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Re: CellFood DNA/RNA

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> Has anyone else tried this?


> I've had some moderate improvement since using for about 2.5 weeks.

> It seems to have improved some of my symptoms and for the past week

> I've not had any significant episodes.


> Just for reference purposes I'm a moderate sufferer, in that I am

> relatively OK when at rest but have a poor tolerance for any

> physical exertion, overall low energy, hypotension-type symptoms,

> cold/heat intolerance, sensitivity to various dietary factors, HPA-

> axis related symptoms, poor memory, etc.


> Usually I get hypotension symptoms, or general malaise, after


> heavier meals or things with more than a small amount of sugar or

> fat in. I've slipped from my normal, relatively healthy, diet

> several times over the past week (including having a pizza, and

> sugary muffin/coffee!) and had no ill symptoms. Even getting up,

> after lying down after a meal, hasn't caused symptoms. This is

> unusual.

> It's also <5 oC here and has been very cold for the past week or so

> and in previous cold spells even just walking 200 yds out in the

> cold has caused a dose of the chills where you feel almost mortally

> cold to the bone and lots of associated malaise.

> There's also been a reduction in the symptoms I get after going

> upstairs.


> I haven't changed the way I go about life at all.. ie: I still go

> upstairs fairly slowly to minimise aerobic exertion, and have had

> the odd warning twinge, like after eating the pizza last night, but

> overall it feels like something has increased my tolerance capacity

> a bit.


> Maybe I'm just having a good week, but I'm of the camp that


> that CFS is something to do with oxidative stress and ATP

> mitochondrial problems (I've had the ATP test done which shows I

> have problems recycling ADP and a translocator blockage) and since

> CellFood has lots of goodies in it connected to cell/DNA repair &

> antioxidants then I wonder if that might explain why it seems (so

> far) to be having a positive effect.


> This is the only supplement I've been taking for the past 10 days


> so (had a false start with Recuperat, but have held off while


> this), apart from vitamin C/zinc for a couple of days to kill a


> and biotin for me hair(!).


> Anyway, will definitely be ordering another bottle to see if it

> keeps up (though it's not cheap at £37, from the only UK supplier

> I've so far found

> http://heavenearthstore.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?

> cPath=29 & products_id=32)


> Lastly, just for info, it seems that it basically contains the

> following ingredients:

> DNA and RNA (nucleic acid) bases, TMG, Cellfood proprietary blend,

> Glycine, ATP, L-Glutamine, L-Serine, L-Lysine, L-Proline, L-


> Acid, Vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6, B12, and Folic Acid.

> The " Cellfood proprietary blend " (3% of the DNA/RNA formula, I

> believe) it mentions contains masses of stuff, as per here:

> http://www.homesalon.com/cellfoodingreddnarna.html


> Regards

> Ian

I tried cellfood and cellfood DNA/RNA some time ago but they had no

effect on me good or bad. Since then I have made progress in other

areas, once the inflammation and coagulation were better controlled,

I was able to benefit from several Tx that also were a waste of time

and money previously.

I am now taking chlorella and spirulina, which provide nucleic acids,

and they seem to be having a similar effect on me. I write " seem to "

because I am taking other things, which could well be contributing to

my progress. Hawthorn has also made my heart more tolerant of

physical activity, my heart beat is stronger and more stable. Adding

these three into my protocol (which is also aimed at infections) may

have led to my being able to rebuild some muscle bulk for the first

time in over 22 years.

I too am increasing my activity levels with care and avoiding aerobic

exercise; my skeletal muscles still limit how much I can do, but

recovery is quicker.

Cheers, Tansy

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Hi Ian,

> Maybe I'm just having a good week, but I'm of the camp that believes

> that CFS is something to do with oxidative stress and ATP

> mitochondrial problems (I've had the ATP test done which shows I

> have problems recycling ADP and a translocator blockage) and since

> CellFood has lots of goodies in it connected to cell/DNA repair &

> antioxidants then I wonder if that might explain why it seems (so

> far) to be having a positive effect.

I'll admit that I was excited when I read your post. A lot of us are in

your camp, and some might have tried this stuff before but I've missed

it. Like you, I'm extremely interested in knowing if anyone else has

used it. Is it a scam or is it something that could be valuable?

I'm in the middle of " Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments " by

Pangborn & Baker, and I'm wondering if autistic kids are using this.

