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Hello Tom,

I've looked at the web page, do they accept UK Medics with the Offshore HSE

Qualification ?

What are your additional duties at your place of work ?



Ensco 70

>From: tom5255@...



>Subject: [] job

>Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 10:35:19 -0000


>Hello all,

>Just got in from my new job. If anyone is looking for work entech is

>looking for medics for several jobs in the gulf of mexico starting in

>the next copule of weeks. Starting pay is 200 dollars a day plus

>mileage and uniforms here is their site contact is










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  • 5 months later...

If you go for the job watch out for him, Dick Hill that is.

They don't call him tricky dicky for nothing !!!

" Listowner

Remote Medics " Remote Medics "


Online " cc:

<Owner@Remotemed Subject:



18/01/2001 19:15

Please respond




Hi All,

Just heard, Northlandic in Holland are looking for an offshore medic for

Tue, Contact Dick Hill


Best wishes


PS If you go for it don't forget to mention Remote Medics Online !

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Quite agree! A very apt name indeed!

Warning to others - I did a job for Dick Hill in June last year, he was two months overdue on paying me and he only paid up when I threatened to fly over to his office and drag him to his bank!!! I have since found out that I am not the first this has happened to and I've gotta sneeking suspicion I won't be the last!!



>From: exp-medic@... >Reply-egroups >egroups >Subject: Re: Job >Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 08:47:11 +0000 > > >If you go for the job watch out for him, Dick Hill that is. >They don't call him tricky dicky for nothing !!! > > > > > "Listowner > Remote Medics "Remote Medics"

> Online" cc: > > ics.co.uk> > > 18/01/2001 19:15 > Please respond > to > RemoteSupportMed > ics > > > > > >Hi All, > >Just heard, Northlandic in Holland are looking for an offshore medic for >Tue, Contact Dick Hill > >Northlandic@... > >Best wishes > >Ian > >PS If you go for it don't forget to mention Remote Medics Online ! > > >

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But a when you're in need of a job you take the good with the bad and to be

honest whenever I worked for Northlandic I've never had any problems Shame I

can't say the same for when I also worked on the Explorer and I doubt that's

improved much !





> ics.co.uk>


> 18/01/2001 19:15

> Please respond

> to

> RemoteSupportMed

> ics






> Hi All,


> Just heard, Northlandic in Holland are looking for an offshore medic for

> Tue, Contact Dick Hill


> Northlandic@...


> Best wishes


> Ian


> PS If you go for it don't forget to mention Remote Medics Online !




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On the subject of the Explorer, have you heard from any of the current

medics on-board? There was talk of changing the role significantly when I

did a short stint on it, e.g. medic = safety officer.


Re: Job


But a when you're in need of a job you take the good with the bad and to be

honest whenever I worked for Northlandic I've never had any problems Shame I

can't say the same for when I also worked on the Explorer and I doubt that's

improved much !




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No I haven't Stu,

But the ship (as I left) was being taken over by Stolt and their usual

policy is medic safety officer so its possibly true.

Can the current medic on there confirm this??? where ever you are :-)

best wishes

Ian S

Re: Job



> Possibly,


> But a when you're in need of a job you take the good with the bad and to


> honest whenever I worked for Northlandic I've never had any problems Shame


> can't say the same for when I also worked on the Explorer and I doubt


> improved much !


> Rgs


> Ian

> Listowner





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Yes the role has change significantly,

As you can see i am one of the new HSE Officers on board.

It is tacking a bit of time trying to get the boys used to the change but

its getting there slowly.

I am off in an hour and my new Back/Back is coming on.

so if you have any further queries then it will have to wait a month or




Health & Safety

Seaway Explorer

Stolt Offshore S. A.

" Stu "



world.com> cc:

Subject: RE:





respond to



On the subject of the Explorer, have you heard from any of the current

medics on-board? There was talk of changing the role significantly when I

did a short stint on it, e.g. medic = safety officer.


Re: Job


But a when you're in need of a job you take the good with the bad and to be

honest whenever I worked for Northlandic I've never had any problems Shame


can't say the same for when I also worked on the Explorer and I doubt


improved much !




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  • 5 years later...

Ny suggestion is: If you do not hear from them within 1 week, call back to ask

when would applicants be notified for an interview.

Any other suggestions out there?

Jeanetta Mastron


Leon <le0014@...> wrote: I applied for a

job the pharmacy at walmart. They told me to take a

drug test. I did. So now what, do I just wait for them to give me a

call? if yes, how long will this take? This is my first job btw so I

don't know what to expect.

