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In a message dated 05/03/2000 12:42:15 AM Central Daylight Time,

statexofxbliss@... writes:

<< Just wondering the best remedy for parasites that can be obtained in

a local health store in a large metropolitan city. In other words,

is it hard to go to the store and just pick up what you need there?

And also, what would I need to pick up? Excuse my ignorance and I

would be appreciative of any response. Thank you very much.

B A >>


Check this site out. It will answer many questions.



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Thank you so much for returning my message. If you dont mind me asking a

couple of more questions, where do you recommend getting these products and

how often do you take them. Thanks again.


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  • 4 years later...

Have you been to a licensed MD? If so, what has he/she said about

this? If you haven't been to one, have you thought about going and

getting a medical opinion?

What alternative approaches have you tried and with what results? Have

you read 's books?

Not that you have come to the wrong group Marisa. It would just be

wise for you to get a variety of input for yourself, both

conventional and alternative. This also gives members of our group

more ideas on how to be helpful to you.



> Hi, I'm new to the group and have many questions. I'm dealing with

> something in my head, my neck nodes have been swollen for three

> months now after a tick bite (lyme-negative) no joint pain- but I

> literally feel something in my head, almost just like alot of glue

> and throughout my body too. It's not minor, I can't even goto school

> right now- If this is a parasite, would Dr. 's cleanse work

> for something THIS far manifested?


> Also is the wormwood going to be good since I'm already having

> brain problems? (it's known to be neuro-toxic, right?)


> Lastly, if i DONT have parasites and am dealing with something

> else.. would this be safe for my body?


> If anyone knows, I'd greatly appreciate some feedback- Thanks.


> Marisa

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Oh yes, I've been to my regular MD about 6 times now. I've also

been to the neurologist and an ENT had an MRI done and an EEG, lots

of blood work and nothing comes back. I had a tick bite when this

all started, but I'm not having joint pain and the Lyme test is

negative. I'm thinking that this is some sort of parasite. I feel

like I have glue, literally, in the back of my head and down my

neck. It feels " thick " Brain fog, concentration is better since

I've been, in general, doing detox over the past two months. I've

also been frequency tested and they said I had a spirochete (non-

lyme) but their treatment (homeopathy) is not working for me. I

think it's definitely a bug at this point and just don't know how to

identify it/ treat it. My regular MD doesn't think there's anything

wrong with me. At this point, I can't even return to college, so

it's not minor. Those of you who have gone down that road with

allopathic medicine know what I mean =). So what can I do to treat

this? I've read some of 's book (cure for all diseases) and

she gives frequencies, but I don't know WHAT to treat. Any

suggestions of good docs or methods? I also thought about the

parasite cleanse but I wonder if it's enough at this point.



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How about getting your saliva tested? That could help you identify

what if any parasites you have so you can then go after them more


> Oh yes, I've been to my regular MD about 6 times now. I've also

> been to the neurologist and an ENT had an MRI done and an EEG, lots

> of blood work and nothing comes back. I had a tick bite when this

> all started, but I'm not having joint pain and the Lyme test is

> negative. I'm thinking that this is some sort of parasite. I feel

> like I have glue, literally, in the back of my head and down my

> neck. It feels " thick " Brain fog, concentration is better since

> I've been, in general, doing detox over the past two months. I've

> also been frequency tested and they said I had a spirochete (non-

> lyme) but their treatment (homeopathy) is not working for me. I

> think it's definitely a bug at this point and just don't know how


> identify it/ treat it. My regular MD doesn't think there's


> wrong with me. At this point, I can't even return to college, so

> it's not minor. Those of you who have gone down that road with

> allopathic medicine know what I mean =). So what can I do to treat

> this? I've read some of 's book (cure for all diseases) and

> she gives frequencies, but I don't know WHAT to treat. Any

> suggestions of good docs or methods? I also thought about the

> parasite cleanse but I wonder if it's enough at this point.


> Thankyou!


> -Marisa

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  • 3 weeks later...

Get on Dr.'s parasite cleanse and other cleanses ie.kidney,bowel,liver(last

cleanse} and you will feel a big difference.Read up on her books and enjoy life.

witzelk <witzelk@...> wrote:How about getting your saliva tested? That

could help you identify

what if any parasites you have so you can then go after them more


> Oh yes, I've been to my regular MD about 6 times now. I've also

> been to the neurologist and an ENT had an MRI done and an EEG, lots

> of blood work and nothing comes back. I had a tick bite when this

> all started, but I'm not having joint pain and the Lyme test is

> negative. I'm thinking that this is some sort of parasite. I feel

> like I have glue, literally, in the back of my head and down my

> neck. It feels " thick " Brain fog, concentration is better since

> I've been, in general, doing detox over the past two months. I've

> also been frequency tested and they said I had a spirochete (non-

> lyme) but their treatment (homeopathy) is not working for me. I

> think it's definitely a bug at this point and just don't know how


> identify it/ treat it. My regular MD doesn't think there's


> wrong with me. At this point, I can't even return to college, so

> it's not minor. Those of you who have gone down that road with

> allopathic medicine know what I mean =). So what can I do to treat

> this? I've read some of 's book (cure for all diseases) and

> she gives frequencies, but I don't know WHAT to treat. Any

> suggestions of good docs or methods? I also thought about the

> parasite cleanse but I wonder if it's enough at this point.


