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Vital-Connection.com Upcoming courses for October

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Vital Connection School

Upcoming Schedule of Events There has been some exciting changes

at Vital Connection, we are glad that you have been on board with us

through these. We will keep you posted as more opportunities to learn

come to you virtually through Vital Connection.

We have an exciting line-up of course this next month, I have included

them in this e-mail. I have also included a Coupon to purchase our

Recorded Courses at a discounted rate, we try to make our education

affordable and the best ever!!! So if you haven't check out our

courses yet, I would encourage you to do so.

As I mentioned in an earlier e-mail, we will be offering a Full

24-Course Series Certification in Aromatherapy. For this certification

you will receive the oils and numerous other educational materials,

this will be extremely educational, but we need to receive your

feedback with how interested you are in this course.

Have a wonderful week,

Evan kson

Online Courses This Month

September, 2008

Herbal Home Care Course

Date: October 9th, 2008

Instructor: Caroline Bayard, D.D., D.S.T.

Click Here to Read More.





Iridology Protocol Course

Date: October 11th, 2008

Instructor: Kathy , ND

Click Here to Read More.





Enzyme Therapy Course

Date: October 16th, 2008

Instructor: Caroline Bayard, D.D., D.S.T.

Click Here to Read More.





Bioterrain Series Course

Date: October 25th, 2008

Instructor: Debi Drake, MD

Click Here to Read More.





Feng Shui Course

Date: October 26th, 2008

Instructor: Caroline Bayard, D.D., D.S.T.

Click Here to Read More.




Unconscious Observation Course

Date: October 30th, 2008

Instructor: Kathy , ND

Click Here to Read More.





Available RECORDED Online Courses

When you take part in any of our Online Courses you will have an

unlimited number of times that you may view the Online Course, and it

is available 24/7...when you have the free time!!!

Bill , Inventor of the EPFX/SCIO

How the EPFX Works





Debi Drake, MD

BioEnergetix Course





Barry Rosenstreich

Introduction to Flower Essences





Caroline Bayard, D.D. D.S.T.

Introduction to Aromatherapy





Introduction to Reflexology





Kathy , ND

Emotions & Psychological Protocol





Neurological Series Protocol





Dental Protocol





Breaking the Stress Course





Building Your Biofeedback Business Course





And Beyond...

Vital Connection has been creating some wonderful alliances within the

Holistic & Natural Health World. Look forward to some more FREE Online

Course that will give you industry updates and insights. We will keep

you posted as these develop, but look forward to seeing some exciting

developments over the next month!!!

Scheduled Events

Upcoming Courses <#LETTER.BLOCK4> Recorded Online Courses

<#LETTER.BLOCK5> Looking to the Future <#LETTER.BLOCK6> Contact


Kash <mailto:justin@...>

School Manager <mailto:justin@...>

Sargent School Manager <mailto:jonathan@...>

Evan kson <mailto:evan@...>

School Manager <mailto:evan@...> Save $10.00

We wanted to have an opportunity to help you save a little money this

month. The concepts of Online Courses is amazing since we can all learn

in the comforts of our homes and save us the many expenses of

traveling. With the following Coupon Code you will receive $10.00 off

of your order for any of our RECORDED Online Courses. Use Coupon Code

on the bottom, left side of the Shopping Cart and click " Apply " before

clicking " Check Out. "

Note: If the Coupon Code does not work, then they have all been used.

Coupon Code: vital1

Offer Expires: After the First 15 purchases using the Coupon Code.


