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Joe has left the site, but this was his last message:

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Hi and Vicki:

The possibility is that this will most likely not be posted, so I may

have just written one of those postings that no one sees for simply

therapeutic purposes. If Jeanetta does decide to post this, then

hopefully it will show that I am not the evil individual I am

perceived to be, but just someone who apparently lost their way in

trying to do something good.


You both are fresh with ideas that seem improbable in a vocation that

has been struggling do identify itself for years. Realize you are up

against entities that view our vocation as only a way to make income

and very little more or those that do not believe there is a place for

the Pharmacy Technician when it comes to the Hierarchy of

professionals entities involved such as State Board of Pharmacies,

Pharmacy Organizations....and let us not forget the Pharmacists

themselves. To compound matters you are also up against the

individual Pharmacy Technician themselves, of which many have grown

disenchanted with their vocation due to pay and lack of respect.

At one time, I to believed in the betterment of our vocation by

showing great exuberance in every aspect of my life, all in the name

of seeing positive strides for the individual Pharmacy Technician. You

should of seen Jeanetta, Dora, Barry, Donna, myself and many others

in those early years where nothing or no one could stop us....but many

years have passed and for myself, as I cannot speak for the others, I

simply enlightened myself of what is wrong and that impedes our

vocation from change ... of which I try to convey, but no one wants to


I suppose I am of the old belief where to make a positive change, the

problem must be recognized first and aspects of that problem must be

evaluated to see if changes are possible. But, no one wants to hear

of the problems associated with in our vocation and instead of ways to

make changes, we simply cry " foul " at the one who conveys what we do

not want to hear. Sometimes though we do this to someone we do not

understand as there is so very much you do not know about me and what

I have been through and the great losses because of my caring for this

particular vocation.

So it is time to let go and no longer push an agenda that no one wants

to see, it is time to just offer something of value within the

confines of my own business entity, " Tech Lectures " and let new

individuals such as yourselves take over the advocation aspect. Maybe

a simple " spark " you both profess to offer is all that is needed to

convince those " apathetic " Technicians, State Board of Pharmacies,

Organizations and Pharmacists themselves that our vocation does merit

being among the hierarchy in the Health profession or at the very

least more respect.

You have a big battle in front of you and going into it blind by not

confronting or examining the problems/issues that impede positive

growth will make your trek more difficult. I wish you both much

success in not only this great endeavor, but in your own personal ones

as well.

Joe Medina, CPhT

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Dear All,

In the past I have moderated only JOE (and spam) because of his

inflammatory remarks as well as negativity to some organizations, in

particular NPTA, that I find unprofessional in his manner and approach

and at times bordering on being slanderous. He has the RIGHT to voice

his opinions. But I have the RIGHT to require that decorum is honored

in my 'court'. Joe has a site that he can air those opinions on.

I chose NOT to post some of his recent posts as I thought they were

too inflammatory...I doubt you would want that to happen to you. But

in all fairness he has or had been told upfront the conditions of his

membership. Joe has come and gone so many times on my site I have lost

count. Suffice it to say that should he return again it will be under

the same circumstances.

I will expect FULL respect from all in the future. No underhanded

remarks just pure debate with respect. It is something I have been

able to count on in my educator's group. I expect it here. So if any

one has something of negativity to say please say it in an honorable

and descent way.

Joe if you are out there reading this by chance, or someone emails it

to you, know that you are welcomed back, but we are all tired of

hearing about what was done in the past that hasn't gotten us

anywhere. WE are tired of hearing how entities except Techlectures are

making money. Recall this is the USA and capitalism at is at its best

allowing TEST PREP, Pharmacy Choice, RxSchool, NPTA etc to make

money!This is not the site for that rant and rave. Take it to your site.

Sometimes we just have to believe that what ever little we did way

back when, has greased the wheel and it is and has been ever since

slowly turning even if we can't realize it. Early pioneers did not

think that the west could 'not' be won (or else they would not have

made that trek). Many did not survive to see it! How ever I bet NONE

thought that we would go to the moon, but we did over 200 years later.

Scientists of that yesteryear laid the ground work. Heck those

pioneers did too!

