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One of my symptoms from my implants was a hive like rash that appeared across my abdomen from my breasts to my belly button. My doc had me take pics and couldn't believe what he saw. His response was"That is really impressive". Mine did not itch I would just notice it when changing clothes or getting in or out of the bath. I got the rash one last time about a week after I was explanted. I will try to attach a picture. I hope it helps.

Well I can't find the pictures. It looked like someone had written in some sort of ancient language all over me and it was raised. to tell the truth It reminded me of the movie the excorsist when she wrote help me on her stomach. It was very weird

Toni Toni Frampton toni_frampton@... __________________________________________________

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So many women have problems with rashes and hives! . .

.. Unfortunately some of the children born to implanted

women have the same problems! For the women at least,

the problems go away after explant and detoxing. (One

of the herx effects may be a temporary worsening of

the symptoms though.)

Should you have photos, they will not attach to

messages that go to the group. They can be uploaded to

the Photo section.

If you need some help, we'll be glad to help.



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Thank you! I do plan on finding them. My PS is also supposed to be sending the pics of my implants. They were yellow. although she may have distroyed so that I can't use them in a law suit. You know how they stick together. --- I am begining to sound as paranoid as she thinks I am----

hugs to all of you couragous women

ToniToni Frampton toni_frampton@... __________________________________________________

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Ask for the hospital pathology report and slides.Toni Frampton <toni_frampton@...> wrote:

Thank you! I do plan on finding them. My PS is also supposed to be sending the pics of my implants. They were yellow. although she may have distroyed so that I can't use them in a law suit. You know how they stick together. --- I am begining to sound as paranoid as she thinks I am----

hugs to all of you couragous women

ToniToni Frampton toni_frampton@...


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  • 1 year later...

Hi , Here is a direct quote from Dr. Hulda 's book: " The

Cure for All Diseases " .

" Hives

Sometimes your body will break out in hives instead of a rash. Again,

gallstones in the liver and gallbladder are responsible. Do the Liver

Cleanse. "

The gallstones that you have originate from a problem with your liver.

Removing the gall bladder does not fix the problem with your liver.

The blood tests the doctors do to test your liver enzyme levels will

not find this type of problem with your liver (unless your liver is

very bad off). Flushing your gall bladder flushes your liver, they

both get helped at the same time.

Hope this helps,



> I have undergone a battery of tests recently -- which is how I found

out that I have gallstones. But what started me going to several

doctors is the Chronic Hives I have had for the past few months. The

hives have become larger and have spread all over and despite taking

medication prescribed by an allergist the hives sometimes resemble

small marbles.


> I am wondering if there is some connection between the gallstones

and my hives. Does anyone have any information??




> __________________________________________________


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Thank you for the information --- I will definitely look into this and

hopefully stop itching!!!!

Happy Holidays!!!

Kind Regards,

VR <new_man85@...> wrote:

Hi , Here is a direct quote from Dr. Hulda 's book: " The

Cure for All Diseases " .

" Hives

Sometimes your body will break out in hives instead of a rash. Again,

gallstones in the liver and gallbladder are responsible. Do the Liver

Cleanse. "

The gallstones that you have originate from a problem with your liver.

Removing the gall bladder does not fix the problem with your liver.

The blood tests the doctors do to test your liver enzyme levels will

not find this type of problem with your liver (unless your liver is

very bad off). Flushing your gall bladder flushes your liver, they

both get helped at the same time.

Hope this helps,



> I have undergone a battery of tests recently -- which is how I found

out that I have gallstones. But what started me going to several

doctors is the Chronic Hives I have had for the past few months. The

hives have become larger and have spread all over and despite taking

medication prescribed by an allergist the hives sometimes resemble

small marbles.


> I am wondering if there is some connection between the gallstones

and my hives. Does anyone have any information??




> __________________________________________________


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You made a great point here. An acupuncturist recently told me that your liver

has to be about 70% damaged before the problem shows up on the routine blood

tests that are done by doctors.

Thanks for sharing, but I thought I'd highlight the point.

-----Original Message-----

From: new_man85@...


Sent: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 8:42 PM

Subject: Re: HIVES

Hi , Here is a direct quote from Dr. Hulda 's book: " The

Cure for All Diseases " .

