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Controlling yeast

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Hi ,

I am no yeast expert but I did have to fight it's effects for 10years. Diet

is important e.g removing bread, sugars, fruit, potatoe, molds (nuts etc)

from diet.

As supplements go I found caprylic acid good while swapping this every two

weeks with grape seed extract supplements (BioCare's Biocidin forte). In the

UK I received the Biocidin on prescription.

You have my sympthay.

I hope you feel you are in charge of this yeast problem soon.


Controlling Yeast

> Hi Laurie and others,

> I would like to know from you and any other yeast experts out there

> what is the single most effective yeast treatment. I will probably

> be asking my new doc for a prescription anti-fungal like nystatin but

> have consistantly heard there are effective nonprescription

> alternatives as well. In the past 15 weeks while on 300mg

> minocycline daily I have only used diet and probiotics to combat the

> yeast. This worked " ok " but many times my stools would turn soft

> anyway, (fall apart)and I would have to increase the probiotic

> dosage. I would just like to know what as worked best for others.

> Kind Regards






> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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I 've heard Yeast Avenger is a good product but I haven't tried it yet. I

have had a candida problem for years and years. It comes w mercury for me.

They make a real toxic package I think.

There is a great board for yeast questions - with a great archive. Look

under www.healthyawareness.com I think that is it. Or try a search of The

Candida Forum. Tons of info.

I do well sometimes with Biotics Brand ADP - it's oil of oregano.

Good luck,

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I'm no expert, but have been trying some things. I recall Stania

saying that doctors over in the Czech Republic don't regard Nystatin

as safe (Stania?), and Diflucan is hard on your liver. I took

Diflucan once, and it worked very fast, but my MD said that she

didn't want me to have it very often and would keep an eye on my

liver if I took any more of it.

I have been using the " Yeast Avenger " probiotic from CFSN and went

from really soft stool, to being constipated. I took some herbal

type things to help correct this, but now I think I'm used to it and

everything seems quite normal.

I also take Olive Leaf Extract " Eastpark " , but you can get it cheaper

from NEEDS. I stopped for some reason, and yeast overgrowth happened

afterwards. Went back on OLE, and the yeast got better. Personally

(and this may be subjective), I think I'm OK on yeast, using these

two products, and keeping the acidic things on hand for backup -

grapefruit seed extract, capryllic acid, etc.. I also take a

probiotic blend from Jarrow.

Minocycline is also easier for the yeast problem, so I've actually

gotten away with some dietary " no-nos " . I expect to move over to

Zithromax soon, and will have to adopt a more careful diet, I'm sure.

(...I haven't tried Oil of Oregano and have heard from other

people that it's helpful. I think I'll get some, to keep around

as " insurance " )

Laurie Lassesen

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I don't have personal experience yet as I am still waiting for

ordered things to come in. But I just finished a lot of internet

research on Alternative treatments for Candida.

below is a list of all the treatment I found recomended.

-Oil of oregano -recomended by Dr. Atkins - generally seems reguarded

as most potent from what i've read. Also kills a lot of other things.

-Grapefruit seed extract- www.nutriteam.com. Also supposed to be a

powerful anti parasitic

-Caprilic acid

-Pau d'Arco - widely available together with caprilic acid

as " caprilin "

-Undecenoic acid - available from Modernherbalist.com

I found two places (modernherbalist.com, www.health-truth.com) that

said that candida treatments work best if rotated every four days.

This to keep the candida off guard so it doesn't become resistant to

the treatment, as candida can apparently change forms. Rotating four

treatments every four days is supposed to prevent this.

Have also read is several places that Olive leaf Extract is effective

against candida. My own feeling was that it would not be good to

rotate as it per Ken and others is also working against mycoplasma,

etc. I plan to take it full time.

Have also read that the following can help to heal the gut from

wounds left by cleared Candida

Probiotics - of course




Aloe vera

Also diet is most important.

Remeber, this is not my experience, just my internet research. soon I


have experience as I have ordered the above.


