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" cures for cancer " <cures for cancer >

From: " Cliff Beckwith " <spinner@...>

Date sent: Sun, 13 May 2001 21:40:52 -0400

Subject: Interesting

> Jack.

> His cancer of the bone marrow, Multiple Myeloma, is still under control.

> his Red blood cells are low, making him anemic.....which translates into being

> tired, no energy. He has taken pro-crit injections to stimulate his body

> (which means bone marrow) to produce more RBC's but it hasn't worked.

> He will get a blood transfusion

> of RBC's to raise his hemoglobin tomorrow.


Can you forward my post yesterday on multiple myeloma to Jack.

If it were me I would have taken SPIRULINA to overcome the anemia. (see

Reference 1) Spirulina may have eliminated his need for a blood transufion.

I would have also taken SPRIULINA to obatin the phycocyanin which emulates

the effect of ERYTHROPOETIN, which has been shown to help in Myeloma patients

and animal studies of Myeloma.(see post yesterday). The immune enhancement

properties listed below also support the use of Spirulina as an adjuvant.

Spirulina is best taken as powder, electrically blended in Lemon cordial drink,

or pineapple juice or fruit juice. If you dont like the taste follow

immediately with a chaser of pure juice to remove the flavor from the mouth.


Reference 1.

Hematopoiesis and Immunomodulation

* Effects of polysaccharide and phycocyanin from spirulina on


blood and hematopoietic system of bone marrow in mice. by Zhang

Cheng-Wu, et al.. April 1994. Nanjing Univ. China. Pub. in Proc. of

Second Asia Pacific Conf. on Algal Biotech. Univ. of Malaysia. p.58.


C-phycocyanin and polysaccharide were isolated and purified from

spirulina. By using the techniques of colony forming unit-erythroid

(CFU-E) culture of fetal liver cells in mice in vitro, C-phycocyanin

was found to possess high erythropoietin (EPO) activity. Per 12.5ng

C-phycocyanin matched with 850mu EPO. The effects of polysaccharide

and phycocyanin on the periphyeral blood and bone marrow

hematopoietic stem and progentitor cell in normal, irradiated and

anemic mice were studied. These studies demonstrate the unique

capacity of C-phycocyanin and polysaccharide to influence the

differentation and proliferation of committed hematopoietic

progenitor cell. Stimulated recovery by C-phycocyanin and

polysaccharide was observed in leukocyte and bone marrow nucleated

cell counts and the number of CFU-GM colony formation in mice after

single whole-body gamma-ray irradiation. The C-phycocyanin and

polysaccharide can lower the anemic degree of mice combined with

treatment of gamma-ray irradiation and benzohydrazine hydrochloric

acid peritonerl injection.



* Enhancement of antibody production in mice by dietary spirulina. by

Hayashi, et al. June 1994. Kagawa Nutrition Univ. Japan. Pub. in

Journal of Nutr. Science and Vitaminology. Japan.

Mice fed a spirulina diet showed increased numbers of splenic

antibody- producing cells in the primary immune response to sheep red

blood cells (SRBC). However, immunoglobulin G (IgG) - antibody

production in the secondary immune response was hardly affected. The

percentage of phagocytic cells in peritoneal macrophages from the

mice fed spirulina diet, as well as the proliferatiom of spleen

cells, was significantly increased. Addition of a hot-water extract

of spirulina (SHW) to an in vitro culture of spleen cells markedly

increased proliferation of these cells, whereas culture of thymus

cells was scarcely affected. The spirulina extract also significantly

enhanced interleukin-1 (IL-1) production from peritoneal macrophages.

Addition to the in vitro spleen cell culture of SHW as well as the

supernatant of macrophages stimulated with SHW resulted in

enhancement of antibody production, that is, an increase of the

number of PFC. These results suggest that spirulina enhances the

immune response, particularly the primary response, by stimulating

macrophage functions, phagocytosis, and IL-1 production.