Have you heard? Did your doctor recommend this?

From their website, the price appears to be in line with a lot of the

supplements that people are taking: " Cellfood DNA•RNA Longevity

Formula comes in a 1-ounce oral spray which, when taken as directed,

will last one month. The suggested retail price is $39.95. "


The website says, " By providing the nucleic acid base components in

this form, we've been able to increase their absorption into the

bloodstream significantly. Instead of as low as only 1-3% delivery to

the blood stream with conventional delivery, the oral spray may

effectively deliver 90% or more of the nucleic acids to cells and

tissues throughout the body. "

That's a huge increase! I'm impressed, but again, is this a scam?

Where did you have your ATP test done? Biolab?

Sue ,

Upstate New York

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Hi Tansy

> I tried cellfood and cellfood DNA/RNA some time ago but they had no

> effect on me good or bad.

> Since then I have made progress in other

> areas, once the inflammation and coagulation were better


> I was able to benefit from several Tx that also were a waste of


> and money previously.


> I am now taking chlorella and spirulina, which provide nucleic

> acids, and they seem to be having a similar effect on me.

That's interesting, I didn't know they contained nucleic acids. I

tried those two myself as part of a liver cleansing program from a

book called " Healing with Whole Foods " , however they seemed to

exacerbate my symptoms (especially the hypotension) alot. That could

have been some sort of detox going on, but I bottled out after 4-5

days! Did you experience any worsening of symptoms to begin with?

The CellFood hasn't caused any unpleasant symptoms.. in fact one of

the most noticable things is within a couple of minutes of taking the

spray I get a kind of feeling of " clean energy " for a while, which

may be the ATP in the formula.

>I write " seem to "

> because I am taking other things, which could well be contributing


> my progress. Hawthorn has also made my heart more tolerant of

> physical activity, my heart beat is stronger and more stable.


> these three into my protocol (which is also aimed at infections)


> have led to my being able to rebuild some muscle bulk for the first

> time in over 22 years.


> I too am increasing my activity levels with care and avoiding


> exercise; my skeletal muscles still limit how much I can do, but

> recovery is quicker.

That's very encouraging, and as you say the Chorella/Spirulina could

well be working on a similar level to the CellFood. According to the

book " Nutraceuticals " , Hawthorn's main properties seem to be

antioxidants (flavonoids) and it's ability to improve blood & oxygen

to the heart muscle. However it also mentions it can lower blood

pressure - you've not found this a problem with the hypotension?

Perhaps because strengthens the heart, it counteracts that, I don't

know but glad to hear it's helping. I think with these kind of things

though, if you feel good, it's very important not to increase

activity too much because otherwise those extra resources you've got

wont be directed to repairing whatever is damaged but will get spent

on the new exertion.



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Hi Sue

> I'll admit that I was excited when I read your post. A lot of us

I have to say I don't think it's by any means a cure, but it does

seem to have strengthened my comfort zone, ie: given me more scope to

do basic things without suffering ill effects. I suppose it's

possible it might have further benefits with continued use but that

remains to be seen and I suspect would require that one be very

disciplined in order to let the formula do it's work, ie: just

because I can tolerate more sugar doesn't mean I should actually eat

more as it creates an extra load on the body.

Today, I had a much more active day than normal, and did suffer a

bit. I walked for 20 minutes in the cold (about 2 oC) through London

and did get a bit of that feeling that your brain is starting to

seize up due to the cold, though the rest of me seemed to cope OK. I

rested for 10 mins and then had to walk/stand around the exhibition

hall for about an hour and a half, and I have to say I really needed

to sit down at lunch time. Didn't hit that brick wall where you get

complete energy drain but was quite close and a fair bit of malaise.

Seemed to recover quite quickly though and managed another hour and a

half of walking/standing after the half hour lunch break. Felt a bit

iffy on the way home on the train though and will probably feel the

effects tomorrow. So, whether this is better than I would have faired

had I not been on the CellFood I don't know for sure, but have

certainly had much worse symptoms after similar amounts of exertion

in the past.

> are in

> your camp, and some might have tried this stuff before but I've


> it. Like you, I'm extremely interested in knowing if anyone else


> used it. Is it a scam or is it something that could be valuable?

I don't think it's a scam, as if nothing else it does definitely

provide some kind of energy hit when I take it, and seems to have a

fauirly well thought out mix of ingredients.

