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Liver flush

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On Nov. 21, Randall Prue wrote:

<I wish to thank everyone for their liver flush input.

From what I can surmise, for the most part it has to do with lemons, olive

oil, maple syrup and baking soda, not to mention as many variations of the

Edgar Cayce apple diet/cleanse as one might ever want.

In conclusion, I think I'll do the Cayce apple diet unadulterated>


When you finally get your ideal liver flush protocol together, with details,

amounts, and scheduling, would you please post it. I'm thinking about doing

it at the end of my fast, sometime in early December.



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I wish to thank everyone for their liver flush input.

From what I can surmise, for the most part it has to do with lemons, olive

oil, maple syrup and baking soda, not to mention as many variations of the

Edgar Cayce apple diet/cleanse as one might ever want.

In conclusion, I think I'll do the Cayce apple diet unadulterated.

" Straight from the horse-shoe's ass. " , as they say.


Randall Prue

Author of: Keeping Them Alive The O Zone




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Randall wrote:

A>In conclusion, I think I'll do the Cayce apple diet unadulterated.


Would you say what that is? Thanks!




> Randall Prue

>Author of: Keeping Them Alive The O Zone









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>A>In conclusion, I think I'll do the Cayce apple diet unadulterated.


>Would you say what that is? Thanks!

Quoting from " Dr. Harold J. Reilly's 45 years' work with the Cayce

readings, from The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health "

Obtain organic apples, if possible. The Delicious are the easiest fo the

recommended varieties to find.

Both red and yellow may be used... most people prefer the yellow, which

contain the most pectin, a substance that helps to reduce cholesterol. Try

to get a colonic on the first day if that service is available in your


[i have substituted enemas for colonics and used green apples, Granny

, etc.]. Reilly says at least an enema is mandatory to help remove

the toxins. Otherwise you may begin to rebsorb the toxins you are throwing

off from the lower colon. Be sure to take a fume or steam bath and try to

get a massage and do some general exercise.

[You may find yourself wanting lots of baths. Peroxide baths are

compatible -- help to pull the toxins].

Day 1:

Eat as many apples as you like.

[no more, no less]

Peel apples if not organic.

Apple cider, juice and sauce all qualify as apples.

Day 2:

Any number of apples [exactly, no more or less], colonic or enema.

Day 3:

apples, colonic or enema (in the evening, if possible).

Olive Oil:

Cayce recommended 3 ways of taking olive oil but I [Reilly] only use two of


You may have 1 tablespoon each night (can be mixed with hot water).

Or... 2 tablespoons at the end of the 3rd day. If you have a history of

gallbladder trouble or a liver condition, take the minimum amount of olive

oil each day.

He includes enema instructions " a la Reilly " .


Randall Prue

Author of: Keeping Them Alive The O Zone




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Randall, write the enema insturctions too please! :)

He includes enema instructions " a la Reilly "

I had a doc years ago who had me eat apple for three days He said it

would KNOCK me off the platue I was on. FOr I was dieting and Had

reached a platue in the diet.. ( could lose no more WT.)

Now I can do this one cause I can get out of cooking haha

Last night had a interview with a MD I am considering taking on board at

my Hyperbaric center, He is in his 60's looks wonderful, tight stomach

muscles etc.. made me feel like a fatty, I said WOW you look great, what

Is your diet, He replied 20 years of chelation and he eats nothing but

cereal and once in a while fruit, He also gives himself b complex shots

all the time.. Get this He is a lawyer, a DO and a MD.. go figure If I

did that diet I would not have to cook at all!!!:)


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On 11/21/98 8:17 PM, Jawhit007@... said:


>When you finally get your ideal liver flush protocol together, with details,

>amounts, and scheduling, would you please post it. I'm thinking about doing

>it at the end of my fast, sometime in early December.



It would be best NOT to do it right after a fast, unless it is just

a one day fast. Otherwise, the stones will sit in your bowels until

they get moving again. I would do it either during a cleanse, or

right BEFORE a fast, giving yourself a couple of days to eliminate

all of the stones from your colon.


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  • 2 months later...