> Thankyou!


> -Marisa

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  • 2 years later...

I'm curious that no-one (I've only been in this list

recently) has mentioned the problem of parasities, and

getting rid of them. We did the live blood analysis,

and there was a lot of proteins, fat crystals, yeast

and parasites. (I understand they are common with

leaky gut or poor absorption of food in the gut)

Do the proteases kill/flush them? (ie Virastop)



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In a message dated 17/10/2006 04:07:23 GMT Daylight Time,

em_nautilus@... writes:

I'm curious that no-one (I've only been in this list

recently) has mentioned the problem of parasities, and

getting rid of them.

>>Evil litte critters they are. We have used Advanced Biocdin from

Biobotanical Reseach with success but treatment needs to be long term to be


- 2-3 months. Black Walniut Oil/.Wornwood Oil and Zapper devices I have read

being used with success.

A ten day course of Flagyl will solve the problem for a few weeks and then

they come back

Mandi in UK

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I have used both Parashield and Paragone from the health food store

and wow, the results were horrifying. My son did have a major

parasite problem. I didn't change his diet at all while using them,

and they both still worked great. I also didn't give him any of the

psyllium with it. I used them separately, at different times, and

I'd recommend either one. Black walnut hulls in




> I'm curious that no-one (I've only been in this list

> recently) has mentioned the problem of parasities, and

> getting rid of them. We did the live blood analysis,

> and there was a lot of proteins, fat crystals, yeast

> and parasites. (I understand they are common with

> leaky gut or poor absorption of food in the gut)

> Do the proteases kill/flush them? (ie Virastop)


> Margaret


> __________________________________________________


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I appreciate the input. I'm trying to figure out how

to help my ASD son, who was dx with liver flukes some

years ago (he couldn't tolerate the tx) and whose live

blood cell analysis also showed lots of microscopic

parasites, moving through blood cells, etc.

He can't tolerate wormwood or walnut husks.

Would GSE be strong enough to work on parasites that

are in the body, not confined to the gut?

What about Olive Leaf Extract?

Or is it possible that his sensitivities to wormwood

and walnut husks indicate that we need to work on

healing his gut first? Anybody??



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Off the top of my head, I don't know how you'd heal a gut that had

liver flukes... so in that vein, what do they use in conventional

medicine for liver flukes?

I have had to use prescriptions for my son (antifungals and

antibiotics) frequently because he absolutely cannot tolerate any of

the natural less offensive interventions. Nystatin especially gave

him a huge headstart in getting rid of yeast, before he was able to

tolerate GSE and No Fenol (yes he didn't tolerate that even, for

years) and Threelac. Is there anything at all you could use to

eliminate them? Maybe 1/4 of the recommended dose of one of the

conventional substances?

Sometimes depending on the composition the prescription medicines

have been very well tolerated by my son, even before he could

tolerate No Fenol or Zyme Prime to help with them. He is now able

to use natural alternatives but I needed something stronger than

just diet at first.



> I appreciate the input. I'm trying to figure out how

> to help my ASD son, who was dx with liver flukes some

> years ago (he couldn't tolerate the tx) and whose live

> blood cell analysis also showed lots of microscopic

> parasites, moving through blood cells, etc.

> He can't tolerate wormwood or walnut husks.


> Would GSE be strong enough to work on parasites that

> are in the body, not confined to the gut?

> What about Olive Leaf Extract?


> Or is it possible that his sensitivities to wormwood

> and walnut husks indicate that we need to work on

> healing his gut first? Anybody??


> Margaret


> __________________________________________________


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Hulda has some interesting information on this in her book 'The

Prevention of All Cancers'. Made me want to do a parasite cleanse on

everyone in the famliy!!

> >

> > I appreciate the input. I'm trying to figure out how

> > to help my ASD son, who was dx with liver flukes some

> > years ago (he couldn't tolerate the tx) and whose live

> > blood cell analysis also showed lots of microscopic

> > parasites, moving through blood cells, etc.

> > He can't tolerate wormwood or walnut husks.

> >

> > Would GSE be strong enough to work on parasites that

> > are in the body, not confined to the gut?

> > What about Olive Leaf Extract?

> >

> > Or is it possible that his sensitivities to wormwood

> > and walnut husks indicate that we need to work on

> > healing his gut first? Anybody??

> >

> > Margaret

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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What do you mean by " not tolerating " them? Is he physically

allergic? Sometimes we can think that our children don't tolerate

them, but in actuality it's causing a major die-off issue & we just

need to go super slow & inch along.



> I appreciate the input. I'm trying to figure out how

> to help my ASD son, who was dx with liver flukes some

> years ago (he couldn't tolerate the tx) and whose live

> blood cell analysis also showed lots of microscopic

> parasites, moving through blood cells, etc.