* Phagocytic potential of feline macrophages after exposure to a water

soluble extract of spirulina in vitro. by M. Qureshi, et al. January

1996. Pub. in Immunopharmacology. in press. USA.

Bronchoalveolar lavage macrophages isolated from cats were cultured

on glass coverslips. Macrophages were exposed to a water soluble

extract of spirulina platensis in concentration range of 0 to 60 mcg

per ml for two hours. Spirulina extract exposure did not cause

significant macrophage cytotoxicity over untreated controls.

Macrophage monolayers from treated and control cultures were

incubated with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) as well as viable e.

coli. The percentages of phagocytic macrophages for both of these

particular antigens were higher (a two-fold increase in SRBC

phagocytosis and over 10% increase in e. coli uptake) in cultures

treated with various concentrations of spirulina extract. However,

the numbers of either types of particles internalized by phagocytic

macrophage were not different between the control and treated

cultures. These data which showed that spirulina platensis extract

enhances macrophage phagocytic function imply that dietary spirulina

supplementation may improve the disease resistance potential in cats.



* Spirulina extracts enhances chicken macrophage functions after in

vitro exposure. by M. Qureshi, et al. 1995. Pub. in Jour. Nutritional

Immunology, No. 3 (4) 35-45. USA.

The effects of spirulina platensis extract exposure on chicken

macrophages were examined. Sephadex-elicited abdominal exudate

macrophage monolayers were exposed to varying concentration (10 to 40

mcg/ml) of spirulina for 1 to 16 hours. Spirulina treated macrophages

exhibited phenotypic changes in terms of increased spreading and

vacuolization with minimal cytotoxicity. Percentage of phagocytic

macrophages for unopsonized sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and average

number of internalized SRBC was significantly higher in spirulina

treated macrophages as compared to the sham treated controls.

However, phagocytosis of opsonized SRBC was not effected by spirulina

treatment. Macrophage cultures exposed to spirulina produced a factor

in their culture supernant with tumorcidal potential which was

similar in reactivity to the one produced by macrophages after

exposure to lipopolysaccharide. The ability of splenic natural killer

cells to kill tumor cell targets was not affected by spirulina

treatment. These findings suggest that spirulina exposure enhances

selected effector functions of cells of the chicken immune system

after in vitro exposure.



* Immune enhancement potential of spirulina in chickens. by M. Qureshi,

et al. August 1994. Poultry Science Assoc. Dept. of Poultry Science,

North Carolina State, NC. Pub. in Journal of Poultry Science Vol 73,

S1. p.46. USA.

Effects of spirulina on the immune function of chickens were

examined. Macrophage cultures treated with a water soluble extract of

spirulina exhibited enhanced phagocytosis and induced tumorcidal

factor secretion. In the second study, 0, 10, 100 and 10,000ppm

spirulina in corn/soy diets were fed to Leghorn chickens. Larger

thyus glands, higher NK activity and CBH response were observed in

the 10,000ppm spirulina treated chickens. Percent phagocytic

macrophages and secondary antibody response were also greater than

non-treated chickens. The data suggests spirulina exposure improves

immune performance of chickens without adversely affecting other

performance characteristics.



* Immunomodulary effects of spirulina supplementation in chickens. by


Qureshi, et al. May 1995. North Carolina State. Pub. in Proc. of 44th

Western Poultry Disease Conference, pp 117-120. USA.

Chicken macrophages exposed to a water-soluble spirulina extract show

enhanced phagocytic activity in vitro suggesting activation of

mononuclear phagocytic system function. Furthermore, dietary

supplementation of Spirulina (1,000 ppm to 10,000 ppm) improved

thymic weights, enhanced CBH response, increased tumor cell killing

by NK cells and doubled the macrophage phagocytic potential over

chickens fed a basal diet. Chicks on 1,000 ppm Spirulina diet cleared

significantly more E. Coli from circulation at 30 and 40 minutes post

i.v. inoculation. Similiar reduction was seen in clearing bacteria

from spleen after 80 minutes post i.v. inoculation of Staph. Aureus

in chicks fed 10,000 ppm over controls. Chicks in groups from 1,000

ppm to 16,000 ppm Spirulina treatments showed enhanced CBH response.