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Hi ,

The following is a list of anti-fungals, which was compiled by members of

the yeast list. The link

is mentioned below in case you wish to join this list.

If you choose colloidal silver, GSE or garlic for treatment, please note

that it is strongly recommended

to take probiotics at least 1 1/2 - 2 hours later.

Hope this information helps,



The anti-fungals are listed by the part of the body they affect, so some of

them are on here more than once. Most of them can be purchased in health

food stores or

on-line. Some, as noted, are only available by prescription. Some of the

harder-to-find ones are sold by members of this list, so if you have


finding a particular anti-fungal that you want to try, ask on the list.

STOMACH (take orally):

Caprylic Acid

Betaine HCL

Garlic (fresh)

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)

liquid Oil of Oregano (O3)

Pau d'Arco

Nystatin (prescription)

INTESTINES (take orally):

enteric coated capsules of:


Oil of Oregano (O3)



Soil Based Organisms (SBO's) / Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSO's)

Nystatin (prescription)

Diflucan (prescription)

enemas/colonics with antifungals


For vaginal use:

Monistat / Gyne-Lotrimin creams

whole Garlic gloves inserted (don't forget the thread)

Tea Tree Oil douche or suppositories

Douches/combinations of:


Pau d'Arco




TanaFem (plant tannins)

Take orally:

Diflucan (prescription)

Lamisil (prescription)

Gentian Violet (uncertain how it's used)

SKIN (apply directly to the problem skin area):

liquid Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), diluted in water

Colloidal Silver (CS), undiluted

Tea Tree Oil

liquid Oil of Oregano (O3)

SINUSES (spray into nostrils):

nasal sprays containing Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) or Colloidal Silver


nasal irrigations containing GSE, CS, or Nystatin (prescription)

MOUTH -- for THRUSH and GINGIVITIS (rinse with, and then either spit or



liquid Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), diluted in water

Colloidal Silver (CS)

Nystatin (prescription)

SYSTEMIC (take orally):

liquid Oil of Oregano (O3)

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)

Colloidal Silver (CS)


Hydrogen Peroxide

Magnesium Peroxide

Diflucan (prescription)

Lamisil (prescription)

Spanorex (prescription)

Monolaurin / Lauricidin

SF 722



Oxygen (exercise, breathing, supplements)

For list options and information about candida see:


Controlling Yeast

Hi Laurie and others,

I would like to know from you and any other yeast experts out there

what is the single most effective yeast treatment. I will probably

be asking my new doc for a prescription anti-fungal like nystatin but

have consistantly heard there are effective nonprescription

alternatives as well. In the past 15 weeks while on 300mg

minocycline daily I have only used diet and probiotics to combat the

yeast. This worked " ok " but many times my stools would turn soft

anyway, (fall apart)and I would have to increase the probiotic

dosage. I would just like to know what as worked best for others.

Kind Regards

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Matt mentioned " Undecenoic acid - available from

Modernherbalist.com " Yes! I had forgotten this one. I have some

that I also got from modernherbalist, and I believe it is more

effective than GSE or capryllic acid. I haven't needed it with OLE

and Yeast Avenger, but when I switch off minocycline to a different

abx, I expect to use it.

Laurie Lassesen

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Thanks for that info about biotin. I will avoid it. Since my

fingernails are very healthy, I probably don't need it anyway.


> Matt,


> Great research.


> As I understand it (from my doc) Biotin actually draws candida into

the gut

> where it may be forming mycelial types that are harder to treat.

Also have

> read that Biotin is not a good idea to take intially, better to


> anti-yeast therapies and then add Biotin in to get at next level.




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The single most effective candida/yeast remedy I have tried is Thorne

Products' Formula SF722, which is 10-undecenoic acid, derived from

castor beans. I believe you can order this through NEEDS. I found it

more effective than Nystatin, caprylic acid, Pau d'Arco, GSE, garlic,

and all of those in combination!


el - andrea@...