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<table border=3D " 0 " cellpadding=3D " 1 " cellspacing=3D " 0 " width=3D " 577 " ><tbod=



<td style=3D " background-color: rgb(91, 131, 10); " bgcolor=3D " #5b830a " valig=

n=3D " top " ><table border=3D " 0 " cellpadding=3D " 10 " cellspacing=3D " 0 " width=3D=

" 577 " >



<td style=3D " background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); " align=3D " left " bgcolor=

=3D " #ffffff " valign=3D " top " >

<table border=3D " 0 " cellpadding=3D " 0 " cellspacing=3D " 0 " width=3D " 577 " >



<td style=3D " background-repeat: no-repeat;background-color: rgb(229, 141, 4=

1); " align=3D " left " background=3D " http://img.constantcontact.com/letters/im=

ages/1101093164665/calendar_hdr1.jpg " bgcolor=3D " #e58d29 " valign=3D " top " wi=

dth=3D " 100% " height=3D " 120 " >

<table id=3D " content_LETTER.BLOCK2 " border=3D " 0 " cellpadding=3D " 20 " cellspa=

cing=3D " 0 " width=3D " 100% " >



<td style=3D " font-size: 18pt;color: rgb(238, 174, 73);font-family: Trebuche=

t MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; " styleclass=3D " style_MainSubTitle " ><font=

style=3D " font-size: 18pt;color: rgb(238, 174, 73);font-family: Trebuchet M=

S,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #eeae49 " size=3D " 5 " face=3D " Trebu=

chet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif " >

<div style=3D " font-size: 24pt;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);font-family: Trebuc=

het MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; " styleclass=3D " style_MainTitle " ><font =

style=3D " font-size: 24pt;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);font-family: Trebuchet M=

S,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #ffffff " size=3D " 6 " face=3D " Trebu=

chet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif " ><b>Vital

Connection School<br></b></font></div>Upcoming Schedule of Events



<td style=3D " background-repeat: no-repeat;background-color: rgb(255, 206, 9=

5); " align=3D " left " background=3D " http://img.constantcontact.com/letters/im=

ages/1101093164665/calendar_intro1.jpg " bgcolor=3D " #ffce5f " valign=3D " top " =

width=3D " 100% " height=3D " 90 " >

<table id=3D " content_LETTER.BLOCK3 " border=3D " 0 " cellpadding=3D " 10 " cellspa=

cing=3D " 0 " width=3D " 100% " >



<td style=3D " font-size: 10pt;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);font-family: Verdana=

,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " styleclass=3D " style_IntroText " ><font s=

tyle=3D " font-size: 10pt;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);font-family: Verdana,Gene=

va,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #ffffff " size=3D " 2 " face=3D " Verdan=

a,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif " ><span style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 0); " >T=

here has been some exciting changes at Vital

Connection, we are glad that you have been on board with us through these. =


will keep you posted as more opportunities to learn come to you virtually

through Vital Connection. <br><br>We have an exciting line-up of course thi=


next month, I have included them in this e-mail. & nbsp; I have also included=

a <span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Coupon to purchase our Recorded Cours=

es</span> at a

discounted rate, we try to make our education affordable and the best ever!=

!! & nbsp;

So if you haven't check out our courses yet, I would encourage you to do

so.<br><br>As I mentioned in an earlier e-mail, we will be offering a <span=

style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Full 24-Course Series Certification in

Aromatherapy</span>. For this certification you will receive the oils and

numerous other educational materials, this will be extremely educational, b=

ut we

need to receive your feedback with how interested you are in this course.

<br><br>Have a wonderful week,<br><br>Evan



<table border=3D " 0 " cellpadding=3D " 0 " cellspacing=3D " 0 " width=3D " 577 " >



<td align=3D " left " valign=3D " top " width=3D " 389 " ><a name=3D " LETTER.BLOCK4 " >

</a><table id=3D " content_LETTER.BLOCK4 " style=3D " background-color: rgb(233,=

225, 201); " bgcolor=3D " #e9e1c9 " border=3D " 0 " bordercolor=3D " #d0c68c " cellp=

adding=3D " 0 " cellspacing=3D " 6 " width=3D " 100% " >



<td style=3D " font-size: 14pt;color: rgb(81, 147, 251);font-family: Trebuche=

t MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; " styleclass=3D " style_Event1Title " height=