Did you (Joe) ever stop and think that WE and OTHERS with us (and

before us)laid the groundwork? I think, nay I know, much of what I

wrote on PTCB board and Pharmacy Island and Delphi was used by ACPE in

their presentations. I can be angry or I can be happy. The truth is I

am happy that they used it because it helped get us to where we are

today! And the whole concept is BIGGER than ME! It needed a strong

organization like ACPE to get the information to the forefront. Most

of what we " hear " on this site is NOT NEW, yes some of us have been

there before. We are tired of it not getting done! We are tired of the

talk/postings with out immediate results. But Joe, this is a

DIFFERENT TIME with a DIFFERENT 'backing' of the ideas. WE NOW have

the support of ASHP and APhA with their proposals for 2015 and 2012.

YOU may not like the time table, but it is what we have to deal with.

At LEASE there IS a time table! We began this in 1999 online. It is

2008, and not much different and yet VERY different. " It was the best

of times it was the worse of times..... "

So enough with the 'doomsday' as it has been referred to. But I

caution all that HISTORY is important! IF you have recently entered

the 'education field' or or have only entered it in the last 2 or 3

yrs, or so, know that even before Joe, I or others talked about

education, that our 'forefathers' like Fred S. and Larry N. fought for

our 'positions' as pharmacy technicians. And they too had a hard fight

a LONG fight, but they never gave up! And they still haven't!

So the history of technicians did not begin with Joe or Jeanetta or

Dora or Barry or Mike or ..... and as GOD as my witness it will NOT

end with me either! I probably will not live long enough to see the

change that I have fought for or advocated for. Or perhaps I will no

longer be in the field or retired at the very least, but that can not

stop me from professing the change that I believe we need to make.

I don't have to be in the lime light to make things happen. I gave it

up! NOW I can be part of the wheel by writing letters, posting to

activate others to MOVE to do the things necessary to get the big guns

to get things done! I can help in my small way by laying example of

what it means to ACT professionally in my chosen vocation, to produce

the BEST techs that I can, to ALLOW thought and discussion on this

site that can better our chances of registration in all states, and

education and training in all states.

I KNOW AAPT, NPTA, ExCPT, PTEC, ACPE and PTCB leaders visit this site.

I have a duty to to allow discussion so that all can benefit by

hearing your (our) voices. But I also have an ethical duty to give

them and the members of this site decorum and to uphold the Code of


I honor ALL organizations that promote the education of technicians.

I do not like it when companies or individuals gouge technicians or do

not give what they say they will give. But instead of negatively

pointing a finger at them I give alternatives to high prices.

So far I have found associations have offered me MUCH in the way of

professional development. I try to GIVE back to them when ever I can.

Mostly I try to give what I was never given: FREE EDUCATION, example,

a place to network, a place to exchange. I try to sponsor at least one

tech or tech student per year to a convention, in hopes to educate

that tech further and to see the picture is BIGGER than their part of

the world of pharmacy and to SPARK activate advocacy from that person

that perhaps he or she will take on where I may have left off, to

continue to ask for and demand change. And MOSTLY I wish to give a

NON-threatening, NON-hostile place of networking and exchange to

others. A place " where everyone knows your name.... " but is not afraid

of it!

" Now can we all just get along? "

Love yas


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS



> Hi and Vicki:


> Message trunkated by Jeanetta for your convenience

> Joe Medina, CPhT


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Dear ,

Thank you for your kind words. You have given so much to pharmacy

technicians. I KNOW that you will continue. And you are correct the

collective effort is important. I embrace the fact that 'we' will do

some advocacy and educational work together.

This (the internet itself, this site or other sites)is where AAPT and

NPTA can find and recruit new members.

It is where one's small voice can be heard by large regulation making,

moving and shaking organizations can hear the opinions, albeit varied,

of pharmacy technicians. This is where your idea can be understood and

taken to the masses via ACPE, AAPT, and NPTA.

This is where we can decide to meet or to take action or to attend


This is where we realize WE are IT! WE ARE the road to change.

" Rome was not built in a day.... " and neither will be the changes for

pharm techs.

Thank you for still being here!

Your friend, your professional associate,



> Jeanetta,


> I support you in trying to make this an educational, friendly site.

I also agree that what we desire for our profession will take time.

As the saying goes, " Rome was not built in a day " . But it WILL take a

collective effort from as many techs as we can possibly recruit.

There is strength in numbers. politicians need to realize that all of

us technicians have voting clout. Ignore us and you may not be



> I personally will do as much as I can to promote and grow our

profession, as it has given me so much. Thank you for the example you

set, the hours you put in, and everything that you offer all of us.

It may not seem appreciated, but it is.


> , CPhT



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