without anyradiation detection

instruments. They will worry needlessly or,possibly, even panic. Others, who

should promptly get to a safer area,won't know to do so either, or if they do go

someplace else, won't beable to confirm that it is indeed safer, without such

specializeddevices. The key to assuring your family is safe, or have gotten

safer,or even if any should later seek medical attention, or not, is

onlypossible if you have your own radiation detection instruments, withyou,

right then. With them in-hand, in a for-real future nuclearemergency, it's like

being the only one then with a flashlight in ablackout to promptly, and

confidently, lead the safest way out!

[There is much more information at their Web sit, including how to shelter


have bought their fine products. Unfortunately, they are now backed up,working

18 hours a day to fillorers, due to the situation in Japan. You may find

potassium iodide at a local pharmacy or wellness store. But if not, go to Plan

B, outlined next.

Also note, regarding household pets, that you can calculate dosages/amounts for

them based on body weight. -Shivani]

C) Plan " B " for anyone caught without Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets in a nuclear


Last Updated: March 13th, 2011

Few realize that there are viable alternatives to achieve athyroid-blocking dose

of safe iodine in a nuclear emergency when KItablets are in short supply or not

available in the locale whereneeded. (Also, to date, there currently aren't

enough tablets that havebeen produced nationally, yet, to protect even 5% of the

population!)The following should be of interest to everyone, even those who

havealready secured a personal family supply of KI tablets, as these Plan " B "

alternatives can be shared far and wide with extended family,friends, neighbors

and your community-at-large.

Especially vital, too, to get this information out to your localdoctors, EMS,

pharmacists, community leaders AND CongressionalRepresentatives!

These two following alternatives could protect many thousands more thanall the

KI and KIO3 tablets currently available anywhere.

#1 - Anyone can buy, without restriction, Potassium Iodide USP at alocal

chemical supply house (and even some larger photo supply outlets,but make sure

it's " USP Grade " ) or from internet and readily mix uptheir own Potassium Iodide

(KI) solution that is every bit as effectiveas the tablets.

We were also recently reminded, by a science teacher, that every townin America

likely has a ready and waiting supply of KI sitting in theirhigh-school science

labs that could protect hundreds of their studentsand local residents! A single

500 gram bottle of KI (USP, reagent, orchromatographic grade), now already on

many of their shelves, couldprovide 3,846 adult daily doses or 7,692 child (age

3-12) or more foreven younger kids, of thyroid-blocking doses!

Also, Stanley L. Rapaport, M.D. had shared with me (way back on2/15/03) that he

has been trying to point the following out to theSurgeon General, Homeland

Security, and Armed Forces Surgeon Generals.If the government bought KI in bulk,

which then is not very expensiveand would work out to about .01 cents per child

dose, an easydistribution program could be at the ready in every community in

thenation! As Dr. Rapaport explains;

" Bulk purchases must be repackaged from 100# to appropriate sizedpackages

depending on city size and proposed stockpile locations. Thereare 3492 adult

doses per pound or 6984 children's doses per pound.

Stored in appropriate location viz. pharmacies, fire or police stations.

Made up into a solution of 130mg per 5cc. (1 pound of PotassiumIodide to

17.5 liters of water) gives a solution where one teaspoonfulequals one adult

dose, 1/2 teaspoonful equals a children's dose and soforth as per schedule


Dispensed from appropriate sites including the hospital , parkinglots,

drive bys, etc. in any container as is very stable. Paper cups,drink bottles,

with dosage directions.

Taken for ten days (even one dose is markedly effective) or asdirected via

appropriate authorities. Solution is somewhat unpleasantand can be masked by

honey, syrup, soft drink, additional water, etc.

The solution as made up is equal to 130mg per 5cc (1 teaspoonful)

Adult dose is 1 teaspoonful

Ages 3-18 1/2 teaspoonful

Ages 1 month to 3 years 1/4 teaspoonful

Age 1 month or less 1/8 teaspoonful " *

* Since this was first written in 2003, the FDA doses for children has

changed slightly to the following...