" Hives

Sometimes your body will break out in hives instead of a rash. Again,

gallstones in the liver and gallbladder are responsible. Do the Liver

Cleanse. "

The gallstones that you have originate from a problem with your liver.

Removing the gall bladder does not fix the problem with your liver.

The blood tests the doctors do to test your liver enzyme levels will

not find this type of problem with your liver (unless your liver is

very bad off). Flushing your gall bladder flushes your liver, they

both get helped at the same time.

Hope this helps,



> I have undergone a battery of tests recently -- which is how I found

out that I have gallstones. But what started me going to several

doctors is the Chronic Hives I have had for the past few months. The

hives have become larger and have spread all over and despite taking

medication prescribed by an allergist the hives sometimes resemble

small marbles.


> I am wondering if there is some connection between the gallstones

and my hives. Does anyone have any information??




> __________________________________________________


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I am not sure, but I did want to say that my mom had Hep C and when her

liver enzymes were at the highest she also had hives. It had something to

do with her liver not functioning properly. Maybe others can give you

better information.

-----Original Message-----

From: gallstones [mailto:gallstones ] On

Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2006 6:58 AM


Subject: HIVES

I have undergone a battery of tests recently -- which is how I found out

that I have gallstones. But what started me going to several doctors is the

Chronic Hives I have had for the past few months. The hives have become

larger and have spread all over and despite taking medication prescribed by

an allergist the hives sometimes resemble small marbles.

I am wondering if there is some connection between the gallstones and my

hives. Does anyone have any information??


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, I get hives too...I have dont flushes and have not gotten much out

accept ALOT of stagnant bile, and dark green stones. I have had hives since

I was 13, and get them when ever I am under alot of stress...I also have

slight jaundice (only noticed at eyes, they have a slight yellow

tinge)...Funny thing is, food allergies and hives started around the same

time...could someone get a stone as young as 13? I am 23 now, and have

gotten a ultrasound and they found nothing...after about 5 total flushes

still get hives and still have slight jaundice of the eyes (sclera). I am

now thinking of doing a LF then 21 day master cleanse then another LF to

help out my system...thoughts?

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I once had Hep A and during that time I broke out in hives. Seems like the

connection to the liver and hives is correct. The following year I had my

first Gallbladder attack. Hope you get to the bottom of it SOON and stop



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Thank you because all I seem to do is itch. But I am also working with an

allergist. Now that I found out that I have gallstones I have to ask him what

his thoughts are on the subject. I don't know if it is true of all allergists (I

hate to make generalizations) but the one I saw is anything but conventional.

AthleticItaliano@... wrote:

I once had Hep A and during that time I broke out in hives. Seems like


connection to the liver and hives is correct. The following year I had my

first Gallbladder attack. Hope you get to the bottom of it SOON and stop



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, I get hives too...I have dont flushes and have not gotten much out

accept ALOT of stagnant bile, and dark green stones. I have had hives


I was 13, and get them when ever I am under alot of stress...I also have

slight jaundice (only noticed at eyes, they have a slight yellow

tinge)...Funny thing is, food allergies and hives started around the same

time...could someone get a stone as young as 13? I am 23 now, and have

gotten a ultrasound and they found nothing...after about 5 total flushes

still get hives and still have slight jaundice of the eyes (sclera). I am

now thinking of doing a LF then 21 day master cleanse then another LF to

help out my system...thoughts?

> I once had Hep A and during that time I broke out in

hives. Seems like the

> connection to the liver and hives is correct. The following year I

had my

> first Gallbladder attack. Hope you get to the bottom of it SOON and


> itching!


> AJ



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You mention food allergies -- just curious if you know what you are allergic to?

You also mention an LF -- I am sorry but I don't even knw what that is. I

haven't tried a flush yet--kind of scared.

Take care,

crzyakta <crzyakta@...> wrote:

, I get hives too...I have dont flushes and have not gotten much


accept ALOT of stagnant bile, and dark green stones. I have had hives


I was 13, and get them when ever I am under alot of stress...I also have

slight jaundice (only noticed at eyes, they have a slight yellow

tinge)...Funny thing is, food allergies and hives started around the same

time...could someone get a stone as young as 13? I am 23 now, and have

gotten a ultrasound and they found nothing...after about 5 total flushes

still get hives and still have slight jaundice of the eyes (sclera). I am

now thinking of doing a LF then 21 day master cleanse then another LF to

help out my system...thoughts?

