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Off topic issues & Dehydration

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hello all,

Just a short-ish post at the moment, but must respond to the post about chat

replys with miles of original post still attached to it...seeing the same

info over and over, scrolling forever. Ug, I agree, we all need to use the

cut and paste tool as well as the delete key when replying to each other to

keep these digests from getting soooooooooo long! If you need to leave the

orig. message at the bottom for reference, fine...but delete the rest!

As for the discussion about (de)hydration and water: Having worked in the

Naturopathic industry off and on for over a decade, I can tell you that

there is significant evidence circulating in the ND community that most

people (especially North

Americans) are chronically dehydrated and that this could be a major trigger

for ,or root cause, of some of our ills. I cannot pull up the specific info

at this moment as I have an impatient 7 yr old next to me who would like her

turn playing a computer game...:-) But I will attempt to gather this info

and post at a later time.

The basic truth about thirst is this: by the time you feel thirsty it is

already too late. You are already dehydrated and have been for hours or

days. The human body needs a minimum of 8 eight oz. glasses of water or

clear liquid (such as juice) a day to maintain a healthy balance of

electrolytes and metabolism. Sodas and coffee don't count. Both have

properties that leech precious minerals from our bones, teeth and tissues-

especially anything carbonated which depletes magnesium and phosphorus.

Tea, especially herbal or green tea, is a good liquid source and contains

tannins which are potent anti-oxidants. There is a company called Alacer,

they are the manufacturer of some excellent supplements including Emergen-C

(an electrolytic vitamin C " naturally fizzing " drink mix - it is not

carbonated!). Some of you may be familiar with it? I keep about 10 boxes of

it around just for immunity- my kids love it, it helps them during cold/flu

season and Vit. C is a natural anti-histamine.

If you are having an allergic response you can drink 1 packet (equiv. to

1000mg of bio-available vit. C) every 15 minutes and it will usually halt

the sneezing, itchyness, etc. If you have a major allergy that could cause

anaphlaxis then of course this method would not be for you. But the

Emergen-C contains a highly bio-available combo of electrolytic vitamins and

minerals. It is balanced for best absorption and since our bodies are 75%

water, taking any supplement or medicine in a liquid form speeds up

absorption. It is also best to remember that we all have a limit on how much

C we can take a day.

It is called bowel tolerance and sounds like what it is. If you take too

much Vit. C (usually 6000 mgs a day is considered to bowel tolerance) it can

be quite a potent laxative, if you get my drift! But there are some ND's

that capitalize on this side-effect to high doses of Vit. C and use it as

part of a detoxifying regimen. The general consensus is that it is safe to

take up to and possibly even more than 10,000 mgs of Vit. C a day- find your

own comfort level. This nutrient is not fat-soluable so whatever the body

does not use is excreted via the kidneys. Some ND's will remind you about

acheiving balance. Too much of one vit. or mineral can lead to a depletion

of its natural counterpart. Ex: Too much Calcium depletes Magnesium. Thus

why it is usually packaged in one capsule or tablet in its natural ratio of

2:1. If you take 1000 mg of calcium you should co-administer 500mg of

Magnesium to maintain balance and prevent malabsorption or depletion of a

nutrient. I could go on but my daughter is poking me in the ribs and saying

" are you done yet? " every 5 seconds...

So, you can look the company up if you do a Google search. The founding

father of Alacer has written some profound ( " anecdotal " ?) information on his

own studies of the long-term effects of chronic dehydration on the human

body. His belief is that chronic dehydration causes/triggers/aids everything

from headaches, acne, to terminal diseases.

Bottom line: Chuck the vanilla cokes and coffee, gang! Drink herb teas, or

the Emergen-C packets, and lots of purified water. If bladder spasm and

urgency is still an issue for you then just be sure you don't drink after 7

or 8 pm at night. This is what I do. Oriental modalities (OMD or Eastern

Medicine) states that water should not be taken with ice...cool is fine,

tepid is best, but not ice cold. It upsets the balance of the body's Qi and

cold feeds cancer cells and diseased tissues. People who

crave ice-cold drinks usually have an imbalance in the body's sympathetic

nervous system (SNS) and the SNS is problematic in patients with MS. Also

anyone with an adrenal issue or autoimmune disease has SNS issues.

Any ??? about any of this? Feel free to message me directly.

And many many heartfelt thanks to those of you who have been sending me

private emails wishing me good luck on my

upcoming liver biopsy. Your support and encouragement has meant the world to

me. I feel quite blessed to have found this forum and feel such hope for the

future when I think about the possibilities that LDN offer. My biggest hug

goes to Sam (RedTruck) and to the rest of you...We may have never met

face-to-face, but we are global neighbors, and definitely becoming friends.

I send you all a great big hug (wash it down with a glass of purified water,

would ya?) :-)

Best, Lara

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