=3D " 18 " ><font style=3D " font-size: 14pt;color: rgb(81, 147, 251);font-family=

: Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #5193fb " size=3D " 4 " =

face=3D " Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif " >Online

Courses This Month </font></td></tr>


<td style=3D " background-color: rgb(211, 207, 150); " styleclass=3D " style_Eve=

nt1TitleUline " bgcolor=3D " #d3cf96 " height=3D " 1 " ><br></td></tr>


<td style=3D " font-size: 10pt;color: rgb(178, 161, 97);font-family: Verdana,=

Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " styleclass=3D " style_Event1Text " ><font s=

tyle=3D " font-size: 10pt;color: rgb(178, 161, 97);font-family: Verdana,Genev=

a,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #b2a161 " size=3D " 2 " face=3D " Verdana=

,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif " ><span style=3D " font-size: 8pt;color: rg=

b(119, 171, 12);font-family: Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " st=

yleclass=3D " style_Event1DateText " ><font style=3D " font-size: 8pt;color: rgb(=

119, 171, 12);font-family: Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " colo=

r=3D " #77ab0c " size=3D " 1 " face=3D " Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif " =

><b>September, 2008</b></font></span><br><br>

</font><div><font style=3D " font-size: 10pt;color: rgb(178, 161, 97);font-fa=

mily: Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #b2a161 " size=3D=

" 2 " face=3D " Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif " ><font size=3D " 3 " ><sp=

an style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Herbal Home Care

Course</span></font> <br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Date:</span> Oc=


9th, 2008<br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Instructor:</span> Caroline=


D.D., D.S.T.<br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm1Zhf04LPv=



l2HthyW3z4MmZ1iR8y14mdG " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " >C=

lick Here to Read

More.</a><br><br><font size=3D " 3 " ><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Iridol=

ogy Protocol

Course</span></font><br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Date:</span> Oct=


11th, 2008<br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Instructor:</span> Kathy W=


ND<br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm26WNz67bQmYJ8MrZHCV=



9QC1WaxZ4OonA " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " >Click Here =

to Read

More.</a><br></font></div><font style=3D " font-size: 10pt;color: rgb(178, 16=

1, 97);font-family: Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #b=

2a161 " size=3D " 2 " face=3D " Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif " ><br>

</font><div><font style=3D " font-size: 10pt;color: rgb(178, 161, 97);font-fa=

mily: Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #b2a161 " size=3D=

" 2 " face=3D " Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif " ><font size=3D " 3 " ><sp=

an style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Enzyme Therapy

Course</span></font><br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Date:</span> Oct=


16th, 2008<br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Instructor:</span> Carolin=


Bayard, D.D., D.S.T.<br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm1=



S1lwph14p9gPe_94I1sZcvQbwmaCGTz " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=

=3D " on " >Click Here to Read

More.</a><br><br><font style=3D " font-weight: bold; " size=3D " 3 " >Bioterrain S=


Course</font><br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Date:</span> October 25=


2008<br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Instructor:</span> Debi Drake, M=

D<br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm3YLBubX-xC0iYA7ENaiq=



4Ajyf_Ck7K_g " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " >Click Here t=

o Read

More.</a><br><br><font size=3D " 3 " ><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Feng S=


Course</span></font><br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Date:</span> Oct=


26th, 2008<br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Instructor:</span> Carolin=


Bayard, D.D., D.S.T.<br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm2=



qNtWzE67ZJl_27weQpreg=3D=3D " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " o=

n " >Click Here to Read

More.</a><br><br><font style=3D " font-weight: bold; " size=3D " 3 " >Unconscious =


Course</font><br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Date:</span> October 30=


2008<br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Instructor:</span> Kathy ,=

ND<br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm3tsVDc310GZijWDFGwD=



V2kCTr60PM4oC " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " >Click Here =

to Read

More.</a><br></font></div></td></tr></tbody></table><a name=3D " LETTER.BLOCK=

5 " >

</a><table id=3D " content_LETTER.BLOCK5 " style=3D " background-color: rgb(242,=