> I once had Hep A and during that time I broke out in

hives. Seems like the

> connection to the liver and hives is correct. The following year I

had my

> first Gallbladder attack. Hope you get to the bottom of it SOON and


> itching!


> AJ



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LF is a liver flush...curezone has all the info on it...I have done a

few, but my problem still exists, I think I have to continue to like

15 flushes (they are a pain)...I myself have a slight jaundice in the

eyes (slight yellow tinge)...and am allergic to apples, pears, plums,

almonds, hazel nuts, raw carrots...its a real pain, and dont know if

the food allergy is related to intestines or the liver or both?


> > I once had Hep A and during that time I broke out in

> hives. Seems like the

> > connection to the liver and hives is correct. The following year I

> had my

> > first Gallbladder attack. Hope you get to the bottom of it SOON and

> stop

> > itching!

> >

> > AJ

> >

> >

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  • 3 weeks later...

The ALTERNATIVE VIEW on HIVES, and proven with Iridology and Electro

Acupuncture in my private medical clinic for over 35 years.

First of we have to understand what the real cause of GALLSTONES is.

The cause of gallstones is the incapability of the patients body to

digest the food element ANIMAL FAT. Most patient do not like PORK,

Sausages, Ham and Pork Chops.

This undigested fat is a burden to the LIVER and GALLBLADDER and has

certain consequences, which vary from patient to patient.

However our daily food consists of 5 basic element: Water, Sugar, Fat,

Protein and Carbohydrates. All 4 solid needs to be digested before

your body can use them to build new body cells to replace the old ones.

Western medical doctors can only diagnose a failure in the pancreas

production of insulin, but the pancreas also produces: LIPASE for fat,

Pepsin for protein and Amylase for carbohydrates.

When the LIPASE production fails your body is short of DIGESTED FAT

and the cell building is in trouble. At that point the body of these

patient starts producing a new product to substitute for the missing

digested fat. However the body of most patients do not accept this

substitute and it needs to be discarded.

This substitute is made from SUGAR and regarded by the kidneys as a

good product so they won't discard it, and the liver won't do anything

with it since it is based on sugar, and their job is restricted to

waste from protein and fat.

This means that this substitute keeps floating around in the

bloodstream, reason why many of these patients are diagnosed as

DIABETICS, but not the TYPE 1, but the TYPE 2, which is not diabetic

at all, since it is a " FAT-Patient " , not able to digest FAT.

As a last resort the body will use it's last discarding organ: The

SKIN. All skin problems from Acne to Psoriasis, and from Eczema to

Rash and also the HIVES are a result of this.

The only way to solve these skin problems is certainly not the

dermatologist who doesn't even know what the cause of the problem is.

HIVES and all other skin problems come from the inside and can only be

cured from the inside of the body.

My advice , and trust me it works: Omit all the ANIMAL FAT in your

daily food, especially the poisonous PORK and pork products. Mind you:

Jews don't eat pork it is in their laws, but Muslims have the same

laws about pork, only western communities eat pork, WHY???

It's cheap, it tastes good and it's easy to breed pigs, but it is

loaded with hidden hard to digest FAT. And the cause of many chronic


To your health, DR. M. Vos. Naturopathic Physician.

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Why is there so many vegetarians that suffer from gallstones?

Vos wrote:

>The ALTERNATIVE VIEW on HIVES, and proven with Iridology and Electro

>Acupuncture in my private medical clinic for over 35 years.


>First of we have to understand what the real cause of GALLSTONES is.

>The cause of gallstones is the incapability of the patients body to

>digest the food element ANIMAL FAT. Most patient do not like PORK,

>Sausages, Ham and Pork Chops.

>This undigested fat is a burden to the LIVER and GALLBLADDER and has

>certain consequences, which vary from patient to patient.


>However our daily food consists of 5 basic element: Water, Sugar, Fat,

>Protein and Carbohydrates. All 4 solid needs to be digested before

>your body can use them to build new body cells to replace the old ones.

