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Re: Re: Any clusterheads here perhaps .... ?

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You have told us what you've tried but not what you are currently doing... and eating...

have you ever done any cleanses? are you still eating sugars, dairy, fast foods, etc. Trying something for a few days or a week probably won't tell you much as your system still holds the toxins in it.

Tell us about the present.... there is hope to get rid of these headaches.

Suzihannahfroukje <knowitnotall@...> wrote:

Reaction to all others too who responded to my request ...We have tried a diet avoiding: histamine, sugar, tyramine, and some other things. We never found any relation to his diet but I know for sure some clusterheadaches are related to foods. Gluten intolerance could be an item, but am I right that you would expect other symptoms as well, you would expect the bloated belly, diarrhea, and all that other stuff that shows you're intolerant of gluten. But I could surely test that on him (using electro-acupuncture), so thanks for the tip.You don't wanna KNOW how much I've searched, how much I've tried, how much I have sought for remedies to work, I've spent nights up in my room, while Jos was screaming downstairs, couldn't sleep anyway, just reading and reading the materia medica, looking for clues. I want so much to help

him, not just the clusterheadache, but also the depression, and lonelyness.By the way, I wonder how much I could post in this group, I mean I don't want to be out of line, but if I would mention something that might be ... ehm ... controversial ... well, it's legal in Holland but I know for sure it's illegal in other countries ... suppose I'd better mention that off-line huh? Or is this group's spirit based on if it helps, it helps, and you can speak freely of it.Could a moderator fill me in on that, or perhaps you would like to mod my post first before it's placed. You would be welcome to do just that you know. I don't have much time now, I'm kinda busy on another subject right now and studying for an exam, but will check in to read the reactions, and will take it from there.Thanks for the welcome.HannahPS I know the imigran, it was the only thing Jos was willing to take after he had a

medicine poisening and almost lost his life over that. Nasty stuff but always better then ergotamines and steroids.> Hello Hannah,> > Welcome to the list!> > My hubby has cluster headaches too and I worry because he takes rather a lot> of Excedrin Migraine which I feel cannot be good for him.

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hannahfroukje wrote:


> Reaction to all others too who responded to my request ...


> We have tried a diet avoiding: histamine, sugar, tyramine, and some

> other things. We never found any relation to his diet but I know for

> sure some clusterheadaches are related to foods. Gluten intolerance

> could be an item, but am I right that you would expect other symptoms

> as well, you would expect the bloated belly, diarrhea, and all that

> other stuff that shows you're intolerant of gluten. But I could

> surely test that on him (using electro-acupuncture), so thanks for

> the tip.


> You don't wanna KNOW how much I've searched, how much I've tried, how

> much I have sought for remedies to work, I've spent nights up in my

> room, while Jos was screaming downstairs, couldn't sleep anyway, just

> reading and reading the materia medica, looking for clues. I want so

> much to help him, not just the clusterheadache, but also the

> depression, and lonelyness.


> By the way, I wonder how much I could post in this group, I mean I

> don't want to be out of line, but if I would mention something that

> might be ... ehm ... controversial ... well, it's legal in Holland

> but I know for sure it's illegal in other countries ... suppose I'd

> better mention that off-line huh? Or is this group's spirit based on

> if it helps, it helps, and you can speak freely of it.


> Could a moderator fill me in on that, or perhaps you would like to

> mod my post first before it's placed. You would be welcome to do just

> that you know.


> I don't have much time now, I'm kinda busy on another subject right

> now and studying for an exam, but will check in to read the

> reactions, and will take it from there.


> Thanks for the welcome.


> Hannah


> PS I know the imigran, it was the only thing Jos was willing to take

> after he had a medicine poisening and almost lost his life over that.

> Nasty stuff but always better then ergotamines and steroids.




Hi Hannah,

Welcome to the group and if it is in nature and natural then it is of

value to this group. I do not condone abuse of anything or anyone.

However, all plants on this planet have a use in treatment of ourselves,

and animals. Some are quite potent but no less relevant. Cluster

headaches, or migraines are easily dealt with. Those resulting from head

injuries are a little different. Has your DH had any brain scans or head

scans done? MRI's? Cat scans? Has he been to a chiropracter? There are

no pain nerves for the brain so any pain felt there usually comes from

elsewhere and only manifests itself in the head. With head injuries

there can be brain damage as well as arterial damage but one won't feel

pain as a result. This is why brain surgery needs no anesthetic. Either

of these can be handled and quite possibly reversed through proper diet

and lifestyle modification.

What exactly does your diets consist of and please be as specific and

detailed as possible. What are your lifestyles like? What kind of water

do you drink? What is in it? Do you cook your food? What supplements do

you use? Also what is the age of your DH?

This is a start and I will probably have more for clarification

purposes. Awaiting your reply.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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