Children over 12 years to 18 years: 5ml or 1 teaspoonful every day (130

mg) who weigh at least 150 pounds

Children over 12 years to 18 years: 2.5ml or 1/2 teaspoonful every day

(65 mg) who weigh less than 150 pounds

Children over 3 years to 12 years: 2.5ml or 1/2 teaspoonful every day (65


Children over 1 month to 3 years: 1.25ml or 1/4 teaspoonful every day

(32.5 mg)

Babies at birth to 1 month: 0.625ml or 1/8 teaspoonful every day (16.25


Pregnant or breastfeeding women, or babies under 1 month of age:

Take as directed above and call a doctor as soon as possible.Repeat dosing

should be avoided. It is recommended that thyroidfunction be checked in babies

less than 1 month of age that take KI.Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding

should also be checked by adoctor if repeat dosing is necessary. Although these

precautions shouldbe taken, the benefits of short-term use of KI to block uptake

ofradioactive iodine by the thyroid gland far exceed its chances of sideeffects.

As Dr. Rapaport details above, this is all too easy to have in-placeand ready to

go, and rightly deserves serious consideration by ourgovernment officials tasked

with safeguarding public health at alllevels; federal, state, and municipal.

Most locales at risk of exposure would have enough time to do a

quickdrive-through ad-hoc set-up dispensing of it because radioactive iodineis

dangerous far downwind and it would take time for the wind to carryit into many

communities well downwind of ground zero. There would beenough time to save

many, IF powdered or crystal KI had beenpre-positioned! Right now, there have

not been enough KI tabletsproduced in all the country to cover even 5% of the

population, and theKI, IF pre-positioned in every community with a simple set

ofinstructions, would fill this void and potentially save 10's ofthousands of

America's children from future thyroid cancer.

This is clearly a legitimate Federal Government public healthresponsibility, as

radioactive fallout travelling on the wind will notrespect state borders. The

Federal Govt has the opportunity here to beseen as heros to have addressed this

issue in advance, or risk beingcondemned as derelict in their duties if they had

failed to, when theneed arises. (Most all other developed nations in the world

hadacquired large emergency stocks of KI after Chernobyl.) Even two yearsafter

9/11, the total Federal Government stockpile consisted of 1million doses held by

the CDC and another 600,000 doses (half of whichwe sold them) held by the Office

of Emergency Preparedness. That's onlyenough for 1.6 million people, for ONE

day, and then it's all gone!And, while that national stockpile has grown since,

it's still nowherenear enough to protect very many, nor is it likely to be where

it willbe most needed when the time comes!

In the meantime, we've stockpiled here at KI4U, Inc. an emergencyreserve of over

6 million adult doses or over 12 million child doses,in the form of our KI

vials, where each makes up a KI solutionsufficient for 200 adult doses or, at

least, 400 child doses, as seenhere. This reserve is for if the govt had failed

to, and/or everybodyhad run out of KI tablets, in a future nuclear crisis.

On the local level, community leaders need to pull together theirresourceful

science teachers, local pharmacists and doctors to fullyexplore the resources

already at hand and available for any futurenuclear emergency that might befall

their locale. You might could beresponsible for saving many in your community

from future thyroidcancer by simply bringing this to the attention of these

localauthorities and experts!

There are two kinds of Potassium Iodide (KI) solutions that can bemade.

Saturated and anything less than saturated, and both of these twosimple formulas

and dosing recommendations, along with more details,are at the Potassium Iodide

Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ at the Q & Asection entitled: How Do You Make a Potassium

Iodide (KI) Solution?

#2 - While it is poisonous to ingest (drink/swallow) elemental iodine,like

what's in tincture of iodine, or Povidone-iodine solutions (likethe Betadine

brand solution), besides being largely ineffective forthyroid-blocking and very

dangerous, perhaps even fatal to have a childdrink any of them, they can be used

topically, on the skin, to greateffect.

There has been some research with both humans and dogs into topically(on the

skin) applied Povidone-Iodine (10%) solution (such as Betadineor Povidex

solutions), and also with tincture of iodine, to test theabsorption rates of

iodine directly, and safely, through the skin.

According to research by Health Physicist Ken , Hershey MedicalCenter,

using 24 healthy adult male subjects, an adult could get ablocking dose of

stable iodine by painting 8 ml of a 2 percent tinctureof Iodine on the abdomen

or forearm approximately 2 hours prior toI-131 contamination. The abstract of

his study titled " Effectiveness ofSkin Absorption of Tincture of I in Blocking

Radioiodine from the HumanThyroid Gland " from Health Physics, June 1989, Vol.

