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Fw: [mscured] s great information

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Jeff " <jeffalan19556@...>

<mscured >

Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 1:33 PM

Subject: [mscured] s great information

> This is from s - great info - and also proof

> that we need to learn more about ALTERNATIVES!!!!!



> *************************************************************

> I know I don't need to restate this, but I will for the

> record: I think most prescription drugs are needless, and

> most are downright detrimental to your health. That having

> been said, I also know that most doctors deal out

> prescriptions like they're Halloween candy, and that most

> patients do what their doctors tell them to - which means

> somehow getting those prescriptions filled without going

> bankrupt. So consider:


> Fact #1: The pharmaceutical industry is this country's most

> profitable business.


> Fact #2: Americans pay more for prescription drugs than

> citizens of any other country.


> Fact #3: More than a million Americans save money by buying

> their prescription drugs in Canada. And technically, this

> makes every one of these people a criminal.


> Almost exactly one year ago (Daily Dose, 5/13/2003), I wrote

> to you about the conflict brewing with regard to American

> citizens buying prescription drugs for far less money " over

> the border " in Canada. Currently, this practice is illegal.

> WHY it's against the law is a mystery to me - and to

> millions of others. Citizens of the U.S. are free to buy

> just about anything else across the borders of our

> neighboring countries (including alcohol), so why not

> prescription drugs? Don't we live in a " free market " society?


> According to the FDA, it's about safety - they maintain that

> they'd be unable to ensure the quality of drugs purchased

> outside the U.S. But that's a load of bunk, because the vast

> majority of the pills Americans pop every day are made in

> factories FAR OUTSIDE our borders (Pfizer alone has

> manufacturing facilities in 32 different countries), then

> shipped in to be marked up a zillion times and sold to us,

> who have no other options. So I ask: If the drug you need

> (or that a doctor has TOLD you that you need) is made in

> Bangladesh, how is it any SAFER to buy it for $100 in the

> U.S. than for 50 bucks in Canada?


> I'll tell you what the difference is: A 50% greater profit

> for the drug's manufacturer!


> So why is the Food and Drug Administration playing " hired

> gun " for the drug business? Because the FDA is a government

> agency - it cannot exist if the state can't support it.

> That's why it needs to ensure drug makers' profits by road-

> blocking cheaper foreign drug sales. As long as we're all

> forced to buy our drugs for inflated prices here in the U.S,

> the government will continue to rake in money from the huge

> corporate and sales taxes they levy on the drug industry.

> It's nothing but legalized racketeering!


> But according to a recent CBS News report, there's a

> grassroots revolution here in the U.S. to fight this one-

> sided tyranny of profit: The Mayor of Springfield,

> Massachusetts struck a deal while in office (he's since been

> ousted) with a large Canadian pharmacy to provide his city's

> employees with reasonably priced prescription drugs - to the

> tune of a projected savings of up to $9 million a year for

> that municipality!


> Yes, this policy violates U.S. law, but it represents the

> first volley in what's sure to be the next major war in the

> medical world. How the FDA responds to this heroic defiance

> of its unjust policy will surely set the tone for this

> brewing conflict. But if it's anything near as over-the-top

> as what I'm about to tell you, the future looks pretty

> bleak. Keep reading...


> **************************************************************

> To start receiving your own copy of the Daily Dose, visit:

> http://www.realhealthnews.com/dailydose/freecopy.html

> Or forward this e-mail to a friend so they can sign-up to

> receive their own copy of the Daily Dose.


> **************************************************************


> Papers, please!


> Imagine you're on a bus trip one fine spring day - just one

> more in a long succession of similar sojourns you've taken

> since June of 2000 as a member of the Minnesota Seniors

> Federation. The purpose? To buy your much-needed

> prescription drugs over the border in Canada, the only place

> you can afford them anymore...


