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Re: Ten Free 20 Hour CE Packets

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Dear Joe,

Thank you very much for offering FREE CE to the recent CPhT's of this

site! As you can see there are quite a few who have recently graduated.

A very generous offer.

To those of you who wish to take advantage of this offer please send

me a private email with the words TL CE in the subject title so that I

do not think it is spam. To be sent to my private email at:


rxjm2002@ .com (no space between 'o' and '.com'

Send your home address and the date of expiration and certificate

number to me as well. This offer is good only for those who respond in

this way and who's expiration date is for this testing window, unless

Joe Medina says otherwise. In his posting he makes it clear that it is

" for those who have recently passed the national exam this

past month. "


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS



> Hi Jeanetta,


> I am always awe inspired when I visit your forum and see the good

> things that you, your moderator and textperts are doing in helping the

> individual Pharmacy Technician succeed in getting nationally



> Your combined answering of questions continue to be concise and to the

> point in helping those who have questions to be answered, not to

> mention the hundreds of files you have for those in need of required

> tutoring.


> Tech Lectures would like to offer 10 free 20 CE hour Packets to those

> members of your forum who have recently passed the national exam this

> past month. Simply let Jeanetta know who you are with a postal

> address to mail your CE Packet to. Obviously this is a first come,

> first serve basis.


> Congratulations to those who have passed recently passed the national

> exam and more importantly, to Jeanetta for offering a wonderful

> service for our vocation.


> Joe Medina, CPhT

> President/Founder

> http://www.techlectures.com


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Yes Joe, thanks for the generous offer! I wrote Jeanetta and hopefully

quick enough to be included :)

I also wanted to let you know that I will soon be sending you back the

Mosby review book you ordered and sent to me. (I have another book

that I will probably send with it that I got from PaperBackSwap.com.)

It was a great help and actually taught me a few things my other books

didn't cover, that I later found on the exam! So it could very well be

the thing that helped me pass.

Thanks again for the service you offer to pharmacy techs and those

trying to become one!

Bethany Figueroa

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Hi Bethany,

I think many individuals are perplexed as to why I or Jeanetta do what

we do in trying to help individual Pharmacy Technician's succeed. I

think your posting really explains it all.

Congratulations and good luck with a future so full of promise.

Joe Medina, CPhT


Yes Joe, thanks for the generous offer! I wrote Jeanetta and hopefully

quick enough to be included :)

I also wanted to let you know that I will soon be sending you back the

Mosby review book you ordered and sent to me at no charge. (I have

another book that I will probably send with it that I got from

PaperBackSwap.com.) It was a great help and actually taught me a few

things my other books didn't cover, that I later found on the exam! So

it could very well be the thing that helped me pass.

Thanks again for the service you offer to pharmacy techs and those

trying to become one!

Bethany Figueroa

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Dear Joe

Thanks a lot for providing free CE to the members of this study-

group.I really appreciate your enthusiasm & efforts for this field of

pharmacy technician.It requires a lot to put in these efforts.I am

speechless.Thanks Jeanetta for giving this platform to reach other

peoples of your profession.


> >

> > Hi Jeanetta,

> >

> > I am always awe inspired when I visit your forum and see the good

> > things that you, your moderator and textperts are doing in

helping the

> > individual Pharmacy Technician succeed in getting nationally

> certified.

> >

> > Your combined answering of questions continue to be concise and

to the

> > point in helping those who have questions to be answered, not to

> > mention the hundreds of files you have for those in need of


> > tutoring.

> >

> > Tech Lectures would like to offer 10 free 20 CE hour Packets to


> > members of your forum who have recently passed the national exam


> > past month. Simply let Jeanetta know who you are with a postal

> > address to mail your CE Packet to. Obviously this is a first


> > first serve basis.

> >

> > Congratulations to those who have passed recently passed the


> > exam and more importantly, to Jeanetta for offering a wonderful

> > service for our vocation.

> >

> > Joe Medina, CPhT

> > President/Founder

> > http://www.techlectures.com

> >


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Dear Ritz2575,

You are most welcome.

Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS


> > >

> > > Hi Jeanetta,

> > >

> > > I am always awe inspired when I visit your forum and see the good

> > > things that you, your moderator and textperts are doing in

> helping the

> > > individual Pharmacy Technician succeed in getting nationally

> > certified.

> > >

> > > Your combined answering of questions continue to be concise and

> to the

> > > point in helping those who have questions to be answered, not to

> > > mention the hundreds of files you have for those in need of

> required

> > > tutoring.

> > >

> > > Tech Lectures would like to offer 10 free 20 CE hour Packets to

> those

> > > members of your forum who have recently passed the national exam

> this

> > > past month. Simply let Jeanetta know who you are with a postal

> > > address to mail your CE Packet to. Obviously this is a first

> come,

> > > first serve basis.

> > >

> > > Congratulations to those who have passed recently passed the

> national

> > > exam and more importantly, to Jeanetta for offering a wonderful

> > > service for our vocation.

> > >

> > > Joe Medina, CPhT

> > > President/Founder

> > > http://www.techlectures.com

> > >

> >


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Hi Ritu,

Both Jeanetta and I do what we do because we actually care about the

Pharmacy Technician vocation. Jeanetta does not charge for her

services and gives all she can without monetary compensation. I too

offer much that is free, but I do have costs associated that I need to

pay for, so I do charge at a fair price to cover my own expenses. If

I can though, I have no problem in offering my services at no charge,

especially for those in need.

Our accomplishments is not measured by monetary income from individual

Pharmacy Technician's, but by simply helping one individual at a time

succeed in bettering themselves in both personal and professional growth.

With that in mind, I still have 7 Free 20 hour CE Packets available

for those who would like to give Tech Lectures a try.

Joe Medina, CPhT


Dear Joe

Thanks a lot for providing free CE to the members of this study-

group.I really appreciate your enthusiasm & efforts for this field of

pharmacy technician.It requires a lot to put in these efforts.I am

speechless.Thanks Jeanetta for giving this platform to reach other

peoples of your profession.


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