>Western medical doctors can only diagnose a failure in the pancreas

>production of insulin, but the pancreas also produces: LIPASE for fat,

>Pepsin for protein and Amylase for carbohydrates.


>When the LIPASE production fails your body is short of DIGESTED FAT

>and the cell building is in trouble. At that point the body of these

>patient starts producing a new product to substitute for the missing

>digested fat. However the body of most patients do not accept this

>substitute and it needs to be discarded.


>This substitute is made from SUGAR and regarded by the kidneys as a

>good product so they won't discard it, and the liver won't do anything

>with it since it is based on sugar, and their job is restricted to

>waste from protein and fat.


>This means that this substitute keeps floating around in the

>bloodstream, reason why many of these patients are diagnosed as

>DIABETICS, but not the TYPE 1, but the TYPE 2, which is not diabetic

>at all, since it is a " FAT-Patient " , not able to digest FAT.


>As a last resort the body will use it's last discarding organ: The

>SKIN. All skin problems from Acne to Psoriasis, and from Eczema to

>Rash and also the HIVES are a result of this.

>The only way to solve these skin problems is certainly not the

>dermatologist who doesn't even know what the cause of the problem is.

>HIVES and all other skin problems come from the inside and can only be

>cured from the inside of the body.


>My advice , and trust me it works: Omit all the ANIMAL FAT in your

>daily food, especially the poisonous PORK and pork products. Mind you:

>Jews don't eat pork it is in their laws, but Muslims have the same

>laws about pork, only western communities eat pork, WHY???


>It's cheap, it tastes good and it's easy to breed pigs, but it is

>loaded with hidden hard to digest FAT. And the cause of many chronic



>To your health, DR. M. Vos. Naturopathic Physician.














>Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:






>Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


>Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73






>To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to: gallstones-unsubscribe

and then reply to confirmation message!


>To Post message: gallstones

>Subscribe: gallstones-subscribe


>Web Sites for more information:








>Group page: gallstones


>To change your subscription to digest send blank e-mail to:


>To change your subscription to NO-MAIL send blank e-mail to:


>To change your subscription to NORMAL send blank e-mail to:


>You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the Gallstones

group on 's groups. By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY

responsible FOR yourself!

>Have a nice day !


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I haven't eaten any meat since 1983 -- and seldom ate pork products prior to

that -- and had my first gallbladder attacks last year.

G & K Murray <kgtnm@...> wrote:

Why is there so many vegetarians that suffer from gallstones?

Vos wrote:

>The ALTERNATIVE VIEW on HIVES, and proven with Iridology and Electro

>Acupuncture in my private medical clinic for over 35 years.


>First of we have to understand what the real cause of GALLSTONES is.

>The cause of gallstones is the incapability of the patients body to

>digest the food element ANIMAL FAT. Most patient do not like PORK,

>Sausages, Ham and Pork Chops.

>This undigested fat is a burden to the LIVER and GALLBLADDER and has

>certain consequences, which vary from patient to patient.


>However our daily food consists of 5 basic element: Water, Sugar, Fat,

>Protein and Carbohydrates. All 4 solid needs to be digested before

>your body can use them to build new body cells to replace the old ones.

>Western medical doctors can only diagnose a failure in the pancreas

>production of insulin, but the pancreas also produces: LIPASE for fat,

>Pepsin for protein and Amylase for carbohydrates.


>When the LIPASE production fails your body is short of DIGESTED FAT

>and the cell building is in trouble. At that point the body of these

>patient starts producing a new product to substitute for the missing

>digested fat. However the body of most patients do not accept this

>substitute and it needs to be discarded.


>This substitute is made from SUGAR and regarded by the kidneys as a

>good product so they won't discard it, and the liver won't do anything

>with it since it is based on sugar, and their job is restricted to

>waste from protein and fat.


>This means that this substitute keeps floating around in the

>bloodstream, reason why many of these patients are diagnosed as

>DIABETICS, but not the TYPE 1, but the TYPE 2, which is not diabetic

>at all, since it is a " FAT-Patient " , not able to digest FAT.


>As a last resort the body will use it's last discarding organ: The

>SKIN. All skin problems from Acne to Psoriasis, and from Eczema to

>Rash and also the HIVES are a result of this.