> I'm in the middle of " Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments " by

> Pangborn & Baker, and I'm wondering if autistic kids are using


> Have you heard? Did your doctor recommend this?

No, I stumbled across this because I was looking for information on

nutrients that could help repair DNA (it's a long story, and one I am

planning on running by this group in the not too distant future!)

> The website says, " By providing the nucleic acid base components in

> this form, we've been able to increase their absorption into the

> bloodstream significantly. Instead of as low as only 1-3% delivery


> the blood stream with conventional delivery, the oral spray may

> effectively deliver 90% or more of the nucleic acids to cells and

> tissues throughout the body. "


> That's a huge increase! I'm impressed, but again, is this a scam?

I wouldn't be suprised if those numbers were exagerated, though

outright scam I doubt, because they're not the only ones to suggest

nutrients may be better absorped through the mouth. The Solgar B12

tabs I have recommend sticking them under your tongue until they


> Where did you have your ATP test done? Biolab?

Yes, it was. Incidentally, myself and three others who have had the

same test done have compared results and those differing results do

seem to correlate very well to the differing levels of disability our

CFS imposes.



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When is the optimum time to take the CellFood? With or without food,

morning or aft.?


Du Pre

Website: http://www.angelfire.com/poetry/soareagle/index.html

" By words the mind is winged. " Aristophanes

From: " ianw_34 " <ianw_34@...>

Subject: CellFood DNA/RNA

Has anyone else tried this?

I've had some moderate improvement since using for about 2.5 weeks.

It seems to have improved some of my symptoms and for the past week

I've not had any significant episodes.

Just for reference purposes I'm a moderate sufferer, in that I am

relatively OK when at rest but have a poor tolerance for any

physical exertion, overall low energy, hypotension-type symptoms,

cold/heat intolerance, sensitivity to various dietary factors, HPA-

axis related symptoms, poor memory, etc.

Usually I get hypotension symptoms, or general malaise, after eating

heavier meals or things with more than a small amount of sugar or

fat in. I've slipped from my normal, relatively healthy, diet

several times over the past week (including having a pizza, and

sugary muffin/coffee!) and had no ill symptoms. Even getting up,

after lying down after a meal, hasn't caused symptoms. This is


It's also <5 oC here and has been very cold for the past week or so

and in previous cold spells even just walking 200 yds out in the

cold has caused a dose of the chills where you feel almost mortally

cold to the bone and lots of associated malaise.

There's also been a reduction in the symptoms I get after going


I haven't changed the way I go about life at all.. ie: I still go

upstairs fairly slowly to minimise aerobic exertion, and have had

the odd warning twinge, like after eating the pizza last night, but

overall it feels like something has increased my tolerance capacity

a bit.

Maybe I'm just having a good week, but I'm of the camp that believes

that CFS is something to do with oxidative stress and ATP

mitochondrial problems (I've had the ATP test done which shows I

have problems recycling ADP and a translocator blockage) and since

CellFood has lots of goodies in it connected to cell/DNA repair &

antioxidants then I wonder if that might explain why it seems (so

far) to be having a positive effect.

This is the only supplement I've been taking for the past 10 days or

so (had a false start with Recuperat, but have held off while trying

this), apart from vitamin C/zinc for a couple of days to kill a cold

and biotin for me hair(!).

Anyway, will definitely be ordering another bottle to see if it

keeps up (though it's not cheap at £37, from the only UK supplier

I've so far found


cPath=29 & products_id=32)

Lastly, just for info, it seems that it basically contains the

following ingredients:

DNA and RNA (nucleic acid) bases, TMG, Cellfood proprietary blend,

Glycine, ATP, L-Glutamine, L-Serine, L-Lysine, L-Proline, L-Aspartic

Acid, Vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6, B12, and Folic Acid.

The " Cellfood proprietary blend " (3% of the DNA/RNA formula, I

believe) it mentions contains masses of stuff, as per here:




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> Ian,

> When is the optimum time to take the CellFood? With or without food,

> morning or aft.?

The bottle doesn't say. It just says take 3 sprays twice a day. I take

one dose in the morning and the other around evening-meal time.

Sometimes the morning one is without food.

I suspect it doesn't matter that much. I think the normal reason for

some supplements saying " take with food " is to do with how quickly the

tab/cap digests or whether it might irritate the stomach if taken on

it's own. There's also the thing that it might work syngergistically

with other nutrients from the food you take it with.