Chicks in 1,000 ppm group exhibited enhanced E. Coli clearance

between 30 to 60 minutes and decreased splenic bacterial counts at 80

minutes post inoculation. These studies imply Spirulina enhances

several immunological end points in chickens both during in vitro and

in in vivo exposures.



* Immunostimulating activity of lipopolysaccharides from blue-green

algae. by L. Besednova, et al. 1979. Pub. in Zhurnal Mikrobiologii,

Epidemiologii, Immunobiologii, 56(12) pp 75-79. Russia.

The whole cells of blue-green algae and lipopolysaccharides (LPS)

isolated from these cells were shown to stimulate the production of

macro- and microglobulin anti-bodies in rabbits. The macro- and

microphage indices in rabbits increased significantly after the

injection of LPS isolated from blue-green algae 24-48 hours before

injecting the animals with a virulent Y. pseudotuberculosis strain.

Besides, the inhibiting action of this strain on the migration of

phagocytes to the site of infection was abolished immediately after

the injection. The use of the indirect hemaglutination test allowed

to provide the absence of close antigenic interrelations between

blue-green algae and the following organisms: Spirulina platensis,

Microcystis aeruginosa, Phormidium africanum and P. uniccinatum.


* Study on effect and mechanism of polysaccharides of spirulina on body

immune function improvement. by G. Baojiang, et al. April 1994. South

China Normal Univ. China. Pub. in Proc. of Second Asia Pacific Conf.

on Algal Biotech. Univ. of Malaysia. pp 33-38. China.

Polysaccharides of spirulina, at the dosage of 150-300 mg/kg, by

injection or taking orally, can increase the phagocyte percentage and

phagocytic index of abdominal macrophage, the percentage of

T-lymphocyte and haemolysin content in the peripheral blood of mouse.

These results demonstrate polysaccharides can improve both the

nonspecific function of cellular immunity and the specific humoral

immunity. The mechanism seems related to the fact that

polysaccharides can enhance reproductive ability of marrowcyte,

growth of thymus and spleen, biosynthesis of serum protein, and that

polysaccharide can eliminate the inhibition effect of inhibitive

circular phosphamide on immune system of body.


Iron Bioavailability and Prevention of Anemia

* Availability of iron to rats from spirulina, a blue-green algae. by


and E. Shubert. 1986. Pub. in Nutrition Research Vol 6,

85-94. USA.

Spirulina contains a highly available form of of iron. It is unusual

to find plant-derived iron that is highly available. Absorption of

iron by rats and humans has been found to be highly correlated.

Spirulina fed rats absorbed iron more than or equal to rats fed iron

from an iron supplement, ferrous sulfate. In comparison, absorption

of iron from potatoes and whole wheat bread is about half of ferrous

sulfate. It appears spirulina is a fairly concentrated source of

available iron.



* Clinical experiences of administration of spirulina to patients with

hypochronic anemia. by T. Takeuchi, et al. 1978. Tokyo Medical and

Dental Univ. Japan.

Eight women had been limiting their meals to stay thin and were

showing hypochronic anemia - lower than normal blood hemoglobin

content. They took four grams of spirulina after each meal. After 30

days blood hemoglobin content increased 21% from 10.9 to 13.2, a

satisfactory level, no longer considered anemic.


Kidney Detoxification

* Effect of spirulina on the renal toxicity induced by inorganic


and cisplatin. by H. Fukino, et al. 1990. Pub. in Eisei Kagaku, 36:5,

1990. Japan.

Kidney toxicity caused by mercury was suppressed by feeding spirulina

to rats. A water soluble extract of Spirulina, containing

phycocyanin, the natural blue pigment, was examined. Renal (kidney)

toxicity in rats caused by para-Aminophenol (pain reliever) and

Cisplatin (anti-cancer) was significantly reduced by the phycocyanin

extract of spirulina. Researchers concluded that phycocyanin plays a

major role in the protective effect of spirulina against renal

failure caused by mercury and pharmaceutical drugs, and that

spirulina might be applicable to the reduction of general renal



* The effect of spirulina on nephrotoxicity in rats. by Y. Yamane, et

al. 1988. Chiba Univ. Presented at Annual Symposium of the

Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, April 15, 1988. Japan.