Holly wrote:

> Would just like to thank Dusan Stojkovicfor a very nice website,

> I will be doing the liver/GB cleanse thanks to you.


I've done her flush method, and consider it the best of the methods I have

tried, but BE SURE to deparisitize first, as Ms. is correct that you will

get more stones out if you do. Also, you have to do another 2-3 liver cleanses

at about 2 months invervals to get them all out. When you do the first cleanse

you will get out the bigger stones and then the smaller ones will move forward &

clog the liver even more, and you will feel bad again in a couple of months. It

is NOT a one-time thing.


When I started on Homozon several months ago I chose to take it with the juice

of a whole lemon in a glass of orange juice. I took this twice a day with the

Homozon. Every time I visited the toilet I noticed my movements were pea green

and I swore I saw soft cholesteral stones passing. In about 7 weeks my liver was

all cleaned out, and my bowel movements turned a light brown & have stayed that

way. All of the upper back pains I had are gone, I can drink coffee again (tho I

only do it rarely) and I can eat pork without getting a headache. All

of these things confirm my liver is flushed out.

The Homozon is optional for this. IMO it is better to do it with the Homozon,

because the constant trips to the toilet keeps the toxins being flushed from

being reabsorbed on their way out.

jim :)


jim@... http://www.doorway.to/madscience

http://www.doorway.to/poetry ICQ:16531148

amicus certus in re incerta

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  • 2 years later...

Hi, thanks for this info, I'm about to do one myself, ugh, am

not looking forward to it, but it helps to hear the good news from their

" ends " , ha, ha, LOL!


This message is cross posted from group.

Hi Everyone,

My husband just did a Dr. liver cleans this past

weekend. This is

his second one. He was having allergy problems again, so decided

to do

that cleanse. He said he successfully passed well over 1,000

stones. He

said he feels better. One thing we do after the cleanse is take


doses of milk thistle. That seems to really help.


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Can I get the information on the Dr. liver cleanse please? My

wife is a type O and suffers from allergies.

Thank you



> This message is cross posted from group.


> --------------------------------

> <bowel cleanse@y...>,

> From: " Karma Tucker " <karma@l...>

> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 17:22:23 -0500

> Reply-gallstones@y...

> Subject: liver flush



> Hi Everyone,

> My husband just did a Dr. liver cleans this past weekend.

This is

> his second one. He was having allergy problems again, so decided

to do

> that cleanse. He said he successfully passed well over 1,000

stones. He

> said he feels better. One thing we do after the cleanse is take


> doses of milk thistle. That seems to really help.



> I don't remember if I posted about my daughter and her cleanse.

She is

> ten, but has had allergies and asthma for quite some time. When

she was a

> baby, she had trouble getting her bowels moving even though I

nursed her.

> My husband's grandfather said that her bile was slow to kick in. I


> wondered if these things were reasons that she had allergies and



> About a month ago, maybe a little longer, she was having some

really bad

> asthma problems. I was having to put her on the nebulizing machine


> night for several treatments. I was beginning to think I was going

to have

> to take her to the emergency room because we couldn't get her


> opened up. Each night was getting worse, so we decided to give her

a liver

> cleanse. It was a pretty rough night for her even though we gave

her the

> Ornithine capsules.


> She kept the olive oil down for a few hours, then threw it up,

which was

> discouraging to me. I thought we had wasted our time. But the next

> morning, she started passing HUGE stones. I had done three

cleanses prior

> to this, so knew what she was going to go through. Her stones were


> larger than anything I passed though.


> She passed hundreds of small ones, but the most amazing thing was


> amount of large ones she passed. If you put your forefinger and


> together to form a circle that is an idea of the size of stones she


> I'm saying at they were over 1 1/2 " in diameter. She passed about

15 of

> them this size and one that was even bigger. It was about the size

of a

> golf ball!!! I was teasing her that her liver wasn't even as big

as these

> HUGE things coming out of her. The most important thing about it

was that

> she hasn't had an asthma attack since!


> That is incredible.


