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what is candida

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Hi Friday,

No Worries. Candida, also known as Candida Albicans, is a strain of a yeast-like critter. It is naturally present in the human body but its numbers usually kept in check by our "friendly flora" like Acidophilus and Bifidus. Certain factors, such as too much sugar/refined foods/alcohol or taking too many antibiotics can disrupt the body's natural balance of friendly to invasive flora. Then the Candida takes over and (especially in women) you can develop a yeast infection or Candadiasis.

There are many side effects/symptoms of having an overgrowth of Candida in your system.

Too many to list here but some are:

nail fungus

chronic headaches

cravings for sweets (feeds the candida)

IBS or spastic colon

food sensitivities

chronic fatigue

the list goes on and on.

I won't describe the most obvious symptom because any woman on this board who has ever had a yeast infection knows the misery I would speak of! ;-)

In 1989 I was dx'd with a systemic candida infection (can be confirmed by a naturopathic doctor who performs a stool test)

due to about 18 yrs of over-treatment with antibiotics. A very young and very inexperienced intern reading my labs suggesting I might have leukemia. So I went to the ND and he found the Candidiasis. Just turned out to be a major body-wide yeast infection. I had it everywhere! I did a de-toxing diet for 6 months (Dr. Page's Book "Healthy Healing" has an excellend diet for detoxing Candida) then a maintenance diet for another 6 months. I felt like a new person. It was the healthiest I've ever been in my life.

Come to think of it- I should probably do the diet again :-) Tho' I don't get yeast infections anymore...haven't had one in nearly 13 years. But I eat a lot of cultured food, like yogurt and kefir cheese which all contain the friendly critters like Acidophilus. Think I'll have my LDN compounded with acidophilus as the filler next time just as added precaution!

Happy Tuesday, (oops Wednesday to you, Friday) :-)


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