Heavy metals and pharmaceutical drugs are toxic to the kidney. The

effects of spirulina on acute nephritis caused by inorganic mercury

and pharmaceutical drugs were examined in rats. High mercury dosage

caused nephrotoxcity in laboratory rats, measured by rising blood

urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine, urinary enzymes alkaline

phosphatase (ALP) and glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT). When

rats were fed a diet of 30% spirulina, these factors significantly

decreased, showing kidney detoxification. Three groups of rats were

given pharmaceutical drugs used by humans: para-Aminophenol

(anodyne/pain reliever), Gentamicin (anti-biotic) and Cisplatin

(anti-cancer). Once again rats improved. The study suggests spirulina

may have a beneficial effect for humans suffering from heavy metal

poisoning and that kidney side effects may decrease when spirulina is

taken with the administration of drugs. Side effects limit the dosage

of drugs and slow down recovery, so shorter recovery times may be



* Current knowledge on potential health benefits of spirulina. by Amha

Belay and Yoshimichi Ota. 1993. Pub. in Journal of Appl. Phycology,

5:235-241. USA.

Spirulina is a microscopic algae, produced commercially and sold as a

food supplement around the world. Until recently, interest in

spirulina was mainly in its nutritive value. This is a critical

review of data on therapeutic effects of Spirulina, ranging from

reduction of cholesterol and cancer to enhancing the immune system,

increasing intestinal lactobacilli, reducing nephrotoxicity by heavy

metals and drugs, and radiation protection.



* Effectiveness of spirulina algae as food for children with

protein-energy malnutrition in a tropical environment. by P.

Bucaille. 1990. University Sabatier, Toulouse, France. Oct.

1990. Zaire. (in French).


* Spirulina in Jiangxi China. by Miao Jian Ren. 1987. Academy of

Agricultural Science. Presented at Soc. Appl. Algology, Lille France

Sep. 1987. China.

In Nanjing Childrens Hospital, 27 children, 2-6 years old, recovered

in a short period from bad appetite, night sweats, diarrhea and

constipation from a baby nourishing formula containing 1.5g

spirulina, 12g baked barley sprout, Vitaimn B1 and Zinc. The clinical

effects showed spirulina is a genuine health food for children.

> May I share with you what Jack is doing in addition to FO & CC?


> We were told about Cantron, and started taking it about 31/2 weeks ago

> (will be 4 weeks on Tue.) It works on the electrical system instead of

> the chemical side of our body as almost everything else does. For more

> information on Cantron do a search on Cancell on the Internet. Cantron

> was first called Cancell. Cantron also has a web page.


> In MI there is a support group of about 200 people that meet once a month.

> I have called Ollie Blezinski 734-783-5558 and Andy 248-624-3092

> many times. I have talked to many people with different kinds of cancer.

> I love to hear their " miracle story " . Andy , retired engineer

> from Buick, told me of a man who had a PSA of 680, when they found it was

> in his bones from ankles to collar bones. The doctor told him he was too

> far gone for chemo, radiation and he had just a few months to live. He

> took Cantron and has a PSA today of less than 2. (The pain in his legs was

> what sent him to the doctor.) What an interesting history this product

> has. You would enjoy just that.


> Blessings,


> Carolyn Hannay



> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

> Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

> visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv



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  • 2 years later...

To the group:

I would like to offer thanks to Cliff for his valuable service in his

research about use of, and the testimonials for Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese

in the treatment of cancer. I was recently told by my nephew in Phoenix, AZ

about two chaps whom he told about FO / CC, and who recovered from prostate

cancer. This is only anecdotal eveidence of course and must be taken as

such. However, Dr.Johanna's regimen of Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese is

certainly good nutrition for general health considering our body's need for

calcium, and the fact that about 75% of the heart muscle's energy must come

from fat. ( oil ). Is not ideal nutrition necessary for good health and an

aid in theprevention of cancer ? I think so.