>The only way to solve these skin problems is certainly not the

>dermatologist who doesn't even know what the cause of the problem is.

>HIVES and all other skin problems come from the inside and can only be

>cured from the inside of the body.


>My advice , and trust me it works: Omit all the ANIMAL FAT in your

>daily food, especially the poisonous PORK and pork products. Mind you:

>Jews don't eat pork it is in their laws, but Muslims have the same

>laws about pork, only western communities eat pork, WHY???


>It's cheap, it tastes good and it's easy to breed pigs, but it is

>loaded with hidden hard to digest FAT. And the cause of many chronic



>To your health, DR. M. Vos. Naturopathic Physician.














>Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:






>Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


>Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73






>To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to: gallstones-unsubscribe

and then reply to confirmation message!


>To Post message: gallstones

>Subscribe: gallstones-subscribe


>Web Sites for more information:








>Group page: gallstones


>To change your subscription to digest send blank e-mail to:


>To change your subscription to NO-MAIL send blank e-mail to:


>To change your subscription to NORMAL send blank e-mail to:


>You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the Gallstones

group on 's groups. By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY

responsible FOR yourself!

>Have a nice day !


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I would love to make you a FREE alternative diagnose, but you have to

mail me on my email address and apply for a questionnaire. Hope the

group moderator allows this.

Kind regards, Dr. m. Vos.

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I spoke to someone quite knowledgable i homeopathic medicine the

other day and part of the reason a vegetarian can suffer from

gallstones is that they may be eating foods they're allergic to. We

need to eat according to our blood type. Simply giving up meat

alone is not a cure all. For instance, I am a type O and this

requires that I stay away from excess amounts of wheat and corn. By

overindulging in these things, it causes the red blood cells to

clump up and move inefficiently. This then causes the bile to move

inefficiently causing it to become sludgy. The poor quality of the

bile and its ineffective movement leave substances behind that

ultimately form gallstones. I only wish I knew all of this sooner.

I just had my gallbladder removed, yet no one will tell me the

actual condition of my gall bladder after removal. In other words,

was it a necessity or just playtime for the surgeon????


> >The ALTERNATIVE VIEW on HIVES, and proven with Iridology and


> >Acupuncture in my private medical clinic for over 35 years.

> >

> >First of we have to understand what the real cause of GALLSTONES


> >The cause of gallstones is the incapability of the patients body


> >digest the food element ANIMAL FAT. Most patient do not like PORK,

> >Sausages, Ham and Pork Chops.

> >This undigested fat is a burden to the LIVER and GALLBLADDER and


> >certain consequences, which vary from patient to patient.

> >

> >However our daily food consists of 5 basic element: Water, Sugar,


> >Protein and Carbohydrates. All 4 solid needs to be digested before

> >your body can use them to build new body cells to replace the old


> >Western medical doctors can only diagnose a failure in the


> >production of insulin, but the pancreas also produces: LIPASE for


> >Pepsin for protein and Amylase for carbohydrates.

> >

> >When the LIPASE production fails your body is short of DIGESTED


> >and the cell building is in trouble. At that point the body of


> >patient starts producing a new product to substitute for the


> >digested fat. However the body of most patients do not accept this

> >substitute and it needs to be discarded.

> >

> >This substitute is made from SUGAR and regarded by the kidneys as


> >good product so they won't discard it, and the liver won't do


> >with it since it is based on sugar, and their job is restricted to

> >waste from protein and fat.

> >

> >This means that this substitute keeps floating around in the

> >bloodstream, reason why many of these patients are diagnosed as

> >DIABETICS, but not the TYPE 1, but the TYPE 2, which is not


> >at all, since it is a " FAT-Patient " , not able to digest FAT.

> >

> >As a last resort the body will use it's last discarding organ: The

> >SKIN. All skin problems from Acne to Psoriasis, and from Eczema to

> >Rash and also the HIVES are a result of this.

> >The only way to solve these skin problems is certainly not the

> >dermatologist who doesn't even know what the cause of the problem


> >HIVES and all other skin problems come from the inside and can

only be

> >cured from the inside of the body.

> >

> >My advice , and trust me it works: Omit all the ANIMAL FAT in your

> >daily food, especially the poisonous PORK and pork products. Mind


> >Jews don't eat pork it is in their laws, but Muslims have the same

> >laws about pork, only western communities eat pork, WHY???