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I went through the same issue when I was being considered for my

current Tech. position at another major drug store chain.

This is how it 'played out' for me.

I take two controlled substances daily for ADD.

It took 3 weeks for Corporate to call me back at home about my

positive urine test.

All I had to do was participate in a conference call with one of the

Corporate Physicians and my Pharmacist.

They just want to know that you have a current script for what you

tested positive for and a good explanation of why you take it.

You should 'pester' or show interest to the store GM and the PIC of

the Pharmacy to 'remind' them that you are still interested.

Persistance will pay off for you as it shows to them that you REALLY

want to work for the 'Corporation'... whether you do or not.

Good luck and keep us posted!!

Best Wishes From Tropical Texas,

Christian B. Oliver RCPhT (TX)

I applied

for a job the pharmacy at walmart. They told me to take a

> drug test. I did. So now what, do I just wait for them to give me


> call? if yes, how long will this take? This is my first job btw so


> don't know what to expect.








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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright I'll go check it out. I didn't tell them about

the temp job, how'd they know? I'm going to UT Austin

for pharm school btw.

--- Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS Chemistry

<rxjm2002@...> wrote:

> Dear Leon,


> IF I 'hear' you right, you want a temp job for a few

> weeks, before you

> leave to go to Utah to go to pharm school.Is this

> correct? Is it

> possible that the pharmacy found out after hiring

> you or doing the

> drug screen test that you will not be there very

> long? IF so, perhaps

> that is why you have not heard from them.


> I would definitely go there. Talk to the manager who

> does the hiring

> or the person who set you up with the drug screen

> test.....who ever

> that was.


> Respectfully,

> Jeanetta CPhT

> Site Owner






> >

> > ok I haven't received a call about my job after

> the drug test. It's

> > been two weeks. I called my employer and he asked

> who i wanted to talk

> > to the pharmacist or the manager, I didn't know

> which so i said the

> > pharmacist. It was busy and the phone hung up. I'm

> thinking about

> > driving up there and ask them should i be notified

> when to start

> > working. Would anything happen if i bother them

> too much?

> >

> > I hope they call me soon because I'm heading to UT

> in January and I

> > want to get a little experience. Also, if anyone

> here goes to UT

> > majoring in pharmacy, hook this freshman up.

> thanks :P.

> >






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Hey Dat,

UT is one heck of a Pharm. School to 'get into'...

I hope you have at least a BS in Chem or Bio OR you went through

their Pre-Pharm Program.

Either way, good luck in Austin!

Best Wishes From Tropical Texas,

Christian B. Oliver RCPhT (TC) AS Chem, BA

English/Macroeconomics/Government, Lamar Scholar UT Austin, and (ONE


> > >

> > > ok I haven't received a call about my job after

> > the drug test. It's

> > > been two weeks. I called my employer and he asked

> > who i wanted to talk

> > > to the pharmacist or the manager, I didn't know

> > which so i said the

> > > pharmacist. It was busy and the phone hung up. I'm

> > thinking about

> > > driving up there and ask them should i be notified

> > when to start

> > > working. Would anything happen if i bother them

> > too much?

> > >

> > > I hope they call me soon because I'm heading to UT

> > in January and I

> > > want to get a little experience. Also, if anyone

> > here goes to UT

> > > majoring in pharmacy, hook this freshman up.

> > thanks :P.

> > >

> >

> >

> >








> Music Unlimited

> Access over 1 million songs.

> http://music./unlimited


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Well unless you told them they do not know.

Congratulations on pharm school.

I have no clue why they have not called you. But they should never have sent

you to get drug tested unless they offered you the job.

Please keep us/me informed.

Feel free to email me privately if you would rather.


Dat Le <le0014@...> wrote: Alright I'll

go check it out. I didn't tell them about

the temp job, how'd they know? I'm going to UT Austin

for pharm school btw.

--- Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS Chemistry

<rxjm2002@...> wrote:

> Dear Leon,


> IF I 'hear' you right, you want a temp job for a few

> weeks, before you

> leave to go to Utah to go to pharm school.Is this

> correct? Is it

> possible that the pharmacy found out after hiring

> you or doing the

> drug screen test that you will not be there very

> long? IF so, perhaps

> that is why you have not heard from them.


> I would definitely go there. Talk to the manager who

> does the hiring

> or the person who set you up with the drug screen

> test.....who ever

> that was.