> Suddenly, while on the return trip from Winnipeg, the bus is

> pulled to a stop by FDA officials. They stomp onto the bus

> like jack-booted stormtroopers, inspecting every package,

> every bag - including the six-month stock of prescription

> medications you've just purchased (even though most of them

> are probably needless). You're left shaken and feeling like

> a criminal, which the FDA thugs just informed you that you

> actually ARE, and you wonder out loud:


> " We've been taking these trips for years - why are they

> stopping us now? "


> This isn't fiction. It actually happened not long ago to a

> busload of senior citizens aboard the " RX Express, " a

> regular bus trip to a Canadian pharmacy subsidized entirely

> by Minnesota state senator, Mark Dayton, using his Senate

> salary.


> Another of the upcoming drug war's patriots, Dayton (a rare

> free-market Democrat) is forcing the issue of cross-border

> competition in drug sales to the forefront. And after his

> letter of indignation to the FDA about this terrorization of

> his constituents, the agency issued a formal apology through

> a spokesperson, who called it " unfortunate " and " not

> consistent with current policy, " according to news

> outlets.


> But this doesn't sound too sincere to me. I think the

> FDA's " apology " is nothing more than a propaganda ploy to

> more widely publicize the incident - and make senior

> citizens think twice about buying their drugs in Canada, for

> fear of harassment. Time will tell, though, and I'll be

> watching the newswire closely for more on the REAL drug war

> we're all facing.


> Stay tuned.


> Always inspecting the inspectors,


> s II, MD


> el






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> Have a nice day !


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Aegis thinks is pandering to the masses. The

good doctor needs to join politics and leave medicine.

> > *************************************************************

> > I know I don't need to restate this, but I will for the

> > record: I think most prescription drugs are needless, and

> > most are downright detrimental to your health.

What crap, the two most commonly presecribed drug classes are pain

killers and antibiotics. These are life saving drugs. Remember, the

next time you are in pain, or need antibiotics, skip them on the

advise of Mr.s.

That having

> > been said, I also know that most doctors deal out

> > prescriptions like they're Halloween candy, and that most

> > patients do what their doctors tell them to - which means

> > somehow getting those prescriptions filled without going

> > bankrupt.

Patients demand antibiotics and other drugs, docs oblige when they

agree. Medicine is a business, if the doc does not follow your

dictates, what do people do, change docs. How easy has it been to get

your doc to prescribe LDN ?.

So consider:

> >

> > Fact #1: The pharmaceutical industry is this country's most

> > profitable business.

So whats wrong with that ?. Perhaps Mr. s should go and live

in Zambia. Aegis hears that the pharmaceutical companies are not

doing too well over there.

> > Fact #2: Americans pay more for prescription drugs than

> > citizens of any other country.

That's because they earn 10 x more. Drugs are expensive all over the

world when priced in native currencies. You can ask the

canadians/mexicans or even the Zambians if they find the drugs

cheap ?.

> >

> > Fact #3: More than a million Americans save money by buying

> > their prescription drugs in Canada. And technically, this

> > makes every one of these people a criminal.

This is a technical loophole that is being misapplied. The idea is

that the FDA does not want shopkeepers importing cheap drugs from

thirld world and other countries that can harm Americans. It would be

unfair to say that drugs from Zambia cannot be imported, while those

from Canada can be imported. Therefore, the FDA discourages it. If

they were to allow it, what is to stop some unscrupulous drug dealers

from Zambia (as an example only), setting up shop in Canada for

export to the US ?. Imagine getting your copaxone or other drug being

made in a country which has lower quality standards ?.

>> > I'll tell you what the difference is: A 50% greater profit

> > for the drug's manufacturer!

Does Mr. know how much it costs to develop a drug ?. For every

one drug that makes it to the markets, thousands of compounds dont.

Can we ethically expect the Zambians to share in the drug development

as opposed to manufacturing costs ?, when they dont have enough to

eat. Once the drug has been identified, it is quite cheap to

manufacture it, but who pays for identifying the drug in the first

place ?. So if the costs of developing the drug are high, these are

being ploughed back into the economy. Lets say the companies spends a

million on reagent A, the raw materials for this are likely purchased

from company B, who in turn gives business to company C and so on.

So let's say the pharma company finally makes a profit, and its stock

price goes up, who owns the company shares, its the American public.

