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Re: Re: it continues

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Let's pray you don't have to go to the hospital ER, but that all the meds you

are taking will give you some relief. Take care.

B G <meencantador@...> wrote: hey Fran

feeling worse today and I am prob. going to end up in the ER.

The original meds, I can't pronounce them, let alone read the dr's handwriting

but for now, including the revised meds, I am on



xoponex (as needed but with the pred, well...)







That's not including drugs for the other ailments.

I am a walking pharmacy :(

tiredofsteroids <sitesee@...> wrote:

Hi Bridget - I'm so glad you're feeling so much better even if your

wallet isn't. It sounds like your NY doc is terrific and wonderfully

responsive, your FL doc...not so much.

You're right about there's no perfect place for allergies. Maybe a

desert unpopulated by humans but definitely not Arizona. Many years

ago AZ was virtually pollen-free but as people moved there to escape

airborne allergens, they foolishly planted grass, trees and flowers

just like back home, and brought in water so they thrived and, bues

what, produce pollen like there's no tomorrow! Now you'll find many,

many, many very, very, very busy allergists in practice out there!LOL

Years ago I had severe allergies when I live in upstate NY and when I

moved to Florida (for other reasons) I did great for 9, count them 9

years with no allergies and no respiratory illnesses. And them, BOOM,

the allergic arm of my immune system reawakened and it's been

downhill ever since. Poor you, you never even got a window of symptom-

free years down here.

BTW, I'm curious - if you don't mind, what were the meds the FL doc

prescribed that couldn't be found anywhere within a 15-mile radius???

I'm guessing something brand new that your FL doc got sold on by an

overly eager phramaceutical rep. Pardon my cynicism.



> Hate to say this, the longer I stay in Fl, the more I hate it. Next

> course of action (in progress already), looking to re-locate. The


> Az butI don't think there is a perfect place anywhere for the

> allergies/asthma.


> Last night's post was the pharmacies did not have the medcines. I

> have to say though, the tech was SOOOOOOOOOO kind. She called


> a 15 mile radius of Walgreens, CVS, Target, Costco, Sweetbay,


> No one carried these meds.


> My dr did not answer her several calls. I called NY dr. NY dr

> explained it would be unprofessional if he prescribed meds, it


> be stepping on toes. However, he asked me for the dr's office


> so he'd speak to the answering service. 30 minutes later, when I

> reached my threshold and was about to go to the ER bc I was getting

> sicker, Walgreens called. The Fl dr called in with new prescripts.

> 9:45PM, I finally got meds.


> When I got home, I called the NY dr. He explained what he said to


> dr here. I also told him about that RN stating at me on the Xolair

> and getting sick. Like everyone here, he stated she was ignorant.


> Talk about having advocates on your side and angels.


> Today, I feel a whole lot better. Temp is down to 100. And I can

> eat!! :) Before I was getting sick bc of the post nasal drip.


> weight is a good thing, but not like this. (Dr's say there is no


> to lose weight, but I know how my clothes fit, so if they are

> snug...well...


> My wallet is hurting and I feel like I work for meds. But feeling

> better, it was worth it! :)


> I thank everyone for their posts about Astelin. I was never on this

> drug. Doug, I have used simply saline for years and that does

> wonders. Your technique however, I will add to my routine. Thank


> I am now using asteline in conjunction with Rhinocort.


> Question: Nasonex and rhinocort are basically the same, no? I have

> BCBS: FL. Does anyone know if Nasonex is a little cheaper with the


> pay? Rhinocort is $40. Most of my meds are $40 with the co-pay.


> Xolair continues 2 a month. Fl Dr said next Xolair visit, he will

> check IGE levels and see if any changes need to be made from there.

> Hmmm.


> ALso: Xolair: BCBS is making me nuts. (I know, join the club). I am

> finding inconsistencies.Dr's office tells me I have to call to


> the prescript, so I do, like I have been doing for a few years


> last time I called, they said the dr's office has to call it in.


> office says no, I have to. Also, I used to get orders for 2 months,

> now it's a month only. Yet when I went to the dr, there was still 2

> months supply. This is making me nuts. Anyone else?


> Thanks :)



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