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first shot

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I finally got my first shot after waiting for 2 months to get it. I

read other posting and I to feel a little tried, slightly dizzy, and

heavy headed. Hopefully it is gone tommorow.



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I felt AWFUL after the first two injections - achy, an

extreme overtired feeling, couldn't concentrate, super

irritable, just off - that night and the next day. I

made it a special point to have the shot around my

meeting schedule so I could just go home and crash on

weeks I had no meetings. The third one was much

better, and after shot six I went Christmas shopping.

As long as you are not having an adverse reaction,

stick it out a while longer. Hopefully your post-shot

symptoms will lessen in a few months and you'll no

longer view it as a dreaded ordeal.



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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  • 7 months later...

It depends on the lab who conducts the test. But, generally, if it

is either RAST or Immunocap, a Class 1 is considered to be low

positive. That doesn't necessarily guarantee what your reaction will

be though if exposed. To put it into perspective. I am a 4 for both

RAST and Immunocap for Wheat and Gluten and almost a 5 for most

molds and fungus for Immunocap. But, when skin tested I really only

react to molds and fungus. Stuff that I have a lot of 1s for, like

grasses, maple trees, German Cockroach, I react a lot higher to on

the skin tests. So, basically, what I have conceded to, is to avoid

or eliminate the 3,4 or 5 on blood test and do the same for the 4

and 5 for the skin test. I accept that I will always be atopic, it

is just about mitigating the severity. By the way, since the 4th

month of Xolair, no asthma meds and I use the rescue maybe once or

twice a week. My atopy hits my GI tract and skin more than my lungs.


> Good Morning All!! Well I am glad that it is over, I was all


> up over starting Xolair. I got one shot in my arm and one in my

> tummy. I will NEVER do the arm again. Not sure if it is cause I

> have skinny arms or what but that one hurt really bad, all the way


> my fingers. The one in my tummy did not hurt bad at all. I was


> sick to my stomach, not sure if that is because of nerves or the


> or lack of food, but once I ate, it only got worse. I was also a


> dizzy but again I believe that is cause of the nerves. But today


> am feeling good.


> Yesterday I was told that my milk and beef allergy were a class


> does anyone know what that means?? The gal I saw yesterday, not


> normally dr, also told me that I need to stay away from buffalo,

> which I had a trace reaction too on the test but have not had a

> reaction that I know of. ARG!!! I am running out of foods that I

> CAN eat. (Can't have pork or potatoes either.) Also does anyone


> a new reaction to shellfish since starting the shots?


> Thanks for any advice you all have!!!


> God Bless,

> Dana


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