244, 170); " bgcolor=3D " #f2f4aa " border=3D " 0 " bordercolor=3D " #d0c68c " cellp=

adding=3D " 0 " cellspacing=3D " 6 " width=3D " 100% " >



<td style=3D " font-size: 14pt;color: rgb(81, 147, 251);font-family: Trebuche=

t MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; " styleclass=3D " style_Event2Title " ><font =

style=3D " font-size: 14pt;color: rgb(81, 147, 251);font-family: Trebuchet MS=

,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #5193fb " size=3D " 4 " face=3D " Trebuc=

het MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif " >Available

RECORDED Online Courses<br></font></td></tr>


<td style=3D " background-color: rgb(211, 207, 150); " styleclass=3D " style_Eve=

nt2TitleUline " bgcolor=3D " #d3cf96 " height=3D " 1 " ><br></td></tr>


<td style=3D " font-size: 10pt;color: rgb(178, 161, 97);font-family: Verdana,=

Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " styleclass=3D " style_Event2Text " ><font s=

tyle=3D " font-size: 10pt;color: rgb(178, 161, 97);font-family: Verdana,Genev=

a,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #b2a161 " size=3D " 2 " face=3D " Verdana=

,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif " >When you

take part in any of our Online Courses you will have an unlimited number of=

times that you may view the Online Course, & nbsp; and it is available 24/7..=

..when you

have the free time!!!<br><br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Bill =


Inventor of the EPFX/SCIO</span><br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D00=



NCIr2RYfObjuJHB7F9SK0L96O5SnOnKZVnEVB7lHhWfnboBokl50itnvXYwUmPpqQ=3D=3D " ta=

rget=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " >How the EPFX Works</a><br><b=

r><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Debi Drake, MD</span><br><a href=3D " ht=




rIjIYSRkszXsPhAQ=3D=3D " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " >Bi=

oEnergetix Course</a><br><br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Barry Rosen=

streich</span><br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm296w1fE=



yKrTQMrqAntA5QIueUnRqFr763EHfq8X28rQ=3D " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link=

" track=3D " on " >Introduction to Flower

Essences</a><br><br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Caroline Bayard, D.D=


D.S.T.</span><br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm3E5d5vfU=



1fwMIBLCD-kZE3ISGHywwvmfWmOsCnXuVVEzx0tyGMru2J9N25q9nGTz " target=3D " _blank " =

linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " >Introduction to Aromatherapy</a><br><a href=

=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm0ERYt83LFXeaSk0va6a6_2CGOpV8b4x-=



W_zlC_H1nP8=3D " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " >Introducti=

on to

Reflexology</a><br><br><span style=3D " font-weight: bold; " >Kathy , ND<=


<br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm1udPIXn87DJM3JG1KyGKP=



OEq1Eyo5HRevRd2Al3xP1w=3D " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " =

>Emotions & amp; Psychological

Protocol</a><br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm1c8Gn-cMx=



I1no0ozCbKn2JpPRm7-1A1K " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " >N=

eurological Series Protocol</a><br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001=



4LhLkZXda4TPlyrOEyWqbrPMRfwrQjfbDCoybSpeNlsmImdNkOFuximEerp9iiyA=3D=3D " tar=

get=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " >Dental Protocol</a><br><a hre=

f=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D001mk3gDVY1Cm0apsGajvdzP4jQRiP9EVnZgzCZjfalE=



QIBX4SfUdmCRS66K-RvcBLa-i5iQXf3h3 " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " trac=

k=3D " on " >Breaking the Stress Course</a><br><a href=3D " http://rs6.net/tn.jsp=