(IFF " FNORD " appears - remove it from my email address to reply)

" ...wake now! Discover that you are the song that the morning brings... "

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Laurion@... wrote:

> Hi


> How do you take the SF 722? How many, how often, with or without

> food?


My chiropractor uses muscle testing to see how many capsules a day I

need. Usually, he prescribes 2 capsules 3x/day; sometimes, if I'm

really feeling weakened by the CFIDS, I'll start with one capsule twice

a day, and add a capsule every 3 or 4 days as I feel up to it.

I don't know whether it's supposed to be taken with or without food, but

it sometimes makes me a little queasy on an empty stomach (many

supplements do this to me), so I always take it with a little food.

And of course, going low-carb while you're taking it helps it work

better, as with any candida remedy!


el - andrea@...

(IFF " FNORD " appears - remove it from my email address to reply)

" ...wake now! Discover that you are the song that the morning brings... "

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  • 2 years later...

There is a great *NEW* product by Garden of Life called FUNGAL DEFENSE which

is an anti-yeast, anti-fungal compound and is all natural. It contains

cellulase (breaks down fibrous carbs) and protease (digests protein) and

these 2 help dissolve the cell wall of the yeast and other fungi. It also

contains wild oregano and olive leaf extract (anti-bacterial as well!) which

eliminate yeast and fungus on contact.

Garlic is another ingredient, and yucca root which is a powerful blood

purifier and it helps break down the lipid envelope that coats viruses and

fungi. One more thing, it is loaded with various probiotics, all in one


I have brochures if anyone is interested.

I am a natural health consultant and I am also in remission with lyme (as

well as ALL the other co-infections after battling this for 3 1/2 yrs.).

sue in nj

sue massie

Nature's Garden of Health

(732) 933-4011

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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 12/18/2002 8:31:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Ssadlermas@... writes:


> There is a great *NEW* product by Garden of Life called FUNGAL DEFENSE

> which

> is an anti-yeast, anti-fungal compound and is all natural. It contains

> cellulase (breaks down fibrous carbs) and protease (digests protein) and

> these 2 help dissolve the cell wall of the yeast and other fungi. It also

> contains wild oregano and olive leaf extract (anti-bacterial as well!)

> which

> eliminate yeast and fungus on contact.

> Garlic is another ingredient, and yucca root which is a powerful blood

> purifier and it helps break down the lipid envelope that coats viruses and

> fungi. One more thing, it is loaded with various probiotics, all in one

> pill~~~~

> I have brochures if anyone is interested.

> I am a natural health consultant and I am also in remission with lyme (as

> well as ALL the other co-infections after battling this for 3 1/2 yrs.).



Dear Sue,

Has this replaced Candex?

Is one better than the other?

Please send me whatever I need for thrust & yeast & I'll send you a check


More importantly, I can't seem to connect with you.

All I know is that you were having terrible personal problems, and that I

wanted to be there for you, in any way that could be helpful.

We both have busy schedules, but we're girlfriends, and I " ll make time for

you, no matter what. I'll drive to wherever convenient.

Also, remember... I said I'd like to attend an occasional conference with

you? It need not be about Lyme. The Iridology interests me too, as do most

medical topics.

So, keep me in mind.

My home # is 973-228-3535

Cell #201-306-3443

Love & hugs,


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In a message dated 1/13/03 11:11:12 AM, beckhs@... writes:

<< It is always suspicious when someone selling a product posts of GREAT

new product that they sell. If it's so great, let's hear from others

who have no financial interest. Twenty years of sorting financial

interest from sharing interest has left me jaded. At least she admits

financial interest.

Beck >>

Beck and all-

I am going to assume, Beck, that you are referring to me....

if so, I have ALWAYS been right up front about who and what I am about. I

have been on these boards now for 7yrs. and did not sell ONE THING up until I

became a professional in the natural health field this past year. I have

donated well over $3,000 in the past 2yrs. to Lyme causes and additionally

have donated $, products, time FREE to those that are less fortunate. I take

great offense when someone comes out attacking me like I am here to get rich

off of others.