> >

> >It's cheap, it tastes good and it's easy to breed pigs, but it is

> >loaded with hidden hard to digest FAT. And the cause of many


> >diseases.

> >

> >To your health, DR. M. Vos. Naturopathic Physician.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:

> >http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4

> >http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=80

> >http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=100

> >http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112

> >

> >Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/

> >

> >Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73

> >

> >Images:

> >http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/cleanse_flush/

> >http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/intrahepatic_stones/

> >

> >To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to: gallstones-

unsubscribe and then reply to confirmation message!

> >

> >To Post message: gallstones

> >Subscribe: gallstones-subscribe

> >

> >Web Sites for more information:

> >http://CureZone.org

> >http://www.liverdoctor.com/

> >http://www.sensiblehealth.com/

> >http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm

> >http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html

> >http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/

> >

> >Group page: gallstones

> >

> >To change your subscription to digest send blank e-mail to:


> >To change your subscription to NO-MAIL send blank e-mail to:


> >To change your subscription to NORMAL send blank e-mail to:


> >You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to

the Gallstones group on 's groups. By joining the list you

agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!

> >Have a nice day !

> >

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  • 2 weeks later...


" the real cause of GALLSTONES is.

The cause of gallstones is the incapability of the patients body to

digest the food element ANIMAL FAT. Most patient do not like PORK,

Sausages, Ham and Pork Chops. " -

Vos <vos@...> wrote:

The ALTERNATIVE VIEW on HIVES, and proven with Iridology and Electro

Acupuncture in my private medical clinic for over 35 years.

First of we have to understand what the real cause of GALLSTONES is.

The cause of gallstones is the incapability of the patients body to

digest the food element ANIMAL FAT. Most patient do not like PORK,

Sausages, Ham and Pork Chops.

This undigested fat is a burden to the LIVER and GALLBLADDER and has

certain consequences, which vary from patient to patient.

However our daily food consists of 5 basic element: Water, Sugar, Fat,

Protein and Carbohydrates. All 4 solid needs to be digested before

your body can use them to build new body cells to replace the old ones.

Western medical doctors can only diagnose a failure in the pancreas

production of insulin, but the pancreas also produces: LIPASE for fat,

Pepsin for protein and Amylase for carbohydrates.

When the LIPASE production fails your body is short of DIGESTED FAT

and the cell building is in trouble. At that point the body of these

patient starts producing a new product to substitute for the missing

digested fat. However the body of most patients do not accept this

substitute and it needs to be discarded.

This substitute is made from SUGAR and regarded by the kidneys as a

good product so they won't discard it, and the liver won't do anything

with it since it is based on sugar, and their job is restricted to

waste from protein and fat.

This means that this substitute keeps floating around in the

bloodstream, reason why many of these patients are diagnosed as

DIABETICS, but not the TYPE 1, but the TYPE 2, which is not diabetic

at all, since it is a " FAT-Patient " , not able to digest FAT.

As a last resort the body will use it's last discarding organ: The

SKIN. All skin problems from Acne to Psoriasis, and from Eczema to

Rash and also the HIVES are a result of this.

The only way to solve these skin problems is certainly not the

dermatologist who doesn't even know what the cause of the problem is.

HIVES and all other skin problems come from the inside and can only be

cured from the inside of the body.

My advice , and trust me it works: Omit all the ANIMAL FAT in your

daily food, especially the poisonous PORK and pork products. Mind you:

Jews don't eat pork it is in their laws, but Muslims have the same

laws about pork, only western communities eat pork, WHY???

It's cheap, it tastes good and it's easy to breed pigs, but it is

loaded with hidden hard to digest FAT. And the cause of many chronic


To your health, DR. M. Vos. Naturopathic Physician.


Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Answers. Try it now.

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> .

> The only way to solve these skin problems is certainly not the

> dermatologist who doesn't even know what the cause of the problem is.

> HIVES and all other skin problems come from the inside and can only be

> cured from the inside of the body.


I can personally attest to this. After suffering a pesticide poisoning

that affected my heart, lungs and bones, I developed hives for the first

time in my life. When my body started healing from the inside, it

showed on my skin. I had hives from my forehead to my ankles.