> Hi,


> Today my wife and I attended a senior citizens luncheon. The speaker was


> young lady who had headed the organization from 1994 to 1998.


> She told me of a man in the area in 1995 who had cancer so extensively


> he was given two months to live. He was unable to get up and the doctors

> had given up standard treatment and had sent him home to die. She had

> talked to his girlfriend and she got him on Flaxseed Oil and Cottage



> Before long he was again on his feet and soon going fishing and doing all

> the things he liked to do as he had before.


> He had two and a half years of quality life and then decided that he was

> well and quit using the FO/CC. Within a few months the cancer had


> and he did not go back to the FO/CC and died.


> This is the tenth time that I know of this happening. The FO/CC is not a

> drug but a food that is needed to keep going. It cannot be abandoned.


> Cliff





> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv



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To the group:

I would like to offer thanks to Cliff for his valuable service in his

research about use of, and the testimonials for Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese

in the treatment of cancer. I was recently told by my nephew in Phoenix, AZ

about two chaps whom he told about FO / CC, and who recovered from prostate

cancer. This is only anecdotal eveidence of course and must be taken as

such. However, Dr.Johanna's regimen of Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese is

certainly good nutrition for general health considering our body's need for

calcium, and the fact that about 75% of the heart muscle's energy must come

from fat. ( oil ). Is not ideal nutrition necessary for good health and an

aid in theprevention of cancer ? I think so.



> Hi,


> Today my wife and I attended a senior citizens luncheon. The speaker was


> young lady who had headed the organization from 1994 to 1998.


> She told me of a man in the area in 1995 who had cancer so extensively


> he was given two months to live. He was unable to get up and the doctors

> had given up standard treatment and had sent him home to die. She had

> talked to his girlfriend and she got him on Flaxseed Oil and Cottage



> Before long he was again on his feet and soon going fishing and doing all

> the things he liked to do as he had before.


> He had two and a half years of quality life and then decided that he was

> well and quit using the FO/CC. Within a few months the cancer had


> and he did not go back to the FO/CC and died.


> This is the tenth time that I know of this happening. The FO/CC is not a

> drug but a food that is needed to keep going. It cannot be abandoned.


> Cliff





> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I think most of these type sites average 50/50 accuracy.

Most is good info but kind of slanted and slightly exaggerated.

I know, I have been to Amish country and the food they sell is not a whole lot

better than the regular stuff on the market. The rest of their lifestyle is

generally healthier and I wonder how much doctoring they do with vaccinations

and medications.


" :o) " <firesprite68@...> wrote:

Does anyone know how accurate 'Curezone' are ?

Just got one of their newsletters the other day and it says that autism is

virtually non-existant in the amish communities - the only differences relevant

seem to be that they don't have processed foods, chemicals in/sprayed on foods

or vaccinations ?!



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:o) wrote:

> Does anyone know how accurate 'Curezone' are ?

> Just got one of their newsletters the other day and it says that autism is

virtually non-existant in the amish communities - the only differences relevant

seem to be that they don't have processed foods, chemicals in/sprayed on foods

or vaccinations ?!


Hi ,

I dunno anything about Curezone but I do know that the homeopathic

community is well aware that vaccinations trigger autism. (Homeopathy is

able to help autism by the way; some homeopaths specialize in autism and

similar conditions.)




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.

www.angelfire.com/fl/furryboots/clickhere.html (Veterinary Homeopath.)

Proverb:Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it.

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>>the homeopathic

community is well aware that vaccinations trigger autism.

**Is that due to the heavy metal toxicity side of it ?

My boys displayed exagerrated symptoms of adhd and autism which were helped a

lot by a gf/cf diet.

I know many find chelation of heavy metals a great help also.

Is it the metals which homeopathy deals with or is there another aspect to the

vaccinations which the homeopathy also targets ?




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What is a gf/cf diet?

Re: Interesting

>>the homeopathic

community is well aware that vaccinations trigger autism.

**Is that due to the heavy metal toxicity side of it ?

My boys displayed exagerrated symptoms of adhd and autism which were helped

a lot by a gf/cf diet.

I know many find chelation of heavy metals a great help also.

