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Like Clockwork!

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Dear All,

Like clockwork I get emails from someone who poses to be a newbie on my site of

online Ebay inexpensive flash cards. The name changes but the message remains

the same. I am here to tell you all that I will not be smurfed. I will NOT pass

on this information as it is pure advertisement. I don't mind someone emailing

me privately and sending me a copy of a book, or sample of a product to review

to ask if he or she can mention it on my site per my policy (once max per

quarter) as a sales pitch. But I refuse to be used by a smurfer.

Forget it!

I do not allow anything to be advertised on my site unless I personally have

reviewed it and believe it is a honest good product and good buy for the techs

and students. No one has to believe my reviews or accept them. BUT no one is

going to be smurfed either.

What ever I have in mentioned in the Files Recommendation section of study guide

materials I have personally seen, reviewed and believe to be useful, helpful and

not taking advantage of the consumer/pharm tech/pharm tech student and withing

monetary means.

I do NOT get any kickbacks or money or anything else in return.

I ask for nothing.

On the other hand just because something is 'cheap' it does not make it the best

or even good. I will not allow the repetitious advertising especially under the

guise of a newbie to be posted on this site to take advantage of individual

members or my membership as a whole.

It is calles scruples.

This post is intended to let my members know that I try to protect you from

scammers and dishonest money makers and also to let the would be smurfer who

continually tries to smurf my site know that it is not working! And as long as I

live and operate my site, I hope to prevent this tactic from working.

Thank you all for your time in reading this post.

Now back to the tutoring and study group questions......


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS


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