> Another benefit that I have notice from both of them, plus myself

is weight

> coming off. My daughter lost about ten pounds, which put her right


> she needed to be for her age and height. My husband lost weight,

but it is

> too soon to see if it will stay off. :-)



> ~Karma

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Dear gone,

If the recipe is followed and the total amount of Epsom salts

is consumed, the ducts will open large enough to release stones

the size of BRAZIL nuts, never mind peas. This has been reported

to me many times.

The only danger is in skipping the Epsom salts.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH

Reply-To: oxyplus

To: oxyplus

Subject: liver flush

Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 15:45:33 -0700 (PDT)

I copied this from another list and a friend told me

that this is true.

If the stones are large enough one could become lodged

in the bile duct. An ultra-sound look is the only way

to be sure how many & how large. I was fortunate that

the stone only wedged in for two days & then squeeked

on thru. If it had not passed I would have had to have

the large incision operation instead of the laproscopy

which was done in the morning & I was out that

evening. The bladder contained 22 stones about half

the size of a large pea. I've seen pictures,on the

net, that showed some huge stones that were supposedly

passed doing the liver flush & that might be true but

I would never take the chance.


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Dear Joe,

I have heard this fear of lodging in the bile duct before,

sometimes by naturopaths. However, it is not a big concern

because the Epsom salts cause the duct to relax and it can

pass very large objects, without pain or even sensation.

Get a Brazil nut and look at it. It is big! And reports are

that many of people pass stones this big, and bigger. The duct

is only the size of a pencil. Yet it is able to stretch to

accomodate the passage of this large an object.

Just follow the directions as given and the chance of having

a problem is very remote. The body is a wonderful creation.

Just relax and let it do its thing. Your liver will thank you

for it.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH



" INTERNET:oxyplus " <oxyplus >

Subject: liver flush

Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 09:27:37 -0400

I would like Sauls thoughts on these loding in the bile duct. I have read

him say many times that the epsom salts will assist to make sure this

doesnt happen, and Im reading all I can as I want to do a liver flush, and

may do so after speaking to my doctor since I had a procedure to open my

duct couple of years ago (no parts inserted). I guess I am just plain

scared of one getting lodged in the duct and any pain associated with doing

a cleanse and I am trying to read all about the liver cleanse.

Any help holding my hand would be appreciated.



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There are liver flush procedures touted that do not

call for epsom salts. That may be where the alarms

come from.


--- " (GR) " wrote:

> I would like Sauls thoughts on these loding in the

> bile duct. I have read

> him say many times that the epsom salts will assist

> to make sure this

> doesnt happen, and Im reading all I can as I want to

> do a liver flush, and

> may do so after speaking to my doctor since I had a

> procedure to open my

> duct couple of years ago (no parts inserted). I

> guess I am just plain

> scared of one getting lodged in the duct and any

> pain associated with doing

> a cleanse and I am trying to read all about the

> liver cleanse.

> Any help holding my hand would be appreciated.

> Joe



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To support what Saul just said, Dr. Bernard Jensen, in his book on colon

cleansing, said people have passed stones as big as GOLF BALLS! In my

first flush, I passed a couple as big as quarters, and didn't know it

til I looked at them.

The concern that it " could " cause problems is never -- in my experience

-- made by anyone who is familiar, at all, with liver flushing. As

example, when I told my MD I had just done one, he told me it wasn't

possible to get stones from the liver or gall bladder that way. I

offered to bring him one for testing, and if I was right, he would

forever treat me free, if wrong, I'd pay double. I would have thought

someone as convinced as he sounded would have taken me up on that bet.

But, he didn't put his money where his mouth is. ;-)

jim :)

Saul Pressman wrote:


> Dear Joe,


> I have heard this fear of lodging in the bile duct before,

> sometimes by naturopaths. However, it is not a big concern

> because the Epsom salts cause the duct to relax and it can

> pass very large objects, without pain or even sensation.


> Get a Brazil nut and look at it. It is big! And reports are

> that many of people pass stones this big, and bigger. The duct

> is only the size of a pencil. Yet it is able to stretch to

> accomodate the passage of this large an object.


> Just follow the directions as given and the chance of having

> a problem is very remote. The body is a wonderful creation.

