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Syd Kellie`s neuros

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Hi Kellie!

Thanks for your response & acknowledgement.....


If it`s not working effectively, I don`t see why we shouldn`t challenge the stranglehold of the established medical approach to these things: In this age of instant worldwide communication it is showing itself to be rather a somewhat inefficient & recalcitant relic of an earlier age when things could only move much more slowly. Everything is endlessly changing anyway, so I see little point in attempting to prop or condone the inefficiences of a system which, as it stands, has elements within it which are obviously unable or unwilling to accomodate the rate of change now occuring!

Helping it to evolve more effectively, by the dissemination of true & useful infomation, unfettered by finantial considerations, even including naming & shaming where necessary, seems appropiate to me: -There ain`t nowhere to hide no more!

Re. neuros: For some reason, a definition of an intellectual that I heard long ago comes to mind:

-An intellectual is someone whose intellect has been developed at the expense of their common sense!......, another criticism floats by: -Unable see the wood for the trees......

England now has the advantage(?) of being joined to Europe by a tunnel! This is known as the Eurotunnel. Presumably, this is the source of the new expression in MS circles for describing a neurologist`s vision ....NEUROTUNNEL ! (-I rather like that!)

I suppose that Dr. Bihari being a neurologist could be seen as his being the exception that proves the rule!

As has been observed before, western medicine`s strength is it`s diagnostic skill: Beyond this,it`s vision has become so narrow & specialized & isolated that in many ways, it seems to have "lost the plot" at the moment unfortunately, so that in many areas it hasn`t a clue what to do with it`s diagnoses once it has them! For example, almost endlessly rummaging through the pandora`s box of new ( & expensive) pharmaceuticals hoping to hit on THE magic bullet for whatever is the problem in front of them! So narrowly programmed is the average GP that even *****`s exhortation to let food be your medicine & medicine your food is probably viewed as little more than a quaint historical curiosity!

Apparently, in the course of their studies, medical students are educated about nutrition, for about 4 hours. -A week? No! -A month? No! A year? No! ......Many med. students receive IN TOTAL approx.4hours instruction in nutrition! Presumably this is regarded as adequate! Otherwise why would the manufactures of nutritional supplements have to keep recommending that we check on a products suitability for us with our "health care provider"! - What stranglehold? THAT stranglehold! (for example!!!)

Ironically, even when something valuable IS discovered, actually in their very own pharmaceutical backyard, (ie.LDN) the lines of communication within the med.profession seem to be so confused, broken down or non-existent that an interested but complete outsider like me is able to assimilate & make use of the info pretty much before most "health care professionals" have even heard of it, never mind integrated it effectively in their practice! How can this be right? Why not speak out about it & encourage a better,more open approach?

Doubtless there are many, many good, skillful, compassionate people endeavouring to work within the

medical profession, in my view these folks would be helped if the sort of things I am pointing to were corrected rather than being allowed to continue festering "because it`s how we do things round here!"

Be happy, (It`s free & it helps! :)


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