However, most of the absorption of CellFood is in the mouth, so the

digestive issues probably aren't a concern.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ian

Hi Tansy

That's interesting, I didn't know they contained nucleic acids. I

> tried those two myself as part of a liver cleansing program from a

> book called " Healing with Whole Foods " , however they seemed to

> exacerbate my symptoms (especially the hypotension) alot. That


> have been some sort of detox going on, but I bottled out after 4-5

> days! Did you experience any worsening of symptoms to begin with?


> The CellFood hasn't caused any unpleasant symptoms.. in fact one of

> the most noticable things is within a couple of minutes of taking


> spray I get a kind of feeling of " clean energy " for a while, which

> may be the ATP in the formula.

I could not tolerate chlorella until recently, it would cause GI

tract distress and any iodine would trigger hyperthyroid symptoms. It

helps with borrelia die off that's why I thought I'd try it again; so

I was pleasantly surprised. Success with the chlorella led to

reconsidering the spirulina. There are many reasons for taking these,

the nucleic acids being just one of them.

Though I am doing well on these algaes I am aware of their effects on

the immune system, this can be problem for me. In the past agents to

stimulate the immune system would trigger too strong an immune

response but concentrating on immune modulation + inflammation and

coagulation, has so far meant tolerating them.

According to the

> book " Nutraceuticals " , Hawthorn's main properties seem to be

> antioxidants (flavonoids) and it's ability to improve blood &


> to the heart muscle. However it also mentions it can lower blood

> pressure - you've not found this a problem with the hypotension?

> Perhaps because strengthens the heart, it counteracts that, I don't

> know but glad to hear it's helping.

I did quite a bit of reading up on Hawthorn. In " Healing Lyme.... " by

Buhner I read about BP modulation, ie correcting high or low

BP. Other Tx have caused obvious signs of lowering my BP which had

gone from being chronically low to going all over the place, symptoms

related to this had already become less obvious before I started

taking Hawthorn.

Hawthorn also helps protect collagen fibres. Since I have all the

signs of a hypermobility syndrome, like others in my family, I think

I may be benefitting from that therapeutic effect as well.

if you feel good, it's very important not to increase

> activity too much because otherwise those extra resources you've


> wont be directed to repairing whatever is damaged but will get


> on the new exertion.


> Regards

> Ian

Absolutely and accepting needing energy to heal has been an important

factor in turning things around and continuing to make progress. This

improvement has not required GET, CBT, or any other means to change

my perception of all my symtoms or how I think.

Cheers, Tansy

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  • 2 years later...

If you are looking for it wholesale to sell to your clients I give a bigs thumbs up on this. We love it and use it in our store and clinic. If you need wholesale info please contact me directly.

Thanks, V

From: jupitergirl63 <jupitergirl63@...>Subject: CellFood DNA/RNAqxci-english Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 9:47 AM

CellFood is a very interesting product. In studies with rats itallowed them to live an extra 850 days on average in great health. Rats live about 800-900 days so this was like doubling their lifetime.There is info on it at Mike websitehttp://www.naturaln ews.com/Index- SpecialReports. html. If you go downto the document there titiled "Dietary Nucleic Acids - A discussionwith Dr. Todd Ovokaitys" you will find lots of info about it you mightnot have heard about.Janet>> We have Cell Food here at Ozark Herb and Spice. 479 387 4646> Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T> > Re: Question about Yeast Diagnosis> > > Does anyone know where we might obtain this product? Kathy

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Lumina Health 800-749-9196

From: jupitergirl63 <jupitergirl63>Subject: CellFood DNA/RNAqxci-englishDate: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 9:47 AM

CellFood is a very interesting product. In studies with rats itallowed them to live an extra 850 days on average in great health. Rats live about 800-900 days so this was like doubling their lifetime.There is info on it at Mike websitehttp://www.naturaln ews.com/Index- SpecialReports. html. If you go downto the document there titiled "Dietary Nucleic Acids - A discussionwith Dr. Todd Ovokaitys" you will find lots of info about it you mightnot have heard about.Janet>> We have Cell Food here at Ozark Herb and Spice. 479 387 4646> Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T> > Re: Question about Yeast Diagnosis> > > Does anyone know where we might obtain this product? Kathy

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