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Well I have been getting Gamma Globulin IV's for the last 10 years & it is

the only thing that has dramatically & consistantly helped me.

I could not survive without it.

They have much better & safer products now & there are Drs. who will Rx it

with the proper diagnoses of Immune Dysfunction & the State of Ca Medi-Cal

pays it for me.

Do not give up hope. Try to get it,

If I can answer any questions I am glad to help

Good luck

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I once tried IV Gamma Globulin and it was too powerful for me. It


a week or two to get over it. I have, however, taken a lot of Gamma


intra-muscularly. I think that it helped me. It used to be relatively


I paid maybe $32 for a 12 ml bottle, which gave me six shots. Now it is


$40 for 2ml, if you do it yourself. I realized that for a lot of the

time that

I was getting the shots that they had thymerosol in it as a

preservative. It

contains mercury. That was not a good thing. I think, now you can get

it without the thymerosol.


P.S. I also heard that there was a synthetic form of gamma globulin. I


know much about it.

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Re: IVIG Therapy

Sorry this has taken me so long to respond too. I was not doing so welll

the last week. I am sure you can understand :-)

So in answer to your questions,

I will just quote from the Medical letter of Justification for my G.G.

2 Major Diagnosis related to IVIG

Immune deficiency ( 279.3)

probably subtype Nezelof's Syndrome ( 279.13)

The second is Chronic Fatigue/Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (279.8)

I had multiple abnormalties on Cellular Immune function on multiple

assesment since 1988. Including diminsihed B cell levels of 90 (250-750),

diminished absolute lymphocyte count of only 882, diminished CD-4 at 337,

diminished natural killer cell count of 35, diminished total T lymphocytes &

activated T lymphocytes. Dysgammaglobulinemia has been clearly documented

with multiple dysfunctional anitbodies including autoantibodies against

thyroid & multiple allergic antibodies.

Nezelof's Syndrome is defined as cellular immune Dysfunction with

Dysgammaglobulinemia, usually but not always with a diminished B cell count.

There is extensive documentation in the immunology literature concerning the

use of IVIG therapy in Nezelof's Syndrome & other Immune deficiency states,

the references being readily available.

With respect to her second diagnosis of CFIDS, the diagnostic documentation

is based on not only immune system parameters but very high antibody titers

to Epstein Barr virus & cytomegalovirus as well as human herpes virus #6, all

classic CFIDS agents plus the clinical presentation of major & minor criteria

for CFIDS. ( note, This was written over 10 yrs ago)

The use of IVIG treatment in CFIDS is less established in the medical

literature although most Physicians treating CFIDS patients have found major

benefit from IVIG Therapy. The main published article in the medical

literature is:

Lloyd, , et al; double blind, Placebo Controlled Trial of Intravenous

Immmunoglobulin Therapy in patients with CFIDS.. The American Journal of

Medicine, November 1990 Volume 89, p. 561-567.

I sure hope this information can help some of you get G.G.

It really raised my level of functioning from being so weak & bedridden I

could barely talk or sit up in bed to being able to take care of myself &

have a lot more energy to talk & be on the pc & even clean & shop & cook &

exercise etc.

There was a shortage the last few years but I think it has gotten better, if

you know where to get it. I do have a great Pharmacy that has never had a

problem supplying me with it & goes the extra mile in it's care. If you

cannot find an, contact me & I will give you the info.

It is much safer than years ago when there were some hepatitus scares. They

put it through a much more complex cleaning procedure. There are different

brands with different bases & for different medical needs. You need to find

the right one for you.

I tried several until I found Gamimune N 10% by Bayer .

Which works great for me. You need to drip it slowly at first & slowly build

up your dosage. That might have been Mike's problem. Either the wrong brand

or speed or amount.

Good Luck,

Contact me if you have any more questions

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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest


Anyone here found to have an immune deficiency (eg decreased IgG and IgM) and

had iv IgG treatments? Apparently not every rock has been left unturned.......

who will be pissed to all heck if this is the magic solution to 7 years

of pred.....


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