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The Cult of Water

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Dear Sue,

Thanks for posting on water. I’m familiar both experientially and conceptually with your notions on water, didn’t catch the particular CNN piece on it and whatever contaminant is the current “in” fad to demonize that we ourselves acquiesce in contributing to it being present therein. But I have read many things lately regarding water quality: seems to be making its usual “cycle” in the media. None of this is new or shocking to me anymore after over 25 years researching water’s qualities from the most standard chemical tests and analysis to the most unorthodox dowsing/biotensor analysis (highly subjective and “kookish” to most people, but there IS scientific principles behind how and why it works, esp. Dr ph Oberbach’s “Fire of Life”), spent probably less than 15,000 USD over the years on various types of filters, water ionizers, Miracule Water System (8 to 10 or more stage system claiming to R/O the water or something like that and then separate the good and bad, concentrate the “vital mono-atomic elements” and add them back into the finished product. Also I explored various magnetic treatments with an expensive little hand made device called the Hockey Puck. Then there was about a years worth of experiments using orgone plated sacred geometry devices. Also distilled which I made myself was always best for teas and coffees etc., but is as most are aware the WORST for drinking. You’ll find your clients drinking distilled water are not getting good hydration typically unless they add something, even the tiniest biogenic factor back in. I’ve done all from distilling into quartz bowls then toning, put them outside at “geographical power points” for certain cosmic events (the “Harmonic Convergence” is first time I remember doing some “weird water thing” in my perception at that point.) Leaving it exposed to the sun and moon for various cycles. I have traveled and drank the water in over 18 countries around the world, including the ones they tell you not to drink the water like Mexico, India (dear Lord, what was I thinking), Central America, etc. and never had any significant dysentery at all. I have used the Dr. Engler Ionized Oxygen Machine to bubble through water and have used a battery of analytical instrumentation to empirically test many key components’ presence/levels/biogenic aspects that were supposed to be “good” or “bad” according to some authority somewhere. Redox potential, ion content, specific gravity, mineral content, trace element content, drank Hunza water for a while. Used various stirrers to energize or neutralize water or ANY liquid developed by my original mentor in Australia, Gorniak, of Tasmania whom I’ve lost contact with over the years. I admit unabashedly (as this IS the QX forum where I can let it all hang out) to “pee drinking” after reading some book “The Golden Fountain”which extolled the medicinal virtues of not only drinking it but using it topically for your scalp....well ....YUCK. Again, what the hell was I thinking. Maybe some of those people who push shopping carts around in the cities are members of that movement as I have experienced their pungent effluvium wafting my nostrils; indeed they may be in the know. I am just not ready enough to take up that cause. If you have read this far you probably realize I pretty much had a neurotic fixation with water quality. Emoto’s work on ice crystal formations and intention, IQUIM’s paramount work with Quantum Hematology by Dr Drouin, as well as Kirlian photography were probably most instrumental in restoring my sense of acceptance and balance of our relationship with water, most ubiquitous and inscrutably mystical compound we have on this realm; composing umptee-ump percent of our physical content. As I stood at the checkout stand with a bag full of various bottles from Vitamin Water to Beer ; organic milk, and even “juiced energy” (like a Red Bull but without sugar or artificial sweeteners) I thought about your posting and how much over the years I made such a study of water and now I just buy these store bought things and do my abracadabra on them. Indeed one can do anything with your plate on the EPFX, QXCI, SCIO with water. Encoding, break codes, you name it. I have developed a technique and technology that I am testing with fine results and it’s small enough to fit on my key ring, otherwise I know it will not be there when I need it. I’m busy with too many other things, my clients, life. Then I noticed as I waited for the checkout girl to ring me up that the weekly Sun tabloid says that Nostradomus has said the world ends on 5/11/2008. Oh, my. Now I have a greater priority to save the planet. THAT’S WHERE WE ALL LIVE AND THAT’S WHERE ALL THE WATER IS STORED! So in closing, I leave this thought about water; don’t worry too much about water...it’s SO LUCKY... There’s 2 hydrogen for every oxygen molecule. Think about that. In joy and celebration of our crazy world, Aloha from in Hawaii..Quantum Biofeedback Center 808 823 1285 or cell 808 634 7232 also please let me know what you think of my 45 second informative video for my local Kauai, Hawaii center: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrFrigginKnowItAll

On 3/11/08 1:16 AM, " Angel Health " <mail@...> wrote:


For those who are worried about the CNN USA water report:

According to CNN Philladelphia has 59 pharmaceutical traces in its' tap water. Is this because it is recycled like London's? They found high levels of sex hormones in London's water some years ago. Also bottled water can be tap water with a label. Bottled water in some cases has flouride added, just like some juice 'drinks'.

Water should have been up dale and down hill for its' energy, it is important to pass on the essence of the land upon which we live. It should not have passed through tonnes of sand, have added chemicals, and run through straight pipes to empty the life force of our world. I never drink it if I have any choice, never cook with it, and have filters on my farm for washing in it.

I have tested water on several occasions and found Volvic to be the best of all bottled waters, (you still have to boil it to get rid of the wood alcohol they use to steralise the bottles). However if you live in a fresh air place, not one of high pollution, then use a Rain Water But to collect your own water, filter it, boil it, bottle it and energise it using your SCIO/EFPX.

Blood has the same composition as water.

Thank you - Sue

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