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FREE Hypertension CE

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Dear Jeanetta,

Please forgive me if you addressed the question I posted to you about a week

ago.  I have been looking for a response and am afraid I might have missed it?

I just took and passed this CE that you recommended.  Thank you.  Please help me

to understand what the expiration dates mean.  I believe this CE said that it

expires in 04/2012.  MY Certificate expires in 11/2012. What do those expiration

dates mean on CE?  Does the 1.25 hours expire before renewal of my certificate

and therefore are not counted?


Also, do I save up these certificates and submit them somewhere?  I did not

enter my license number anywhere on this CE.

Thanks so much for all you do for us.

From: Jeanetta Mastron <rxjm2002@...>

Subject: Re: FREE Hypertension CE

Date: Monday, January 17, 2011, 4:49 P

April 10, 2012


> http://www.rxschool.com/Course/info.cfm/course_id/577


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YES Deborah, I did answer your post on January 9, 2011 5:07 PM.

It is Message #20013 of 20045

Sorry that you have not found it.

Here is the link to my posted reply to you:


After I post this, I will pull up my response again so that it will be back to

the top of the forum posts so you may find it again easier.

Here in this post, I will also add a copy of my original response to you, see


" Re: CE's

Dear Debbie,

As long as you do the CE WHILE it is in date and during your certification time

period you may use that CE.

Here are some examples:

You are certified November 2008 and recertify Novemeber 2010


#1 During that time you find a CE that has already expired

October 31, 2007. You can NOT use that CE because it has already expired.

#2 During this time frame you find a CE that will expire

October 31,2011. You MAY use this CE because it has not expired yet.

#3 During this time frame, but BEFORE October 31, 2010 you find a CE that will

expire October 31, 2010, You MAY use this CE. So let us say it is August 31,2010

(before the CE expiration date and still within your certification time/before

your renewal date....) you MAY certainly do this CE and keep the copy of the

certificate of completion AND use it as a valid CE as long as it is technician

material and accepted by PTCB or ExCPT it will be valid.

Hope this spells things out for you and others so that you can get your CE to

count. Remember you can also use a transcript of a college level class up to 15

credits for math, chemistry, biology and perhaps a health class etc.

You may also use a Universal CE Form (see PTCB Site for this form) filled out by

a pharmacist stating that you did some research or presentation or??? that is

not among your regular duties.

Hope this helps,

Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS

Founder/Owner of this site/Pharm Tech Educator "

Using the examples from my previous post (above), BOTH of the CE's that you

refer to in your last two emails/posts will be valid to " claim " that you took

within the 2 year period of November 2010 to November 2012. These were your two

CE's that you asked about:

" I believe this CE said that it expires in 04/2012. MY Certificate expires in

11/2012. "

" For instance, this one expires 02/09/2011. If my certificate expires in 2012 "

So your completed CE's are fine! :)

As long as you do a CE and got a Certificate of Completion BEFORE the expiration

date of the CE and during your 2 year window of certification (while you are

certified for the 2 year period) then the CE is valid and 'in date'. HOWEVER it

is up to PTCB and/or ICPT (ExCPT) to accept the topic as appropriate for a

pharmacy technician.

Log into the PTCB site. If you do not have a password then you will need to

contact PTCB as they should have sent you one either on a post-card or an email

right after you passed your exam and/or got your hardcopy certificate in the


Once logged in to the site, RECORD you results on the PTCB or ExCPT 'transcript'

and keep a copy in your computer. PTCB will only accept online payment for

re-certification from now on according to an email I got.

https://www.ptcb.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Apply_for_Recertification & Template=\

/CM/ContentCombo.cfm & NavMenuID=567 & ContentID=2464

To start tracking your CE's using a PTCB Transcript go to :

https://www.ptcb.org/AM/template.cfm?section=myptcb & template=/security/login.cfm\

& CFID=4221184 & CFTOKEN=63174276

Click on the 'MyPTCB " tab on the horizontal menu to get to the transcript once

you are logged in.

You also need to keep a file to have immediate access to an e-file to make a

hard copy of all of your CE's so that you can send them to PTCB or ExCPT I you

get 'audited'. A copy of your transcript itself is not enough.

" A select number of Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhTs) are randomly chosen

for an audit of Continuing Education (CE) each year. If you are audited, please

complete an Audit Application listing all CE hours and send photocopies of

your CE Certificates of Participation (and/or the PTCB Universal CE Form) with

the $40 audit fee. PTCB recommends that you keep documentation of CE credits for

at least 1 year beyond your certification expiration date. CPhTs may be audited

at any time at the discretion of PTCB "

https://www.ptcb.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Recertification & Template=/CM/Conten\

tDisplay.cfm & ContentID=1501

I do hope this explains it for you. Feel free to ask more questions on this



Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS


> >

> > http://www.rxschool.com/Course/info.cfm/course_id/577

> >













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