=3D " target=3D " _blank " linktype=3D " link " track=3D " on " >Building Your Biofeed=

back Business

Course</a><br><br></font></td></tr></tbody></table><a name=3D " LETTER.BLOCK6=

" >

<table id=3D " content_LETTER.BLOCK6 " style=3D " background-color: rgb(233, 225=

, 201); " bgcolor=3D " #e9e1c9 " border=3D " 0 " bordercolor=3D " #d0c68c " cellpaddi=

ng=3D " 0 " cellspacing=3D " 6 " width=3D " 100% " >



<td style=3D " font-size: 14pt;color: rgb(81, 147, 251);font-family: Trebuche=

t MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; " styleclass=3D " style_Event1Title " height=

=3D " 18 " ><font style=3D " font-size: 14pt;color: rgb(81, 147, 251);font-family=

: Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #5193fb " size=3D " 4 " =

face=3D " Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif " >And

Beyond... </font></td></tr>


<td style=3D " background-color: rgb(211, 207, 150); " styleclass=3D " style_Eve=

nt1TitleUline " bgcolor=3D " #d3cf96 " height=3D " 1 " ><br></td></tr>


<td style=3D " font-size: 10pt;color: rgb(178, 161, 97);font-family: Verdana,=

Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " styleclass=3D " style_Event1Text " ><font s=

tyle=3D " font-size: 10pt;color: rgb(178, 161, 97);font-family: Verdana,Genev=

a,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #b2a161 " size=3D " 2 " face=3D " Verdana=

,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif " >

<div><br><span style=3D " color: rgb(0, 0, 0); " >Vital Connection has been cre=

ating some

wonderful alliances within the Holistic & amp; Natural Health World. & nbsp; L=


forward to some more FREE Online Course that will give you industry updates=


insights. We will keep you posted as these develop, but look forward to see=


some exciting developments over the next


<td align=3D " left " valign=3D " top " width=3D " 188 " >

<table style=3D " background-color: rgb(203, 221, 254); " bgcolor=3D " #cbddfe " =

border=3D " 0 " bordercolor=3D " #a2c1fd " cellpadding=3D " 0 " cellspacing=3D " 3 " wi=

dth=3D " 100% " >



<td style=3D " font-size: 12pt;color: rgb(81, 147, 251);font-family: Trebuche=

t MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif; " align=3D " middle " ><font style=3D " font-si=

ze: 12pt;color: rgb(81, 147, 251);font-family: Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helveti=

ca,sans-serif; " color=3D " #5193fb " size=3D " 3 " face=3D " Trebuchet MS,Verdana,H=

elvetica,sans-serif " ><b>Scheduled Events</b></font></td></tr>


<td style=3D " background-color: rgb(162, 193, 253); " bgcolor=3D " #a2c1fd " hei=

ght=3D " 1 " ><br></td>


<td style=3D " font-size: 8pt;color: rgb(119, 171, 12);font-family: Verdana,G=

eneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " align=3D " middle " valign=3D " center " ><font=

style=3D " font-size: 8pt;color: rgb(119, 171, 12);font-family: Verdana,Gene=

va,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " color=3D " #77ab0c " size=3D " 1 " face=3D " Verdan=

a,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif " ><b><a style=3D " font-size: 8pt;color: r=

gb(119, 171, 12);font-family: Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " h=

ref=3D " #LETTER.BLOCK4 " shape=3D " rect " ><font style=3D " font-size: 8pt;color: =

rgb(119, 171, 12);font-family: Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " =

color=3D " #77ab0c " size=3D " 1 " face=3D " Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-se=

rif " >Upcoming



<td style=3D " font-size: 8pt;color: rgb(119, 171, 12);font-family: Verdana,G=

eneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; " align=3D " middle " valign=3D " center " ><font=

style=3D " font-size: 8pt;color: rgb(119, 171, 12);font-family: Verdana,Gene=

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<div>We wanted to have an opportunity to help you save a little money this

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Expires: After the First 15 purchases using the Coupon Code.</b> </font></t=



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