> Respectfully,

> Jeanetta CPhT

> Site Owner






> >

> > ok I haven't received a call about my job after

> the drug test. It's

> > been two weeks. I called my employer and he asked

> who i wanted to talk

> > to the pharmacist or the manager, I didn't know

> which so i said the

> > pharmacist. It was busy and the phone hung up. I'm

> thinking about

> > driving up there and ask them should i be notified

> when to start

> > working. Would anything happen if i bother them

> too much?

> >

> > I hope they call me soon because I'm heading to UT

> in January and I

> > want to get a little experience. Also, if anyone

> here goes to UT

> > majoring in pharmacy, hook this freshman up.

> thanks :P.

> >





Music Unlimited

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  • 2 years later...


I am watching the job losses trends in the economy, and right now it

seems that medical services are one of the few areas not being

hurt...so far.

I'd suggest you look closely at which sectors are holding up before you

try to make a switch.



> I am thinking about leaving my other job.  They aren't that happy

with me anyways and I don't think it is helping.  I work at a

hospital.  I figure being exposed to a bunch of stuff isn't helping my

immune system along with everything they have in there.  Any ideas on a

good job that doesn't require exposure to chemicals or sick people that

would keep me on my feet?


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  • 9 months later...

Hi Indranil

If you do not hold full registration with the GDC you may still be able to work in the UK if you pass the ORE. This examination is held by the GDC and replaces the International Qualifying Examination.

The ORE is in two parts. Part 1 consists of written papers covering the subjects of: applied dental science, clinically applied human disease, clinical dentistry, law and ethics and health and safety. Part 2 consists of a practical examination on a dental manikin, an OSCE, an exam in diagnosis and treatment planning and a medical emergencies exam. You need to contact the GDC to find out if you are eligible to sit this examination as there is a new requirement to demonstrate that you have had at least 1600 hours of dental clinical experience of treating patients.

The ORE is based in the UK dental curriculum. Candidates are advised to read the GDC document, "The First Five Years: A Framework for undergraduate Dental Education". This can be found on the GDC website.

The GDC also provides a list of useful text books. The list comprises of some of the books used in some UK Dental Schools. You may find that you have used similar text books as part of your undergraduate curriculum. If you live in a large city where there is a university with a dental school, it may be useful to look at the books stocked in branches of medical and dental bookshops. You will then be able to make a judgement as to whether you need to buy or borrow new text books.

It can be difficult studying for ORE on your own. If you contact your local Postgraduate Dean, you may be able to join an ORE study group / course or be introduced to other dentists also studying for ORE.

Dentists who complete the ORE and have no clinical experience may need to do up to 1 year's Vocational Training (VT) to be able to work as a general dental practitioner for the NHS. Success in the ORE does not mean you will automatically secure a VT place or a job in the NHS. It has become very difficult to find a VT training place as there is a lot of competition from UK graduates.

Definition of Prior Clinical Experience

On the GDC website you will see the following advice about pre-requirements for enterting the ORE:

"The overseas dentist must have 1,600 hours clinical experience where they have personally treated patients in the dental chair. The number of hours of this clinical experience will either be hours spent by the overseas dentist undertaking appropriate investigations and administering dental treatment during their dental degree, during post-qualification experience, or a combination of the two. It could also be undertaken during temporary registration. It will not include time observing other dentists or assisting other dentists/dental students in undertaking diagnonsis/treatment planning or provision of treatment.

Verification of the prior clinical experience

The clinical experience will be verfied. The GDC will request signed references from university Dental Deams for the undergraduate experience and from exmployers for the post-qualification experience. The employers must provide their registration number. The GDC will reserve the right to undertake spot checks to verify references where appropriate. Affidavits will be accepted in only exceptional circumstances where an overseas dentist has proven refugee or asylum-seeker status."

It is important to be aware that if you arrive in the UK having less than the minimum 1,600 hours of clinical experience and being unable to sit the ORE, you may put yourself in a very difficult situation. Although the GDC website states that you could obtain experience in a post offering temporary registration, you need to be aware that under current circumstances obtaining such a post will be extremely difficult. You should not rely on obtaining such a post in the UK in order to obtain sufficient experience to enter the ORE.

In addition, please check if you have any restrictions on your visa preventing you from applying for training posts. You will not be able to apply for training posts if your visa has these restrictions.

If you know that you have not achieved the 1,600 hours of clinical experience required to enter the ORE, you would be advised to seriously consider obtaining a clinical post in the country where you qualified before coming to the UK.

If you require further advice on VT places you should contact the Postgraduate Dental Dean in the region where you wish to work. Contact details of Deaneries can be found at: www.copdend.org.uk.