> Just relax and let it do its thing. Your liver will thank you

> for it.


> Best of Health!

> Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH


The TRUTH in 11 words:

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened!

-- anon

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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Thanks for this information.

I have been studying for last several weeks to be sure I know what Im


Your words relaxed me some what on some trepidation I have had on doing

the Liver Cleanse.



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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi . I did one with homozon once and it seemed to work fine.







>A few days ago I saw a post explaining how to do a liver flush using Water

>Oz magnesium. Did anyone on here post it as I meant to keep it but have

>lost it???


>I have done a few successful flushes but the last two the epsom salts has

>made me seriously nauseous and last night I vomited the oil/lemon drink and

>so the flush didn't work.


>Any other suggestions appreciated








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Hi Donna

How much homozon did you use - just the suggested dose?


Re: Liver Flush

> Hi . I did one with homozon once and it seemed to work fine.


> Blessings

> Donna

> http://www.excellentthings.com


> wrote:


> >Hi

> >

> >A few days ago I saw a post explaining how to do a liver flush using


> >Oz magnesium. Did anyone on here post it as I meant to keep it but have

> >lost it???

> >

> >I have done a few successful flushes but the last two the epsom salts has

> >made me seriously nauseous and last night I vomited the oil/lemon drink


> >so the flush didn't work.

> >

> >Any other suggestions appreciated

> >

> >Thanks

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >





> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

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> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

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the message! :


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Guest guest

Thanks Donna I'll give that a try

Re: Liver Flush

> Same as what is recommended of the epsom salts. Just substituted it

> straight across


> Blessings

> Donna

> http://www.excellentthings.com.


> wrote:


> >Hi Donna

> >

> >How much homozon did you use - just the suggested dose?

> >

> >Thanks

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >





> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest


I don't quite understand how to navigate that curezone web site, so I was unable

to find your info -- all I could find was a bunch of question and answer forums.

The two questions I had about these flushes is how often can you do them? A

friend of mine said that since it makes your gallbladder contract so violently

that you should only do it every 3 months -- do you agree? Also, is freshly

juiced apples instead of apple cider effective for softening the stones?

Thanks, Beth

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  • 4 months later...

Dear Debbie,

It has nothing to do with squeezing the gall bladder.

It is a two part process:

1) The biliary tubes in the liver are relaxed by the Epsom salts

2) The emulsified oil flushes the stones out of the tubes

Whether there is a gallbladder to receive these stones and pass them on to

the intestine is irrelevant. In fact, the tiny common bile duct is the most

likely spot for a stone to get stuck, so not having a gallbladder would

actually make a liver cleanse even easier, in theory.

All herbs have to be processed by the liver. When you take herbs, you are

asking the liver to do more work, which is not what it needs, if it is

plugged up.

I know that naturopaths are trained at Bastyr to discount the liver cleanse,

but that is not done on grounds of science (they erroneously claim the

stones are the result of saponification of the oil), but on the basis of

commercial interest (half the people they see would be cured by a couple of

liver cleanses, without buying expensive supplements). It is sad to see the

aping of the allopathic model by the NMDs, where herbs are substituted for

drugs, without any clear understanding of the cleansing process. And now the

health food store people are picking up the same incorrect information.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman



Re: Re: liver flush, -now without a gallbladder

> I've asked a version of this same question which got

> no responce from anyone here. I have no gallbladder. I

> believe they say it is the squeezing of the GB that

> forces the stones out so if you have none, what good

> does it do to soak your liver with all that oil? or

> does something still work. The herbal people think

> liver flushes are barbaric of course:). I can see

> their points but they are not chronically ill, having

> practiced what they preach for years:).


> --- " C. " <holisticparents@...> wrote:


> > Hello there.

> >

> > I have a friend who had her gallbladder removed

> > years ago. She is on a quest for health and is

> > following all of the information I have passed on to

> > her and THEN some! ;-)

> >

> > She has just completed the 14 days master cleanse,

> > lost 20 lbs and is down to 205. She felt great while

> > on the cleanse, now not so much.

