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Mini Bag Plus expiration/cleaning of iv hood

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I am planning to take cert test in March and have been a

hospital tech for 7 years.

I have a couple of questions I'm having trouble getting a

straight answer for. First of all, what kind of dating do you

put on iv fluid after they have been taken out of the over

wrap? (Like mini bag plus) We currently put a 30 day

dating on them when they are put together and then put in

pyxis. We have recently learned that some hospitals are

putting 90 days dating and rumor has it the mfg states 15


Also, we normally do a very thorough scrubbing of the BSC

hood every 30 days and after any large spills. In the past, I

have just used sterile water and then 70% isopropyl

alcohol. Our infection control dept now thinks we should be

using some type of surgical soap. What do you think??

Thanks Selena

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