There are fewer opportunities for VT in areas around dental teaching hospitals and the south east of England.

For any ORE examination queries, please contact the ORE department at the GDC at examsapplication@....

For information on ORE support courses, please visit the following webpage: www.rcseng.ac.uk/fds/courses/ore. Alternatively, you can contact the FDS Education Department on +44 (0)20 7869 6815

+44 (0)20 7869 6815, +44 (0)20 7869 6814 +44 (0)20 7869 6814, or +44 (0)20 7869 6813 +44 (0)20 7869 6813, or via email at fdseducation@....

Terms and Conditions | Privacy Statement | Compliance Information | Contact us

© 2009 | The Royal College of Surgeons of England | Registered Charity no: 212808 | Hope it helps,Lee

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Hi Dr Avery,Thanks for the detailed explanations. But is it that much easy (a cake walk?) to secure a job after qualifying O.R.E. (especially in this current recession market) or we ve to run from piller to posts for the same?Regards,IndranilFrom: Dr Avery <avery_dr@...>Subject: Re:job Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 12:33 AM


Hi Indranil

If you do not hold full registration with the GDC you may still be able to work in the UK if you pass the ORE. This examination is held by the GDC and replaces the International Qualifying Examination.

The ORE is in two parts. Part 1 consists of  written papers covering the subjects of: applied dental science, clinically applied human disease, clinical dentistry, law and ethics and health and safety. Part 2 consists of a practical examination on a dental manikin, an OSCE, an exam in diagnosis and treatment planning and a medical emergencies exam.  You need to contact the GDC to find out if you are eligible to sit this examination as there is a new requirement to demonstrate that you have had at least 1600 hours of dental clinical experience of treating patients.

The ORE is based in the UK dental curriculum. Candidates are advised to read the GDC document, "The First Five Years: A Framework for undergraduate Dental Education". This can be found on the GDC website.

The GDC also provides a list of useful text books. The list comprises of some of the books used in some UK Dental Schools. You may find that you have used similar text books as part of your undergraduate curriculum. If you live in a large city where there is a university with a dental school, it may be useful to look at the books stocked in branches of medical and dental bookshops. You will then be able to make a judgement as to whether you need to buy or borrow new text books.

It can be difficult studying for ORE on your own. If you contact your local Postgraduate Dean, you may be able to join an ORE study group / course or be introduced to other dentists also studying for ORE.

Dentists who complete the ORE and have no clinical experience may need to do up to 1 year's Vocational Training (VT) to be able to work as a general dental practitioner for the NHS. Success in the ORE does not mean you will automatically secure a VT place or a job in the NHS. It has become very difficult to find a VT training place as there is a lot of competition from UK graduates.

Definition of Prior Clinical Experience

On the GDC website you will see the following advice about pre-requirements for enterting the ORE:

"The overseas dentist must have 1,600 hours clinical experience where they have personally treated patients in the dental chair. The number of hours of this clinical experience will either be hours spent by the overseas dentist undertaking appropriate investigations and administering dental treatment during their dental degree, during post-qualification experience, or a combination of the two. It could also be undertaken during temporary registration. It will not include time observing other dentists or assisting other dentists/dental students in undertaking diagnonsis/treatmen t planning or provision of treatment.

Verification of the prior clinical experience

The clinical experience will be verfied. The GDC will request signed references from university Dental Deams for the undergraduate experience and from exmployers for the post-qualification experience. The employers must provide their registration number. The GDC will reserve the right to undertake spot checks to verify references where appropriate. Affidavits will be accepted in only exceptional circumstances where an overseas dentist has proven refugee or asylum-seeker status."  

It is important to be aware that if you arrive in the UK having less than the minimum 1,600 hours of clinical experience and being unable to sit the ORE, you may put yourself in a very difficult situation. Although the GDC website states that you could obtain experience in a post offering temporary registration, you need to be aware that under current circumstances obtaining such a post will be extremely difficult. You should not rely on obtaining such a post in the UK in order to obtain sufficient experience to enter the ORE.

In addition, please check if you have any restrictions on your visa preventing you from applying for training posts. You will not be able to apply for training posts if your visa has these restrictions.

If you know that you have not achieved the 1,600 hours of clinical experience required to enter the ORE, you would be advised to seriously consider obtaining a clinical post in the country where you qualified before coming to the UK.


If you require further advice on VT places you should contact the Postgraduate Dental Dean in the region where you wish to work. Contact details of Deaneries can be found at: www.copdend. org.uk.