Is it the metals which homeopathy deals with or is there another aspect to the

vaccinations which the homeopathy also targets ?




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  • 11 months later...
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Krisna Kumar Rajan

On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 Mukul Chaudhri wrote :

>Subject: Interesting



>On Wednesday of next week, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00

>in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.


>That won't ever happen again.



> ------------------------------




>Mukul Chaudhri


[Krishna Kumar "Rajan"]


132/116 Swami Viveka Nand Marg, ALLAHABAD-211 003

Ph. [0532] 2402277 & 2402288 Resi. 2500770

Mobile 0 94152 18735

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

I looked up phentermine and it appears to be a dangerous drug. I doubt it will be used for polyps. Maybe if you need an appetite suppressor, the polyp reduction could just be an added advantage. It is recommended for only 12 weeks because it is addictive. I would guess that the polyps would return after the drug leaves you system like prednisone.Bummer, I was optimistic.PamOn Apr 29, 2008, at 12:12 PM, Stefano Henriko wrote:Many people/ whose noses are stuffy all the time/ have nasal polyps, small finger-like projections that block air flow through the nose. Until recently, the only way to get rid of them was to take cortisone-type drugs, however, the weight-loss drugs, fen-fen, ma also be effective.Nasal polyps are blisters on the inner lining of the nose. Fluid-filled sacks hang down from the inner lining of the nose like little fingers to block the flow of air. People with polyps usually wheeze and cough, particularly when they get infections and often lose their sense of smell. Allergy injections, antihistamines and decongestants do not relieve a stuffy nose associated with nasal polyps. Surgeons can remove the polyps, but the polyps usually return within a few weeks. People with nasal polyps should never take aspirin as most will eventually develop shortness of breathe, itching or increased nasal stuffiness, when they take it.Until recently, the only effective treatments was cortisone-like injections and pills, such as prednisone,/ and antibiotics to treat the infections associated with polyps. However, cortisone-type pills and shots can make you fat and lower your immunity, so doctors try to avoid this treatment and prescribe cortisone-type pills for only a week or two, followed by cortisone-type nasal sprays to slow the return of the polyps and the antibiotic, doxycycline, (100 mg twice a day for 6 months) to get rid of associated mycoplasma infections. Recently, three patients have had their polyps disappear when they took the weight loss drugs, phentermine (30 mg once a day) and phendimetrazine (35 mg three times a day). Future studies will show if this is an effective treatment.By Gabe Mirkin, M.D., for CBS Radio News1) el Naggar M, Kale S, Aldren C, F. Effect of Beconase nasal spray on olfactory function in post-nasal polypectomy patients: a prospective controlled trial. Department of Otolaryngology, North Riding Infirmary, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, UK. J Laryngol Otol 1995 Oct; 109(10): 941-4. We conclude that topical beclomethasone does not improve olfaction following nasal polypectomy.2) PA Gurr, A Chakraverty, V Callanan, SJ Gurr. The detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in nasal polyps. Clinical Otolaryngology 21: 3 (JUN 1996): 269-273.3) Mirkin G. Personal observation.Sent from . A Smarter Email.

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I am very interested in this topic. I took Dexadrine

for ADHD for years. These were the only years in my

life that I was symptom free. I stopped taking it

when I finished college and became a mom. I would not

even know how to test this. I know my doctor's would

not prescribe it for the Samter's and I do not want to

lie and say I need it to control ADD. Does anyone have

an idea or an opinion? Tiana

--- Pamela <pam@...> wrote:

> I looked up phentermine and it appears to be a

> dangerous drug. I

> doubt it will be used for polyps. Maybe if you need

> an appetite

> suppressor, the polyp reduction could just be an

> added advantage. It

> is recommended for only 12 weeks because it is

> addictive. I would

> guess that the polyps would return after the drug

> leaves you system

> like prednisone.

> Bummer, I was optimistic.


> Pam


> On Apr 29, 2008, at 12:12 PM, Stefano Henriko wrote:


> > Many people/ whose noses are stuffy all the time/

> have nasal polyps,

> > small finger-like projections that block air flow

> through the nose.

