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Hi Rose! Welcome to the group. I'm in Ottawa.


new to this group

> Hi everyone

> We live in Ontario ,Canada.I am new to the group after reading The Real

> Boy by .

> I have a sweet boy who was born premature at 25weeks gestation he is

> now 6yrs old with Autism, we discoved this when he was about 2 years

> old. We have been busy doing a home program ABA since that time.

> Arun's speech has been very slow to come we do sign now which helps him

> verbalize more. I am interested in Dr Goldberg's work and look forward

> to learning lots on this group.


> Anyone from Canada in this group.


> Thanks

> Rose Chand




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> Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

> the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Welocme, glad you r here! Sorry about the insurance

situation, that does make it tough. I'm glad that you

have a least one devoted supporter in your daughter,

that is awesome! I'm glad that you having better days!

Feel free to ask just about anything and feel free to

vent if need be. Take care. Kim

--- kami19502001 <kami19502001@...> wrote:

> hello to all, i am so grateful to my daughter (whose

> talked with a few

> of you) for finding this group for me. i can already

> feel how great it

> is to have this support and to know you're all out

> there willing to

> listen or give advise at any given time. thank-you

> for that!! i'm

> looking forward to getting to know some of you in

> time.i'm 55yrs. old.

> after 30yrs. being married to the love of my life

> (he was my 1st.

> boyfriend at 12yrs. old)it all ended. at that time i

> had a business

> which i had to close. the stress of everything

> brought on the r.a.

> unfortunately, when my marriage ended so did the

> insurance. that made

> it difficult to seek the treatment i probablly

> needed for the past

> 6yrs. i just recently started seeing a

> rheumutologist who has me on

> prednisone, mtx and folic. i have to say at this

> moment i feel pretty

> good. that's not typical. anyway, thanks for

> listening and know that i

> really appreciate all of you. kathie










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Guest guest

Welcome to the group, Kathie!

I'm so sorry about the end of your marriage and your business. That must

have been extremely difficult for you.

It's great that you are feeling better.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] new to this group

> hello to all, i am so grateful to my daughter (whose talked with a few

> of you) for finding this group for me. i can already feel how great it

> is to have this support and to know you're all out there willing to

> listen or give advise at any given time. thank-you for that!! i'm

> looking forward to getting to know some of you in time.i'm 55yrs. old.

> after 30yrs. being married to the love of my life (he was my 1st.

> boyfriend at 12yrs. old)it all ended. at that time i had a business

> which i had to close. the stress of everything brought on the r.a.

> unfortunately, when my marriage ended so did the insurance. that made

> it difficult to seek the treatment i probablly needed for the past

> 6yrs. i just recently started seeing a rheumutologist who has me on

> prednisone, mtx and folic. i have to say at this moment i feel pretty

> good. that's not typical. anyway, thanks for listening and know that i

> really appreciate all of you. kathie

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  • 8 months later...


I have just joined this group.A little about me:I go by Endura, on

the net,

I am 50+ woman, married for 29+ years, have 2 grown daughters and I

have 2 grandsons.

At age 5 I got Legg Perthes disease in my left hip and wore a brace

for over 3 years, after I was " cured " they just took me off my brace

and said goodbye, 40 years ago or so they did not do much therapy.

Not using my leg for over 3 years left it over an inch shorter and

Muscle astrophied .....I have had trouble with it since, causing my

pelvic area to twist some and spine to , because the length

difference between my left and right leg , leaving me with arthritis

in my hip and neck, shoulders and spine.Working as a nursing aide at

a nursing home and lifting alot for 14 years did'nt help either.

I have Hypothyroidism, and doc says I have fibromyalgia and

arithritis, probably ra and osteo, never been to a specialist for

it , just family doc, had xrays, and blood test but nothing has told

me for sure , we are just going mainly on all my many symptoms, and

they are many .There is not a bone in my body, or muscle as well

that does not hurt at any given time, I don't ever remember not


I don't care to much for conventional medications for my treatment,

other than the normal OTC pain meds the so called stronger pain meds

over the years I have found to be a big hype at least for me I get

better pain relief when I get it from Ibuprofen ,asa, and darvon, the

prescriptions that I have tried for pain, antidepressants, and sleep,

don't do any better than my herbal/vitamin/diet approach, plus I hate

all the side effects of prescriptions.

So I study books, and internet for latest info on the 'natural'

approach , and by trial and error , I hope to find a balanced ,

healthy approach to maintaining some relief from the pain and

discomfort I find myself in.

My Hubby is a trucker and I travel with him since I can't really hold

down a job any more, so I maintain home on the road, living on the

road has many challenges for a healthy person, so one who has some

physical problems it tends to add to my overall pain and discomfort,

but hey we all have challenges in this life, do we not?

The results I get with my 'natural' approach, I must say are about

equal to what I have read from those on the prescriptions meds, and

sometimes they work and sometimes they don't , I have found my frame

of mind at any given time is the key to whether I am having a good

day or not.And for me the Weather plays havoc with my body , and

traveling like I do, I tend to go in and out of many different

weather patterns and have found that I can really predict the weather

pretty accurately from how it makes me feel, I am getting real good

at it, although I prefer that I didn't.It would hurt a whole lot

less .

enough about me, I hope to learn much from ya all, and I hope to get

emotional support as well, cause when you hurt , you feel all alone

in the world, until you realize that there are many out there just

like me, I am sorry to say, cause pain ain't no fun.

for what it is worth

blessed be


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  • 8 months later...


I am new to this group. I am a Stay At Home Mom of 3, and 35 years

old. I have had severe asthma all of my life. I will begin Xolair

next week. I am a little nervous about the side effects and am glad I

found this group. Do any of you have any suggestions about my firt

treatment? Anything suggestions to calm my nerves?