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While I may not totally agree with Dr. Voss's statement, I can appreciate the

viewpoint and possibly take something of value away from the discussion. If you

feel that it is a " shamefully ignorant " statement, PLEASE elaborate and

elucidate your position. It rings hollow and has no teeth without. -Dave

----- Original Message -----

From: Liz Sapareto<mailto:lizsapar@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 2:08 PM

Subject: Re: Re: HIVES


" the real cause of GALLSTONES is.

The cause of gallstones is the incapability of the patients body to

digest the food element ANIMAL FAT. Most patient do not like PORK,

Sausages, Ham and Pork Chops. " -

Vos <vos@...<mailto:vos@...>> wrote:

The ALTERNATIVE VIEW on HIVES, and proven with Iridology and Electro

Acupuncture in my private medical clinic for over 35 years.

First of we have to understand what the real cause of GALLSTONES is.

The cause of gallstones is the incapability of the patients body to

digest the food element ANIMAL FAT. Most patient do not like PORK,

Sausages, Ham and Pork Chops.

This undigested fat is a burden to the LIVER and GALLBLADDER and has

certain consequences, which vary from patient to patient.

However our daily food consists of 5 basic element: Water, Sugar, Fat,

Protein and Carbohydrates. All 4 solid needs to be digested before

your body can use them to build new body cells to replace the old ones.

Western medical doctors can only diagnose a failure in the pancreas

production of insulin, but the pancreas also produces: LIPASE for fat,

Pepsin for protein and Amylase for carbohydrates.

When the LIPASE production fails your body is short of DIGESTED FAT

and the cell building is in trouble. At that point the body of these

patient starts producing a new product to substitute for the missing

digested fat. However the body of most patients do not accept this

substitute and it needs to be discarded.

This substitute is made from SUGAR and regarded by the kidneys as a

good product so they won't discard it, and the liver won't do anything

with it since it is based on sugar, and their job is restricted to

waste from protein and fat.

This means that this substitute keeps floating around in the

bloodstream, reason why many of these patients are diagnosed as

DIABETICS, but not the TYPE 1, but the TYPE 2, which is not diabetic

at all, since it is a " FAT-Patient " , not able to digest FAT.

As a last resort the body will use it's last discarding organ: The

SKIN. All skin problems from Acne to Psoriasis, and from Eczema to

Rash and also the HIVES are a result of this.

The only way to solve these skin problems is certainly not the

dermatologist who doesn't even know what the cause of the problem is.

HIVES and all other skin problems come from the inside and can only be

cured from the inside of the body.

My advice , and trust me it works: Omit all the ANIMAL FAT in your

daily food, especially the poisonous PORK and pork products. Mind you:

Jews don't eat pork it is in their laws, but Muslims have the same

laws about pork, only western communities eat pork, WHY???

It's cheap, it tastes good and it's easy to breed pigs, but it is

loaded with hidden hard to digest FAT. And the cause of many chronic


To your health, DR. M. Vos. Naturopathic Physician.


Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Answers. Try it now.

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I have been a vegetarian for 44 years and passed more than 15,000 gallstones

after 51 flushes.

I question the validity of Dr. Voss's statement about meat products or animals

fats causing gallstones.

With all my research as a novice into the subject of gallstones, my conclusion

is there is no definitive reason yet, as why there are gallstones. It is hinted

that non-fat diets and lack of hydration (drinking sufficient amounts of water)

may lead to the formation of gallstones.

The issue is the options on how to rid the body of gallstones if the gallbladder

is diseased, not functioning, and/or causing pain. One is cholecystectomy

(removal of the gallbladder) or doing liver-gallbladder flushes.



Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:

While I may not totally agree with Dr. Voss's statement, I can appreciate the

viewpoint and possibly take something of value away from the discussion. If you

feel that it is a " shamefully ignorant " statement, PLEASE elaborate and

elucidate your position. It rings hollow and has no teeth without. -Dave

----- Original Message -----

From: Liz Sapareto<mailto:lizsapar@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 2:08 PM

Subject: Re: Re: HIVES


" the real cause of GALLSTONES is.