Has the brilliant Mr. thought what happens if Pharma goes

bankrupt ?. Who will develop the new MS drugs ?.


> >

> >

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Aegis is not well practiced in the art of consoling, but

there are others who are.

All Aegis can think of is that the flu causes some real nastiness to

otherwise healthy people, the effects on MS patients would likely be

felt more. Your use of LDN was incidental.


> Aegis......


> Maybe Aegis would like to advise Epousebar on the effects of anti-

biotics on

> starting LDN.

> Epousebar needs some consoling, and since you wrote such a nice


> letter......


> I chose to start at a bad time (7 days ago.) A heavy dose of the

flu which

> led to a UTI for which I really had to take anti-biotics,a few

days after

> starting 4.5gr of LDN.


> Now feeling the worst effects of MS including historic effects not

felt for

> some time Could it be the timing and/or the anti-biotics.

> Thanks for your advise,


> Epousebar


> -------Original Message-------


> From: low dose naltrexone

> Date: Saturday, 12 June 2004 6:53:53 AM

> low dose naltrexone

> Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Fw: [mscured]


> great information


> Aegis thinks is pandering to the masses.


> good doctor needs to join politics and leave medicine.

> > > *************************************************************

> > > I know I don't need to restate this, but I will for the

> > > record: I think most prescription drugs are needless, and

> > > most are downright detrimental to your health.


> What crap, the two most commonly presecribed drug classes are pain

> killers and antibiotics. These are life saving drugs. Remember,


> next time you are in pain, or need antibiotics, skip them on the

> advise of Mr.s.


> That having

> > > been said, I also know that most doctors deal out

> > > prescriptions like they're Halloween candy, and that most

> > > patients do what their doctors tell them to - which means

> > > somehow getting those prescriptions filled without going

> > > bankrupt.


> Patients demand antibiotics and other drugs, docs oblige when they

> agree. Medicine is a business, if the doc does not follow your

> dictates, what do people do, change docs. How easy has it been to


> your doc to prescribe LDN ?.


> So consider:

> > >

> > > Fact #1: The pharmaceutical industry is this country's most

> > > profitable business.


> So whats wrong with that ?. Perhaps Mr. s should go and


> in Zambia. Aegis hears that the pharmaceutical companies are not

> doing too well over there.


> > > Fact #2: Americans pay more for prescription drugs than

> > > citizens of any other country.


> That's because they earn 10 x more. Drugs are expensive all over


> world when priced in native currencies. You can ask the

> canadians/mexicans or even the Zambians if they find the drugs

> cheap ?.

> > >

> > > Fact #3: More than a million Americans save money by buying

> > > their prescription drugs in Canada. And technically, this

> > > makes every one of these people a criminal.


> This is a technical loophole that is being misapplied. The idea is

> that the FDA does not want shopkeepers importing cheap drugs from

> thirld world and other countries that can harm Americans. It would


> unfair to say that drugs from Zambia cannot be imported, while


> from Canada can be imported. Therefore, the FDA discourages it. If

> they were to allow it, what is to stop some unscrupulous drug


> from Zambia (as an example only), setting up shop in Canada for

> export to the US ?. Imagine getting your copaxone or other drug


> made in a country which has lower quality standards ?.


> >> > I'll tell you what the difference is: A 50% greater profit

> > > for the drug's manufacturer!


> Does Mr. know how much it costs to develop a drug ?. For


> one drug that makes it to the markets, thousands of compounds


> Can we ethically expect the Zambians to share in the drug


> as opposed to manufacturing costs ?, when they dont have enough


> eat. Once the drug has been identified, it is quite cheap to

> manufacture it, but who pays for identifying the drug in the first

> place ?. So if the costs of developing the drug are high, these


> being ploughed back into the economy. Lets say the companies

spends a

> million on reagent A, the raw materials for this are likely


> from company B, who in turn gives business to company C and so on.

> So let's say the pharma company finally makes a profit, and its


> price goes up, who owns the company shares, its the American



> Has the brilliant Mr. thought what happens if Pharma goes

> bankrupt ?. Who will develop the new MS drugs ?.


> Aegis

> > >

> > >




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