There are fewer opportunities for VT in areas around dental teaching hospitals and the south east of England.

For any ORE examination queries, please contact the ORE department at the GDC at examsapplication@ gdc-uk.org.

For information on ORE support courses, please visit the following webpage: www.rcseng.ac. uk/fds/courses/ ore.  Alternatively, you can contact the FDS Education Department on                    +44 (0)20 7869 6815          +44 (0)20 7869 6815 ,                    +44 (0)20 7869 6814          +44 (0)20 7869 6814 ,  or                      +44 (0)20 7869 6813          +44 (0)20 7869 6813 , or via email at fdseducation@ rcseng.ac. uk.


Terms and Conditions | Privacy Statement | Compliance Information | Contact us

© 2009 | The Royal College of Surgeons of England | Registered Charity no: 212808 | Hope it helps,Lee

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Ok, So I Previously Completed A Pharmacy Tech Program & Passed The PTCB Test.

But Now I'm Having A Hard Time Finding A Job. Does Anyone Out There Know Of Any

Job Openings In The Memphis, Tenn. Area?

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Guest guest

Dear MsTreka,

I googled exactly what you are looking for:

" Pharmacy Technician jobs in Memphis Tennessee area "

Here are just two that I found

Job Title: Pharmacy Technician Certified

Company Name: Methodist North Hospital

Employment Type: Full Time

Location: MEMPHIS, TN, United States

Department: PHARMACY

Salary: Highly Competitive

Shift/Hours: Rotating days, evenings, weekends

Hours/Pay Period: 80

Degree Required: None Specified

Job ID: 2011.60004848.011978

Date Posted: Apr 28, 2011

Years Experience: unspecified

http://mlb.jobscience.com/JsrApp/index.cfm?cmd=showPositionDetail & cobrandId=9000\

& masterId=mlbh001 & positionId=502649 & prodApp=cc153c84-af0b-4f17-a32a-75aec3b65159\

& bID=1702


CRxP Pharmacy TechnicianRequired

Experience: Not Specified

excelleRx, Inc. is the market leader in pharmaceutical care for niche disease

markets, providing expert medication consultation and pharmaceutical

distribution services. Combining proprietary technology and clinical experience,

excelleRx ensures the appropriate use of medication, and thereby enhances

quality of life. Caregivers from healthcare facilities nationwide rely on

excelleRx to manage their patients' pharmacotherapy needs. The excelleRx mission

is to use technology and clinical expertise to change the way medication is

deployed, so that patients are given prescriptions based on objective

information rather than habit or personal preference


Under the direction of a pharmacist, perform pharmacy related functions in

compliance with department policies and procedures while providing optimal

pharmaceutical care.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

Assist the pharmacist, under direct supervision, in the practice of pharmacy, in

accordance with local, state, federal, and Company regulations.

Non-sterile compounding and prepacking of stock including preparation of

equipment and pre-pack labels, packaging and labeling of product for bar-code

scanning, and quality control procedures.

Stock control functions including stock level audits, expiry date checking,

stock file maintenance, and maintenance of internal stock movement.

General cleaning of work area and general maintenance of equipment and


Maintains knowledge of loss prevention techniques

Additional Opportunities:

Other duties as assigned

Assist in training new employees

Assist other pharmacy technicians


Strong organizational, prioritization, communications & mathematical skills –


Knowledge of medication brand and generic names.

Understanding of medical terminology and calculations.

Ability to understand the importance of and respect the confidentiality of all

patient information.

Professional demeanor.

National certification desirable or preferred

http://www.jobpath.com/CSH/Details.aspx?did=J3H3KY76MBR38DZJD8F & csh=csh_omnigene\


Here is a military job opened up yesterday.

I put in for Memphis and I am not familiar with it, but the location of this job

came up as US-TN-Millington (is that in the outskirts or way far away?)


m_source=SimplyHired & utm_medium=organic & utm_campaign=SimplyHired


Pharmacy Technician-PRN

Cannon Research Institute, Tennessee

Per Diem/PRN

Last updated : 5/4/2011 1:05:24 PM

Following physicians' orders, the Pharmacy Tech assists pharmacists by filling

routine orders for unit dose and prepackaged pharmaceutical dispenses

medications. Position tasks and responsibilities include:

Counts, packages, and labels unit does for inspection by pharmacist.

Assists pharmacists as directed, including filling orders and preparing labels.

Prepares I.V. mixtures and operates automated systems.

Maintains pharmacy inventory and performs clerical duties.