I was paralyzed from the neck down due to lyme as well as had EVERY other

symptom. It has almost cost me my marriage and all 6 of my kids are lymies as

well. My mother is currently dying because she won't get treated for lyme as

well. My dad, step-mom, brothers/sisters/their kids etc. mostly have lyme as

well. Is lyme my life?? Not anymore. I could easily move on and make my big

$$ with my practice.

I stay here to help educate because I have compassion......what is what this

world needs to learn. I care about people, want to share what works and give

them hope. I was extremely suicidal when I was so sick with lyme..... the

year of 1999 was a blur.

Look inside yourself and see why you are being so judgmental. What gain is

there in it?

Also, if you have a problem with an individual, a little finesse would be

encouraged. You could have written to me privately, but that is ok.

Is it testimonials that you would like about the FUNGAL DEFENSE?? I can

provide if you like.

sue in nj

sue massie

Nature's Garden of Health

732 933-4011

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Sue, I personally believe you are very sincere.

I will say though that candex seems useless to me--I went and got it

and it has no effect at all.

I sort of expected that.

But I know you have many good thoughts to offer about health &


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  • 5 years later...

For years I had issues with Thrush, yeast infections, etc and I had tried

Nystatin, Gentian Violet (colors everything purple) and even Difluican

(sp?). But what I have found that works the best is garlic tablets and

acidophilus (probiotics). If I feel a possible yeast flare, I add probiotics

to my diet. If I know I am having a reaction, I add garlic for a few days.

Voila, it clears and balances my system out again.


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Ditto on the acidophilus. Also, there's a liquid med called " Duke's

Magic Mouthwash " which contains an antifungal and, I think, an

antiseptic/antibacterial thing. I've had it prescribed for mild

thrush and also when I've had throat viruses or other throat issues.

You gargle with it. It's the bomb. Originally made by your friendly

pharmacological nerds at Duke University, your pharmacist has to mix

it up for you.



> For years I had issues with Thrush, yeast infections, etc and I had


> Nystatin, Gentian Violet (colors everything purple) and even


> (sp?). But what I have found that works the best is garlic tablets


> acidophilus (probiotics). If I feel a possible yeast flare, I add


> to my diet. If I know I am having a reaction, I add garlic for a

few days.

> Voila, it clears and balances my system out again.




> B.





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Also it's important to try to limit sugar intake, since yeast feed on

sugar. This is even more important if you're on pred at the same

time, to help limit weight gain as a side effect of taking pred.


Group co-owner


> I use garlic tablets though a friend swears by fresh garlic. Both

the garlic

> and acidophilus work systemically.




> Yeast infections are an overgrowth of the yeast that is normally in

our body

> flora. The acidophilus and other probiotics help keep the yeast in


> Probiotics also help to repopulate the gut after antibiotics kill

off many

> 'bugs' in the body, both bad and good. Steroids also upset the





> I usually get relief in a few days. Taking too much garlic or


> too fast will trigger a yeast die-off that can trigger GI upset. So

if it is

> something you are not used to taking, start slow. Sometimes I take

some with

> each meal, other times it is just once a day.




> I have 5 kids. 3 of them have asthma and had so as nursing infants.


> my inhaled steroids and their inhaled steroids we battled Thrush

often until

> I found out about the garlic and acidophilus trick.




> Good luck!


> B.







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I'm hooked! What do I ask for, exactly? I'd like to try it. My

tummy is reacting to something and I think it's Nystatin plus there's

still burning .....

> >

> > For years I had issues with Thrush, yeast infections, etc and I


> tried

> > Nystatin, Gentian Violet (colors everything purple) and even

> Difluican

> > (sp?). But what I have found that works the best is garlic


> and

> > acidophilus (probiotics). If I feel a possible yeast flare, I add

> probiotics

> > to my diet. If I know I am having a reaction, I add garlic for a

> few days.

> > Voila, it clears and balances my system out again.

> >

> >

> >

> > B.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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