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Game Over! Mudslinging Score!

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The Mud Sling Game is OVER!

Joe = 1

= 1

All of us ZERO!

Yep ZERO! We got nothing out of that! All we got was NOTHING!

So I suggest you all read what I wrote about what we may need! And

POST ONLY your OPINIONS or FACTS related to the TOPIC at hand:

" An unbiased impartial third party entity to oversee the

certification process. WHY? Because the courts have said that the

letters CPhT can be used by anyone that takes any pharmacy

certification exam. It is up to OUR pharmacy profession to determine

which exam or exams are good enough to do this. Since there is NO

'body' that has done this we need one that can. "

Here are my apologies: That I did not see this coming! That my newbie

members who are MOST LIKELY techs to be are enduring this perceived or

real bashing of organizations and site members. That we are proving to

all that look at this that we can and do behave in a non-professional

manner and this may keep us from becoming considered as professionals

in the future.

On another note this is the END of mudslinging on my site.

If you want to mention any particular thought about a particular group

that should or should not take part as the third party entity please

do so with facts in the most objective way that you can.

What saddens me is the 10 people who have left the site because of

this mudslinging and who do not understand or know the history of the

posts that Joe has made and the numerous times I, , and many

others have begged him to stop and why felt the need to call him

on his 'lie' about not stopping when in fact he said he would not do

so. That they have no clue about the numerous posts in the past from

Joe and his reasons for not liking NPTA and his belief that any entity

that makes money off of techs is not good for techs. Even if they had

this information it would not lead to reason for what has happened on

this site.

This TOPIC once again is not about Joe, , me or anyone else. It is

NOT about which of the existing groups or associations or

organizations or businesses should over see techs or certification

process. It is about developing a third entity and WHY we cannot go

with the existing entities.


respect, in my humble opinion they were NOT on the possible lists to

take over the pharmacy technician certification process. And I do not

believe that either has this intention. But I do believe that they

both have much to say about what third party, if any will. And do I

believe their opinions matter because of the many members' voices of

the tech community that they represent by way of their representative


On a personal note as to WHY I did not jump in sooner than this very


I came home at 11 PM last night after a long day of work teaching,

with my blood sugar up. I had received a call in the middle of my

class on my cell phone, which is USUALLY turned off. The call was from

and I had read her post on a break. But because I was at work I

could not respond. I did agree with that Joe had broken his

promise not to bash NPTA or other entities. But I am not sure that

calling him a liar in a post was the answer or that it makes look

good. But did what she had to do and it too was a bold move.

Further she did what was on everyone's mind (that know this history),

but were afraid to say. Now Joe always says that he posts negative

about NPTA saying what others are afraid to say. So again one point

each! Game over! So I guess we have two people we can count on for

saying what's on their mind.

If you count me that makes three! I posted a topic that needs

attention and I think several people pointed out their beliefs on that

topic that are ON the TOPIC. SO I am going to repost them to END this

discussion on perceived or real attacks of organizations and members.

Yet I implore both Joe and others to continue the discussion at

hand, on the TOPIC about certification and a possible third impartial

governing agency.

Further I want to say that my purpose for opening this site has always

been to provide free education and CE to technicians because at the

time I opened it there was NOTHING out there free. NOW there is. At

the time I opened this site, there were many sites one could go to put

their points of view out there. Now there are only a few and none very

active unless you count the spam. I posted this topic on this site

because it has much to do with the certification of techs which this

site is about. But the discussing my time posting free education or my

work on this site has nothing to do with the topic about a non-biased

third party certification oveseeing entitiy. NOTHING! Also - HOW much

money is or is not made by Techlectures, Joe Medina, myself, this site

or including NPTA, ASHP, APhA, ACPE, PTEC, AAPT, or any other group or

person, is not a part of this topic. HOWEVER if a group does make

money from technicians or is biased or impartial to the two exams or

companies, then that fact is of importance and relevant to the TOPIC.

I had plans to post an end to the mudslinging when I got home, But I

could not get to the computer, I needed to eat and REST. I slept in.

Class (work) begins at 2 PM, in 1 hour and I am not dressed yet. It

has taken me 1.5 hours to read all the posts and to type this message.

Needless to say I am not a happy camper!

IF I come home tonight and find any more mudslinging, I will seriously

think about shutting the site to the public and make it private for

techs who are studying only.

This is said with respect to everyone. No one excluded, all included.

Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS

Founder/Owner of this site

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