56, No. 6, pages911-914, states:

" Although there were large variations within each subject groupin regard

to serum-I levels and thyroid uptakes, the increase inserum-I concentration

after topical-I application was effective inreducing the thyroid uptake of I131.

The authors conclude that in theabsence of KI, most humans would benefit from

topical application oftincture of-I, and that in some the effectiveness would

equal that oforal KI. "

More details (and links to this research) on these topical applications(readily

available at your local pharmacy) can be found at thePotassium Iodide

Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ at the Q & A sectionentitled: Is Iodized Salt, Tincture of

Iodine, Water Purification Tabs,or other Iodine Sources Effective?

Again, here too, you might could be responsible for saving many in yourcommunity

from future thyroid cancer by simply bringing this researchto the attention of

your friends, neighbors, relatives, localofficials, pharmacists and doctors!

#3 - EDUCATION of the public to basic nuclear Civil Defense isessential!

Promoting the public and private distribution, andpublication in local

newspapers, of WHAT TO DO IF A NUCLEAR DISASTER ISIMMINENT! can literally

empower millions of Americans with thelife-saving knowledge to respond correctly

in a future nuclear crisis.Start with your own local community today to get this

vital informationout via your local government, media, churches and

communityorganizations. Banish panic, as you help your community embrace

thesesimple life-saving preparations!

And, for the current concerns of the Japanese nuke plants, read andshare When An

ill Wind Blows From Afar! (Info & Preps for RadiationHere from Japan!)

Remember, too, as often mentioned on the FAQ, touch bases with yourpersonal

physician now to assure that there isn't any reason you, oryour children,

shouldn't take KI or KIO3 in a future nuclear emergency.(An iodine allergy is

the usual disqualifying condition, if any, butonly your doctor knows your full

medical history and currentmedications to make that determination.) Asking them

now, before anyemergency would likely make that impossible to do so, is just

anotherpart of your prudent preparations here.

Shane Connor

KI4U, Inc.

Be Sure To Also See/Read...

When An ill Wind Blows From Afar! (Info & Preps for Radiation Here from Japan!)

Comments or Suggestions: webmaster@...

 www.NukAlert.com 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All

Rights Reserved.

 www.RadShelters4U.com 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,

2011. .

 www.RadMeters4U.com 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,

2010, 2011. .

 www.KI4U.com 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,

2009, 2010, 2011. .


Someone has just sent me the info. below, re pets.

The dose forpeople is usually based on 150 lb. So if you have a 75 lb dog, you

givehim half a human dose. 15 lb dog gets 1/10. Give teeny birds

(canaries,budgies etc) a flake of kelp, not iodine. Too easy to give them


Scanlan, DVM, MSFP, CVA Executive Director, AHVMA Box 630 Abingdon, MD


[Don't give anybodyactual iodine internally! She must mean Potssium iodide.

Thesuggestion re birds is what I thought worth sharing. If anyone's vethas good

advice re. birds, please let me know.]


Below areexcerpts from a just-out article in the UK Daily Mail. I cannot

vouchfor its accuracy. We will know more soon. Alvarez is the guy

tolisten to.

America on radiation alert: Japan faces world's worst nuclear accident since

Chernobyl as experts warn fallout may reach U.S.

UK Daily Mail 3:56 AM on 15th March 2011



California 'monitoring situation closely' amid dramatic escalation of


Japan's nuclear crisis now appears worse than the Three MileIsland nuclear

accident in 1979 - but not yet as bad as Chernobyl in1986

Japan PM tells people within 19 miles of plant to stay indoors as

radiation reaches levels that could impact human heath

Radioactive wind could reach Tokyo within hours

Nuclear Regulatory Commission admits it is 'quite possible' radiation

could reach the U.S.

'Worst-case scenario' could see 30,000ft winds sending nuclear cloud

across Pacific - possibly hitting by Tuesday night

Fears that America could be hit by the nuclear fallout from the Japanearthquake

have dramatically increased as workers prepared to abandon areactor crippled by

the earthquake and tsunami tonight in the face ofwhat is set to become the

world's second worst nuclear disaster -topped only by Chernobyl.

Damage at the number two reactor at the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichinuclear power

complex is worse than thought, the Japanese governmentadmitted tonight, sparking

fears for human health both in Japan and theU.S.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has admitted it is 'quite possible' the

fallout could reach America. ....

Nuclear energy 'remains a part of the President's overall energyplan',

despite new concerns about its safety, a White House spokesmansaid.


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