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EPFX and the FDA and Panic Attacks

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The only thing you have to fear is panic. The EPFX works and time will prove

that beyond any shadow of doubt.

Things always look the worst at the end of the storm. New technology of any kind

goes through three phases of public acceptance:

First, the public believes it won't work, it harms people, it's fake science,

it's all hocus-pocus and it's a scam.

Second, a few brave people begin to show it does work, it helps people, it's

good science, it's for real and it's a good thing.

Third, the public believes this is the standard for care and everybody uses it.

It's the second step where things get dicey and that's where we are right now.

The EPFX has caught the attention of both the FDA and Big Pharma. Both fight

dirty. Both think they're right. Both think they can destroy this industry now.

Both are dead wrong!

Those of you who hang in there, make no false claims and concentrate on talking

the talk will survive and become the leaders of this industry.

I've been there. I watched classical biofeedback go through this same battle in

the 70s. I watched eeg biofeedback go through it in the early 90s. I watched

audio-visual entrainment devices go through it in the late 90s. Those who stuck

it out not only survived, they became industry leaders in about five years.

That's where quantum biofeedback is today -- in the middle of the fight to

survive. Survive you will if history is any indication; and the survivors will

become the leaders of the industry.

Sell your device? Wrong time! (Good time to buy more if they come your way at a

discount price.)

Close your business? Wrong time! (Good time to buy a business at bargain


Make claims other than relaxation to reduce stress? Wrong time!

(Good time to talk about reducing stress.)

Make claims other than reducing pain? Wrong time! (Good time to talk about

reducing pain.)

Panic? Never the right time. (Good time to be a professional!)

This time is the opportunity of a lifetime to build a good practice training

people to relax so they can manage their stress and pain. Travel the high road

and be a consummate professional. You will attract clients in spite of the

turmoil all around you. More than that, when the current hard times are behind

us, you'll be one of the leaders in quantum biofeedback.

Get ready for the good days that always follow any war! Embrace this time of

trial and do what you love to do: help people learn how to heal themselves with

quantum biofeedback! In the next few years it will become the standard of care.

Be there and be one of the leaders in quantum biofeedback.

The press will move on to something more juicy at the moment and you'll still be

there doing what you love to do and helping people heal themselves. I can't see

anything bad about that!


PS: I think NTCB certification will help you become a respected professional in

spite of all the bad press right now.


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