> He can't tolerate wormwood or walnut husks.


> Would GSE be strong enough to work on parasites that

> are in the body, not confined to the gut?

> What about Olive Leaf Extract?


> Or is it possible that his sensitivities to wormwood

> and walnut husks indicate that we need to work on

> healing his gut first? Anybody??


> Margaret


> __________________________________________________


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A Rife generator will kill flukes and all other parasites. We also had

very good results will all of Dr. 's cleanses but no way would my

darling ASD son do them! That's why we got the generator. Best,

On Thursday, October 19, 2006, at 04:30 PM, mbrookh wrote:


> Hulda has some interesting information on this in her book 'The

> Prevention of All Cancers'. Made me want to do a parasite cleanse on

> everyone in the famliy!!



> > >

> > > I appreciate the input. I'm trying to figure out how

> > > to help my ASD son, who was dx with liver flukes some

> > > years ago (he couldn't tolerate the tx) and whose live

> > > blood cell analysis also showed lots of microscopic

> > > parasites, moving through blood cells, etc.

> > > He can't tolerate wormwood or walnut husks.

> > >

> > > Would GSE be strong enough to work on parasites that

> > > are in the body, not confined to the gut?

> > > What about Olive Leaf Extract?

> > >

> > > Or is it possible that his sensitivities to wormwood

> > > and walnut husks indicate that we need to work on

> > > healing his gut first? Anybody??

> > >

> > > Margaret

> > >

> > > __________________________________________________

> > >

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--- Reid Danton <srdanton@...> wrote:

> A Rife generator will kill flukes and all other

> parasites. We also had

> very good results will all of Dr. 's cleanses

> but no way would my

> darling ASD son do them! That's why we got the

> generator. Best,

I'm glad it worked for your son, .

We tend to be more hypersensitive then most. I don't

think we could tolerate the Rife generator, which is a

type of ultrasound machine, though it sounds like a

good alternative. My sister tried something similar

and it made her quite sick.

I had an ultrasound on my uterus when I was very ill

with ?(CF, MCS) and it went into spasms (for a week).

My son had computerized testing for food and

supplements (ie for allergies, tolerance) but it was a

waste of money, because he could " feel " how the energy

of the item affected his body. He is extremely

sensitive to e.m. energy; he used to sleep diagonally

across his bed in the small room he shared with his

brother; I discovered that an electric cord passed

under the floor in the same area that he avoided in


My family (and I) have " princess/princes and the pea "

syndrome. LOL



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--- jensbeard <jensbeard@...> wrote:

> What do you mean by " not tolerating " them? Is he

> physically allergic? Sometimes we can think that

our children don't tolerate them, but in actuality

it's causing a major die-off issue & we just need to

go super slow & inch along.

> -


my ASD son, who was dx with liver flukes

> > blood cell analysis also showed lots of

> microscopic

> > parasites, moving through blood cells, etc.

> > He can't tolerate wormwood or walnut husks.

I mean that my son has unpredicable and sometimes

violent reactions to over the counter meds, px, and/or

supplements that are strong enough to be used as

medicines. If he muscle tests weak to a substance, he

is likely to have a reaction to it, and I have no way

to predict what that reaction will be. It's not

necessarily an allergy per se, as his tolerance

changes depending on his " total load " or whatever that

threshold is of being too toxic. The other pattern

that I see is that he has " layers " of health issues.

If I can address the ones that he is able to respond

well to, than I can sometimes get down another level

and address more (and sometimes underlying) issues.

Anti-parasitics such as black walnut and wormwood are

also very strong; generally considered toxic for very

young children. My son has never tested good with

them, but he can tolerate GSE periodically. Anything

too strong for a very young child tends to be too

strong for this 18 yo.

ps I was a nurse, which meant that I was able to take

care of him at home (so he didn't live at the hospital

when young) His health issues and reactions to

treatments have been challenging. However, I think

healing the gut is going to address a lot of issues.

I just might not be able to address them all at once.



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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

It can be parasites - something viral - or allergies since eosinophils make

histamine which is what's behind the allergic reactions we have.

Is your son showing other signs of classic allergies right now?

Was he a little sick when he had the blood tests done? Before or after it? A

cold, the flu, anything?

On 5/4/07, mosesismydog <momtocole@...> wrote:


> Hi listmates need some advise. Received CDSA report and Cole's

> Eosinophil Protein X was elevated to 19.1. Could that indicate

> parasites even though the same report stated no parasites seen. Should

> I treat for parasites and if so how quickly will I know if I need to

> continue the treatment? What supplement and preferred brand do I need

> to use. Thanks for your help.

> Mom to Cole 4 yo non-verbal




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  • 1 year later...

Hi- I have had 5 Xolair injections and am starting to feel the

benefits. However, I was just diagnosed with Giardiasis- a parasite in

my intestine. I am aware IgE also protects us against parasites. I

have never had this problem and do not live or work in areas of high

risk. Anybody had this happen? Shirl.

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