> >

> > She now wants to do the liver cleanse but has read

> > Hulda s book. She wants to know how important

> > it is to follow the other cleanses first, especially

> > since she does not have a gallbladder. They take

> > weeks to complete and she is anxious to get to the

> > liver cleanse and she would like to do another 14

> > day fast before Christmas as well.

> >

> > I do have some Homozon (although it's been on the

> > shelf for a few years) that I could give her and

> > she has access to my ozone generator, zappers etc.

> >

> > I've only ever done the cleanses as per Hulda ,

> > so I 'm not sure where to find the info she is

> > looking for.

> >

> > Any thoughts on a protocol for her to follow?

> >

> > thanks

> >

> > wendy

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Thanks Dr Saul,

I had tried liver cleases many years ago. First one

nothing happened. Second one was a great success,

about 1/4 cup stones. The third one the epsom salts

did not work(I had a hard time with my colon back then

you may remember) and the fourth attempt scared me, no

passing of anything after drinking the epsom salts and

then nothing for three days:)

If your liver is a bit hard, is this still good to

do? Thank you again, Deb

--- Saul Pressman <saul@...> wrote:

> Dear Debbie,


> It has nothing to do with squeezing the gall

> bladder.


> It is a two part process:

> 1) The biliary tubes in the liver are relaxed by the

> Epsom salts

> 2) The emulsified oil flushes the stones out of the

> tubes


> Whether there is a gallbladder to receive these

> stones and pass them on to

> the intestine is irrelevant. In fact, the tiny

> common bile duct is the most

> likely spot for a stone to get stuck, so not having

> a gallbladder would

> actually make a liver cleanse even easier, in

> theory.


> All herbs have to be processed by the liver. When

> you take herbs, you are

> asking the liver to do more work, which is not what

> it needs, if it is

> plugged up.


> I know that naturopaths are trained at Bastyr to

> discount the liver cleanse,

> but that is not done on grounds of science (they

> erroneously claim the

> stones are the result of saponification of the oil),

> but on the basis of

> commercial interest (half the people they see would

> be cured by a couple of

> liver cleanses, without buying expensive

> supplements). It is sad to see the

> aping of the allopathic model by the NMDs, where

> herbs are substituted for

> drugs, without any clear understanding of the

> cleansing process. And now the

> health food store people are picking up the same

> incorrect information.


> Best of Health!

> Dr. Saul Pressman




> -


> Re: Re: liver flush, -now without

> a gallbladder



> > I've asked a version of this same question which

> got

> > no responce from anyone here. I have no

> gallbladder. I

> > believe they say it is the squeezing of the GB

> that

> > forces the stones out so if you have none, what

> good

> > does it do to soak your liver with all that oil?

> or

> > does something still work. The herbal people think

> > liver flushes are barbaric of course:). I can see

> > their points but they are not chronically ill,

> having

> > practiced what they preach for years:).

> >

> > --- " C. " <holisticparents@...> wrote:

> >

> > > Hello there.

> > >

> > > I have a friend who had her gallbladder removed

> > > years ago. She is on a quest for health and is

> > > following all of the information I have passed

> on to

> > > her and THEN some! ;-)

> > >

> > > She has just completed the 14 days master

> cleanse,

> > > lost 20 lbs and is down to 205. She felt great

> while

> > > on the cleanse, now not so much.

> > >

> > > She now wants to do the liver cleanse but has

> read

> > > Hulda s book. She wants to know how

> important

> > > it is to follow the other cleanses first,

> especially

> > > since she does not have a gallbladder. They take

> > > weeks to complete and she is anxious to get to

> the

> > > liver cleanse and she would like to do another

> 14

> > > day fast before Christmas as well.

> > >

> > > I do have some Homozon (although it's been on

> the

> > > shelf for a few years) that I could give her and

> > > she has access to my ozone generator, zappers

> etc.

> > >

> > > I've only ever done the cleanses as per Hulda

> ,

> > > so I 'm not sure where to find the info she is

> > > looking for.

> > >

> > > Any thoughts on a protocol for her to follow?

> > >

> > > thanks

> > >

> > > wendy

> > >

> > >

> __________________________________________________

> > >

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