Thank You,


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Hi Kristy,

Welcome to the group. I too was a little nervous my

first Xolair shot and I think its normal to be a

little anxious.

I will have my 7th shot next week and I don't even

think of anything like that when I get my shot now. I

just think about the 2 years before when I was so sick

and on so much prednisone I was miserble. I think

about last year in the winter being attached to my

nebulizer from Thanksgiving until New Years and taking

80 mg of prednisone for over a week. Back then I

would just go outside in the " cold " (: California

winter air and start coughing.

Kristy, After being on Xolair for 2 months I started

improving (however it's different for everyone and it

can take up to 6 months to a year for some) After

using my neb for 2 years at least 3 times a day. I now

only use it or my inhaler an average of 3-5 times a

week and I haven't had any prednisone!!!!! We call

that the " evil candy " .

So now when I get my shot I know that because of

Xolair I have a new found freedom and can do the

things I want. My husband and I went on our honeymoon

to the Riveria Maya this July. I was able to do

everything I wanted I went snorkeling 5 times and swam

down to a Cenote (underground river that feeds into

the ocean) Raced my husband on the sedo's as the ocean

wind hit my face (without coughing) I hiked at

Chitchen Itza to see the Mayan Ruins.

Yes, I still wheeze and I still have asthma but,I have

improved so much. I am always prepared and have an

epi-pen if needed.

So my advice to help calm your nerves is to think


how many people have been helped by Xolair and what it

will be like for you to start improving. Think about

how much better you could feel, breathe and how much

more you will be able to enjoy living and being a


Take care I'll be praying for you!



Note from Doug

Group founder:


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  • 2 months later...


Right after Thanksgiving dinner I've started having pains below my right rib

cage. It hurts when I take a breath or when I move and turn suddenly. I am so

scared to have surgery.

My Aunt had her gall bladder out years ago, but eats what ever she wants with

no problems.

But, reading what you all have written only makes me more apprehensive about


Rev. Pat=

Gallassero <gallassero@...> wrote:

The first day I joined this forum, I Knew I would probably not be having


elan_spire wrote: --- In gallstones , " witchyyybitch "



> I know the surgery probably isn't for everyone

> So I was just at a loss and didnt know what to do.

I'm curious, since you joined this forum (which is totally geared

toward liver flushes and internal cleansing) and posted here asking

for advice, would you mind sharing why you didn't at least try to do

what's advocated here and give yourself a series of liver flushes to

remove the stones painlessly and non-invasively before deciding to go

under the knife and have your gall bladder removed permanently? I've

been reading a lot about gallstones and liver flushing, and it sounds

to me, like Jess said, that there are a lot of people who have their

gall bladders removed surgically, and yet still end up with pain from

stones, so I'm just confused as to why someone wouldn't at least try

to hang onto their internal organs, by doing what they could to clean

them out from the inside, before having them cut out.



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I had similar symptoms last year and went to see my doctor.

Fortunately, my doctor recommended changing my diet rather than

surgery. We all know that is unusual given that most doctors jump

into surgery.

At that time, I started getting educated on gallbladder health.

Within a short period of time, I have eliminated my gallbladder


Do not have your gallbladder removed! It is an organ that you need!

It is a very rare life-threatening case that requires removal of the

gallbladder. The vast majority can be addressed with diet and/or

cleansing (I recommend both).

Removal of the gallbladder causes extra burden on the liver. Once

this is done, you need to take certain supplements the rest of your

life to try to compensate for the missing organ. Not a good


Of course you have no more pain because the painful organ is gone,

but you need that organ. It serves a vital function.

Additionally, anyone who has gallstones also has stones in the

liver. You won't feel pain in the liver from these stones, but your

liver will not operate properly. Again, this can be addressed with

diet and cleanses.

I had two unnecessary surgeries (unrelated to the gallbladder) as I

later learned, so I am so thankful that I became educated on this and

avoided a third big mistake!

Doctors are not trained in preventing illness, they primarily know

prescriptions and surgeries. I am absolutely convinced that we can

prevent so many health problems with proper diet. But we have to

educate ourselves on this.

Good luck to you...

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Rita,

My name is , i just started taking methotrexate and have had a lot of

side effects. for one I can't hardly get out of bed. My rhummy said that

although the reaction is not typical it is possible , so that might be the same

thing with your side effects. Sometimes I call the pharmacist for advice with

all these meds I'm taking. Doctors can make you feel like you're wasting their


good luck,

Rita <ritaaina@...> wrote:

My name is Rita. I am 51 years old and live in Bakersfield

California. I have had fibromyalgia since I was 15 years old. I just

got diagnosed with RA several weeks ago. I did not diagnosed with FM

until 1994 and have had it for 36 years. When the doctor did labs back

then the tests for RA were false positive. I had one rheumatologist

tell me 10 years ago that I have RA and put me on Plaquenil. I am not

sure if I have had RA this long. I started having hand pain in

December. My present rheumatologist did labs and x-rays of my hands

and tailbone. They showed early signs of RA. My hands and fingers are

puffy and swollen. When I went to see last week she put me on

Methotrexate 10mg which I started 2 days ago. Two hours after I took

the Methotrexate I started coughing and I have felt awful since. I

have a runny nose, sore throat, cough, burning eyes and have a dull

headache. Has anyone ever had this problem with Methotrexate? I am

going to call my doctor and let her know. Does anyone know of any

Arthritis Support Groups in Central California?



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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Peggy: I was so surprised to see you join. This group is fantastic, and you

will get a lot of answers. Everyone is going through something different and

yet the same. I know everything you have been going through, but why are they

asking you for money for your BMB if you have insurance with your husband? See

if anyone else is dealing with the same thing. I know there are some who need

the disability also.

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