> > Until recently, the only way to get rid of them

> was to take

> > cortisone-type drugs, however, the weight-loss

> drugs, fen-fen, ma

> > also be effective.

> >

> > Nasal polyps are blisters on the inner lining of

> the nose. Fluid-

> > filled sacks hang down from the inner lining of

> the nose like little

> > fingers to block the flow of air. People with

> polyps usually wheeze

> > and cough, particularly when they get infections

> and often lose

> > their sense of smell. Allergy injections,

> antihistamines and

> > decongestants do not relieve a stuffy nose

> associated with nasal

> > polyps. Surgeons can remove the polyps, but the

> polyps usually

> > return within a few weeks. People with nasal

> polyps should never

> > take aspirin as most will eventually develop

> shortness of breathe,

> > itching or increased nasal stuffiness, when they

> take it.

> >

> > Until recently, the only effective treatments was

> cortisone-like

> > injections and pills, such as prednisone,/ and

> antibiotics to treat

> > the infections associated with polyps. However,

> cortisone-type pills

> > and shots can make you fat and lower your

> immunity, so doctors try

> > to avoid this treatment and prescribe

> cortisone-type pills for only

> > a week or two, followed by cortisone-type nasal

> sprays to slow the

> > return of the polyps and the antibiotic,

> doxycycline, (100 mg twice

> > a day for 6 months) to get rid of associated

> mycoplasma infections.

> > Recently, three patients have had their polyps

> disappear when they

> > took the weight loss drugs, phentermine (30 mg

> once a day) and

> > phendimetrazine (35 mg three times a day). Future

> studies will show

> > if this is an effective treatment.

> >

> > By Gabe Mirkin, M.D., for CBS Radio News

> >

> > 1) el Naggar M, Kale S, Aldren C, F. Effect

> of Beconase nasal

> > spray on olfactory function in post-nasal

> polypectomy patients: a

> > prospective controlled trial. Department of

> Otolaryngology, North

> > Riding Infirmary, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, UK. J

> Laryngol Otol 1995

> > Oct; 109(10): 941-4. We conclude that topical

> beclomethasone does

> > not improve olfaction following nasal polypectomy.

> >

> > 2) PA Gurr, A Chakraverty, V Callanan, SJ Gurr.

> The detection of

> > Mycoplasma pneumoniae in nasal polyps. Clinical

> Otolaryngology 21: 3

> > (JUN 1996): 269-273.

> >

> > 3) Mirkin G. Personal observation.

> >

> >

> > Sent from .

> > A Smarter Email.





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  • 9 months later...

Hi Lilian,

I bet the choice won’t be

Armour instead of T4.



Offer choice or else! That's the

Department of Health's threat to GPs as it seeks to kick-start its floundering

'Choice' policy with a raft of new measures. Choice is to be a core

contractual requirement for GPs with PCTs able to deduct income from

those who fail to offer it. Ministers are also to press for indicators on

choice to be included in the QOF. You can read about the plans

in our in-depth report on choice . In a linked story, GPs will have to prove

their quality or face pay deductions by their PCT, under new

Government plans. PCTs will be able to deduct income from GPs who failt to

submit a satisfactory quality account.


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Hi Dawn,

A worrying possibility that 'heart sink' patients including

those who fail to respond to T4 only will be squeezed out of docs list

through cherry picking of 'easy' patients by docs.

Subject: Re: Interesting

Thanks Lillian

thats interesting and may explain why the Dr last time I saw him

suggested I try a different Dr?



He could be 'cherry picking' already.



TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical

practitioner before changing medication.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Everyone,

Regarding the technocracy article, last week, (for the 3rd time) I addressed my

local town hall commission on the subject of smart meters.

The local paper did an article, and quoted a white paper prepared by the

" Electric Institute " ...stating that radio frequency exposure of a person from

continuously operating smart meters would be 125 to 1.250 LESS then that of a

person using a cell phone! Just one more example of " industry spin " . For those

who have read the technocracy article, they ALSO mention this Institute!

Coincidence? I think not.

You can draw your own conclusions...


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