Maintains strong knowledge of hospital policies and government regulations and

performs dispensing duties accordingly.

Assists with quality improvement initiatives, inventory and ordering of


Orients and mentors staff.

Follows Standard Precautions using personal protective equipment as required.

Required Job Qualifications include:

High School graduate or equivalent

National certification as a Pharmacy Tech (CPhT)

State certification as a Pharmacy Tech

Previous pharmacy tech experience in a hospital setting preferred.

Customer service abilities including effective listening skills.

Critical thinking skills, decisive judgment and the ability to work with minimal

supervision in a fast paced environment.

Ability to perform work that requires frequent standing, bending, reaching,

squatting, kneeling, moving, lifting of patients and/or equipment up to 50 lbs.


Notice is says previous hospital experience " preferred " .

NEVER prevent yourself from answering an add that says preferred.

Some times 'experienced' people come with baggage,attitude or high cost. By the

time a company has found fault with several experienced

techs/candidates, they sometimes decide to oconsider trainees/newbies.

Your privilege is to show them you are trainable with the right attitude. That

you have the knowledge/didactics and you are ready and willing to learn from

them to put it into action. In addition, sometimes after one person leaves and

one opening exits, at the same time another opening becomes available. So

sometimes the 'ad' will say that there is an (one) opening when in fact there

are two openings. And sometimes there are temporary jobs that open, that become

full time. This happens sometimes when a female tech is having her first baby.

SEll your talents and skills that you have accumulated through out your other

jobs in addition to the new knowledge if you have not been to school with labs

or externship. Recall most states do not require school. So you can always say

you are willing to volunteer or train for 60 or 120 days - giving them more

probation period or time to decide to keep you.

Here is a link that may help you:


OPTION most newbies do not think about: Try an agency for pharmacy technicians.

Try a LOCAL one not a national one first.

CareerStaff Rx

Murfreesboro, TN

CareerStaff Rx

Nashville, TN

CareerStaff Rx

Statewide, TN

ABPS (American Business Personnel Services, Inc.)

Memphis, TN

Advocate Rx Solutions

Statewide, TN

PharMEDium Healthcare Corporation

Memphis, TN

Experience 1-2 yrs.

Send an application any way stating that you are interested in a open entry

level trainee technician position - You do not need to mention the opening. But

you now have a location that may be expanding hiring or ???

Here is a mail order location that hires techs, but the opening is for an RPh.

Does not meant that they would not hire techs. You now have a mail order

location to send a resume to. Heck drop by you never know.





Three Ihire in Memphis.



Apply to any pharmacy you can whether there is an opening or not. But GO to

them. I have had a few students do this, and come to find out a person did not

show up or had not been showing up or showed up tardy just too many times. The

employer hired on the spot and began training (all of my students have had an

externship - but every pharmacy operates slightly different and you never stop

learning and you do not learn everything on an externship).

Just get yourself out there. The more interviews you score the more you learn

what to say, how to talke and what they are looking for. In addition, WHEN the

right opening is posted/comes along, you will know how to interview better,

improve or enhance your resume, so that you will be better prepared for the

once in a great while/lifetime ad for a newbie that they will train. :0

Never give up!

Also always send a follow up thank you for any phone call, face to face contact

or interview you may be given.

Sadly some technicians feel threatened when an employer says they will hire

someone in addition to the current force.

Some feel like the purpose is to cut their own hours or replace them. Be careful

when making phone calls, some techs will say there are no openings if you begin

with Hello I am a new CPhT and would like to know if there are any openings, or

I am answering an ad for a pharmacy technician position. You may be told there

are no more openings. ALWAYS ask to speak to the pharmacist or director of

pharmacy. As a patient one has the right to speak to the pharmacist. So the tech

can not deny you, if you do NOT say why you are calling that tech must assume

that you may be a pt and must give the pharmacist to you IF you insist. But do

not say you are a patient just to speak to a pharmacist. I am not suggesting

that you or any one would, but I do want to clarify so that no one believes that

I am advocating that! :)

I do hope that something I have written will help you.

Please let me know if it does. You never know. Newbies have to start somewhere!

There has to be someone who is willing to train and give you a trial period.

I also know that you are posting for a personal referal from a member who may

know of an opening that is not on the net or is new. So hopefully someone will

post with that.


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS



> Ok, So I Previously Completed A Pharmacy Tech Program & Passed The PTCB Test.

But Now I'm Having A Hard Time Finding A Job. Does Anyone Out There Know Of Any

Job Openings In The Memphis, Tenn. Area?


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