The cause of gallstones is the incapability of the patients body to

digest the food element ANIMAL FAT. Most patient do not like PORK,

Sausages, Ham and Pork Chops. " -

Vos <vos@...<mailto:vos@...>> wrote:

The ALTERNATIVE VIEW on HIVES, and proven with Iridology and Electro

Acupuncture in my private medical clinic for over 35 years.

First of we have to understand what the real cause of GALLSTONES is.

The cause of gallstones is the incapability of the patients body to

digest the food element ANIMAL FAT. Most patient do not like PORK,

Sausages, Ham and Pork Chops.

This undigested fat is a burden to the LIVER and GALLBLADDER and has

certain consequences, which vary from patient to patient.

However our daily food consists of 5 basic element: Water, Sugar, Fat,

Protein and Carbohydrates. All 4 solid needs to be digested before

your body can use them to build new body cells to replace the old ones.

Western medical doctors can only diagnose a failure in the pancreas

production of insulin, but the pancreas also produces: LIPASE for fat,

Pepsin for protein and Amylase for carbohydrates.

When the LIPASE production fails your body is short of DIGESTED FAT

and the cell building is in trouble. At that point the body of these

patient starts producing a new product to substitute for the missing

digested fat. However the body of most patients do not accept this

substitute and it needs to be discarded.

This substitute is made from SUGAR and regarded by the kidneys as a

good product so they won't discard it, and the liver won't do anything

with it since it is based on sugar, and their job is restricted to

waste from protein and fat.

This means that this substitute keeps floating around in the

bloodstream, reason why many of these patients are diagnosed as

DIABETICS, but not the TYPE 1, but the TYPE 2, which is not diabetic

at all, since it is a " FAT-Patient " , not able to digest FAT.

As a last resort the body will use it's last discarding organ: The

SKIN. All skin problems from Acne to Psoriasis, and from Eczema to

Rash and also the HIVES are a result of this.

The only way to solve these skin problems is certainly not the

dermatologist who doesn't even know what the cause of the problem is.

HIVES and all other skin problems come from the inside and can only be

cured from the inside of the body.

My advice , and trust me it works: Omit all the ANIMAL FAT in your

daily food, especially the poisonous PORK and pork products. Mind you:

Jews don't eat pork it is in their laws, but Muslims have the same

laws about pork, only western communities eat pork, WHY???

It's cheap, it tastes good and it's easy to breed pigs, but it is

loaded with hidden hard to digest FAT. And the cause of many chronic


To your health, DR. M. Vos. Naturopathic Physician.


Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Answers. Try it now.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

saw my gastroenterologist to schedule a colonoscopy and he noticed the

rash across my collarbone exposed by my top button being undone. I've

posted about this before. I told him I've had that rash on and off for

a couple years, whenever I start to get down on my steroids it flares

up, the steroids not only help the asthma (and I'm hoping the Xolair

will get me off them entirely)... it also suppresses whatever chronic

hive condition I have going on. He agreed.

He said it looked like a reaction rash, that I could be allergic to

one of my medications. Eliminating anything I have I might have

switched to last summer or discontinued using (I've had this rash a

lot longer) that leaves me with uniphyl, nexium, singulair, fosamax,

over the counter Feosol and Percogesic as what I consume regularly.

Has anyone ever had a rash reaction from any of these?

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Guest guest


> saw my gastroenterologist to schedule a colonoscopy and he noticed the

> rash across my collarbone exposed by my top button being undone. I've

> posted about this before. I told him I've had that rash on and off for

> a couple years, whenever I start to get down on my steroids it flares

> up, the steroids not only help the asthma (and I'm hoping the Xolair

> will get me off them entirely)... it also suppresses whatever chronic

> hive condition I have going on. He agreed.


> He said it looked like a reaction rash, that I could be allergic to

> one of my medications. Eliminating anything I have I might have

> switched to last summer or discontinued using (I've had this rash a

> lot longer) that leaves me with uniphyl, nexium, singulair, fosamax,

> over the counter Feosol and Percogesic as what I consume regularly.

> Has anyone ever had a rash reaction from any of these?


I had a rash too and my family doc said it looked like a reaction. I

went to the dermatologist and it turned out to be Psoriasis. It is not

on my face so I am not complaining. I use a prescription cream called

" Taclonex. " It works GREAT


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